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The 5'-untranslated region (5'UTR) of the fliC flagellin gene of Salmonella contains sequences critical for efficient fliC mRNA translation coupled to assembly. In a previous study we used targeted mutagenesis of the 5' end of the fliC gene to isolate single base changes defective in fliC gene translation. This identified a predicted stem-loop structure, SL2, as an effector of normal fliC mRNA translation. A single base change (-38C:U) in the fliC 5'UTR resulted in a mutant that is defective in fliC mRNA translation and was chosen for this study. Motile (Mot+) revertants of the -38C:T mutant were isolated and characterized, yielding several unexpected results. Second-site suppressors that restored fliC translation and motility included mutations that disrupt a RNA duplex stem formed between RNA sequences in the fliC 5'UTR SL2 region (including a precise deletion of SL2) and bases early within the fliC-coding region. A stop codon mutation at position 80 of flgM also suppressed the -38C:T motility defect, while flgM mutants defective in anti-sigma28 activity had no effect on fliC translation. One remarkable mutation in the fliC 5'UTR (-15G:A) results in a translation defect by itself but, in combination with the -38C:U mutation, restores normal translation. These results suggests signals intrinsic to the fliC mRNA that have both positive and negative effects on fliC translation involving both RNA structure and interacting proteins.  相似文献   
DDX6 and other P-body proteins are required for efficient replication of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) by unknown mechanisms. DDX6 has been implicated in miRNA induced gene silencing, and since efficient HCV replication and translation relies on the cellular microRNA, miR-122, we hypothesized that DDX6 had a role in the mechanism of action of miR-122. However, by using multiple HCV translation and replication assays we have found this is not the case. DDX6 silencing decreased HCV replication and translation, but did not affect the ability of miR-122 to stimulate HCV translation or promote HCV RNA accumulation. In addition, the negative effect of DDX6 silencing on HCV replication and translation was not dependent on miR-122 association with the HCV genome. Thus, DDX6 does not have a role in the activity of miR-122, and it appears that DDX6 and miR-122 modulate HCV through distinct pathways. This effect was seen in both Huh7.5 cells and in Hep3B cells, indicating that the effects are not cell type specific. Since infections by other viruses in the Flaviviridae family, including Dengue and West Nile Virus, also disrupt P-bodies and are regulated by DDX6, we speculate that DDX6 may have a common function that support the replication of several Flaviviruses.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 is a plant commensal bacterium that inhabits the rhizosphere and produces secondary metabolites that suppress soilborne plant pathogens. The complete sequence of the 7.1-Mb Pf-5 genome was determined. We analyzed repeat sequences to identify genomic islands that, together with other approaches, suggested P. fluorescens Pf-5's recent lateral acquisitions include six secondary metabolite gene clusters, seven phage regions and a mobile genomic island. We identified various features that contribute to its commensal lifestyle on plants, including broad catabolic and transport capabilities for utilizing plant-derived compounds, the apparent ability to use a diversity of iron siderophores, detoxification systems to protect from oxidative stress, and the lack of a type III secretion system and toxins found in related pathogens. In addition to six known secondary metabolites produced by P. fluorescens Pf-5, three novel secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters were also identified that may contribute to the biocontrol properties of P. fluorescens Pf-5.  相似文献   
Summary WNT1 and WNT3a have been described as having redundant roles in promoting the development of neural crest-derived melanocytes (NC-Ms). We used cell lineage restricted retroviral infections to examine the effects of WNT signaling on defined cell types in neural crest cultures. RCAS retroviral infections were targeted to melanoblasts (NC-M precursor cells) derived from transgenic mice that express the virus receptor, TVA, under the control of a melanoblast promoter (DCT). As expected, over 90% of DCT-TVA+ cells expressed early melanoblast markers MITF and KIT. However, by following the fate of infected cells in standard culture conditions, we find that only 5% of descendents were NC-Ms. The majority of the descendents were not NC-Ms, but expressed smooth muscle cell markers, demonstrating that mammalian melanoblasts are not committed to the NC-M lineage. RCAS infection of DCT-TVA+ cells demonstrated that overexpression of canonical WNT signaling genes (betaCAT, WNT3a or WNT1) can increase NC-M numbers in an endothelin dependent manner. However, WNT1 and WNT3a have different modes of action with respect to melanoblast fate. Intrinsic over-expression of betaCAT or WNT3a can increase NC-M numbers by biasing the fate of DCT-TVA+ cells to NC-Ms. In contrast, the DCT-TVA+ melanoblasts cannot respond to WNT1 signaling and do not alter their fate towards NC-M. Instead, WNT1 only increases NC-M numbers through paracrine signaling on melanoblast precursors to increase the numbers of neural crest cells that become NC-Ms.  相似文献   
Almost all studies that estimate phylogenies from DNA sequencedata under the maximum-likelihood (ML) criterion employ an approximateapproach. Most commonly, model parameters are estimated on someinitial phylogenetic estimate derived using a rapid method (neighbor-joiningor parsimony). Parameters are then held constant during a treesearch, and ideally, the procedure is repeated until convergenceis achieved. However, the effectiveness of this approximationhas not been formally assessed, in part because doing so requirescomputationally intensive, full-optimization analyses. Here,we report both indirect and direct evaluations of the effectivenessof successive approximations. We obtained an indirect evaluationby comparing the results of replicate runs on real data thatuse random trees to provide initial parameter estimates. Forsix real data sets taken from the literature, all replicateiterative searches converged to the same joint estimates oftopology and model parameters, suggesting that the approximationis not starting-point dependent, as long as the heuristic searchesof tree space are rigorous. We conducted a more direct assessmentusing simulations in which we compared the accuracy of phylogeniesestimated using full optimization of all model parameters oneach tree evaluated to the accuracy of trees estimated via successiveapproximations. There is no significant difference between theaccuracy of the approximation searches relative to full-optimizationsearches. Our results demonstrate that successive approximationis reliable and provide reassurance that this much faster approachis safe to use for ML estimation of topology.  相似文献   
Hu Y  Yao J  Liu Z  Liu X  Fu H  Ye K 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(20):3543-3554
Akt promotes cell survival by phosphorylating and inhibiting components of the intrinsic cell death machinery. Akt translocates into the nucleus upon exposure of cells to survival factors, but little is known about its functions in the nucleus. Here, we show that acinus, a nuclear factor required for apoptotic chromatin condensation, is a direct target of Akt. We demonstrate that Akt phosphorylation of acinus on serine 422 and 573 results in its resistance to caspase cleavage in the nucleus and the inhibition of acinus-dependent chromatin condensation. Abolishing acinus phosphorylation by Akt through mutagenesis accelerates its proteolytic degradation and chromatin condensation. Acinus S422, 573D, a mutant mimicking phosphorylation, resists against apoptotic cleavage and prevents chromatin condensation. Knocking down of acinus substantially decreases chromatin condensation, and depletion of Akt provokes the apoptotic cleavage of acinus. Thus, Akt inhibits chromatin condensation during apoptosis by phosphorylating acinus in the nucleus, revealing a specific mechanism by which nuclear Akt promotes cell survival.  相似文献   


Normalization is the process of removing non-biological sources of variation between array experiments. Recent investigations of data in gene expression databases for varying organisms and tissues have shown that the majority of expressed genes exhibit a power-law distribution with an exponent close to -1 (i.e. obey Zipf's law). Based on the observation that our single channel and two channel microarray data sets also followed a power-law distribution, we were motivated to develop a normalization method based on this law, and examine how it compares with existing published techniques. A computationally simple and intuitively appealing technique based on this observation is presented.  相似文献   
Noninvasive detection of differentiated cells is increasingly demanded for accurate and reliable assessments of both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. Here we present an efficient, innovative approach for imaging the beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The main physiologic function of beta cells is glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. This function is facilitated through the synthesis and storage of insulin in secretory vesicles of beta cells, which then release their contents when beta cells are exposed to hyperglycemic conditions. To visualize beta cells in vivo in the mouse, we used targeted mutagenesis techniques to construct a modified insulin II (InsII) gene allele, InsII(EGFP), that expresses a proinsulin-EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) fusion peptide. The EGFP portion of this fusion is entirely within the C-peptide portion of the proinsulin peptide. This fusion protein is processed in beta cells to insulin and EGFP-tagged C peptide, which are stored together in cytoplasmic secretory vesicles. The large amount of vesicular EGFP-tagged C peptide is evident as a characteristic robust and specific fluorescence pattern in the beta cells of InsII(EGFP) mice. This innovative method of visualizing beta cells will be a useful tool in the study of both beta cell physiology and the development of the endocrine cells of the pancreas.  相似文献   
The major pathway for elimination of cholesterol in mammals is via secretion into bile. Biliary cholesterol secretion is mediated by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCG5 (G5) and ABCG8 (G8) and is stimulated by cholesterol and by the non-cholesterol steroids cholate and diosgenin. To define the relationship between G5G8 expression and biliary cholesterol secretion, we measured G5 and G8 mRNA levels and biliary cholesterol concentrations in genetically manipulated mice expressing 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 16 copies of the two genes. Biliary cholesterol levels varied directly with G5G8 copy number and hepatic mRNA levels over a >16-fold range. Thus neither delivery of cholesterol to the transporter nor levels of cholesterol acceptors in bile were limiting under these conditions. In wild-type mice, cholate and diosgenin both increased biliary cholesterol concentrations 2-3-fold. The increase in biliary cholesterol content was dependent on expression of G5 and G8; neither steroid increased biliary cholesterol levels in G5G8-/- mice. Cholate treatment was associated with a farnesoid X receptor (FXR)-dependent increase in hepatic mRNA and protein levels of G5 and G8. In contrast to cholate, diosgenin treatment did not affect G5G8 expression. Diosgenin increased the expression of several pregnane X receptor (PXR) target genes and the choleretic effect of diosgenin was reduced by approximately 70% in PXR knock-out mice. Thus G5 and G8 are required to modulate biliary cholesterol secretion in response to cholate and diosgenin, but the choleretic effects of these two steroids are mediated by different mechanisms requiring FXR and PXR, respectively.  相似文献   
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