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Genes involved in the biosynthesis of PQQ fromAcinetobacter calcoaceticus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From a gene bank of theAcinetobacter calcoaceticus genome a plasmid was isolated that complements four different classes of PQQ- mutants. Subclones of this plasmid revealed that the four corresponding PQQ genes are located on a fragment of 5 kilobases. The nucleotide sequence of this 5 kb fragment was determined and by means of Tn5 insertion mutants the reading frames of the PQQ genes could be identified. Three of the PQQ genes code for proteins of Mr 29700 (gene I), Mr 10800 (gene II) and Mr 43600 (gene III) respectively. In the DNA region where gene IV was mapped however the largest possible reading frame encodes for a polypeptide of only 24 amino acids. A possible role for this small polypeptide will be discussed. Finally we show that expression of the four PQQ genes inAcinetobacter lwoffi andEscherichia coli lead to the synthesis of the coenzyme in these organisms.  相似文献   
Summary The breeding phenology, territory size, egg dimensions, clutch size, nestling growth and reproductive success of a dense population of WheatearsOenanthe oenanthe was studied on the island of Öland, S. Sweden during the years 1985–1987. The 1987 season was exceptionally cold and rainy, 1986 had the warmest and driest conditions, while 1985 was intermediate with respect to weather. Cold, windy and rainy weather was associated to prolonged incubation, greater intervals between first and replacement clutches, prolonged nestling growth, lower fledging condition, increased starvation and increased predation. Large clutches were laid earlier in the season and contained relatively larger eggs than small clutches. Incubation periods decreased with clutch size. Female size was positively correlated with egg size and with clutch size. The last egg laid in a clutch had a tendency to be heavier than eggs laid previously, especially in large clutches. Nestling starvation increased with brood size in 2 years.
Zusammenfassung 1985–1987 wurden Phänologie, Siedlungsdichte, Eimaße, Gelegegröße, Jungenwachstum und Bruterfolg einer Population des Steinschmätzers auf der südschwedischen Insel Öland untersucht. 1987 waren die Lufttemperaturen besonders niedrig und die Niederschläge sehr hoch. Der Sommer 1986 wies dagegen die höchsten Temperaturen und niedrigsten Niederschläge der 3 Jahre auf. Kaltes, windiges und regnerisches Wetter war mit längerer Brütezeit, längeren Intervallen zwischen Erst- und Ersatzbruten, langsamerem Jungenwachstum, schlechterer Kondition der ausfliegenden Jungen und höheren Verlusten durch Verhungern und Beutefeinde korreliert. Die Gelegegröße nahm mit dem Legedatum ab; die größten Gelege hatten im Mittel größere Eier. Die Bebrütungszeit nahm mit der Gelegegröße ab. Größere Weibchen legten größere Eier und zeigten Tendenz, größere Gelege zu produzieren. Die zuletzt gelegten Eier waren meist die schwersten, besonders in großen Gelegen. Ausfälle durch Verhungern stiegen in 2 Jahren mit der Brutgröße.
The 37,000 bp double-stranded DNA genome of bacteriophage Mu behaves as a plaque-forming transposable element of Escherichia coli. We have defined the cis-acting DNA sequences required in vivo for transposition and packaging of the viral genome by monitoring the transposition and maturation of Mu DNA-containing pSC101 and pBR322 plasmids with an induced helper Mu prophage to provide the trans-acting functions. We found that nucleotides 1 to 54 of the Mu left end define an essential domain for transposition, and that sequences between nucleotides 126 and 203, and between 203 and 1,699, define two auxiliary domains that stimulate transposition in vivo. At the right extremity, the essential sequences for transposition require not more than the first 62 base pairs (bp), although the presence of sequences between 63 and 117 bp from the right end increases the transposition frequency about 15-fold in our system. Finally, we have delineated the pac recognition site for DNA maturation to nucleotides 32 to 54 of the Mu left end which reside inside of the first transposase binding site (L1) located between nucleotides 1–30. Thus, the transposase binding site and packaging domains of bacteriophage Mu DNA can be separated into two well-defined regions which do not appear to overlap.Abbreviations attL attachment site left - attR attachment site right - bp base pairs - Kb kilobase pair - nt nucleotide - Pu Purine - Py pyrimidine - Tn transposable element State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 11204 USA  相似文献   
Summary For transformation of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Zebulon), shoot apical meristems were dissected from seeds and cocultivated with a disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a binary vector carrying genes encoding GUS- and NPTII-activity. The influence of the media conditions, the time of cocultivation and the stage of the developing seed on shoot development and meristem transformation was analysed. Transformants were selected by their ability to grow on kanamycin. Transformation was confirmed by assays for GUS and NPTII. GUS-positive shoots were rooted on rockwool and transferred to soil. Transformation of shoot meristem cells occurred at low frequencies. Chimaeric expression of the two genes was observed in transformed plants. Integration of the foreign DNA in the sunflower genome was confirmed with the polymerase chain reaction.Abbreviations GUS ß-Glucuronidase - NPTII Neomycin phosphotransferase II  相似文献   
1. We have localized and quantified neuropeptide Y (NPY) binding sites in the rat pituitary gland after incubation of tissue sections in the presence of 125I-Bolton-Hunter NPY followed by autoradiography, computerized microdensitometry, and comparison to 125I-standards. 2. In the rat, NPY binding sites are localized exclusively to the part of the posterior pituitary lobe closer to the pituitary stalk. No NPY binding sites could be found in the intermediate or the anterior pituitary lobes. 3. Our results suggest a role for NPY in the regulation of pituitary function and, in particular, that of the neural lobe.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of starvation on renal carbohydrate metabolism was studied in the proximal and distal fragments of the nephron. Starvation induced a double and opposite adaptation mechanism in both fractions of the renal tubule. In renal proximal tubules, the gluconeogenic flux was stimulated progressively during a period of 48 hours of starvation (2.15 fold), due, in part, to a significant increase in the fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activities although with different characteristics. Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase activity from this tubular fragment increased only at subsaturating subtrate concentration (68%) which involved a significant decrease in the Km (35%) for fructose 1,6-bisphosphate while there was no change in Vmax. This behaviour clearly indicates that it is related to modifications in the activity of the preexistent enzyme in the cell. Proximal phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity increased proportionally at both substrate concentrations (86 and 89% respectively) which brought about changes in Vmax without changes in Kin, all of which are in accordance with variations in the cellular levels of the enzyme. In the renal distal tubules, the glycolytic capacity drastically decreased throughout the starvation time. At 48 hours 65% of inhibition was shown. We have found a short term regulation of phosphofructokinase activity by starvation which involves an increase in Km (2.2 fold) without changes in Vmax, as a result of these kinetic changes, an inactivation of phosphofructokinase was detected at subsaturating concentration of fructose 6-phosphate. On the contrary, this nutritional state did not modify the kinetic behaviour of renal pyruvate kinase. Finally, neither proximal glycolytic nor distal gluconeogenic capacities and related enzymes activities were changed during starvation.  相似文献   
Cell-free translation of polyadenylated mRNA from human term placenta in a wheat germ extract, after immunoprecipitation with antibodies directed against purified pregnant serum SP1, yielded a single polypeptide of 31 kDa. Addition of dog pancreatic microsomal vesicles to the translation system resulted in the appearance of two polypeptides, one of them of 46 kDa and the other of 28 kDa. Both polypeptides were protected from limited proteolysis and when the assay was performed with lytic detergent concentrations in addition to proteases, this protection was abolished indicating that the polypeptides were segregated into the microsomal vesicles. The cleavage of a signal peptide of 3 kDa from the 31 kDa primary translation product gives rise to 28 kDa and accounts for the slight increase in electrophoretic mobility. The treatment of the immunoprecipitated products with Endoglycosidase H and -mannosidase, suggested that only the 46 kDa polypeptide is a glycoprotein.From the results obtained we conclude that SP1 is synthesized and processed to a glycoprotein of 46 kDa which would be a protomeric form of the oligomers reported in pregnant serum by other authors.Abbreviations PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride - TCA trichloroacetic acid - DTT dithiotreitol  相似文献   
Results of a 7-yr field study and a 3-yr slaughterhouse study into reproductive performance and reproductive wastage of ruminants in central Mali are reported. Cattle had delayed age at first puberty (40), long calving intervals (644) and produced few young (3.02) per lifetime. Goats and sheep first conceived at about 11 mo, had shorter parturition intervals (298 and 280 d) but also produced few young (2.64 and 1.92) per lifetime. Conceptions showed a strong seasonality in cattle and mainly occurred during and shortly after the short rainy season. Seasonality was less marked in small ruminants, but most females conceived before the rains. However, maximum litter sizes were associated with late-rain and post-rain conceptions. Early embryonic wastage did not appear to be a major problem but abortions, stillbirths and heavy preweaning mortality were sources of loss of reproductive potential. Additionally at a secondary (government controlled) abattoir, 15.0 % of cows, 31.7 % of goats and 20.0 % of sheep that were slaughtered were found to be pregnant.  相似文献   
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