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1. The effect of hemisection of the cervical spinal cord on NADPH-diaphorase staining in the reticular nuclei of the rabbit medulla was investigated using histochemical technique.2. A quantitative assessment of somal and neuropil NADPH-diaphorase staining was made by an image analyzer in a selected area of each reticular nucleus of the rabbit medulla.3. On the 7th postsurgery day, the highest up-regulation of somatic NADPH-diapho- rase staining was observed in regions regulating cardiorespiratory processes; however, the highest increase of neuropil NADPH-diaphorase staining was found in the reticular nuclei modulating the tonus of postural muscles.4. The degeneration of non-NADPH-diaphorase-stained neurons was detected throughout the reticular formation of the medulla, but the extent of neuronal death did not correlate with the up-regulation of the NADPH-diaphorase staining in the reticular nuclei of the medulla.5. The findings provide evidence that NADPH-diaphorase-exhibiting neurons are refractory to the hemisection of the cervical spinal cord and that the neuronal up-regulation of NADPH-diaphorase at the medullar level is probably not a causative factor leading to the death of the reticulospinal neurons.  相似文献   
The effects of nitrogen deficiency on selected physiological attributes, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL, EC. activity, phenolic contents, peroxidase (EC. and catalase (EC. activities, lipid peroxidation status and H2O2 accumulation were studied in N-deficient Matricaria chamomilla (L.) over 12 days. N deficiency enhanced root growth and inhibited shoot growth. Chlorophyll composition and F v/F m were not affected by N stress, but nitrogen and soluble proteins decreased in both the rosettes and the roots. PAL activity, expressed per mg protein, was enhanced in N-deficient rosettes and tended to decrease by the end of the experiment, while in the roots PAL activity was maintained. Total phenolic contents increased in both rosettes and roots. Peroxidase and catalase activities in N-deficient rosettes tended to decrease by the end of the experiment, while in the roots they increased on the 12th day of deficiency. Furthermore, lipid peroxidation status increased in N-deficient roots on the 12th day, indicating that antioxidative protection was insufficient to scavenge reactive oxygen species being generated. Surprisingly, H2O2 content was even lower in N-deficient roots by the end of the experiment, while in the leaves increased. This observation in correlation to lipid peroxidation and H2O2 degradation is discussed. The importance of PAL activity and phenolic metabolites in combination with antioxidative enzymes for plant protection against oxidative stress and the significance of PAL activity for the mobilization of N availability in N-deficient tissue are also discussed in view of existing information.  相似文献   
Protein phosphatase 2A is a phosphoserine/threonine phosphatase implicated in many cellular processes. The core enzyme comprises a catalytic and a PR65/A-subunit. The substrate specificity and subcellular localization are determined by a third regulatory B-subunit (PR55/B, PR61/B' and PR72/130/B"). To identify the proteins of the B" family in Xenopus laevis oocytes, a prophase Xenopus oocyte cDNA library was screened using human PR130 cDNA as a probe. Three different classes of cDNAs were isolated. One class is very similar to human PR130 and is probably the Xenopus orthologue of PR130 (XPR130). A second class of clones (XN73) is identical to the N-terminal part of XPR130 but ends a few amino acids downstream of the putative splicing site of PR130. To investigate how this occurs, the genomic structure of the human PR130 gene was determined. This novel protein does not act as a PP2A subunit but might compete with the function of PR130. The third set of clones (XPR70) is very similar to human PR48 but has an N-terminal extension. Further analysis of the human EST-database and the human PR48 gene structure, revealed that the human PR48 clone published is incomplete. The Xenopus orthologue of PR48 encodes a protein of 70 kDa which like the XPR130, interacts with the A-subunit in GST pull-down assays. XPR70 is ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues and oocytes whereas expression of XPR130 is very low in brain and oocytes. Expression of XN73 mainly parallels XPR130 with the exception of the brain.  相似文献   
Aspartate carbamoyltransferase (ATCase) is a paradigm for allosteric regulation of enzyme activity. B-class ATCases display very similar homotropic allosteric behaviour, but differ extensively in their heterotropic patterns. The ATCase from the thermoacidophilic archaeon Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, for example, is strongly activated by its metabolic pathway′s end product CTP, in contrast with Escherichia coli ATCase which is inhibited by CTP. To investigate the structural basis of this property, we have solved the crystal structure of the S. acidocaldarius enzyme in complex with CTP. Structure comparison reveals that effector binding does not induce similar large-scale conformational changes as observed for the E. coli ATCase. However, shifts in sedimentation coefficients upon binding of the bi-substrate analogue PALA show the existence of structurally distinct allosteric states. This suggests that the so-called “Nucleotide-Perturbation model” for explaining heterotropic allosteric behaviour, which is based on global conformational strain, is not a general mechanism of B-class ATCases.  相似文献   
Attachment theory is a very influential general concept of human social and emotional development, which emphasizes the role of early mother-infant interactions for infant's adaptive behavioural and stress copying strategies, personality organization and mental health. Individuals with disrupted development of secure attachment to mother/primary caregiver are at higher risk of developing mental disorders. This theory consists of the complex developmental psycho-neurobiological model of attachment and emerges from principles of psychoanalysis, evolutionary biology, cognitive-developmental psychology, ethology, physiology and control systems theory. The progress of modern neuroscience enables interpretation of neurobiological aspects of the theory as multi-level neural interactions and functional development of important neural structures, effects of neuromediattors, hormones and essential neurobiological processes including emotional, cognitive, social interactions and the special key role of mentalizing. It has multiple neurobiological, neuroendocrine, neurophysiological, ethological, genetic, developmental, psychological, psychotherapeutic and neuropsychiatric consequences and is a prototype of complex neuroscientific concept as interpretation of modern integrated neuroscience.  相似文献   
The mechanisms behind compressive stress generation in gymnosperms are not yet fully understood. Investigating the structure–function relationships at the tissue and cell level, however, can provide new insights. Severe compression wood of all species lacks a S3 layer, has a high microfibril angle in the S2 layer and a high lignin content. Additionally, special features like helical cavities or spiral thickenings appear, which are not well understood in terms of their mechanical relevance, but need to be examined with regard to evolutionary trends in compression wood development. Thin compression wood foils and isolated tracheids of four gymnosperm species [Ginkgo biloba L., Taxus baccata L., Juniperus virginiana L., Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were investigated. The tracheids were isolated mechanically by peeling them out of the solid wood using fine tweezers. In contrast to chemical macerations, the cell wall components remained in their original condition. Tensile properties of tissue foils and tracheids were measured in a microtensile apparatus under wet conditions. Our results clearly show an evolutionary trend to a much more flexible compression wood. An interpretation with respect to compressive stress generation is discussed.  相似文献   
Plasma levels of serotonin are elevated in primary pulmonary hypertension even after bilateral lung transplantation, suggesting a possible etiologic role. Serotonin is released primarily from the small intestine. Anorectic agents, such as dexfenfluramine, which can cause pulmonary hypertension, are known to inhibit potassium channels in vascular smooth muscle cells. We examined the hypothesis that dexfenfluramine may stimulate release of serotonin from the ileum by inhibition of K+ channels. In an isolated loop of rat ileum perfused with a physiological salt solution, the administration of dexfenfluramine, its major metabolite D-norfenfluramine, the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (5 mM), and caffeine (30 mM) increased serotonin levels in the venous effluent. Potassium chloride (60 mM) tended to increase serotonin levels. In genetically susceptible individuals, dexfenfluramine may induce pulmonary hypertension by increasing cytosolic calcium in enterochromaffin cells of the small intestine, thus releasing serotonin and causing vasoconstriction. This work indicates that dexfenfluramine and its major metabolite d-norfenfluramine can increase serotonin release from the small intestine.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was studied in the gray and white matter regions of the spinal cord 2 and 5 days after multiple cauda equina constrictions of the central processes of L7-Co5 dorsal root ganglia neurons. The results show considerable differences in enzyme activity in the thoracic, upper lumbar, lower lumbar, and sacral segments. Increased NOS activity was observed at 2 days after multiple cauda equina constrictions in the dorsal, lateral, and ventral columns of the lower lumbar segments and in the ventral column of the upper lumbar segments. The values returned to control levels within 5 postconstriction days. In the lateral columns of thoracic segments taken 2 and 5 days after surgery, NOS activity was enhanced by 54% and 55% and in the upper lumbar segments by 130% and 163%, respectively. Multiple cauda equina constrictions performed surgically for 2 and 5 days caused a significant increase in NOS activity predominantly in the gray matter regions of thoracic segments. A quite different response was found 5 days postconstriction in the upper lumbar segments, where the enzyme activity was significantly decreased in the dorsal horn, intermediate zone, and ventral horn. No such extreme differences could be seen in the lower lumbar segments, where NOS activity was significantly enhanced only in the ventral horn. The data correspond with a higher number of NOS immunoreactive somata, quantitatively evaluated in the ventral horn of the lower lumbar segments at 5 days after multiple cauda equina constrictions. While the great region-dependent heterogeneity in NOS activity seen 2 and 5 days after multiple cauda equina constrictions is quite apparent and suggestive of an active role played by nitric oxide in neuroprotective or neurotoxic processes occurring in the gray and white matter of the spinal cord, the extent of damage or the degree of neuroprotection caused by nitric oxide in compartmentalized gray and white matter in this experimental paradigm would be possible only using longer postconstriction periods.  相似文献   
The inhibition of 2,4-D-induced elongation growth by galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides (GGMOs) in pea stem segments (Pisum sativum L. cv. Tyrkys) after 18 h of incubation results in changes of extracellular, intracellular and cell wall glycosidase activities (beta-D-glucosidase, beta-D-mannosidase, beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-xylosidase, alpha-D-galactosidase, and alpha-L-arabinosidase). GGMOs lowered the glycosidase activities in the extracellular fraction, while in the cell wall fractions their activities were markedly increased. The intracellular enzyme alpha-d-galactosidase increased while the beta-d-galactosidase decreased in activity in response to the GGMO treatment. Extracellular enzymes showed low values of activities in comparison with intracellular and cell wall glycosidases. It is evident that GGMOs can alter auxin induced elongation and glycosidase activities in different compartments of the cell, however, the mode and site of their action remains unclear.  相似文献   
Veterinary parasitic vaccines: pitfalls and future directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most available antiparasitic drugs are safe, cheap and highly effective against a broad spectrum of parasites. However, the alarming increase in the number of parasite species that are resistant to these drugs, the issue of residues in the food chain and the lack of new drugs stimulate development of alternative control methods in which vaccines would have a central role. Parasite vaccines are still rare, but there are encouraging signs that their number will increase in the next decade. The modern paradigm is that an understanding of parasite genes will lead to the identification of useful antigens, which can then be produced in recombinant systems developed as a result of the huge investment in biotechnology. However, we should also continue to devote efforts to basic research on the host-parasite interface.  相似文献   
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