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The grey wolf (Canis lupus) is an iconic large carnivore that has increasingly been recognized as an apex predator with intrinsic value and a keystone species. However, wolves have also long represented a primary source of human–carnivore conflict, which has led to long‐term persecution of wolves, resulting in a significant decrease in their numbers, genetic diversity and gene flow between populations. For more effective protection and management of wolf populations in Europe, robust scientific evidence is crucial. This review serves as an analytical summary of the main findings from wolf population genetic studies in Europe, covering major studies from the ‘pre‐genomic era’ and the first insights of the ‘genomics era’. We analyse, summarize and discuss findings derived from analyses of three compartments of the mammalian genome with different inheritance modes: maternal (mitochondrial DNA), paternal (Y chromosome) and biparental [autosomal microsatellites and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)]. To describe large‐scale trends and patterns of genetic variation in European wolf populations, we conducted a meta‐analysis based on the results of previous microsatellite studies and also included new data, covering all 19 European countries for which wolf genetic information is available: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Belarus, Russia, Italy, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Spain and Portugal. We compared different indices of genetic diversity in wolf populations and found a significant spatial trend in heterozygosity across Europe from south‐west (lowest genetic diversity) to north‐east (highest). The range of spatial autocorrelation calculated on the basis of three characteristics of genetic diversity was 650?850 km, suggesting that the genetic diversity of a given wolf population can be influenced by populations up to 850 km away. As an important outcome of this synthesis, we discuss the most pressing issues threatening wolf populations in Europe, highlight important gaps in current knowledge, suggest solutions to overcome these limitations, and provide recommendations for science‐based wolf conservation and management at regional and Europe‐wide scales.  相似文献   
High‐resolution, male‐inherited Y‐chromosomal markers are a useful tool for population genetic analyses of wildlife species, but to date have only been applied in this context to relatively few species besides humans. Using nine Y‐chromosomal STRs and three Y‐chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphism markers (Y‐SNPs), we studied whether male gene flow was important for the recent recovery of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Northern Europe, where the species declined dramatically in numbers and geographical distribution during the last centuries but is expanding now. We found 36 haplotypes in 443 male extant brown bears from Sweden, Norway, Finland and northwestern Russia. In 14 individuals from southern Norway from 1780 to 1920, we found two Y chromosome haplotypes present in the extant population as well as four Y chromosome haplotypes not present among the modern samples. Our results suggested major differences in genetic connectivity, diversity and structure between the eastern and the western populations in Northern Europe. In the west, our results indicated that the recovered population originated from only four male lineages, displaying pronounced spatial structuring suggestive of large‐scale population size increase under limited male gene flow within the western subpopulation. In the east, we found a contrasting pattern, with high haplotype diversity and admixture. This first population genetic analysis of male brown bears shows conclusively that male gene flow was not the main force of population recovery.  相似文献   
Oxidation of LDL generates biologically active platelet-activating factor (PAF)-like phospholipid derivatives, which have potent proinflammatory activity. These products are inactivated by lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2), an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing PAF-like phospholipids. In this study, we generated an adenovirus (Ad) encoding human Lp-PLA2 and injected 10(8), 10(9), and 10(10) plaque-forming unit doses of Adlp-PLA2 and control AdlacZ intra-arterially into rabbits to achieve overexpression of Lp-PLA2 in liver and in vivo production of Lp-PLA2-enriched LDL. As a result, LDL particles with 3-fold increased Lp-PLA2 activity were produced with the highest virus dose. Increased Lp-PLA2 activity in LDL particles decreased the degradation rate in RAW 264 macrophages after standard in vitro oxidation to 60-80% compared with LDL isolated from LacZ-transduced control rabbits. The decrease was proportional to the virus dose and Lp-PLA2 activity. Lipid accumulation and foam cell formation in RAW 264 macrophages were also decreased when incubated with oxidized LDL containing the highest Lp-PLA2 activity. Inhibition of the Lp-PLA2 activity in the LDL particles led to an increase in lipid accumulation and foam cell formation. It is concluded that increased Lp-PLA2 activity in LDL attenuates foam cell formation and decreases LDL oxidation and subsequent degradation in macrophages.  相似文献   
Mero, Antti, Heidi Miikkulainen, Jarmo Riski, RaimoPakkanen, Jouni Aalto, and Timo Takala. Effects of bovinecolostrum supplementation on serum IGF-I, IgG, hormone, and saliva IgAduring training. J. Appl. Physiol.83(4): 1144-1151, 1997.The purpose of this study was to examinethe effects of bovine colostrum supplementation (Bioenervi) on seruminsulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), immunoglobulin G, hormone, andamino acid and saliva immunoglobulin A concentrations during a strengthand speed training period. Nine male sprinters and jumpersunderwent three randomized experimental training treatments of 8 daysseparated by 13 days. The only difference in the treatments was thedrink of 125 ml consumed per day. Posttraining increases were noticedfor serum IGF-I in the 25-ml Bioenervi treatment (125 ml contained 25 ml Bioenervi) and especially in the 125-ml Bioenervi treatment (125 mlcontained 125 ml Bioenervi) compared with the placebo (normal milkwhey) treatment (P < 0.05). The change in IGF-I concentration during the 8-day periods correlated positively with the change in insulin concentration during the sameperiods with 25-ml Bioenervi treatment(r = 0.68;P = 0.045) and with 125-ml Bioenervitreatment (r = 0.69;P = 0.038). Serum immunoglobulin G,hormone, and amino acid and saliva immunoglobulin A responses weresimilar during the three treatments. It appears that a bovine colostrumsupplement (Bioenervi) may increase serum IGF-I concentration inathletes during strength and speed training.

Colored biofilms cause problems in paper industry. In this work we used real-time PCR to detect and to quantitate members of the genus Meiothermus from the process samples and end products from 24 machines manufacturing pulp, paper and board in four countries. The results obtained from 200 samples showed the importance of members of the genus Meiothermus as ubiquitous biofoulers in paper machines. This genus was the dominant biofouler in some mills. From ≤104 to 1011 copies of Meiothermus 16S rRNA genes were found per gram of process deposit (wet weight). Meiothermus spp. were found in paper and board products with colored defects and connection between deposit-forming microbes and end-product spots was shown. 16S rRNA gene sequences of 29 biofilm producing bacterial isolates from different mills were determined. Based on sequence data, 25 of the isolates were assigned to the genus Meiothermus, with Meiothermus silvanus and M. ruber as the most frequent species.  相似文献   
Eight human liver UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) were expressed in baculovirus-infected insect cells as fusion proteins carrying a short C-terminal extension that ends with 6 histidine residues (His tag). The activity of recombinant UGT1A1, UGT1A3, UGT1A4, UGT1A6, UGT2B4, UGT2B7, and UGT2B15 was almost fully inhibited by 0.2% Triton X-100. In the case of UGT1A9, however, glucuronidation of alpha-naphthol and scopoletin was resistant to such inhibition, whereas glucuronidation of entacapone and several other aglycones was sensitive. His-tagged UGT1A9 was purified by immobilized metal-chelating chromatography (IMAC). Purified UGT1A9 glucuronidated scopoletin at a high rate, whereas its glucuronidation activity toward entacapone was low and largely dependent on phospholipid addition. Recombinant UGT1A9 in which the His tag was replaced by hemagglutinin antigenic peptide (HA tag) was also prepared. Insect cells were co-infected with baculoviruses encoding both HA-tagged and His-tagged UGT1A9. Membranes from the co-infected cells, or a mixture of membranes from separately infected cells, were subjected to detergent extraction and IMAC, and the resulting fractions were analyzed for the presence of each type of UGT1A9 using tag-specific antibodies. In the case of separate infection, the HA-tagged UGT1A9 did not bind to the column. When co-infected with His-tagged UGT1A9, however, part of the HA-tagged enzyme was bound to the column and was eluted by imidazole concentration gradient together with the His-tagged UGT1A9, suggesting the formation of stable dimers that contain one His-tagged and one HA-tagged UGT1A9 monomers.  相似文献   
Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) activates keratinocyte migration and stimulates wound healing. Hyaluronan, an extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan that accumulates in wounded epidermis, is known to promote cell migration, suggesting that increased synthesis of hyaluronan might be associated with the KGF response in keratinocytes. Treatment of monolayer cultures of rat epidermal keratinocytes led to an elongated and lifted cell shape, increased filopodial protrusions, enhanced cell migration, accumulation of intermediate size hyaluronan in the culture medium and within keratinocytes, and a rapid increase of hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2) mRNA, suggesting a direct influence on this gene. In stratified, organotypic cultures of the same cell line, both Has2 and Has3 with the hyaluronan receptor CD44 were up-regulated and hyaluronan accumulated in the epidermis, the spinous cell layer in particular. At the same time the expression of the early differentiation marker keratin 10 was inhibited, whereas filaggrin expression and epidermal permeability were less affected. The data indicate that Has2 and Has3 belong to the targets of KGF in keratinocytes, and support the idea that enhanced hyaluronan synthesis acts an effector for the migratory response of keratinocytes in wound healing, whereas it may delay keratinocyte terminal differentiation.  相似文献   
Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome (KID) is a rare ectodermal dysplasia characterized by vascularizing keratitis, profound sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), and progressive erythrokeratoderma, a clinical triad that indicates a failure in development and differentiation of multiple stratifying epithelia. Here, we provide compelling evidence that KID is caused by heterozygous missense mutations in the connexin-26 gene, GJB2. In each of 10 patients with KID, we identified a point mutation leading to substitution of conserved residues in the cytoplasmic amino terminus or first extracellular domain of Cx26. One of these mutations was detected in six unrelated sporadic case subjects and also segregated in one family with vertical transmission of KID. These results indicate the presence of a common, recurrent mutation and establish its autosomal dominant nature. Cx26 and the closely related Cx30 showed differential expression in epidermal, adnexal, and corneal epithelia but were not significantly altered in lesional skin. However, mutant Cx26 was incapable of inducing intercellular coupling in vitro, which indicates its functional impairment. Our data reveal striking genotype-phenotype correlations and demonstrate that dominant GJB2 mutations can disturb the gap junction system of one or several ectodermal epithelia, thereby producing multiple phenotypes: nonsyndromic SNHL, syndromic SNHL with palmoplantar keratoderma, and KID. Decreased host defense and increased carcinogenic potential in KID illustrate that gap junction communication plays not only a crucial role in epithelial homeostasis and differentiation but also in immune response and epidermal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Cell adhesion and communication are interdependent aspects of cell behavior that are critical for morphogenesis and tissue architecture. In the skin, epidermal adhesion is mediated in part by specialized cell-cell junctions known as desmosomes, which are characterized by the presence of desmosomal cadherins, known as desmogleins and desmocollins. We identified a cadherin family member, desmoglein 4, which is expressed in the suprabasal epidermis and hair follicle. The essential role of desmoglein 4 in skin was established by identifying mutations in families with inherited hypotrichosis, as well as in the lanceolate hair mouse. We also show that DSG4 is an autoantigen in pemphigus vulgaris. Characterization of the phenotype of naturally occurring mutant mice revealed disruption of desmosomal adhesion and perturbations in keratinocyte behavior. We provide evidence that desmoglein 4 is a key mediator of keratinocyte cell adhesion in the hair follicle, where it coordinates the transition from proliferation to differentiation.  相似文献   
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