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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received special attention for cardiomyoplasty because several studies have shown that they differentiate into cardiomyocytes both in vitro and in vivo. Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical signaling molecule that regulates several differentiation processes including cardiomyogenesis. Here, we report an investigation of the effects of two NO agents (SNAP and DEA/NO), able to activate both cGMP-dependent and -independent pathways, on the cardiomyogenic potential of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs). The cells were isolated, cultured and treated with NO agents. Cardiac- and muscle-specific gene expression was analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, RT-PCR and real-time PCR. We found that untreated (control) ADSCs and BM-MSCs expressed some muscle markers and NO-derived intermediates induce an increased expression of some cardiac function genes in BM-MSCs and ADSCs. Moreover, NO agents considerably increased the pro-angiogenic potential mostly of BM-MSCs as determined by VEGF mRNA levels.  相似文献   
Two new species of Miconia from northern Amazonia area described. Miconia amapaënsis has been collected in the Brazilian state of Amapá and in nearby locations in northern Pará and southern French Guiana. It has remarkable seeds, with both the appendix and seed coat covered with long papillae. Miconia forzzae has been collected on the Brazilian side of the Neblina Massif, in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, close to the border with Venezuela. It has 4-merous flowers, with a terete hypanthium, yellow stamens, the ovary apex with unbranched trichomes, and a punctiform stigma. This species may be endangered, considering its narrow distribution, and the fact that it was collected between 2000 and 2100 m elevation in an isolated mountain range with no neighboring mountains with similar height, but we assess its conservation status as “data deficient”, due to a lack of knowledge on the situation of the populations and the number of individuals.  相似文献   
The effect of an inert small molecule osmolyte, trimethyl amine N-oxide (TMAO), upon the conformational equilibria of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase was studied using time-resolved FRET. The relative populations of open and closed clefts between the LID and the CORE domains were measured as functions of the concentrations of the substrate ATP over the concentration range 0–18 mM and TMAO over the concentration range 0–4 M. A model was constructed according to which the enzyme exists in equilibrium among four conformational states, corresponding to combinations of open and closed conformations of the LID-CORE and AMP-CORE clefts. ATP is assumed to bind only to those conformations with the closed LID-CORE cleft, and TMAO is assumed to be differentially excluded as a hard spherical particle from each of the four conformations in accordance with calculations based upon x-ray crystallographic structures. This model was found to describe quantitatively the dependence of the fraction of the closed LID-CORE cleft upon the concentrations of both ATP and TMAO over the entire range of concentrations with just five undetermined parameters.  相似文献   
Miconia manauara has been collected several times in two municipalities in the state of Amazonas, Brazil, and once in nearby Pará. It can be recognized among species in Miconia sect. Miconia by the leaves with obtuse to rounded bases, entire margins, cuspidate apices and five basal to shortly suprabasal nerves. The leaves also have glabrous mature adaxial leaf surfaces and the abaxial surface with two indument layers, the first consisting of moderate to dense, ferruginous, sessile stellate trichomes, 0.1–0.2 mm diam., and the second consisting of a dense, granulose-furfuraceous layer. The inflorescences are glomerulate, the 5-merous flowers have a caducous calyx, minutely papillose petals, ten stamens that are ventrally bilobed and with a small dorsal, obtuse tooth, and the ovaries are furfuraceous and usually covered by unbranched trichomes on their apices.  相似文献   
The life cycle of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi exposes it to several environmental stresses in its invertebrate and vertebrate hosts. Stress conditions are involved in parasite differentiation, but little is known about the stress response proteins involved. We report here the first characterization of stress-induced protein-1 (STI-1) in T. cruzi (TcSTI-1). This co-chaperone is produced in response to stress and mediates the formation of a complex between the stress proteins HSP70 and HSP90 in other organisms. Despite the similarity of TcSTI-1 to STI-1 proteins in other organisms, its expression profile in response to various stress conditions, such as heat shock, acidic pH or nutrient starvation, is quite different. Neither polysomal mRNA nor protein levels changed in exponentially growing epimastigotes cultured under any of the stress conditions studied. Increased levels of TcSTI-1 were observed in epimastigotes subjected to nutritional stress in the late growth phase. Co-immunoprecipitation assays revealed an association between TcSTI-1 and TcHSP70 in T. cruzi epimastigotes. Immunolocalization demonstrated that TcSTI-1 was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and there was some colocalization of TcSTI-1 and TcHSP70 around the nucleus. Thus, TcSTI-1 associates with TcHSP70 and TcSTI-1 expression is induced when the parasites are subjected to stress conditions during specific growth phase.  相似文献   
Acute alveolar hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) - also known as von Euler-Liljestrand mechanism - which serves to match lung perfusion to ventilation. Up to now, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. The major vascular segment contributing to HPV is the intra-acinar artery. This vessel section is responsible for the blood supply of an individual acinus, which is defined as the portion of lung distal to a terminal bronchiole. Intra-acinar arteries are mostly located in that part of the lung that cannot be selectively reached by a number of commonly used techniques such as measurement of the pulmonary artery pressure in isolated perfused lungs or force recordings from dissected proximal pulmonary artery segments1,2. The analysis of subpleural vessels by real-time confocal laser scanning luminescence microscopy is limited to vessels with up to 50 µm in diameter3.We provide a technique to study HPV of murine intra-pulmonary arteries in the range of 20-100 µm inner diameters. It is based on the videomorphometric analysis of cross-sectioned arteries in precision cut lung slices (PCLS). This method allows the quantitative measurement of vasoreactivity of small intra-acinar arteries with inner diameter between 20-40 µm which are located at gussets of alveolar septa next to alveolar ducts and of larger pre-acinar arteries with inner diameters between 40-100 µm which run adjacent to bronchi and bronchioles. In contrast to real-time imaging of subpleural vessels in anesthetized and ventilated mice, videomorphometric analysis of PCLS occurs under conditions free of shear stress. In our experimental model both arterial segments exhibit a monophasic HPV when exposed to medium gassed with 1% O2 and the response fades after 30-40 min at hypoxia.  相似文献   
Various constructs of bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) to redirect effector T cells for the targeted killing of tumor cells have shown considerable promise in both preclinical and clinical studies. The single-chain variable fragment (scFv)-based formats, including bispecific T-cell engager (BiTE) and dual-affinity re-targeting (DART), which provide monovalent binding to both CD3 on T cells and to the target antigen on tumor cells, can exhibit rapid blood clearance and neurological toxicity due to their small size (~55 kDa). Herein, we describe the generation, by the modular DOCK-AND-LOCKTM (DNLTM) method, of novel T-cell redirecting bispecific antibodies, each comprising a monovalent anti-CD3 scFv covalently conjugated to a stabilized dimer of different anti-tumor Fabs. The potential advantages of this design include bivalent binding to tumor cells, a larger size (~130 kDa) to preclude renal clearance and penetration of the blood-brain barrier, and potent T-cell mediated cytotoxicity. These prototypes were purified to near homogeneity, and representative constructs were shown to provoke the formation of immunological synapses between T cells and their target tumor cells in vitro, resulting in T-cell activation and proliferation, as well as potent T-cell mediated anti-tumor activity. In addition, in vivo studies in NOD/SCID mice bearing Raji Burkitt lymphoma or Capan-1 pancreatic carcinoma indicated statistically significant inhibition of tumor growth compared with untreated controls.  相似文献   
The effect of synthetic leukotriene D4 (LTD4) was evaluated on isolated gastric longitudinal or circular smooth muscle and distal colon of the rat. The concentrations of LTD4, 2.5 X 10(-10)M to 5 X 10(-7)M, evoked minimal to maximal contractile responses. In addition, selected prostaglandins were used to identify the mediator of LTD4-induced contraction of gastric smooth muscle. FPL 55712 inhibited LTD4-induced contractions of gastric longitudinal or circular muscle. Indomethacin inhibited only LTD4-induced contractions of the longitudinal muscle. A combination of FPL 55712 and indomethacin produced greater inhibition of LTD4-induced contractions of longitudinal muscle than either agent alone. However, the same combination of inhibitors showed no greater effect than FPL 55712 alone on LTD4-induced contractions of circular smooth muscle. Unlike PGI2, PGF2, PGA2, or PGD2, PGE2 evoked contraction of the longitudinal muscle and relaxation of the circular muscle of the stomach. The dissimilar effect of PGE2 in the two smooth muscle layers of the rat stomach may signify that PGE2 is the prostaglandin released by LTD4 from the longitudinal and circular gastric muscle. However, the opposing pharmacologic effects following LTD4-induced release of prostaglandins in the circular muscle of the stomach would preclude the appearance of an inhibitory effect of indomethacin in this tissue. In contrast, PGE2 and other prostaglandins contract gastric longitudinal muscle in response to LTD4. Thus, these studies clearly suggest that LTD4 has both a direct and indirect effect on gastric smooth muscle of the rat. Unlike the stomach, LTD4-induced contraction of the distal colon was not inhibited by indomethacin while FPL 55712 antagonized contractions. Thus, these findings indicate a differential mechanism of stimulation of rat gastrointestinal tissue by LTD4.  相似文献   


The three trypanosomatids pathogenic to men, Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major, are etiological agents of Chagas disease, African sleeping sickness and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. The complete sequencing of these trypanosomatid genomes represented a breakthrough in the understanding of these organisms. Genome sequencing is a step towards solving the parasite biology puzzle, as there are a high percentage of genes encoding proteins without functional annotation. Also, technical limitations in protein expression in heterologous systems reinforce the evident need for the development of a high-throughput reverse genetics platform. Ideally, such platform would lead to efficient cloning and compatibility with various approaches. Thus, we aimed to construct a highly efficient cloning platform compatible with plasmid vectors that are suitable for various approaches.  相似文献   
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