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Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility in terms of clinical decision-making and health outcomes does not currently exist. Instead, a plethora of definitions have been proposed, which vary significantly in their conceptual framework. The absence of a consensus definition hampers precise estimates of the prevalence of TRD, and also belies efforts to identify risk factors, prevention opportunities, and effective interventions. In addition, it results in heterogeneity in clinical practice decision-making, adversely affecting quality of care. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have adopted the most used definition of TRD (i.e., inadequate response to a minimum of two antidepressants despite adequacy of the treatment trial and adherence to treatment). It is currently estimated that at least 30% of persons with depression meet this definition. A significant percentage of persons with TRD are actually pseudo-resistant (e.g., due to inadequacy of treatment trials or non-adherence to treatment). Although multiple sociodemographic, clinical, treatment and contextual factors are known to negatively moderate response in persons with depression, very few factors are regarded as predictive of non-response across multiple modalities of treatment. Intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine (co-administered with an antidepressant) are established as efficacious in the management of TRD. Some second-generation antipsychotics (e.g., aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, quetiapine XR) are proven effective as adjunctive treatments to antidepressants in partial responders, but only the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination has been studied in FDA-defined TRD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is established as effective and FDA-approved for individuals with TRD, with accelerated theta-burst TMS also recently showing efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is regarded as an effective acute and maintenance intervention in TRD, with preliminary evidence suggesting non-inferiority to acute intravenous ketamine. Evidence for extending antidepressant trial, medication switching and combining antidepressants is mixed. Manual-based psychotherapies are not established as efficacious on their own in TRD, but offer significant symptomatic relief when added to conventional antidepressants. Digital therapeutics are under study and represent a potential future clinical vista in this population.  相似文献   
We tested whether predation on duck nests ( Anas spp.) was density dependent at three spatial scales using artificial and natural nests in the Suisun Marsh, California, USA. At the largest spatial scale, we used 5 years (1998–2002) of data to examine the natural variation in duck nest success and nest densities among 8–16 fields per year, each 5–33 ha in size (n=62 fields). At an intermediate spatial scale, we deployed artificial nests (2000, n=280) within 1-ha plots at three experimental densities (5, 10, and 20 nests ha−1) in a complete randomized block design and examined differences in nest predation. At the smallest spatial scale, we examined nest success in relation to nearest-neighbor fates and distances for artificial (2000, n=280) and natural nests (2000, n=507). We detected no relationship between nest success and the density of natural nests among fields in any year, nor when we pooled data for all years after controlling for year effects. The proportion of artificial nests that survived also did not depend on experimental nest densities within 1-ha plots. Overall, 15.0±12.4%, 15.0±11.0%, and 6.2±4.3% of artificial nests survived the 32-day exposure period in the low, intermediate, and high nest densities, respectively. Additionally, we detected no consistent effect of nearest-neighbor fate or distance on the success of artificial or natural nests. Thus, our results provide no evidence of density-dependent predation on duck nests at any scale of analysis, in contrast to a number of previous studies. Variation among geographical locations in the degree to which predation is density-dependent may reflect the composition of the predator community and the availability of alternate prey.  相似文献   
Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris expressed a combination of superoxide dismutase (Sod) activities, which was assigned to FeSod1, FeSod2 and MnSod for P. mirabilis, and FeSod, MnSod and CuZnSod for P. vulgaris. Production of the Sod proteins was dependent on the availability of iron, whether cells were grown under anaerobiosis or aerobiosis and growth phase. Nalidixic acid and chloramphenicol inhibited cell growth and the iron- and dioxygen-dependent production of Sod. These results support the involvement of metal ions and redox status in the production of Proteus Sods.  相似文献   
Based on imperfect data and theory, agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) currently derive “reference doses” (RfDs) to guide risk managers charged with ensuring that human exposures to chemicals are below population thresholds. The RfD for a chemical is typically reported as a single number, even though it is widely acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties inherent in the derivation of this number.

In this article, the authors propose a probabilistic alternative to the EPA's method that expresses the human population threshold as a probability distribution of values (rather than a single RfD value), taking into account the major sources of scientific uncertainty in such estimates. The approach is illustrated using much of the same data that USEPA uses to justify their current RfD procedure.

Like the EPA's approach, our approach recognizes the four key extrapolations that are necessary to define the human population threshold based on animal data: animal to human, human heterogeneity, LOAEL to NOAEL, and subchronic to chronic. Rather than using available data to define point estimates of “uncertainty factors” for these extrapolations, the proposed approach uses available data to define a probability distribution of adjustment factors. These initial characterizations of uncertainty can then be refined when more robust or specific data become available for a particular chemical or class of chemicals.

Quantitative characterization of uncertainty in noncancer risk assessment will be useful to risk managers who face complex trade-offs between control costs and protection of public health. The new approach can help decision-makers understand how much extra control cost must be expended to achieve a specified increase in confidence that the human population threshold is not being exceeded.  相似文献   

Gosselin, Luc E., David Megirian, Joshua Rodman, DonnaMueller, and Gaspar A. Farkas. Respiratory muscle reserve in ratsduring heavy exercise. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(4): 1405-1409, 1997.The extent towhich the respiratory pump muscles limit maximal aerobic capacity inquadrupeds is not entirely clear. To examine the effect of reducedrespiratory muscle reserve on aerobic capacity, whole bodypeak oxygen consumption(O2 peak) wasmeasured in healthy Sprague-Dawley rats before and after Sham,unilateral, or bilateral hemidiaphragm denervation (Dnv) surgery.O2 peak wasdetermined by using a graded treadmill running test.Hemidiaphragm paralysis was verified after testing byrecording the absence of electromyographic activity duringinspiration. Before surgery, O2 peak averaged 86, 87, and 92 ml · kg1 · min1for the Sham, unilateral, and bilateral Dnv groups, respectively. Twoweeks after surgery, there was no significant change inO2 peak foreither the Sham or unilateral Dnv group. However,O2 peak decreased~19% in the bilateral Dnv group 2 wk after surgery. These findingsstrongly suggest that the pulmonary system in rats is designed suchthat during heavy exercise, the remaining respiratory pump muscles areable to compensate for the loss of one hemidiaphragm, but not of both.

Six strains of Clostridium acidiurici and three strains of C. cylindrosporum were isolated from soil samples by enrichment culture with uric acid as the source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. The newly isolated strains were characterized by their spore morphology and the amounts of glycine and formate formed by the fermentation of uric acid. The strains were easily identified as belonging to one species or the other on the basis of spore morphology and formate production. The crystal properties and spectra of the native ferredoxins of all the strains isolated and the amino acid composition and partial carboxy-terminal sequence of all their apoferredoxins were determined. All the ferredoxins were tested for cross-reactivity with antiserum to C. acidiurici ferredoxin by microcomplement fixation. Five of the six C. acidiurici strains, which had ferredoxins with amino acid compositions identical to that from C. acidiurici, also showed immunological identity (immunological distance = 0.0). These results suggest sequence identity. The one strain with a different amino acid composition failed to show complete cross-reactivity. Two of the three C. cylindrosporum strains have ferredoxin amino acid compositions identical to that from C. cylindrosporum. The third strain had a minimum of five differences in sequence. All C. cylindrosporum strains had ferredoxins that differed considerably from C. acidiurici strains (minimum of eight to nine differences), and none of these ferredoxins cross-reacted with antisera to C. acidiurici ferredoxin. Antisera were prepared to formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase from C. acidiurici and C. cylindrosporum, and all possible comparisons were made by using immunodiffusion and microcomplement fixation. There is more intraspecies variation in the synthetases than in the ferredoxins; however, the results suggest considerable interspecies differences in both proteins. These results suggest a low degree of genomic relatedness between the two species, which contrasts sharply with their apparent high degree of phenotypic similarity.  相似文献   
P K Umeda  R Zak  M Rabinowitz 《Biochemistry》1980,19(9):1955-1965
Fast and slow myosin heavy chain mRNAs were isolated by indirect immunoprecipitation of polysomes from 14-day-old embryonic chick leg muscle. The antibodies were prepared against myosin heavy chains purified by NaDod-SO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and were shown to be specific for fast and slow myosin heavy chains. The RNA fractions directed the synthesis of myosin heavy chains in a cell-free translation system from wheat germ. Several smaller peptides were also synthesized in lower concentrations. These probably are partial products of myosin heavy chains, since they are immunoprecipitated with antibodies to myosin heavy chains. Immunoprecipitation of the translation products with the antibodies to fast and slow myosin heavy chains showed the RNA preparations to be approximately 94% enriched for fast myosin heavy chain mRNA and approximately 84% enriched for slow myosin heavy chain mRNA with respect to myosin HC type. Peptides having slightly different mobilities on NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gels were immunoprecipitated by antibodies to fast and slow myosin heavy chains.  相似文献   
Physical illness or disability inevitably has a damaging effect on sexual relationships. Physicians are usually unaware of the sexual consequences of illness on their patients, and lack experience in treating sexual dysfunctions.The report of treatment of a couple with serious cardiovascular disease illustrates the potential efficacy of brief sex therapy for improving the quality of a patient''s life. If a primary physician lacks the skills to conduct sex therapy, he may collaborate with nonphysician therapists. The physician''s knowledge of the physiological and psychological effects of a specific illness on his patient is essential to successful therapy. Often, simple education, encouragement or reassurance by the physician is enough to overcome the damaging effects of illness on a patient''s sex life.  相似文献   
Gene 6 mRNA of Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 is inefficiently translated under standard in vitro conditions by Escherichia coli, while it is efficiently translated by the in vitro system derived from B. subtilis. This is a rare example of the inability of E. coli to translate mRNA translated by B. subtilis. The ionic condition in the translation systems was the key component in the differential recognition of the gene 6 message by E. coli and B. subtilis ribosomes. Its translation by E. coli ribosomes was preferentially inhibited by moderate levels of KCl, while its translation by B. subtilis ribosomes was unaffected by these concentrations of salt. This preferential inhibition with E. coli ribosomes was observed in vitro as well as in vivo. While not influencing the general phenomenon of preferential inhibition, anion-specific effects were observed in overall protein synthesis. Glutamate and acetate promoted efficient synthesis over a broad range of concentrations, whereas chloride was inhibitory at all concentrations tested.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis in vitro by Micrococcus luteus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
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