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Zusammenfassung Die Mauserperiode westspanischer Weidensperlinge(Passer hispaniolensis) und Haussperlinge(P. domesticus) reicht von Ende Juli bis Ende September/Anfang Oktober. Beim Weidensperling endet der Federwechsel im Durchschnitt etwa fünf Tage früher als beim Haussperling. Es gibt keine Geschlechtsunterschiede in der Chronologie der Mauser beim Weidensperling. Ad. beider Arten mausern schneller und synchronisierter als juv., die ihr Gefieder um so rascher erneuern, je später sie mit der Mauser begonnen haben. Die Handschwingenmauser dauert etwa 66 Tage beim Weidensperling und 69 Tage beim Haussperling. Beide Arten brauchen ca. 3 weitere Tage für die Verhornung der 5. und 6. Armschwingen. Die ad. beider Arten und die juv. Weidensperlinge beginnen die Mauser im Durchschnitt am selben Tag (24. Juli), die juv. Haussperlinge später (29. Juli). Der Mauserverlauf und die Beziehungen zwischen den verschiedenen Federreihen sind bei beiden Arten identisch. Die Synchronisation der Mauser ist beim Weidensperling höher. Brut und Mauserperiode überschneiden sich beim Haussperling; beim Weidensperling, bei dem noch kurze Wanderungen gleich nach der Fortpflanzungsperiode und vor der Mauser erfolgen, nicht. Das frühere und höher synchronisierte Mauserende beim Weidensperling scheint eine Anpassung an die stärkere Zugtendenz zu sein.
On the moult of Spanish Sparrows(Passer hispaniolensis) and House Sparrows(Passer domesticus) in Iberia
Summary The moulting period of Spanish sparrows(Passer hispaniolensis) and House Sparrows(Passer domesticus) in Western Spain extends from late July to late September/early October. House Sparrows finish moulting on average some five days later than Spanish Sparrows. There are no sexual differences in the moulting chronology of adult Spanish Sparrows. Ad. of both species moult faster and better synchronized. The speed of moulting is also higher in later moulting juveniles. The estimated durations of wing feather replacement were 66 days for the Spanish Sparrow and 69 days for the House Sparrow. Some three more days are needed to complete the growth of the 5th and 6th secondary remiges in both species. Adults of both species and juvenile Spanish Sparrows start moulting on average on the same date: 24th July; juvenile House Sparrows start moulting on 29th July. The sequence of moult and the relations between different feather tracts are identical in both species. The synchronization of the moult is higher in the Spanish Sparrow. Breeding and moulting seasons slightly overlap in the House Sparrow, but not in the Spanish Sparrow. In this species the time lapse between both periods allows the birds to wander to suitable areas, where they moult. The earlier ending and higher synchronization of the moult in the Spanish Sparrow is related to its higher migratory tendency.
Membrane vesicles which constitute the sarcotubular system were separated and the fraction enriched in T-tubules purified by a calcium loading procedure. The preparations of unfractioned microsomes and T-tubules have been analyzed for their relative content of enzyme markers and acetylcholinesterase. The amount of this enzyme in the T-tubule fraction was higher than in mixed microsomes but less than two-fold the value of vesicles derived from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Arrhenius plots of membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase from either mixed microsomes or fractions enriched in T-tubules show an anomalous behaviour as two break points were obtained. The first discontinuity was found at about 17 degrees C for membrane-bound, and 12-14 degrees C for soluble acetylcholinesterase. The second one being at about 25 degrees C for both particulate and detergent-solubilized enzyme. The changes in activity with temperature suggest that lipid-protein, detergent-protein and protein-protein interactions might be involved in the stabilization of the enzyme both in the natural membrane and in the soluble state.  相似文献   
Purified Drosophila lebanonensis alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) revealed one enzymically active zone in starch gel electrophoresis at pH 8.5. This zone was located on the cathode side of the origin. Incubation of D. lebanonensis Adh with NAD+ and acetone altered the electrophoretic pattern to more anodal migrating zones. D. lebanonensis Adh has an Mr of 56,000, a subunit of Mr of 28 000 and is a dimer with two active sites per enzyme molecule. This agrees with a polypeptide chain of 247 residues. Metal analysis by plasma emission spectroscopy indicated that this insect alcohol dehydrogenase is not a metalloenzyme. In studies of the substrate specificity and stereospecificity, D. lebanonensis Adh was more active with secondary than with primary alcohols. Both alkyl groups in the secondary alcohols interacted hydrophobically with the alcohol binding region of the active site. The catalytic centre activity for propan-2-ol was 7.4 s-1 and the maximum velocity of most secondary alcohols was approximately the same and indicative of rate-limiting enzyme-coenzyme dissociation. For primary alcohols the maximum velocity varied and was much lower than for secondary alcohols. The catalytic centre activity for ethanol was 2.4 s-1. With [2H6]ethanol a primary kinetic 2H isotope effect of 2.8 indicated that the interconversion of the ternary complexes was rate-limiting. Pyrazole was an ethanol-competitive inhibitor of the enzyme. The difference spectra of the enzyme-NAD+-pyrazole complex gave an absorption peak at 305 nm with epsilon 305 14.5 X 10(3) M-1 X cm-1. Concentrations and amounts of active enzyme can thus be determined. A kinetic rate assay to determine the concentration of enzyme active sites is also presented. This has been developed from active site concentrations established by titration at 305 nm of the enzyme and pyrazole with NAD+. In contrast with the amino acid composition, which indicated that D. lebanonensis Adh and the D. melanogaster alleloenzymes were not closely related, the enzymological studies showed that their active sites were similar although differing markedly from those of zinc alcohol dehydrogenases.  相似文献   
Formation and hydrolysis rate constants as well as equilibrium constants of the Schiff base derived from pyridoxal 5'-phosphate and n-hexylamine were determined between pH 3.5 and 7.5 in ethanol/water mixtures (3:17, v/v, and 49:1, v/v). The results indicate that solvent polarity scarcely alters the values of these constants but that they are dependent on the pH. Spectrophotometric titration of this Schiff base was also carried out. We found that a pKa value of 6.1, attributed in high-polarity media to protonation of the pyridine nitrogen atom, is independent of solvent polarity, whereas the pKa of the monoprotonated form of the imine falls from 12.5 in ethanol/water (3:17) to 11.3 in ethanol/water (49:1). Fitting of the experimental results for the hydrolysis to a theoretical model indicates the existence of a group with a pKa value of 6.1 that is crucial in the variation of kinetic constant of hydrolysis with pH. Studies of the reactivity of the coenzyme (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate) of glycogen phosphorylase b with hydroxylamine show that this reaction only occurs when the pH value of solution is below 6.5 and the hydrolysis of imine bond has started. We propose that the decrease in activity of phosphorylase b when the pH value is less than 6.2 must be caused by the cleavage of enzyme-coenzyme binding and that this may be related with protonation of the pyridine nitrogen atom of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate.  相似文献   
Summary The afferent pathways to the nucleus basalis prosencephali of the pigeon were studied by use of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. It was confirmed that this nucleus receives a direct pathway from the nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini and that, as in the starling, it receives a direct input from the nucleus lemnisci lateralis, pars ventralis, an auditory relay. Totally novel is the finding that the nucleus basalis prosencephali is the target of a direct pathway originating in the medullary nucleus vestibularis superior. All three pathways bypass the thalamus. From within the telencephalon the nucleus basalis prosencephali also receives fibres from the tuberculum olfactorium and the peri-ectostriatal belt, suggestive of olfactory and visual input. Marked cell bodies were also found in the neostriatum frontolaterale. It is assumed that these arose from HRP uptake by axons of the tractus fronto-archistriatalis that course through the nucleus basalis prosencephali to the anterodorsal archistriatum. Marked fibres and bouton-like formations were observed in the latter structure. The afferents to the nucleus basalis prosencephali are discussed in conjunction with the probable role of the nucleus as a sensorimotor coordinator of the pecking/feeding behaviour of the pigeon.  相似文献   
Treatment of HeLa cells with lymphoblastoid interferon leads to a drastic inhibition of infective poliovirus. Even relatively high concentrations of human lymphoblastoid interferon HuIFN-alpha (Ly) (400 IU/ml) do not prevent destruction of the cell monolayer after most of the cells have been infected with poliovirus. Analysis of macromolecular synthesis in a single step growth cycle of poliovirus in interferon-treated cells detected no viral protein synthesis. In spite of this inhibition of viral translation, the shut-off of host protein synthesis in interferon-treated cells is apparent when they are infected both at low and high multiplicities. Although viral RNA synthesis is inhibited considerably in cells treated with interferon, a certain amount is detected, suggesting that some viral replication takes place. Analysis of membrane permeability after poliovirus infection shows a leakage to 86Rb+ ions and modification of membrane permeability to the translation inhibitor hygromycin B at the moment when the bulk of virus protein synthesis occurs. These changes are delayed and even prevented if cells are pretreated with interferon. A situation is described in which host protein synthesis is shut-down with no major changes in membrane permeability, as studied by the two tests mentioned above. Prevention of viral gene expression by inactivation with ultraviolet light of the input virus or by treatment with cycloheximide blocks the shut-off of protein synthesis. This does not occur in the presence of 3 mM guanidine. These observations are in agreement with the idea that some poliovirus protein synthesis takes place in interferon-treated cells and this early gene expression is necessary to block cellular protein synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary The combined use of proteolytic digestion and lactoperoxidase catalyzed labelling with [125I] applied to membrane-bound or soluble pure F1-ATPase from Micrococcus lysodeikticus has allowed us to establish the topography of its , , and subunits within the protein molecule and with respect to the plane of the membrane.The subunit is most externally located to the membrane bilayer looking towards the cytoplasmic face, a position consistent with its proposed catalytic role. The and subunits lie in an intermediate layer between the subunits and the membrane, in which the subunit occupies a central position within the F1-ATPase molecule in contact with the subunit. The subunit appears to be tightly bound to the F0 component of the ATPase complex, probably buried in the membrane bilayer. A molecular arrangement of M. lysodeikticus ATPase is proposed that, taking into account the subunit stoichiometry 3 3 2 2 (MW 420 000), accommodates the role assigned to each subunit and most, if not all, the known properties of this bacterial energy-transducing protein.  相似文献   
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