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Microtubule-organizing centers recruit α- and β-tubulin polypeptides for microtubule nucleation. Tubulin synthesis is complex, requiring five specific cofactors, designated tubulin cofactors (TBCs) A–E, which contribute to various aspects of microtubule dynamics in vivo. Here, we show that tubulin cofactor D (TBCD) is concentrated at the centrosome and midbody, where it participates in centriologenesis, spindle organization, and cell abscission. TBCD exhibits a cell-cycle-specific pattern, localizing on the daughter centriole at G1 and on procentrioles by S, and disappearing from older centrioles at telophase as the protein is recruited to the midbody. Our data show that TBCD overexpression results in microtubule release from the centrosome and G1 arrest, whereas its depletion produces mitotic aberrations and incomplete microtubule retraction at the midbody during cytokinesis. TBCD is recruited to the centriole replication site at the onset of the centrosome duplication cycle. A role in centriologenesis is further supported in differentiating ciliated cells, where TBCD is organized into “centriolar rosettes”. These data suggest that TBCD participates in both canonical and de novo centriolar assembly pathways.  相似文献   
We conducted a laboratory experiment to examine whether dominance status affects the use of locations occupied (i.e. scent-marked) by same-sex conspecifics among wild-caught snow vole males ( Chionomys nivalis ). Given that the costs of invading scent-marked areas should partially depend on the intruder's competitive ability, we hypothesised that, once a dominance relationship has been established with the owner of marks, the use of these areas by males would vary differently between dominant and subordinate individuals. Before any previous experience with the owner, scented substrates and nests were highly attractive to all males, indicating a general preference for recently occupied areas. However, after relative social status was established through direct interaction the subsequent response of males was altered differently, subordinate individuals reducing the use of marked areas to a much greater extent than dominants. Competitive relationships between male C. nivalis were found to be influenced by differences in body weight, larger males tending to display a more dominant pattern of behaviour. Our results reveal that male C. nivalis may require some direct experience with potential opponents to modulate their response towards occupied locations. Additionally, we suggest that the ability of males to conditionally respond to social signals from particular competing conspecifics might be used to lower the costs of prospective agonistic interactions.  相似文献   
Aims Rhododendron ponticum L. is reputed to be a post Plio‐Pleistocene relict plant species with a disjunct distribution that comprises the Iberian Peninsula to the west and the Euxinian region plus some restricted Mediterranean areas to the east. We analysed the ecological range (of subsp. baeticum) in the western area (Aljibe Mountains, north of the Strait of Gibraltar) to understand the factors determining the present area limitation. Location Sierra del Aljibe, north of the Strait of Gibraltar (Iberian Peninsula). Methods We selected 20 riparian sites where R. ponticum is common, and compiled data on the ecological diversity of associated woody species and ferns. We established a 500‐m main transect in each site, along the stream or river course, in which we placed five 20‐m‐long plots at regular intervals. We recorded physiographic habitat features, woody plants and fern abundance, and the number of R. ponticum individuals. Results Rhododendron ponticum in southern Spain is restricted to riparian forests in acidic soils (pH 4.0–6.4), and is mainly found on the banks of inclined and enclosed streams. In our inventory we recorded 59 woody taxa and 12 ferns, with R. ponticum being the dominant species of the understorey (mean abundance 78.6%). The communities are characterized by a high incidence of the humid warm temperate element, both in number of species (18.8 ± 3.7 per site) and abundance; meanwhile, the presence of the modern Mediterranean element (mean number of species 3.4 ± 3.8 per site) appears to be favoured by disturbance. These ecological–historical groups of taxa also show distinct patterns of typological habit, frequency of endemism, infrageneric diversity and geographical range. Populations of R. ponticum are characterized by a very variable density of seedlings in many sites, and the virtual lack of juveniles. Main conclusions Riparian forests of the Aljibe Mountains constitute a refuge for R. ponticum where the species persists, but populations appear to be in decline. The narrow ecological range of R. ponticum in the area strongly contrasts with its wide amplitude in the eastern natural area, mainly the Euxinian region, where R. ponticum probably finds better conditions due to the environmental heterogeneity of the region, and the lack of a hot dry season.  相似文献   
1. We have localized and quantified neuropeptide Y (NPY) binding sites in the rat pituitary gland after incubation of tissue sections in the presence of 125I-Bolton-Hunter NPY followed by autoradiography, computerized microdensitometry, and comparison to 125I-standards. 2. In the rat, NPY binding sites are localized exclusively to the part of the posterior pituitary lobe closer to the pituitary stalk. No NPY binding sites could be found in the intermediate or the anterior pituitary lobes. 3. Our results suggest a role for NPY in the regulation of pituitary function and, in particular, that of the neural lobe.  相似文献   
A number of proteases have been immobilized on alumina in a two-step procedure: the first step converted them into semisynthetic phosphoproteins which, in the second step, spontaneously bonded to alumina through their phosphate function. The immobilized enzymes thus obtained showed the physical properties typical of the inorganic carrier and a high activity on low molecular weight substrates.  相似文献   
Summary Seven mutants of Streptomyces clavuligerus blocked in the biosynthesis of clavulanic acid, cephamycin C, or both antibiotics, have been isolated and characterized. Mutants nca1 and nca2 were unable to synthesize clavulanic acid but produced cephamycin C. Mutants nce1 and nce2 were completely blocked in cephamycin C production but formed clavulanic acid. A third group (mutants ncc1, ncc4 and ncc5) failed to produce both antibiotics. Arginase activity (forming ornithine) was very low in mutants ncc1 and ncc5. All the mutants blocked in clavulanic acid biosynthesis showed a normal ornithine--aminotransferase activity. Mutant ncc1, blocked in cephamycin biosynthesis, lacked completely lysine--aminotransferase (forming -aminoadipic acid) and isopenicillin N synthase. Two other mutants (nce2 and nce5) lacked isopenicillin N synthase. There was a good correlation between the isopenicillin N synthase and the lysine--aminotransferase activities of the nca mutants and the ability of those strains to produce cephamycin C. The condensing enzyme involved in the formation of the clavulanic acid nucleus appears to be different from the isopenicillin N synthase.Dedicated to Professor H.-J. Rehm on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Summary Two-cell mouse ova, which were centrifuged for l h at 70 000–90 000xg, showed a precise stratification of the cytoplasm and an elongation of the nucleus. The ova were fixed at different times and observed by light and electron microscopy using cytochemical methods and detergent extractions. Within 40 min after centrifugation the normal-looking morphology was recovered except for the persisting lipid caps at the centripetal poles of the blastomeres. Cleavage, compaction and blastulation were not prevented by centrifugation. Treatments with colcemid or cytochalasin D delayed but did not impair recovery. These results suggest that a resilient cytoskeletal structure may be involved in this kind of embryonic regulation.  相似文献   
DNA reassociation kinetics were used to determine nuclear genome organization and complexity inAgardhiella subulata (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Results indicate the presence of three second-order components corresponding to fast (22%), intermediate (68%) and slow (10%) fractions. Thus, the genome consists of 90% repetitive sequences. Microspectrophotoometry with the DNA-localizing fluorochrome DAPI was used to confirm ploidy level differences in the gametophytic and tetrasporophytic phases. Results indicate that meiosis occurs during tetrasporogenesis. Comparison of mean nuclear DNA (If) values to chicken erythrocytes (RBC) resulted in an estimate of 0.9 pg/2C genome forAgardhiella. Karyological studies using aceto-orcein revealed a chromosome complement of 2N = 44 in carposporangia and the presence of 22 bivalents during diakinesis of tetraspore mother cells.  相似文献   
Eye-color mutants of Drosophila melanogaster have been analyzed for their pigment content and related metabolites. Xanthommatin and dihydroxanthommatin (pigments causing brown eye color) were measured after selective extraction in acidified butanol. Pteridines (pigments causing red eye color) were quantitated after separation of 28 spots by thin-layer chromatography, most of which are pteridines and a few of which are fluorescent metabolites from the xanthommatin pathway. Pigment patterns have been studied in 45 loci. The pteridine pathway ramifies into two double branches giving rise to isoxanthopterin, drosopterins, and biopterin as final products. The regulatory relationship among the branches and the metabolic blockage of the mutants are discussed. The Hn locus is proposed to regulate pteridine synthesis in a step between pyruvoyltetrahydropterin and dihydropterin. The results also indicate that the synthesis and accumulation of xanthommatin in the eyes might be related to the synthesis of pteridines.Support for this work was provided to J.F. in part by a grant from the Ministerio de Universidades e Investigación (Spain) and to F.J.S. by a grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain).  相似文献   
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