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Cell adhesion and communication are interdependent aspects of cell behavior that are critical for morphogenesis and tissue architecture. In the skin, epidermal adhesion is mediated in part by specialized cell-cell junctions known as desmosomes, which are characterized by the presence of desmosomal cadherins, known as desmogleins and desmocollins. We identified a cadherin family member, desmoglein 4, which is expressed in the suprabasal epidermis and hair follicle. The essential role of desmoglein 4 in skin was established by identifying mutations in families with inherited hypotrichosis, as well as in the lanceolate hair mouse. We also show that DSG4 is an autoantigen in pemphigus vulgaris. Characterization of the phenotype of naturally occurring mutant mice revealed disruption of desmosomal adhesion and perturbations in keratinocyte behavior. We provide evidence that desmoglein 4 is a key mediator of keratinocyte cell adhesion in the hair follicle, where it coordinates the transition from proliferation to differentiation.  相似文献   
Many socio-economically important pathogens persist and grow in the outside host environment and opportunistically invade host individuals. The environmental growth and opportunistic nature of these pathogens has received only little attention in epidemiology. Environmental reservoirs are, however, an important source of novel diseases. Thus, attempts to control these diseases require different approaches than in traditional epidemiology focusing on obligatory parasites. Conditions in the outside-host environment are prone to fluctuate over time. This variation is a potentially important driver of epidemiological dynamics and affect the evolution of novel diseases. Using a modelling approach combining the traditional SIRS models to environmental opportunist pathogens and environmental variability, we show that epidemiological dynamics of opportunist diseases are profoundly driven by the quality of environmental variability, such as the long-term predictability and magnitude of fluctuations. When comparing periodic and stochastic environmental factors, for a given variance, stochastic variation is more likely to cause outbreaks than periodic variation. This is due to the extreme values being further away from the mean. Moreover, the effects of variability depend on the underlying biology of the epidemiological system, and which part of the system is being affected. Variation in host susceptibility leads to more severe pathogen outbreaks than variation in pathogen growth rate in the environment. Positive correlation in variation on both targets can cancel the effect of variation altogether. Moreover, the severity of outbreaks is significantly reduced by increase in the duration of immunity. Uncovering these issues helps in understanding and controlling diseases caused by environmental pathogens.  相似文献   
Cyanobactins are small, cyclic peptides recently found in cyanobacteria. They are formed through proteolytic cleavage and posttranslational modification of short precursor proteins and exhibit antitumor, cytotoxic, or multi-drug-reversing activities. Using genome project data, bioinformatics, stable isotope labeling, and mass spectrometry, we discovered novel cyclic peptides, anacyclamides, in 27 Anabaena strains. The lengths of the anacylamides varied greatly, from 7 to 20 amino acids. Pronounced sequence variation was also detected, and only one amino acid, proline, was present in all anacyclamides. The anacyclamides identified included unmodified proteinogenic or prenylated amino acids. We identified an 11-kb gene cluster in the genome of Anabaena sp. 90, and heterologous expression in Escherichia coli confirmed that this cluster was responsible for anacyclamide production. The discovery of anacyclamides greatly increases the structural diversity of cyanobactins.Cyanobacteria are a prolific source of secondary metabolites with potential as drug leads or useful probes for cell biology studies (23). They include biomedically interesting compounds, such as the anticancer drug lead cryptophycin (15), and environmentally problematic hepatotoxic peptides, such as microcystins and nodularins produced by bloom-forming cyanobacteria (23). Many of these compounds contain nonproteinogenic amino acids and modified peptides and are produced by nonribosomal peptide synthesis (23, 26).The cyanobactins are a new group of cyclic peptides recently found in cyanobacteria (4). They are assembled through posttranslational proteolytic cleavage and head-to-tail macrocyclization of short precursor proteins. The cyanobactins are low-molecular-weight cyclic peptides that contain heterocyclized amino acids and can be prenylated or contain d-amino acids (3, 4). The cyanobactins that contain heterocyclized amino acids include patellamides, ulithiacyclamides, trichamide, tenuecyclamides, trunkamides, patellins, and microcyclamides and are synthesized in this manner (3, 4, 20, 24, 28). They possess antitumor, cytotoxic, and multi-drug-reversing activities and have potential as drug leads (4, 18, 20).Cyanobactins containing heterocyclized amino acids are found in a variety of cyanobacteria (4). A recent study demonstrated that the cyanobactin biosynthetic pathway is prevalent in planktonic bloom-forming cyanobacteria (14). However, the products of these gene clusters encoding new cyanobactins are unknown. Here we report discovery of a novel family of low-molecular-weight cyanobactins and show that these compounds are common in strains of the genus Anabaena. These anacyclamides exhibit pronounced length and sequence variation and contain unmodified or prenylated amino acids.  相似文献   


About 41% of households globally, mainly in developing countries rely on solid fuels for cooking with consequences for fetal growth and development. Previous reviews were limited in scope, assessing only two outcomes (birth weight, stillbirth). With important evidence accumulating, there is a need to improve the previous estimates and assess additional outcomes. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the quality and strength of available evidence on household air pollution (HAP) and the whole range of adverse pregnancy outcomes.


PubMed, Ovid Medline, Scopus and CINAHL were searched from their inception to the end of April 2013. All epidemiological study designs were eligible for inclusion in the review. The random-effects model was applied in computing the summary-effect estimates (EE) and their corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI).


Of 1505 studies screened, 19 studies satisfied the inclusion criteria. Household combustion of solid fuels resulted in an 86.43 g (95% CI: 55.49, 117.37) reduction in birth weight, and a 35% (EE = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.23, 1.48) and 29% (EE = 1.29, 95% CI: 1.18, 1.41) increased risk of LBW and stillbirth respectively.


Combustion of solid fuels at home increases the risk of a wide range of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Access to clean household energy solutions is the surest way to combat HAP and mitigate their adverse effects.  相似文献   
Leukoregulin (LR), a product of activated T-cells, has been recently shown to modulate the metabolism of extracellular matrix components in human skin fibroblast cultures (Mauviel et al., J Cell Biol 113:1455-1462, 1991). In this study we focused our attention on the effects of LR on the expression of stromelysin-1 gene. This matrix metalloprotease has a broad spectrum of degradative activity and it is also required for maximal activation of interstitial collagenase. Incubation of skin fibroblast cultures with LR resulted in a dose- and time-dependent elevation of stromelysin-1 mRNA levels, the maximum enhancement being up to approximately sevenfold. This effect was abolished by cycloheximide, suggesting a requirement for ongoing protein synthesis. Transient cell transfections with a promoter/reporter gene construct containing 1.3 kb of 5' flanking DNA of the human stromelysin-1 gene linked to the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) gene, indicated enhancement of promoter activity by LR. This enhancement was abolished by a single base substitution in the AP-1 binding site of the promoter. Furthermore, gel mobility shift assays demonstrated enhanced AP-1 binding activity in nuclear extracts from cells incubated with LR. However, LR did not alter the activity of a construct containing three AP-1 sequences in front of the thymidine kinase promoter linked to the CAT gene. These results collectively suggest that activation of stromelysin-1 gene expression by LR is mediated by AP-1 regulatory elements which are necessary, but not sufficient, for gene response.  相似文献   
Summary In recent studies, the α2 chain of laminin (Ln) has been suggested to be the only laminin α chain expressed in mouse and human thymus. We have now used chain-specific monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to study the expression of laminin chains in samples of foetal and 6-year-old human thymus. The subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule of foetal 16- to 18-week thymus presented a bright immunoreactivity for Ln α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains but not for α2 chain, suggesting the expression of laminins-1 and-5. Most cortical and medullary epithelial cells, including Hassall's corpuscles, however, lacked laminin immunoreactivity. Immunoreactivity for Ln β2 chain was only seen in basal laminae of larger blood vessels. In thymic specimens from 6-year-old children, immunoreactivity for the laminin α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains was invariably found in subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule and that for laminin α2 chain was now also distinct but more heterogeneous. Furthermore, the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule at all stages showed immunore-activity for collagen type VII, forming the anchoring fibres in epithelial basement membranes. The subcapsular thymic epithelium also showed immunoreactivity for the BP 230 antigen and β4 integrin subunit, both components of hemidesmosomes. The present results show that the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule presents properties which are commonly seen in stratified and combined epithelia, and are compatible with suggestions of the antigenic similarity of thymic epithelial cells and keratinocytes.  相似文献   
The prevalence of epidermal papillomatosis in roach is known to peak during the spawning period and to be higher in males than in females. The high occurrence of papillomatosis in polluted waters suggests that stress may contribute to the outbreak of the disease. However, little is known about breeding-induced stress in fish and its relationship with diseases. In this study, plasma cortisol concentration, hematocrit and the relative size of the spleen were determined in healthy and diseased male and female roach Rutilus rutilus during and shortly after spawning in a wild population. In addition, the sexual ornamentation (breeding tubercles on the lateral sides and on the frontal) of male roach during spawning was examined. Plasma cortisol concentration was higher during than after the spawning period, and higher in males than in females during spawning, indicating a spawning-induced stress and higher spawning stress among males. There was no correlation between cortisol concentration and the intensity of papillomatosis (number of scales under papilloma tumors) among the diseased fish. However, the significant interaction sex x disease status revealed by ANCOVA suggested that diseased males could be more prone to increased cortisol levels than diseased females or healthy males. Hematocrit values (ratio of the volume of red blood cells to total volume of blood) but not condition factor were lowered in papilloma-diseased fish after spawning. The relative size of the spleen was greater in males than in females. The number of frontal breeding tubercles correlated negatively with the intensity of papillomatosis. Experimental studies are needed to investigate the association of papillomatosis with stress and cortisol.  相似文献   
A specific quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method was developed for the quantification of hepatotoxin nodularin-producing Nodularia, one of the main bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. Specific PCR primers were designed for subunit F of the nodularin synthetase gene (ndaF), which encodes the NdaF subunit of the nodularin synthetase gene complex needed for nodularin production. The qPCR method was applied to water samples (a total of 120 samples) collected from the Baltic Sea in July 2004. As few as 30 ndaF gene copies ml(-1) of seawater could be detected, and thus, the method was very sensitive. The ndaF gene copy numbers and nodularin concentrations were shown to correlate in the Baltic seawater, indicating the constant production of nodularin by Nodularia. This qPCR method for the ndaF gene can be used for detailed studies of Nodularia blooms and their formation. ndaF gene copies and nodularin were detected mostly in the surface water but also in deeper water layers (down to 30 m). Toxic Nodularia blooms are not only horizontally but also vertically widely distributed, and thus, the Baltic fauna is extensively exposed to nodularin.  相似文献   
The cornified envelope is assembled from transglutaminase cross-linked proteins and lipids in the outermost epidermal layers and is essential for skin barrier function. Involucrin, envoplakin, and periplakin form the protein scaffold on which the envelope assembles. To examine their combined function, we generated mice deficient in all three genes. The triple knockouts have delayed embryonic barrier formation and postnatal hyperkeratosis (abnormal accumulation of cornified cells) resulting from impaired desquamation. Cornified envelopes form but are ultrastructurally abnormal, with reduced lipid content and decreased mechanical integrity. Expression of proteases is reduced and the protease inhibitor, serpina1b, is highly upregulated, resulting in defective filaggrin processing and delayed degradation of desmoglein 1 and corneodesmosin. There is infiltration of CD4+ T cells and a reduction in resident γδ+ T cells, reminiscent of atopic dermatitis. Thus, combined loss of the cornified envelope proteins not only impairs the epidermal barrier, but also changes the composition of T cell subpopulations in the skin.  相似文献   
We report a method for multiplex genotyping of bovine embryo microblade biopsies. We have tested the reliability of the method and the viability of the embryos in vitro and in vivo. Two polymorphic gene markers (GHR F279Y and PRLR S18N) associated with milk production traits and one marker for sex diagnosis (ZFX/ZFY) were genotyped simultaneously with a method that combines nested PCR and allelic discrimination. To test the accuracy of genotyping, in the first experiment the genotypes of 134 biopsies from in vitro produced embryos were compared to genotypes determined from the corresponding embryos after biopsy. The method proved to be highly accurate as only in three cases (two for PRLR S18N and one for GHR F279Y) out of 395 genotypes the genotype was in disagreement between the two samples. The viability of similarly biopsied embryos was tested in parallel: after 24-hr culture 94.6% of embryos recovered in vitro. In the second experiment, a total of 150 in vivo-produced embryos were biopsied on Day 7 and genotyped. After the genotyping results were obtained on Day 8, female embryos were selected for transfer. From a total of 57 selected embryos 43 were transferred individually and 14 as pairs. After single embryo transfers, 19 recipients became pregnant and after embryo transfers in pairs one became pregnant. The success of genotyping was tested with the genotypes of donors and bulls and also from the hair samples of born calves. All calves were females and of the same genotypes determined from the biopsy.  相似文献   
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