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To determine if human XX maleness results from an abnormal chromosomal X-Y interchange, we studied the inheritance of the paternal pseudoautosomal region in nine patients. Those six patients in whom Y-specific DNA was found (Y(+)) inherited the entire pseudoautosomal region from the paternal Y chromosome and lost that of the paternal X chromosome. Moreover, in three Y(+) cases, we observed the deletion of a paternal Xp locus tightly linked to the pseudoautosomal region. These results definitively show that an abnormal and terminal X-Y interchange during paternal meiosis causes Y(+)XX maleness. In contrast, no abnormal X-Y interchange was observed in any of the three Y(-) cases analyzed, suggesting that maleness can occur in the absence of any Y-specific DNA.  相似文献   
Mexican-American children are shorter but relatively heavier than non-Hispanic whites and blacks. The objectives of this paper are to assess the extent to which this "short and plump" physique occurs in data collected in two national surveys (HANES I and II); to determine variations by age, sex, and socioeconomic status; and to investigate the anthropometric characteristics that may account for the overweight. Three groups, defined on the basis of reported ancestry and observed race, are studied: Mexican-Americans (MEXAME), non-Hispanic Whites, (EURAME), and blacks (BLACK). Short stature was clearly associated with the poverty index (PI) in all three groups. MEXAMEs with a PI greater than 1.6 were similar in stature to EURAMEs at the same income level at ages 1-11 years but not at 12-17 years. On the other hand, MEXAMEs were shorter than BLACKs at all ages and income levels. The body mass index (kg/cm2) and poverty were unrelated. With respect to the anthropometric characteristics examined that are related to the body mass index, MEXAMEs and EURAMEs were similar in sitting height as a proportion of total height, arm muscle and fat areas, and triceps skinfold but different in the following ways: MEXAMEs had narrower elbow but broader bitrochanteric breadths and larger chest circumferences and subscapular skinfolds. Greater upper body dimensions and fatfolds seem to best describe the physique of MEXAMEs. However, in multiple regressions, these anthropometric characteristics failed to account fully for the greater relative weight of MEXAMEs as compared to EURAMEs.  相似文献   
Summary The zinc concentration in the brains of two species of lizard was determined by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. The zinc concentration was found to be highest in the telencephalon of Lacerta galloti (21.1 g/g fresh weight) and Podarcis hispanica (16.77±0.8 g/g) while the mesencephalon and brain stem exhibited lower zinc concentrations, i.e., 7.0 g/g in Lacerta galloti and 6.08±0.4 g/g in Podarcis hispanica. This high telencephalic concentration of zinc is paralleled by intense and well-defined Timm reactivity used for demonstrating the presence of zinc-containing boutons at the light-microscope level. Volumetricdensitometric studies of these Timm-reactive zones were performed using serial transverse sections of the same lizard brains.  相似文献   
The intracellular concentrations of total glutathione, GSSG and protein · S-SG, the total excreted glutathione concentration, and the susceptibility towards GSH-reacting compounds were assayed in strains of Escherichia coli deficient in biosynthesis and/or reduction of glutathione. A deficiency in glutathione reductase displaced the glutathione status towards the oxidized forms. This displacement was more clearly appreciated in strains additionally deficient in glutathione biosynthesis. A deficiency in catalase activity also produced an increase in the oxidation of glutathione. The most severe changes were observed in the concentrations of protein-glutathione mixed disulfides and in the amount of glutathione excreted to the medium. Increased sensitivities towards compounds known to interact with cellular GSH were observed in glutathione reductase deficient strains, although these effects were enhanced in strains additionally deficient in GSH biosynthesis  相似文献   
Summary Several genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) of Drosophila melanogaster encode a 60 amino acids long conserved domain which shares a significant homology with a region of the vertebrate myc proteins. Based on these results, the existence of a family of Drosophila genes that would share both this conserved domain and the neurogenic function of the AS-C has been postulated. To test this proposal, we have searched a D. melanogaster genomic library with a probe that encodes the conserved domain. Only under very low stringency hybridization conditions, clones not belonging to the AS-C cross-hybridized with the probe. Those that gave the strongest signals were characterized. Sequencing of the cross-hybridizing regions showed that they had no significant homology with the conserved domain, the sequence similarity extending at the most for 37 nucleotides. Although our results do not conclusively disprove the existence of a family of AS-C-like genes, they indicate that the conservation of the domain would be lower than that found for shared motifs in other families of Drosophila developmental genes.  相似文献   
Diamine oxidase and peroxidase, associated with the wall in pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto) leaves, can be washed out by vacuum infiltration and assayed without grinding the leaf. The diamine oxidase activity is inhibited in vivo by exposure of the plants to ozone (dose of 0.6 microliters per liter x hour), whereas the peroxidase activity associated with the wall space is stimulated. This dose does not cause obvious necrosis or chlorosis of the leaf. These alterations are greater when the dose of ozone exposure is given as a triangular pulse (a slow rise to a peak of 0.24 microliters per liter followed by a slow fall) compared to that given as a constant square wave pulse of 0.15 microliters per liter for the same 4 hour period. Exposure of the plants to sulfur dioxide (at a concentration of 0.4 microliters per liter for 4 hours) does not result in any change in the diamine oxidase or peroxidase activities, yet the total sulfhydryl content of the leaf is increased, demonstrating the entry of sulfur dioxide. These two pollutants, with different chemical reactivities, affect the activities of the extracellular enzymes in different manners. In the case of ozone exposure, the inhibition of extracellular diamine oxidase could profoundly alter the movements of polyamines from cell to cell.  相似文献   
Summary The breeding phenology, territory size, egg dimensions, clutch size, nestling growth and reproductive success of a dense population of WheatearsOenanthe oenanthe was studied on the island of Öland, S. Sweden during the years 1985–1987. The 1987 season was exceptionally cold and rainy, 1986 had the warmest and driest conditions, while 1985 was intermediate with respect to weather. Cold, windy and rainy weather was associated to prolonged incubation, greater intervals between first and replacement clutches, prolonged nestling growth, lower fledging condition, increased starvation and increased predation. Large clutches were laid earlier in the season and contained relatively larger eggs than small clutches. Incubation periods decreased with clutch size. Female size was positively correlated with egg size and with clutch size. The last egg laid in a clutch had a tendency to be heavier than eggs laid previously, especially in large clutches. Nestling starvation increased with brood size in 2 years.
Zusammenfassung 1985–1987 wurden Phänologie, Siedlungsdichte, Eimaße, Gelegegröße, Jungenwachstum und Bruterfolg einer Population des Steinschmätzers auf der südschwedischen Insel Öland untersucht. 1987 waren die Lufttemperaturen besonders niedrig und die Niederschläge sehr hoch. Der Sommer 1986 wies dagegen die höchsten Temperaturen und niedrigsten Niederschläge der 3 Jahre auf. Kaltes, windiges und regnerisches Wetter war mit längerer Brütezeit, längeren Intervallen zwischen Erst- und Ersatzbruten, langsamerem Jungenwachstum, schlechterer Kondition der ausfliegenden Jungen und höheren Verlusten durch Verhungern und Beutefeinde korreliert. Die Gelegegröße nahm mit dem Legedatum ab; die größten Gelege hatten im Mittel größere Eier. Die Bebrütungszeit nahm mit der Gelegegröße ab. Größere Weibchen legten größere Eier und zeigten Tendenz, größere Gelege zu produzieren. Die zuletzt gelegten Eier waren meist die schwersten, besonders in großen Gelegen. Ausfälle durch Verhungern stiegen in 2 Jahren mit der Brutgröße.
1. We have localized and quantified neuropeptide Y (NPY) binding sites in the rat pituitary gland after incubation of tissue sections in the presence of 125I-Bolton-Hunter NPY followed by autoradiography, computerized microdensitometry, and comparison to 125I-standards. 2. In the rat, NPY binding sites are localized exclusively to the part of the posterior pituitary lobe closer to the pituitary stalk. No NPY binding sites could be found in the intermediate or the anterior pituitary lobes. 3. Our results suggest a role for NPY in the regulation of pituitary function and, in particular, that of the neural lobe.  相似文献   
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