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Structural changes of tissues in unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska after treatment with different plant growth substances (gibberellic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 6-benzyladenine) or decapitation of the plant were studied. All the treatments resulted in the prevention of cellular disorganization associated with ovary senescence. They effected the enlargement of mesocarp cells and the differentiation of endocarp cells in very similar patterns, suggesting a similar induction of the structural processes involved in fruit development. Ultrastructural changes in mesocarp cells after treatment with gibberellic acid showed that rapid enlargement of mesocarp cells was sustained mainly by a reorganization of the membrane systems directed to the sysnthesis of primary cell wall. Early changes in the subcellular components in mesocarp cells were observed as the first symptoms in ovary senescence.  相似文献   
The consumption of inorganic macronutrients (NO3?+ NO2?, NH4+, and PO4?3) and the composition of intra- and extracellular dissolved free amino acid pools (IDFAA and EDFAA, respectively) were determined in continuous-reservoir batch dialysis cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin maintained on unenriched natural seawater as a growth medium. Nutrient diffusion (Nd), which equals the nutrient uptake of the culture, increased with the cell density and the age of the culture. A concentration of 6.77 × 107 cells · mL?1 was obtained in stationary phase, which coincided with the NO3?+ NO2? diffusion limit (Ndmax) of the dialysis apparatus. The Ndmax for NH4+ occurred much earlier, at the end of exponential growth, whereas Ndmax for PO4?3 was not attained during the growth cycle of the culture, even in early stationary phase. A significant depletion (77%) of the IDFAA pool during exponential phase was followed by a reestablishment–to approximately 60% of the initial level–of internal pools during linear and stationary growth phases. This recovery occurred during the illuminated portion of the photoperiod (12:12 h LD) and involved principally the amino acids GLN, GLU, β-GLU, and ASN. The recovery of GLN and ASN levels was particularly significant, because the intracellular concentrations of these amino acids were higher at the end of the growth cycle than before. The EDFAA pool was generally dominated by the amino acids SER and GLY+THR; however, during active growth, ORN and LYS often constituted an important fraction. The EDFAA concentration increased until linear growth phase was reached, during which a higher concentration of total free amino acids was attained in darkness than under illumination. The EDFAA component diminished afterward, and in stationary phase this fraction returned to concentrations equivalent to those observed at the beginning of the growth cycle. The variations in EDFAA concentrations were expressed by a pronounced decrease in the cellular excretion of amino acids with increasing cell density. These cellular responses of Phaeodactylum tricornutum in dense culture, specifically the regulation of amino acid excretion and intracellular pool size, may affect the N-conversion coefficient (YN). Consequently, by prolonging the linear phase of growth and reducing the concentration of autoinhibitory metabolites by diffusion, a markedly enhanced final cell density can be achieved in cultures grown on natural unenriched seawater.  相似文献   
Dicyphus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae) is an omnivorous predator used to control pests of greenhouse vegetables. Plant preferences and life history traits were studied using nine plant species: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. (Solanaceae), Capsicum annuum L. (Solanaceae), Verbascum thapsus L. (Scrophulariaceae), Nepeta cataria L. (Lamiaceae), Stachys albotomentosa (Lamiaceae), Nicotiana tabacum L. (Solanaceae), Vicia sativa L. (Fabaceae), Zea mays L. (Gramineae), and Chrysanthemum coronarium L. (Asteraceae). Plants were selected from among potential target crops, natural hosts, plants used for mass rearing, and plants on which D. hesperus has not been reported. Plant preference was measured by multi‐choice host plant selection and oviposition assays. Development and reproduction were measured on each of the plant species on both a plant diet alone and on a plant diet supplemented with Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) eggs. Dicyphus hesperus females and nymphs expressed a preference for some plants over others. Plant preference ranged from low preference plants, such as Z. mays, V. sativa, C. coronarium, and C. annuum, to high preference plants such as V. thapsus, N. tabacum, and S. albotomentosa. When E. kuehniella eggs were supplied, there were few differences in the development time and fecundity of D. hesperus among plants, with the exception of corn and broad bean, where fecundity was lower. On a plant diet alone, nymphs were able to complete their development on V. thapsus, C. annuum, and N. cataria. However, mortality and development time were much lower on V. thapsus than on C. annuum and N. cataria. On most of the plant species D. hesperus did not lay any eggs when fed on a plant diet alone. On V. thapsus, females laid a few eggs and lived longer than when fed on prey. Dicyphus hesperus females tended to prefer host plants on which nymph survival without prey was greatest.  相似文献   
When assays for NAD(P)H-ferricyanide oxidoreductases were performed,activities specific for NADH (0.23 unit (mg protein)–1)and NADPH (0.68 unit (mg protein)–1) were detected inchloroplasts isolated from leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgareL.). Activities of chloroplast NADH- and NADPH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase were 5-fold and 25-fold higher, respectively,than the maximum activity that could be attributed to mitochondrialcontamination. Moreover, most of the chloroplast NADH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase (60 to 80%) was solubilized by deoxycholate (DOC)from thylakoids as a single, high-molecular-mass complex thatwas distinguishable from the mitochondrial complex by its lowerelectrophoretic mobility in 3% polyacrylamide, as revealed byreduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) in the presence ofNADH or NADPH on gels after electrophoresis. The stroma yieldeda single band of a dehydrogenase (66 kDa) that used NADH asits electron donor. Several NADPH-dependent activities weredetected after electrophoresis of the stromal fraction. Moreover,chloroplast-specific activities could be distinguished frommitochondrial activities on the basis of the specificity ofthe donor and the acceptor of electrons, the dependence of theactivities on pH, and the sensitivity to various inhibitors.Km values for NADH (26 µM) and NADPH (75 µM) werein the same range as those of mitochondrial activities. Mostof the NADPH-dependent activity probably corresponds to thechloroplast ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase. The possibilityis discussed that thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase(s) might be theproduct of chloroplast ndh genes and that this activity is involvedin chlororespiration. (Received April 25, 1994; Accepted December 5, 1994)  相似文献   
Enzymatically active cell wall isolaled from olive (Olea europaea) fruit was employed Hi investigate some hydrolytic enzymes bound to the cell wall and the changes in these during ripening. Seven glycosidases. β-glucosidase (EC α-galactosidase (EC β-galactosidase (EC α-arabinosidase (EC, α-mannosidase (EC 3.2.1,24). β-xylosidase (EC and β-N-acetylglucosamidase (EC as well as Cx-cellulase (EC and endo-polygalacturonase (EC were identified in the cell wall preparation, at four stages of ripeness (mature green. changing colour, black and black-ripe). Activities of all these cell wall-associated enzymes fionicallv and covalently linked) were determined either by cell wall incubation with artificial substrate or after extraction from the cell wall with buffers of high salt concentration (Cx-cellulase). and were compared to those of forms solubilized from acetone powders with 500 nM citrate buffer (cytoplasmic and/or apoplastic plus ionically hound to cell wall) In general, the activities of low ionic strength buffer-soluble enzymes were found to be much higher than those of the bound enzymes. The bound enzymes are present in the fruit at the green colour stage, whereas the activities of the soluble enzymes only increased from the changing colour stage onwards. The tenacity of binding of enzymes to the wall was investigated by treating the walls with high salt and measuring residual activity. The nature of the ionic and covalent binding and the changes during ripening were also established for wall-hound glycosidase During ripening there was a marked change in the percentages of covalently- and tonically linked activities of β-glucosidase and β-galaclosidase: al the changing colour stages about 75–80% of the bound active in was present in high ionic strength buffer while al the black-ripe stage it was only 15–20. A possible role for these cell wall degradative enzymes in olive softening is discussed.  相似文献   
The short term effect of NO3 (12 mM) on nitrate reductase (NR. EC activity has been studied in the roots, nodules and leaves of different genotypes of Vicia faba L. at the end of vegetative growth. Root and leaf NR activity responded positively to NO3 while nodule activity, where detected, proved to he strongly inhibited. The withdraw of this NO3 from the solution consistently reduced activity in the roots and leaves but surprising, promoted a significant increase in nodule activity, which matched or surpassed that of control plants On the other hand, nodules developed in the presence of 8 mM NO3 expressed an on average 141% higher level of NR activity than did controls. This effect was observed even in nodules with negligible control activity. In any case, a naturally occurring mutant (VF17) lacking root and nodule NR activity is described. The results indicate that in V. faba. the effects of NO3 and plant genotype on NR activity depended on plant organ and time of NO3 application, hut the distribution of NO3 reduction through the plain was mainly dependent on plant genotype, and to a lesser extent on NO: supply and plant age.  相似文献   
Using antibodies raised against two sunflower small heat shock proteins (sHSPs), we have detected immunologically related proteins in unstressed vegetative tissues from the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. In whole plants, further accumulation of these polypeptides was induced by heat-shock or water-stress. In desiccation-intolerant Craterostigma callus tissue, we failed to detect sHSP-related polypeptides, but their expression, and the concurrent acquisition of desiccation tolerance was induced by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. In untressed plants, the cross-reacting polypeptides were abundant in the roots and lower part of the shoots, where they showed homogeneous tissue-distributions. This constitutive expression is novel for vegetative tissues of higher plants, and resembles the expression patterns of sHSPs in desiccation-tolerant zygotic embryos and germinating seeds.J.A. and C.A. contributed equally to this work and are both considered to be first author  相似文献   
In order to elucidate the relationship between hypertension and hypertrophy in the production of heat shock proteins, we studied the induction of the HSP72 synthesis by the heart and gracilis muscles of normo (WKY) and hypertensive (SHR) rats subjected to hyperthermia (42°C±0.5 for 15 min). Two age groups were investigated in each strain: young (2 months, with developing cardiac hypertrophy) and old (18 months, with fully developed chronic cardiac hypertrophy). The gracilis muscle never developed hypertrophy, independently of hypertension or aging. 72 kDa inducible protein was determined by Western blot analysis using a specific monoclonal antibody. We also used a commercial standard, loaded on each blot, to quantitate densitometrically the signal.The heart of young SHR responds to heat shock more than their normotensive age-matched control (298.8±24.7% vs 88.3 ±8.5%, p<0.001). This response is not maintained during aging as we did not find any significant difference between normo-and hypertensive old rats after exposure to hyperthermia (43.6±5.3% vs 65.3±10.4%).Unlike the heart, the gracilis muscle shows a basal spontaneous HSP72 synthesis in both the SHR (71.4±10.8%) and WKY (40.6±11.7%) animals. There was a significant increase in HSP72 synthesis in the gracilis muscle of young SHR with respect to their control (186.2±18.7% vs 115.8±9.9%, p<0.02) which was maintained also during aging (171.9±17.3% vs 95.2±10.5%, p<0.01).In conclusion, these data show that hypertension results in an increased synthesis of HSP72 both in cardiac and gracilis muscle in response to heat shock. This abnormal response is attenuated by aging in the heart but not in the gracilis muscle. Thus, the abnormality seems to be independent from hypertrophy and linked to genetic determination of the disease.  相似文献   
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