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The structure of the heavy (H) form of the acetylcholine receptor, which comprises two covalently linked 250,000 Mr oligomers, has been investigated by numerical analysis of electron microscope images. Na-cholate solubilized Torpedo marmorata H-form receptor was reintegrated into artificial lipid vesicles and negatively stained with uranyl acetate prior to imaging in a conventional transmission microscope. The reconstituted preparations exhibited the standard polypeptide composition of the purified receptor (α2βγδ) and the same transmembrane arrangement as in the native subsynaptic membrane. Covalent disulfide linkage between the two oligomers took place exclusively through the δ chains.In agreement with previous work (Cartaud et al., 1980) the H-form appeared as “doublets” of two coplanar 9 nm rosettes at a center-to-center distance of 9.2 ± 1.1 nm. The relative angular orientation of the two rosettes in a doublet was examined by correlation analysis in the real space. It exhibited a marked variability, few of the doublets featuring any kind of symmetry, suggesting that the two oligomers of a doublet are connected via an extended and flexible chain or loop. The area of contact between the two rosettes of a doublet therefore does not necessarily represent a reliable clue as to the location of the δ chain within the structure.Averaged images obtained after reorientation and summation of up to 132 rosettes revealed the three major peaks and the two grooves already observed in previous studies. Two additional smaller peaks were identified.Tentative assignment of structural details to individual subunits was deduced from an examination of α-bungarotoxin-labeled doublets. The α subunits, which carry part or all of the acetylcholine binding sites, are probably located in nonadjacent positions in the vicinity of the newly found peaks. This assignment is consistent with the image analysis of receptor-toxin complexes recently reported by Zingsheim et al. (1982b).  相似文献   
The Red River Delta (RRD) (Vietnam), a region experiencing rapid population growth, industrialization, and economic development, concentrates 54% of the population of the whole Red River watershed in less than 10% of the basin area. Our study aimed at understanding and quantifying the processes by which the delta affects the nutrient fluxes coming from the upstream watershed before they reach the sea. A comprehensive budget of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and silica (Si) fluxes associated with natural and anthropogenic processes in the terrestrial and hydrological system of the delta was established for five sub-basins of the delta for the period 2000–2006, based on official statistical data, available measurements, and our own sampling campaigns and enquiries. The results show that anthropogenic inputs of N and P brought into the delta area are higher than the amounts delivered by the river from the upstream watershed. However, the amounts of these two elements ultimately delivered to the coastal zone from the delta are lower than the amounts carried by the upstream river, showing extremely efficient retention of both the soils and the delta’s drainage network. For Si (taking into account both dissolved and amorphous solid forms), the retention is much lower. High retention of N and P and low retention of Si in the delta area have up to now protected the coastal zone from severe eutrophication problems.  相似文献   
The mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a carcinogenic food contaminant which is metabolically activated by epoxydation. The metabolism of mycotoxins via the mercapturate metabolic pathway was shown, in general, to lead to their detoxication. Mercapturic acids thus formed (S-substitued-N-acetyl-l-cysteines) may be accumulated in the kidney and either excreted in the urine or desacetylated by Acylase 1 (ACY1) to yield cysteine S-conjugates. To be toxic, the N-acetyl-l-cysteine-S-conjugates first have to undergo deacetylation by ACY 1. The specificity and rate of mercapturic acid deacetylation may determine the toxicity, however the exact deacetylation processes involved are not well known. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of ACY1 in the toxicity of some bioactive epoxides from Aflatoxin B1. We characterized the kinetic parameters of porcine kidney and human recombinant aminoacylase-1 towards some aromatic and aliphatic-derived mercapturates analogue of mycotoxin-mercapturic acids and 3,4-epoxyprecocene, a bioactive epoxide derivated from aflatoxin. The deacetylation of mercapturated substrates was followed both by reverse phase HPLC and by TNBS method. Catalytic activity was discussed in a structure-function relationship. Ours results indicate for the first time that aminoacylase-1 could play an important role in deacetylating mercapturate metabolites of aflatoxin analogues and this process may be in relation with their cyto- and nephrotoxicity in human.  相似文献   
Fauna associated with stone artifacts have recently been uncovered, in the course of a survey from a cave site named Baerya, town land of Bijie, Guizhou province. The first observations suggest a human occupation. In the absence of chrono-stratigraphic data, it is not possible to assess the age of the site. Nevertheless the presence of lower Pleistocene fauna suggests a very ancient age for this human occupation. Further field research will be necessary to determinate the age and nature of the site.  相似文献   
To identify loci in Arabidopsis involved in the control of transpirational water loss and transpiration efficiency (TE) we carried out an infrared thermal imaging-based screen. We report the identification of a new allele of the Arabidopsis CesA7 cellulose synthase locus designated AtCesA7(irx3-5) involved in the control of TE. Leaves of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant are warmer than the wild type (WT). This is due to reduced stomatal pore widths brought about by guard cells that are significantly smaller than the WT. The xylem of the AtCesA7(irx3-5) mutant is also partially collapsed, and we suggest that the small guard cells in the mutant result from decreased water supply to the developing leaf. We used carbon isotope discrimination to show that TE is increased in AtCesA7(irx3-5) when compared with the WT. Our work identifies a new class of genes that affects TE and raises the possibility that other genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis will have an impact on water use efficiency.  相似文献   
LeIF, a Leishmania protein similar to the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4A, which is a prototype of the DEAD box protein family, was originally described as a Th1-type natural adjuvant and as an antigen that induces an IL12-mediated Th1 response in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of leishmaniasis patients. This study aims to characterize this protein by comparative biochemical and genetic analysis with eIF4A in order to assess its potential as a target for drug development. We show that a His-tagged, recombinant, LeIF protein of Leishmania infantum, which was purified from Escherichia coli, is both an RNA-dependent ATPase and an ATP-dependent RNA helicase in vitro, as described previously for other members of the DEAD box helicase protein family. In vivo experiments show that the LeIF gene cannot complement the deletion of the essential TIF1 and TIF2 genes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encode eIF4A. In contrast, expression of LeIF inhibits yeast growth when endogenous eIF4A is expressed off only one of its two encoding genes. Furthermore, in vitro binding assays show that LeIF interacts with yeast eIF4G. These results show an unproductive interaction of LeIF with translation initiation factors in yeast. Furthermore, the 25 amino terminal residues were shown to enhance the ability of LeIF to interfere with the translation machinery in yeast.  相似文献   
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