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10-Deacetylabaccatin III (10 DAB), an important precursor for paclitaxel semisynthesis, is enhanced in yew extracts using C10-deacetylase and C13-deacylase enzymes.(4) C10-deacetylase is an intracellular enzyme produced by the fermentation of a soil microorganism, Nocardioides luteus (SC 13912). During the fermentation of Nocardioides luteus, the growth of cells reaches a maximum growth at 28 h. C10-deacetylase enzyme activity starts at 26 h and peaks at 38 h of the fermentation. The cells are recovered by centrifugation. The C10-deacetylase enzyme was purified from the Nocardioides luteus cells. The enzyme was purified 190-fold to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme appeared as a single band on 12.5% SDS-PAGE analysis with a molecular weight of 40,000 daltons. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The selectins are a family of proteins that mediate leukocytetethering and rolling along the vascular endothelium. E-, P-,and L-selectin recognize various derivatives of the Lewisa andLewisx trisaccharides. The distribution of negative chargeson the Lewisa and Lewisx oligosaccharides appears to be an importantfactor in their binding by the selectins. Previous work exploringthis electrostatic dependence found that a series of syntheticanionic trisaccharides, 3'-sulfo, 3'-phospho, 6'-sulfo, and3',6'-disulfo Lewisa. (Glc), exhibited differing selectin inhibitoryefficacies. To explore the possibility that these differencesarise from conformational differences between the sugars, thesolution structures of these trisaccharides were determinedusing NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. Interproton distancesand interglycosidic torsion angles were determined at 37°Cusing NOESY buildup curves and 1D LRJ experiments, respectively.Data from both experiments agreed well with predictions madefrom 2000 picosecond unrestrained molecular dynamics simulations.We found that 3'-sulfation did not alter the core Lewisa conformation,a finding that reaffirms the results of previous study. In addition,we found that sulfation at the 6' position also leaves the trisaccharideconformation unperturbed. This is significant because the proximityof the 6'-sulfate group to the fucose ring might have alteredthe canonical Lewisa structure. The disulfate exhibited greaterflexibility than the other derivatives in dynamics simulations,but not so much as to affect NOE and heteronuclear couplingconstant measurements. Taken together, our findings supportthe use of Lewisa as a template onto which charged groups maybe added without significantly altering the trisaccharide'sstructure. oligosaccharides molecular dynamics simulations NMR sulfated Lewisa phosphorylated Lewisa  相似文献   
PVC-211 murine leukemia virus (MuLV) causes neurodegenerative disease following inoculation of neonatal, but not adult, mice and rats. It was previously shown that tropism for brain capillary endothelial cells (CEC) was a determinant of the viral neuropathogenicity. In this study, we demonstrate that host age-dependent replication of PVC-211 MuLV in vivo occurs in CEC in the brain as well as in other organs, such as the liver, kidney, and heart. In contrast, primary explant cultures of CEC derived from brains and livers of adult and neonatal rats could be infected by PVC-211 MuLV, suggesting that the age-dependent susceptibility was abrogated in vitro. Although CEC were generally less susceptible to MuLV-mediated gene transduction than fibroblasts, treatment of CEC with 2-deoxyglucose followed by inoculation of a PVC-211 MuLV-pseudotyped vector in the absence of heparin improved the transduction efficiency. These observations support the possibility that PVC-211 MuLV may be useful for establishing models of CEC gene transduction.  相似文献   
In two trials, eight attempts were made to collect fertilized ova from dairy goats by nonsurgical methods. In both trials the cervix of each doe was dilated by inserting a Laminaria japonica tent device into the cervical canal prior to flushing. In Trial 1, an attempt was made to collect embryos from four nonsuperovulated does by flushing phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) through a rigid pipette. Little fluid and no embryos were recovered from the does. All four donors were in estrus two days after the procedure. In the second trial, FSH-superovulated does were collected on day 5 following estrus. The donors were anesthetized, and a modified Foley catheter was passed through the cervical canal. In three does, a 24 ga. two-way Foley was stiffened with a size 10 (French) polypropylene catheter which penetrated the Foley, extending 7 cm beyond the tip. Recovery of flushing medium with this device was minimal, and laparotomy of one doe revealed a punctured uterus. Replacement of this device with a different catheter, through which a polypropylene catheter (size 5 Fr.) penetrated only 1 to 2 cm, resulted in satisfactory return of infused PBS, and recovery of two blastocysts and one degenerated ovum from this doe. Use of the same device on a second doe without laparotomy resulted in collection of seven blastocysts and three degenerated ova. Of three observed donors that received Laminaria tents (including one which was not flushed) two were in estrus three days after the procedure, while unused synchronized recipients showed normal cycle lengths. Surgical transfer of two blastocysts from each donor to each of two synchronized recipients resulted in the birth of twin kids from one recipient doe. The study demonstrates the feasibility of embryo collection from dairy goats by nonsurgical means.  相似文献   
The ω-chain variant analogs of prostacyclin (PGI2) and PGD2 in which the n-amyl side-chain has been replaced by a cyclohexyl group have been prepared and their cardiovascular activities have been compared to those of BW-245C(Fig. 1)(1) a potent anti-aggregatory vasodilator bearing a cyclohexyl-terminated side-chain on a hydantoin skeleton. The cyclohexyl group has little effect on PGI2, but converts PGD2 to a long lasting hypotensive agent and increases the platelet anti-aggregatory potency of PGD2 by a factor of 8. The prostaglandin antagonist N-0164 selectively blocks the anti-aggregatory actions of PGD2, cyclohexyl-PGD2, and BW-245C; with essentially no effect on PGI2, cyclohexyl-PGI2 and PGE2 at comparably effective doses. The latter observation is contrary to an earlier report by MacIntyre (2,3), but supports the view that the anti-aggregatory effect of high doses of PGE2 (EC50=50μM) is mediated by the PGI2 receptor (4). The hydantoin acts at the platelet PGD2 receptor.  相似文献   
The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of the 25-MeV (average energy) neutron beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory was measured using murine bone marrow (LD50/30) and gut (LD50/6) lethality and killing of hematopoietic colony forming units (CFU-S) or intestinal clonogenic cells (ICC). The reference radiation was 60Co gamma rays. The LD50/30 and LD50/6 for mice exposed to the Fermilab neutron beam were 6.6 and 8.7 Gy, respectively, intermediate between those of JANUS neutrons and 60Co gamma rays. The D0 values for CFU-S and ICC were 47 cGy and 1.05 Gy, respectively, also intermediate between the lowest values found for JANUS neutrons and the highest values found after 60Co gamma rays. The split-dose survival ratios for CFU-S at intervals of 1-6 hr between doses were essentially 1.0 for both neutron sources, while the corresponding split-dose survival ratio for 60Co gamma rays was consistantly above 1, reaching a maximum of 1.7 with a 1-hr interval between doses. The 3-hr split-dose survival ratios for ICC were 1.0 for JANUS neutrons, 1.85 for Fermilab neutrons, and 6.5 for 60Co gamma rays. The RBE estimates for LD50/30 were 1.5 and 2.3 for Fermilab and JANUS neutrons, respectively. Based on LD50/6, the RBEs were 1.9 (Fermilab) and 3.0 (JANUS). The RBEs for CFU-S D0 were 1.4 (Fermilab) and 1.9 (JANUS) and for jejunal microcolony D0 1.4 (Fermilab) and 2.8 (JANUS).  相似文献   
Several mutants have been isolated from the facultative methylotroph, Methylobacterium organophilum, using either N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine or ultraviolet light as mutagens. One of these isolates, a glutamate auxotroph lacking isocitrate dehydrogenase, has been transformed to prototrophy, using wild-type DNA, at a frequency of 0-5%. Competence and DNA uptake occur only in cultures which are near the end of exponential growth, and maximal transformation requires a DNA concentration of 100 mug ml-1.  相似文献   
A comparison of the N2 fixers in the tall Spartina alterniflora and short S. alterniflora marsh soils was investigated. Zero-order kinetics and first-order kinetics of acetylene reduction were used to describe the activity of the N2 fixers in marsh soil slurries. It was found that the Vmax values were approximately 10 times greater for the N2 fixers in the tall Spartina than in the short Spartina marsh when raffinose was used as the energy source. In addition, the (Ks + Sn) values were approximately 4 to 15 times lower for the N2 fixers in the tall Spartina than in short Spartina marsh. First-order kinetics of nitrogen fixation for several substrates indicate that the N2 fixers in the tall Spartina marsh were two to seven times more active than those in the short Spartina marsh. Ammonium chloride (25 μg/ml) did not inhibit nitrogen fixation in the tall Spartina marsh, but there was a 50% inhibition in nitrogen fixation in the short Spartina marsh. On the other hand, sodium nitrate inhibited nitrogen fixation almost 100% at 25 μg/ml in both soil environments. Amino nitrogen (25 to 100 μg/ml) had little or no effect on nitrogen fixation. The results indicate that the N2 fixers in the tall Spartina marsh were physiologically more responsive to nutrient addition than those in the short Spartina marsh. This difference in the two populations may be related to the difference in daily tidal influence in the respective areas and thus provide another explanation for the enhanced S. alterniflora production in the creek bank soil system.  相似文献   
Gibberellin A13 7-aldehyde, previously proposed as an intermediate in the fungal biosynthesis of gibberellin A3, has been prepared from gibbere  相似文献   
We have sequenced the mutational changes in eight mutants in the open reading frame of intron 4 of the cob gene on yeast mitochondrial DNA. Three have a cis-acting splicing defect, while the other inactivate a trans-recessive intron domain that specifies a trans-acting splicing factor. From phenotypic evidence, including analyses of the allele-specific extra proteins, we have identified a protein (P27) encoded wholly within the intron that appears to be the intron 4 splicing factor (maturase). The evidence suggests that P27 is a secondary translation product resulting from the proteolytic cleavage of a larger precursor encoded by exon and intron sequences, but an alternative model, in which P27 is a primary translation product, has not been ruled out.  相似文献   
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