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Aims Rhododendron ponticum L. is reputed to be a post Plio‐Pleistocene relict plant species with a disjunct distribution that comprises the Iberian Peninsula to the west and the Euxinian region plus some restricted Mediterranean areas to the east. We analysed the ecological range (of subsp. baeticum) in the western area (Aljibe Mountains, north of the Strait of Gibraltar) to understand the factors determining the present area limitation. Location Sierra del Aljibe, north of the Strait of Gibraltar (Iberian Peninsula). Methods We selected 20 riparian sites where R. ponticum is common, and compiled data on the ecological diversity of associated woody species and ferns. We established a 500‐m main transect in each site, along the stream or river course, in which we placed five 20‐m‐long plots at regular intervals. We recorded physiographic habitat features, woody plants and fern abundance, and the number of R. ponticum individuals. Results Rhododendron ponticum in southern Spain is restricted to riparian forests in acidic soils (pH 4.0–6.4), and is mainly found on the banks of inclined and enclosed streams. In our inventory we recorded 59 woody taxa and 12 ferns, with R. ponticum being the dominant species of the understorey (mean abundance 78.6%). The communities are characterized by a high incidence of the humid warm temperate element, both in number of species (18.8 ± 3.7 per site) and abundance; meanwhile, the presence of the modern Mediterranean element (mean number of species 3.4 ± 3.8 per site) appears to be favoured by disturbance. These ecological–historical groups of taxa also show distinct patterns of typological habit, frequency of endemism, infrageneric diversity and geographical range. Populations of R. ponticum are characterized by a very variable density of seedlings in many sites, and the virtual lack of juveniles. Main conclusions Riparian forests of the Aljibe Mountains constitute a refuge for R. ponticum where the species persists, but populations appear to be in decline. The narrow ecological range of R. ponticum in the area strongly contrasts with its wide amplitude in the eastern natural area, mainly the Euxinian region, where R. ponticum probably finds better conditions due to the environmental heterogeneity of the region, and the lack of a hot dry season.  相似文献   
Aim The seagrass, Posidonia oceanica is a clonal angiosperm endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. Previous studies have suggested that clonal growth is far greater than sexual recruitment and thus leads to low clonal diversity within meadows. However, recently developed microsatellite markers indicate that there are many different genotypes, and therefore many distinct clones present. The low resolution of markers used in the past limited our ability to estimate clonality and assess the individual level. New high‐resolution dinucleotide microsatellites now allow genetically distinct individuals to be identified, enabling more reliable estimation of population genetic parameters across the Mediterranean Basin. We investigated the biogeography and dispersal of P. oceanica at various spatial scales in order to assess the influence of different evolutionary factors shaping the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Location The Mediterranean. Methods We used seven hypervariable microsatellite markers, in addition to the five previously existing markers, to describe the spatial distribution of genetic variability in 34 meadows spread throughout the Mediterranean, on the basis of an average of 35.6 (± 6.3) ramets sampled. Results At the scale of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole, a strong east–west cleavage was detected (amova) . These results are in line with those obtained using previous markers. The new results showed the presence of a putative secondary contact zone at the Siculo‐Tunisian Strait, which exhibited high allelic richness and shared alleles absent from the eastern and western basins. F statistics (pairwise θ ranges between 0.09 and 0.71) revealed high genetic structure between meadows, both at a small scale (about 2 to 200 km) and at a medium scale within the eastern and western basins, independent of geographical distance. At the intrameadow scale, significant spatial autocorrelation in six out of 15 locations revealed that dispersal can be restricted to the scale of a few metres. Main conclusions A stochastic pattern of effective migration due to low population size, turnover and seed survival is the most likely explanation for this pattern of highly restricted gene flow, despite the importance of an a priori seed dispersal potential. The east–west cleavage probably represents the outline of vicariance caused by the last Pleistocene ice age and maintained to this day by low gene flow. These results emphasize the diversity of evolutionary processes shaping the genetic structure at different spatial scales.  相似文献   
Cyclopid copepods collected mainly in aquatic microcosms and semiterrestrial habitats in the Juréia Ecological Reserve are studied. Hesperocyclops herbsti and Bryocyclops campaneri are described as new species and their taxonomical relationships discussed. Females of Muscocyclops operculatus (Chappuis) are redescribed and the males described for the first time. An emended diagnosis for Muscocyclops is proposed.  相似文献   
Type B photoreceptors of the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis receive excitatory synaptic potentials (EPSPs) whose frequency is controlled by potential changes of a neighboring cell known as the S optic ganglion cell which is thought to be electrically coupled to the presynaptic source of these EPSPs, the E optic ganglion cell. The frequency of the EPSPs increases when a conditioned stimulus (light) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (rotation) during acquisition of a Pavlovian conditioned response. The results of the present study are consistent with an adrenergic origin for these EPSPs. Noradrenergic agonists (greater than 100 microM), norepinephrine and clonidine, only slightly depolarize the type B cell but clearly prolong its depolarizing response to light. Serotonin, by contrast, causes hyperpolarization of the type B cell's resting potential as well as after a light step. Clonidine reduces voltage-dependent outward K+ currents (IA, an early current, ICa2+-K+, a late Ca2+-dependent current) that control the type B cell's excitability (and thus its light response and membrane potential). These effects of clonidine are reduced or blocked by the alpha 2-receptor antagonist, yohimbine (0.5 microM), but not the alpha 1-blocker, prazosin. The same yohimbine concentration also blocked depolarizing synaptic excitation of the type B cell in response to depolarization of a simultaneously impaled S optic ganglion cell. Histochemical techniques (both the glyoxylic acid method of de la Torre and Surgeon and the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence or Falck-Hillarp method) demonstrated the presence of a biogenic amine(s) within a single neuron in each optic ganglion as well as three or four cells within the vicinity of previously identified visual interneurons. No serotonergic neurons were found within the optic ganglion or in proximity to visual interneurons. A clonidine-like synaptic effect on type B cells, therefore, could amplify conditioning-specific changes of membrane currents by increasing type B depolarization and possibly, as well, by elevating intracellular second messengers.  相似文献   
Taste systems of the petrosal ganglion of the rat glossopharyngeal nerve   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Single unit recordings were taken from sensory ganglion cellsin the petrosal ganglion (PG) of the glossopharyngeal nerveof the rat. These taste units were examined with respect tospontaneous and evoked discharge patterns and responsivenessto a wide variety of chemical compounds, most of natural occurrence.Spontaneous activity patterns, with few exceptions, tended tobe extremely irregular with both bursting (clusters of 2–3spikes) and grouping (large groups of spikes as in evoked discharges).Most interspike interval histograms of spontaneous activitywere multimodal, similar to rat geniculate ganglion (GG) units.Evoked discharges usually displayed grouping of spikes, andlong latencies of onset and persistence of discharge after rinsewere sometimes seen. Little response was shown to nucleotidesor salts. Units responsive to amino acids tended to show largedischarge to only one or two amino acids; and the most responsiveamino acid usually varied from cell to cell. Units responsiveto alkaloids only responded to a few alkaloids with atropineand quinine being the most stimulatory. Units responsive toacids only discharged to a few of the acids tested and oftenacids of low pH elicited no discharge. Saccharin activated unitsresponsive to both sugar and alkaloids. A few units highly responsiveto both sugar and alkaloids were seen. The units were placedinto four clusters on the basis of chemicals activating themand certain neurophysiological characteristics: PG salt units,PG acid units and, tentatively, amino acid (sugar) units andX (alkaloid and alkaloid plus) units. The PG salt units didnot show the exclusive sensitivity to sodium and lithium compoundsas did the GG salt units. The PG acid units could also be differentiatedfrom the GG acid units. The petrosal amino acid and X units,on the other hand, could not be differentiated from similarunits in the rat GG.  相似文献   
Synopsis Radio telemetry was used to study the movements of European eels,Anguilla anguilla, in a small (1.2 ha) lake in southwestern Spain in March and April, 1985. Observations were taken on the locations of 7 eels at least once each 2 h for a combined total of 1713 h. The size of individual activity regions varied from 2700 to 1300 m2. Eels covered a larger area at night than during the day, with an average of 23% and 42% of the activity region used during the day and night respectively. Average distance moved between observations was significantly greater at night than in the day. Eels tracked during rainy and cloudy weather were more active during the day and used a larger total area than did those tracked during drier, more stable weather. The standing crop of eels was estimated to be about 77 kg ha–1.  相似文献   
Summary The zinc concentration in the brains of two species of lizard was determined by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. The zinc concentration was found to be highest in the telencephalon of Lacerta galloti (21.1 g/g fresh weight) and Podarcis hispanica (16.77±0.8 g/g) while the mesencephalon and brain stem exhibited lower zinc concentrations, i.e., 7.0 g/g in Lacerta galloti and 6.08±0.4 g/g in Podarcis hispanica. This high telencephalic concentration of zinc is paralleled by intense and well-defined Timm reactivity used for demonstrating the presence of zinc-containing boutons at the light-microscope level. Volumetricdensitometric studies of these Timm-reactive zones were performed using serial transverse sections of the same lizard brains.  相似文献   
The intracellular concentrations of total glutathione, GSSG and protein · S-SG, the total excreted glutathione concentration, and the susceptibility towards GSH-reacting compounds were assayed in strains of Escherichia coli deficient in biosynthesis and/or reduction of glutathione. A deficiency in glutathione reductase displaced the glutathione status towards the oxidized forms. This displacement was more clearly appreciated in strains additionally deficient in glutathione biosynthesis. A deficiency in catalase activity also produced an increase in the oxidation of glutathione. The most severe changes were observed in the concentrations of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides and in the amount of glutathione excreted to the medium. Increased sensitivities towards compounds known to interact with cellular GSH were observed in glutathione reductase deficient strains, although these effects were enhanced in strains additionally deficient in GSH biosynthesis  相似文献   
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