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Group travel is a familiar phenomenon among birds but the causes of this mode of movement are often unclear. For example, flocking flight may reduce flight costs, enhance predator avoidance or increase foraging efficiency. In addition, naive individuals may also follow older, more experienced conspecifics as a learning strategy. However, younger birds may be slower than adults so biomechanical and social effects on flock structure may be difficult to separate. Gannets are wide‐ranging (100s–1000s km) colonial seabirds that often travel in V or echelon‐shaped flocks. Tracking suggests that breeding gannets use memory to return repeatedly to prey patches 10s–100s km wide but it is unclear how these are initially discovered. Public information gained at the colony or by following conspecifics has been hypothesised to play a role, especially during early life. Here, we address two hypotheses: 1) flocking reduces flight costs and 2) young gannets follow older ones in order to locate prey. To do so, we recorded flocks of northern gannets commuting to and from a large colony and passing locations offshore and used a biomechanical model to test for age differences in flight speeds. Consistent with the aerodynamic hypothesis, returning flocks were significantly larger than departing flocks, while, consistent with the information gathering hypothesis, immatures travelled in flocks more frequently than adults and these flocks were more likely to be led by adults than expected by chance. Immatures did not systematically occupy the last position in flocks and had similar theoretical airspeeds to adults, making it unlikely that they follow, rather than lead, for biomechanical reasons. We therefore conclude that while gannets are likely to travel in flocks in part to reduce flight costs, the positions of immatures in those flocks may result in a flow of information from adults to immatures, potentially leading to social learning.  相似文献   
To examine the structural and functional importance of backbone amide groups in ion channels for subunit folding, hydrogen bonding, ion solvation, and ion permeation, we replaced the peptide bond between Val(1) and Gly(2) in gramicidin A by an ester bond. The substitution is at the junction between the two channel subunits, where it removes an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the NH of Gly(2) and the C==O of Val(7) and perturbs an intermolecular hydrogen bond between the C==O of Val(1) in one subunit and the NH of Ala(5) in the other subunit. The substitution thus perturbs not only subunit folding but also dimer assembly, in addition to any effects on ion permeation. This backbone modification has large effects on channel function: It alters channel stability, as monitored by the channel forming ability and channel lifetime, and ion permeability, as monitored by changes in single-channel conductance and cation permeability ratios. In fact, the homodimeric channels, with two ester-containing subunits, have lifetimes so short that it becomes impossible to characterize them in any detail. The peptide --> ester substitution, however, does not affect the basic subunit fold because heterodimeric channels can form between a subunit with an ester bond and a native subunit. These heterodimeric channels, with only a single ester bond, are more easily characterized; the lone ester reduces the single-channel conductance about 4-fold and the lifetime about 200-fold as compared to the native homodimeric channels. The altered channel function results from a perturbation/disruption of the hydrogen bond network that stabilizes the backbone, as well as the membrane-spanning dimer, and that forms the lining of the ion-conducting pore. Molecular dynamics simulations show the expected destabilization of the modified heterodimeric or homodimeric channels, but the changes in backbone structure and dynamics are remarkably small. The ester bond is somewhat unstable, which precluded further structural characterization. The lability also led to a hydrolysis product that terminates with an alcohol and lacks formyl-Val. Symmetric channels formed by the hydrolyzed product again have short lifetimes, but the channels are distinctly different from those formed by the ester gramicidin A. Furthermore, well-behaved asymmetric channels form between the hydrolysis product and reference subunits that have either an L- or a D-residue at the formyl-NH-terminus.  相似文献   
Major blood stage antimalarial drugs like chloroquine and artemisinin target the heme detoxification process of the malaria parasite. Hemozoin formation reactions in vitro using the Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein-2 (Pfhrp-2), lipids, and auto-catalysis are slow and could not explain the speed of detoxification needed for parasite survival. Here, we show that malarial hemozoin formation is a coordinated two component process involving both lipids and histidine-rich proteins. Hemozoin formation efficiency in vitro is 1-2% with Pfhrp-2 and 0.25-0.5% with lipids. We added lipids after 9h in a 12h Pfhrp-2 mediated reaction that resulted in sixfold increase in hemozoin formation. However, a lipid mediated reaction in which Pfhrp-2 was added after 9h produced only twofold increase in hemozoin production compared to the reaction with Pfhrp-2 alone. Synthetic peptides corresponding to the Pfhrp-2 heme binding sequences, based on repeats of AHHAAD, neither alone nor in combination with lipids were able to generate hemozoin in vitro. These results indicate that hemozoin formation in malaria parasite involves both the lipids and the scaffolding proteins. Histidine-rich proteins might facilitate hemozoin formation by binding with a large number of heme molecules, and facilitating the dimer formation involving iron-carboxylate bond between two heme molecules, and lipids may then subsequently assist the mechanism of long chain formation, held together by hydrogen bonds or through extensive networking of hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   
Seizure disorders present an attractive gene therapy target, particularly because viral vectors such as adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentivirus can stably transduce neurons. When we targeted the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) excitatory amino acid receptor with an AAV-delivered antisense oligonucleotide, however, the promoter determined whether focal seizure sensitivity was significantly attenuated or facilitated. One potential means to circumvent this liability would be to express an inhibitory neuroactive peptide and constitutively secrete the peptide from the transduced cell. The neuropeptide galanin can modulate seizure activity in vivo, and the laminar protein fibronectin is usually secreted through a constitutive pathway. Initially, inclusion of the fibronectin secretory signal sequence (FIB) in an AAV vector caused significant gene product secretion in vitro. More importantly, the combination of this secretory signal with the coding sequence for the active galanin peptide significantly attenuated in vivo focal seizure sensitivity, even with different promoters, and prevented kainic acid-induced hilar cell death. Thus, neuroactive peptide expression and local secretion provides a new gene therapy platform for the treatment of neurological disorders.  相似文献   
The human parvovirus adeno-associated virus (AAV) infects a broad range of cell types, including human, nonhuman primate, canine, murine, and avian. Although little is known about the initial events of virus infection, AAV is currently being developed as a vector for human gene therapy. Using defined mutant CHO cell lines and standard biochemical assays, we demonstrate that heparan sulfate proteoglycans mediate both AAV attachment to and infection of target cells. Competition experiments using heparin, a soluble receptor analog, demonstrated dose-dependent inhibition of AAV attachment and infection. Enzymatic removal of heparan but not chondroitin sulfate moieties from the cell surface greatly reduced AAV attachment and infectivity. Finally, mutant cell lines that do not produce heparan sulfate proteoglycans were significantly impaired for both AAV binding and infection. This is the first report that proteoglycan has a role in cellular attachment of a parvovirus. Together, these results demonstrate that membrane-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycan serves as the viral receptor for AAV type 2, and provide an explanation for the broad host range of AAV. Identification of heparan sulfate proteoglycan as a viral receptor should facilitate development of new reagents for virus purification and provide critical information on the use of AAV as a gene therapy vector.  相似文献   
Plasmodium falciparum invades human red blood cells, residing in a parasitophorous vacuole (PV), with a parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) separating the PV from the host cell cytoplasm. Here we have investigated the role of N-myristoylation and two other N-terminal motifs, a cysteine potential S-palmitoylation site and a stretch of basic residues, as the driving force for protein targeting to the parasite plasma membrane (PPM) and subsequent translocation across this membrane. Plasmodium falciparum adenylate kinase 2 (Pf AK2) contains these three motifs, and was previously proposed to be targeted beyond the parasite to the PVM, despite the absence of a signal peptide for entry into the classical secretory pathway. Biochemical and microscopy analyses of PfAK2 variants tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that these three motifs are involved in targeting the protein to the PPM and translocation across the PPM to the PV. It was shown that the N-terminal 37 amino acids of PfAK2 alone are sufficient to target and translocate GFP across the PPM. As a control we examined the N-myristoylated P. falciparum ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (PfARF1). PfARF1 was found to co-localise with a Golgi marker. To determine whether or not the putative palmitoylation and the cluster of lysine residues from the N-terminus of PfAK2 would modulate the subcellular localization of PfARF1, a chimeric fusion protein containing the N-terminus of PfARF1 and the two additional PfAK2 motifs was analysed. This chimeric protein was targeted to the PPM, but not translocated across the membrane into the PV, indicating that other features of the N-terminus of PfAK2 also play a role in the secretion process.  相似文献   


Bam32, a 32 kDa adaptor molecule, plays important role in B cell receptor signalling, T cell receptor signalling and antibody affinity maturation in germinal centres. Since antibodies against trypanosome variant surface glycoproteins (VSG) are critically important for control of parasitemia, we hypothesized that Bam32 deficient (Bam32-/-) mice would be susceptible to T. congolense infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We found that T. congolense-infected Bam32-/- mice successfully control the first wave of parasitemia but then fail to control subsequent waves and ultimately succumb to their infection unlike wild type (WT) C57BL6 mice which are relatively resistant. Although infected Bam32-/- mice had significantly higher hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, their serum AST and ALT levels were not different, suggesting that increased liver pathology may not be responsible for the increased susceptibility of Bam32-/- mice to T. congolense. Using direct ex vivo flow cytometry and ELISA, we show that CD4+ T cells from infected Bam32-/- mice produced significantly increased amounts of disease-exacerbating proinflammatory cytokines (including IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-6). However, the percentages of regulatory T cells and IL-10-producing CD4+ cells were similar in infected WT and Bam32-/- mice. While serum levels of parasite-specific IgM antibodies were normal, the levels of parasite-specific IgG, (particularly IgG1 and IgG2a) were significantly lower in Bam32-/- mice throughout infection. This was associated with impaired germinal centre response in Bam32-/- mice despite increased numbers of T follicular helper (Tfh) cells. Adoptive transfer studies indicate that intrinsic B cell defect was responsible for the enhanced susceptibility of Bam32-/- mice to T. congolense infection.


Collectively, our data show that Bam32 is important for optimal anti-trypanosome IgG antibody response and suppression of disease-promoting proinflammatory cytokines and its deficiency leads to inability to control T. congolense infection in mice.  相似文献   
Understanding the dynamics of evolution of Follicular Lymphoma (FL) clones during disease progression is important for monitoring and targeting this tumor effectively. Genetic profiling of serial FL biopsies and examples of FL transmission following bone marrow transplant suggest that this disease may evolve by divergent evolution from a common ancestor cell. However where this ancestor cell resides and how it evolves is still unclear. The analysis of the pattern of somatic hypermutation of the immunoglobulin gene (Ig) is traditionally used for tracking the physiological clonal evolution of B cells within the germinal center and allows to discriminate those cells that have just entered the germinal center and display features of ancestor cells from those B cells that keep re-circulating across different lymphoid organs. Here we investigated the pattern of somatic hypermutation of the heavy chain of the immunoglobulin gene (IgH-VH) in 4 flow-sorted B cells subpopulations belonging to different stages of differentiation, from sequential lymph node biopsies of cases displaying diverse patterns of evolution, using the GS-FLX Titanium sequencing platform. We observed an unexpectedly high level of clonality, with hundreds of distinct tumor subclones in the different subpopulations from the same sample, the majority detected at a frequency <10−2. By using a lineage trees analysis we observed in all our FL and t-FL cases that the oligoclonal FL population was trapped in a narrow intermediate stage of maturation that maintains the capacity to undergo SHM, but was unable to further differentiate. The presence of such a complex architecture highlights challenges currently encountered in finding a cure for this disease.  相似文献   
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