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Zusammenfassung Die Mauserperiode westspanischer Weidensperlinge(Passer hispaniolensis) und Haussperlinge(P. domesticus) reicht von Ende Juli bis Ende September/Anfang Oktober. Beim Weidensperling endet der Federwechsel im Durchschnitt etwa fünf Tage früher als beim Haussperling. Es gibt keine Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Chronologie der Mauser beim Weidensperling. Ad. beider Arten mausern schneller und synchronisierter als juv., die ihr Gefieder um so rascher erneuern, je später sie mit der Mauser begonnen haben. Die Handschwingenmauser dauert etwa 66 Tage beim Weidensperling und 69 Tage beim Haussperling. Beide Arten brauchen ca. 3 weitere Tage für die Verhornung der 5. und 6. Armschwingen. Die ad. beider Arten und die juv. Weidensperlinge beginnen die Mauser im Durchschnitt am selben Tag (24. Juli), die juv. Haussperlinge später (29. Juli). Der Mauserverlauf und die Beziehungen zwischen den verschiedenen Federreihen sind bei beiden Arten identisch. Die Synchronisation der Mauser ist beim Weidensperling höher. Brut und Mauserperiode überschneiden sich beim Haussperling; beim Weidensperling, bei dem noch kurze Wanderungen gleich nach der Fortpflanzungsperiode und vor der Mauser erfolgen, nicht. Das frühere und höher synchronisierte Mauserende beim Weidensperling scheint eine Anpassung an die stärkere Zugtendenz zu sein.
On the moult of Spanish Sparrows(Passer hispaniolensis) and House Sparrows(Passer domesticus) in Iberia
Summary The moulting period of Spanish sparrows(Passer hispaniolensis) and House Sparrows(Passer domesticus) in Western Spain extends from late July to late September/early October. House Sparrows finish moulting on average some five days later than Spanish Sparrows. There are no sexual differences in the moulting chronology of adult Spanish Sparrows. Ad. of both species moult faster and better synchronized. The speed of moulting is also higher in later moulting juveniles. The estimated durations of wing feather replacement were 66 days for the Spanish Sparrow and 69 days for the House Sparrow. Some three more days are needed to complete the growth of the 5th and 6th secondary remiges in both species. Adults of both species and juvenile Spanish Sparrows start moulting on average on the same date: 24th July; juvenile House Sparrows start moulting on 29th July. The sequence of moult and the relations between different feather tracts are identical in both species. The synchronization of the moult is higher in the Spanish Sparrow. Breeding and moulting seasons slightly overlap in the House Sparrow, but not in the Spanish Sparrow. In this species the time lapse between both periods allows the birds to wander to suitable areas, where they moult. The earlier ending and higher synchronization of the moult in the Spanish Sparrow is related to its higher migratory tendency.
Summary The afferent pathways to the nucleus basalis prosencephali of the pigeon were studied by use of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. It was confirmed that this nucleus receives a direct pathway from the nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini and that, as in the starling, it receives a direct input from the nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars ventralis, an auditory relay. Totally novel is the finding that the nucleus basalis prosencephali is the target of a direct pathway originating in the medullary nucleus vestibularis superior. All three pathways bypass the thalamus. From within the telencephalon the nucleus basalis prosencephali also receives fibres from the tuberculum olfactorium and the peri-ectostriatal belt, suggestive of olfactory and visual input. Marked cell bodies were also found in the neostriatum frontolaterale. It is assumed that these arose from HRP uptake by axons of the tractus fronto-archistriatalis that course through the nucleus basalis prosencephali to the anterodorsal archistriatum. Marked fibres and bouton-like formations were observed in the latter structure. The afferents to the nucleus basalis prosencephali are discussed in conjunction with the probable role of the nucleus as a sensorimotor coordinator of the pecking/feeding behaviour of the pigeon.  相似文献   
The low ethylene yield in a cell-free ethylene-forming system from olive tree leaves ( Olea europaea L. cv. Picual) was investigated. During the incubation, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) was extensively transformed into 3-hydroxypropyl amide (HPA). Enzyme extract, Mn2+ and oxygen are responsible for this reaction. Horseradish peroxidase (EC can substitute for the enzyme extract in this reaction. HPA formation could be one reason for the poor in vitro conversion efficiency of ACC to ethylene.  相似文献   
The specific binding of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) to bovine thyroid plasma membranes is inhibited by guanine nucleotides. Guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP) and the non-hydrolyzable GTP analogs guanosine 5-,-imidotriphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) and guanosine 5-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP--S) inhibited markedly the binding of VIP to its receptors. This inhibition was higher with GTP than with Gpp(NH)p and GTP--S and was due to an increase of the rate of dissociation of peptide bound to membranes. Other nucleotides did not show any effect.  相似文献   
A method has been developed for the study of somatostatin (SS) binding to dissociated cells from rat cerebral cortex. Binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS to cells obtained by mechanical dissociation of rat cerebral cortex was dependent on time and temperature, saturable, reversible and highly specific. Under conditions of equilibrium, i.e., 60 min at 25°C, native SS inhibited tracer binding in a dose-dependent manner. The Scatchard analysis of binding data was linear and yielded a dissociation constant of 0.60±0.08 nM with a maximal binding capacity of 160±16 fmol/mg protein. The binding of [125I][Tyr11]SS was specific as shown in experiments on tracer displacement by the native peptide, SS analogues, and unrelated peptides.  相似文献   
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