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1998-2013年新疆艾比湖湖面时空动态变化及其驱动机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用1998年9月,2002年9月,2007年9月,2011年9月以及2013年9月多期Landsat数据,利用归一化水体指数模型(NDWI)和修正归一化水体指数模型(MNDWI)提取新疆艾比湖水域面积,研究近年来艾比湖湖面的动态变化。以最大似然分类结果作为标准,验证了用NDWI和MNDWI模型提取面积的精度,得出NDWI模型所提取的湖泊面积更符合实际情况,湖泊总面积从1998年的519.26km2减少到2013年的422.73km2,缩小了18.59%,表明目前艾比湖正在退化,从而促使生态环境受到影响。对5期影像中的艾比湖湖面进行了边界的提取和叠加,利用湖泊面积动态模型研究艾比湖湖面积的动态变化,在此基础上分析了影响艾比湖湖面积变化的驱动机制,近年来随着温度的逐渐升高,降水量呈下降的趋势,加上大量的蒸发作用、径流量变化及沙尘日数等综合作用的结果,导致了艾比湖面积的缩小。多年来艾比湖流域内随着人口数量的增加、耕地面积的不断扩张、牲畜的大量增长,导致需水量逐渐增大,因此也是导致湖面面积减少的主要原因之一。开展艾比湖湖面时空动态变化及其驱动机制研究,对于干旱区湖泊来说具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
杨大星  杨娟  李灿 《生态学报》2022,42(12):5089-5102
研究洞穴土壤节肢动物,有助于了解土壤节肢动物对特殊环境的响应,对于深入认识喀斯特生态过程具有重要意义。以喀斯特洞穴生态系统小型土壤节肢动物为研究对象,采用主成分分析、重复测量方差分析、相关性分析和冗余分析等方法探讨了小型土壤节肢动物与环境因子的相互作用关系。调查共获得小型土壤节肢动物2399个,隶属7纲15目121科。其中,自然林优势类群为等节跳科(Isotomidae),洞穴优势类群为奥甲螨科(Oppiidae)。PCA分析显示,洞穴与自然林小型土壤节肢动物群落组成差异明显。洞穴小型土壤节肢动物类群数、密度和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)显著低于自然林(P<0.05),自然林小型土壤节肢动物类群数、密度和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)季节差异显著(P<0.05),洞穴类群数、密度和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)季节差异不明显。相关性分析结果表明,小型土壤节肢动物类群数和Shannon-Wiener指数(H′)与pH值、全磷和光照强度显著相关(P<0.05),密度与pH值、全磷、有机质和光照强度显著相关(P<0.05)。RDA分析表...  相似文献   
不同施肥处理对土壤水稳定性团聚体及有机碳分布的影响   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
以国家褐潮土16 a的长期肥料试验为平台(北京昌平),研究长期不同施肥对耕层土壤水稳定性团聚体及其有机碳的影响。主要研究结果:与耕种农田土壤相比,长期撂荒(CK0)可以提高水稳定性大团聚体的含量及其有机碳含量和储量。而农田耕作后,破坏了水稳性大团聚体,相应地增加水稳性微团聚体的含量。与长期不施肥种植作物(CK)相比,长期施氮磷钾肥(NPK)、氮磷钾配施有机肥(NPKM)和氮磷钾秸秆还田(NPKS)处理对水稳性团聚体数量分布和平均重量直径(MWD)有显著影响,其中对2mm和0.25 2mm水稳性大团聚体的促进作用最明显,说明施肥处理增加的新碳主要向0.25 2mm和2mm团聚体富集。在不同水平水稳性团聚体中,2mm和0.25 2mm两个级别的水稳性大团聚体有机碳的含量显著高于0.0530.25mm和0.053mm水稳性微团聚体。化肥与有机肥配施(NPKM)处理可提高水稳性大团聚体含量,改善土壤团聚体的结构。长期小麦-玉米→小麦-大豆复种轮作并施氮磷钾化肥的处理(NPKF)各级团聚体中有机碳的含量高于长期小麦-玉米轮作并施氮磷钾化肥的处理(NPK)。  相似文献   
基于GIS的广州市中心城区城市森林可达性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱耀军  王成  贾宝全  粟娟 《生态学报》2011,31(8):2290-2300
城市森林是城市中主要的生态功能景观,已经成为城市生态环境建设的主体。基于居民方便获取城市森林服务的要求,根据大型城市森林斑块、道路网和街区单元数据,利用ArcGIS9.2的Network Analyst工具,分析了广州市中心城区在2km步行距离内街区单元到达城市森林斑块的可达性以及城市森林斑块的承载力,并结合航片解译的树冠覆盖数据对具有不同可达性的街区单元进行了分析。分析结果表明:广州中心城区的外环高速以内的区域范围,分别有73%、46%和18%的的街区单元在步行2km、1km和0.5km距离内能够到达大型城市森林绿地斑块。从街区单元的行政归属看,以越秀区的街区可达性最好,而海珠区和原芳村区的街区可达性较差。研究范围内,0.5km内不能到达大型城市森林斑块且树冠覆盖超过30%的街区类型中,以公共管理单位类型为主,单位绿化对于树冠覆盖的贡献率大;而绝大多数以住宅类型为主的街区单元的树冠覆盖率低于10%,其中64%的街区树冠覆盖率低于5%。以街区单元为基本对象进行可达性度量,分析城市森林斑块现状分布和服务状况,并结合其树冠覆盖特征,可以明确需要重点关注区域的空间分布,可为广州市在较小尺度上的城市森林空间布局优化提供参考。  相似文献   
“医学微生物学”本科实验教学中生物安全的落实与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
"医学微生物学"实验课的主要实验材料是病原微生物,因此实验室生物安全是本课程区别于其它实验课程的重要特征之一。因条件限制,我校以前的"医学微生物学"实验课只能安排在不具备生物安全防护等级的普通实验室中进行,不仅存在安全隐患,也使一部分内容不能正常进行,使医学微生物实验教学的发展遇到了瓶颈。为解决这一矛盾,本研究通过医学微生物学教学师资队伍的培训、实验室硬件条件升级改造以及对课程内容涉及的菌(毒)种及其配套软件建设等一系列措施,建立了具有北京大学医学特色的"医学微生物学"实验教学新体系,保证了微生物实验室生物安全相关法规条例的落实及实验教学的正常进行。  相似文献   
肖娟  杨永清 《生态学报》2017,37(13):4529-4537
以川东地区传统聚落为研究对象,基于现代生态适应性理论,探索了川东传统聚落空间格局的构建方法和驱动因素,以期为传统聚落的生态适应性和空间结构演变提供理论依据。研究表明:传统聚落实质体现了其对自然地理要素及生态系统完整性的适应。在聚落选址方面具体化为山、河、路、池等环境要素,形成理想聚居模式以适应环境。传统聚落营建风水林以弥补原自然环境的不足,这不仅起到了维持生物多样性的作用,且使人和其它生物及环境要素一起构成一个完整的生态系统。在房屋形式的选择上,传统聚落建筑极富地域特色,反映了对自然的尊崇和适应。传统聚落是一种以人类行为为主导,自然环境为依托,资源流动为命脉,社会、文化为经络的人工复合生态系统。经济、文化和制度三者相辅相成构成社会系统的原动力。  相似文献   
Tubular aggregates (TA) are honeycomb-like arrays of sarcoplasmic-reticulum (SR) tubules affecting aged glycolytic fibers of male individuals and inducing severe sarcomere disorganization and muscular pain. TA develop in skeletal muscle from Tubular Aggregate Myopathy (TAM) patients as well as in other disorders including endocrine syndromes, diabetes, and ageing, being their primary cause unknown. Nowadays, there is no cure for TA. Intriguingly, both hypoxia and calcium dyshomeostasis prompt TA formation, pointing to a possible role for mitochondria in their setting. However, a functional link between mitochondrial dysfunctions and TA remains unknown. Herein, we investigate the alteration in muscle-proteome of TAM patients, the molecular mechanism of TA onset and a potential therapy in a preclinical mouse model of the disease. We show that in vivo chronic inhibition of the mitochondrial ATP synthase in muscle causes TA. Upon long-term restrained oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), oxidative soleus experiments a metabolic and structural switch towards glycolytic fibers, increases mitochondrial fission, and activates mitophagy to recycle damaged mitochondria. TA result from the overresponse of the fission controller DRP1, that upregulates the Store-Operate-Calcium-Entry and increases the mitochondria-SR interaction in a futile attempt to buffer calcium overloads upon prolonged OXPHOS inhibition. Accordingly, hypoxic muscles cultured ex vivo show an increase in mitochondria/SR contact sites and autophagic/mitophagic zones, where TA clusters grow around defective mitochondria. Moreover, hypoxia triggered a stronger TA formation upon ATP synthase inhibition, and this effect was reduced by the DRP1 inhibitor mDIVI. Remarkably, the muscle proteome of TAM patients displays similar alterations in mitochondrial dynamics and in ATP synthase contents. In vivo edaravone treatment in mice with restrained OXPHOS restored a healthy phenotype by prompting mitogenesis and mitochondrial fusion. Altogether, our data provide a functional link between the ATP synthase/DRP1 axis and the setting of TA, and repurpose edaravone as a possible treatment for TA-associated disorders.Subject terms: Musculoskeletal abnormalities, Energy metabolism  相似文献   
Cholecystokinin 8 (CCK8) is an entero-octapeptide that participates in crosstalk with components of intestinal immunity via the CCK receptor (CCKR), but its role in modulation of the IgA response is not fully known under physiological conditions. Male eight-week-old BALB/c mice each were intraperitoneally injected once during 7 days with CCK8, devazapide (CCKR1 antagonist), L365,260 (CCKR2 antagonist) or vehicle (sham group). In intestinal lavages, total and secretory IgA (SIgA) were determined by ELISA; in lamina propria, IgA+ B lymphocytes and IgA+ plasma cells were analyzed by flow cytometry; mRNA levels of polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) in epithelial cells and α chain, interleukins (ILs) in lamina propria cells were assessed by qRTPCR. Regarding the sham conditions, IgA+ plasma-cell percentage and IL-2, IL-5, IL-10 and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) mRNA levels were either increased by CCK8 or decreased by both CCKR antagonists. For IgA/SIgA responses, IL-4/IL-6 mRNA levels were decreased by all drugs and pIgR mRNA was increased by CCK8 and reduced by L365,260. IgA+ B cell percentage and α chain mRNA levels were elicited by CCK8 and L365,260. Data suggested a presumable differential role of CCK/CCKR on the IgA-response; outcome of L365,260 on the elicitation of IgA+ B cells and α chain mRNA needs further examination.  相似文献   
BackgroundChagas disease is a potentially life-threatening neglected disease of poverty that is endemic in continental Latin America. Caused by Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi), it is one of six parasitic diseases in the United States targeted by the Centers for Disease Control as a public health problem in need of action. An estimated 300,000 people are infected with T. cruzi in the United States (US). Although its morbidity, mortality and economic burden are high, awareness of Chagas disease is lacking among many healthcare providers in the US. The purpose of this analysis is to determine if the number of diagnostic tests performed at a community health center serving an at-risk population for Chagas disease increased after information sessions. A secondary aim was to determine if there was a difference by provider type, i.e., nurse practitioner vs. physician, or by specialty in the number of patients screened.Methodology/Principal findingsWe conducted a retrospective data analysis of the number of Chagas serology tests performed at a community health center before and after information sessions for clinicians. A time series analysis was conducted focusing on the Adult and Family Medicine Departments at East Boston Neighborhood Health Center (EBNHC). Across all departments there were 1,957 T. cruzi tests performed before the sessions vs. 2,623 after the sessions. Interrupted time series analysis across departments indicated that testing volume was stable over time prior to the sessions (pre-period slope = +4.1 per month; p = 0.12), followed by an immediate shift after the session (+51.6; p = 0.03), while testing volume remained stable over time after the session (post-period slope = -6.0 per month; p = 0.11).Conclusion/SignificanceIn this study, Chagas testing increased after information sessions. Clinicians who began testing their patients for Chagas disease after learning of the importance of this intervention added an extra, potentially time-consuming task to their already busy workdays without external incentives or recognition.  相似文献   
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