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Acute monocytic leukemia is a type of myeloid leukemia that develops in monocytes. The current clinical therapies for leukemia are unsatisfactory due to their side effects and nonspecificity toward target cells. Some lectins display antitumor activity and may specifically recognize cancer cells by binding to carbohydrate structures on their surface. Therefore, this study evaluated the response of the human monocytic leukemia cell lines THP-1 to the Olneya tesota PF2 lectin. The induction of apoptosis and reactive oxygen species production in PF2-treated cells was evaluated by flow cytometry, and the lectin-THP-1 cell interaction and mitochondrial membrane potential were evaluated by confocal fluorescence microscopy. PF2 genotoxicity was evaluated by DNA fragmentation analysis via gel electrophoresis. The results showed that PF2 binds to THP-1 cells, triggers apoptosis and DNA degradation, changes the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases reactive oxygen species levels in PF2-treated THP-1 cells. These results suggest the potential use of PF2 for developing alternative anticancer treatments with enhanced specificity.  相似文献   
Phytoplankton account for >45% of global primary production, and have an enormous impact on aquatic food webs and on the entire Earth System. Their members are found among prokaryotes (cyanobacteria) and multiple eukaryotic lineages containing chloroplasts. Genetic surveys of phytoplankton communities generally consist of PCR amplification of bacterial (16S), nuclear (18S) and/or chloroplastic (16S) rRNA marker genes from DNA extracted from environmental samples. However, our appreciation of phytoplankton abundance or biomass is limited by PCR-amplification biases, rRNA gene copy number variations across taxa, and the fact that rRNA genes do not provide insights into metabolic traits such as photosynthesis. Here, we targeted the photosynthetic gene psbO from metagenomes to circumvent these limitations: the method is PCR-free, and the gene is universally and exclusively present in photosynthetic prokaryotes and eukaryotes, mainly in one copy per genome. We applied and validated this new strategy with the size-fractionated marine samples collected by Tara Oceans, and showed improved correlations with flow cytometry and microscopy than when based on rRNA genes. Furthermore, we revealed unexpected features of the ecology of these ecosystems, such as the high abundance of picocyanobacterial aggregates and symbionts in the ocean, and the decrease in relative abundance of phototrophs towards the larger size classes of marine dinoflagellates. To facilitate the incorporation of psbO in molecular-based surveys, we compiled a curated database of >18,000 unique sequences. Overall, psbO appears to be a promising new gene marker for molecular-based evaluations of entire phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   
Structural changes of tissues in unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska after treatment with different plant growth substances (gibberellic acid, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 6-benzyladenine) or decapitation of the plant were studied. All the treatments resulted in the prevention of cellular disorganization associated with ovary senescence. They effected the enlargement of mesocarp cells and the differentiation of endocarp cells in very similar patterns, suggesting a similar induction of the structural processes involved in fruit development. Ultrastructural changes in mesocarp cells after treatment with gibberellic acid showed that rapid enlargement of mesocarp cells was sustained mainly by a reorganization of the membrane systems directed to the sysnthesis of primary cell wall. Early changes in the subcellular components in mesocarp cells were observed as the first symptoms in ovary senescence.  相似文献   
The consumption of inorganic macronutrients (NO3?+ NO2?, NH4+, and PO4?3) and the composition of intra- and extracellular dissolved free amino acid pools (IDFAA and EDFAA, respectively) were determined in continuous-reservoir batch dialysis cultures of the marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin maintained on unenriched natural seawater as a growth medium. Nutrient diffusion (Nd), which equals the nutrient uptake of the culture, increased with the cell density and the age of the culture. A concentration of 6.77 × 107 cells · mL?1 was obtained in stationary phase, which coincided with the NO3?+ NO2? diffusion limit (Ndmax) of the dialysis apparatus. The Ndmax for NH4+ occurred much earlier, at the end of exponential growth, whereas Ndmax for PO4?3 was not attained during the growth cycle of the culture, even in early stationary phase. A significant depletion (77%) of the IDFAA pool during exponential phase was followed by a reestablishment–to approximately 60% of the initial level–of internal pools during linear and stationary growth phases. This recovery occurred during the illuminated portion of the photoperiod (12:12 h LD) and involved principally the amino acids GLN, GLU, β-GLU, and ASN. The recovery of GLN and ASN levels was particularly significant, because the intracellular concentrations of these amino acids were higher at the end of the growth cycle than before. The EDFAA pool was generally dominated by the amino acids SER and GLY+THR; however, during active growth, ORN and LYS often constituted an important fraction. The EDFAA concentration increased until linear growth phase was reached, during which a higher concentration of total free amino acids was attained in darkness than under illumination. The EDFAA component diminished afterward, and in stationary phase this fraction returned to concentrations equivalent to those observed at the beginning of the growth cycle. The variations in EDFAA concentrations were expressed by a pronounced decrease in the cellular excretion of amino acids with increasing cell density. These cellular responses of Phaeodactylum tricornutum in dense culture, specifically the regulation of amino acid excretion and intracellular pool size, may affect the N-conversion coefficient (YN). Consequently, by prolonging the linear phase of growth and reducing the concentration of autoinhibitory metabolites by diffusion, a markedly enhanced final cell density can be achieved in cultures grown on natural unenriched seawater.  相似文献   
检测香蕉花叶心腐病病原CMV的PAS—ELISA方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种快速、敏感的免疫学方法,ELISA已被广泛地用于植物病毒的研究与应用性检测方面。在实验室中用PAS-ELISA检测香蕉花叶心腐病病原CMV已被证明是一种获得无CMV组培苗的有效手段。在香蕉无病毒组培苗工厂化大批量生产中,我们应用此法作为质量控制的手段之一,剔除病苗,保证产品不带CMV,获得一定成效。但同时我们也发现,香蕉组织中含有引起非特异性吸附反应的物  相似文献   
When assays for NAD(P)H-ferricyanide oxidoreductases were performed,activities specific for NADH (0.23 unit (mg protein)–1)and NADPH (0.68 unit (mg protein)–1) were detected inchloroplasts isolated from leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgareL.). Activities of chloroplast NADH- and NADPH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase were 5-fold and 25-fold higher, respectively,than the maximum activity that could be attributed to mitochondrialcontamination. Moreover, most of the chloroplast NADH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase (60 to 80%) was solubilized by deoxycholate (DOC)from thylakoids as a single, high-molecular-mass complex thatwas distinguishable from the mitochondrial complex by its lowerelectrophoretic mobility in 3% polyacrylamide, as revealed byreduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) in the presence ofNADH or NADPH on gels after electrophoresis. The stroma yieldeda single band of a dehydrogenase (66 kDa) that used NADH asits electron donor. Several NADPH-dependent activities weredetected after electrophoresis of the stromal fraction. Moreover,chloroplast-specific activities could be distinguished frommitochondrial activities on the basis of the specificity ofthe donor and the acceptor of electrons, the dependence of theactivities on pH, and the sensitivity to various inhibitors.Km values for NADH (26 µM) and NADPH (75 µM) werein the same range as those of mitochondrial activities. Mostof the NADPH-dependent activity probably corresponds to thechloroplast ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase. The possibilityis discussed that thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase(s) might be theproduct of chloroplast ndh genes and that this activity is involvedin chlororespiration. (Received April 25, 1994; Accepted December 5, 1994)  相似文献   
Using antibodies raised against two sunflower small heat shock proteins (sHSPs), we have detected immunologically related proteins in unstressed vegetative tissues from the resurrection plant Craterostigma plantagineum. In whole plants, further accumulation of these polypeptides was induced by heat-shock or water-stress. In desiccation-intolerant Craterostigma callus tissue, we failed to detect sHSP-related polypeptides, but their expression, and the concurrent acquisition of desiccation tolerance was induced by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) treatment. In untressed plants, the cross-reacting polypeptides were abundant in the roots and lower part of the shoots, where they showed homogeneous tissue-distributions. This constitutive expression is novel for vegetative tissues of higher plants, and resembles the expression patterns of sHSPs in desiccation-tolerant zygotic embryos and germinating seeds.J.A. and C.A. contributed equally to this work and are both considered to be first author  相似文献   
The possible use of vanadium compounds in the treatment of diabetic patients is now being evaluated. However, previously to establish the optimal maximum dose for diabetes therapy, it should be taken into account that vanadium is a highly toxic element to man and animals. The toxic effects of vanadium are here reviewed. The tissue vanadium accumulation, which would mean an additional risk of toxicity following prolonged vanadium administration is also discussed. Recently, it has been shown that coadministration of vanadate and TIRON, an effective chelator in the treatment of vanadium intoxication, reduced the tissue accumulation of this element, decreasing the possibility of toxic side effects derived from chronic vanadium administration without diminishing the hypoglycemic effect of vanadium. However, previously to assess the effectiveness of this treatment in diabetic patients, a critical reevaluation of the antidiabetic action of vanadium and its potential toxicity is clearly needed.  相似文献   
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