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The activity of acifluorfen-methyl (AFM); methyl 5-(2-chloro-4-[trifluoromethyl] phenoxy)-2-nitrobenzoate in excised cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativus L.) was examined. AFM induced membrane disruption, was significantly greater when etiolated cotyledons were illuminated 16 hours at 150 microeinsteins per square meter per second photosynthetically active radiation versus incubation under illumination of 4-fold greater intensity. These results were unexpected since the loss of membrane integrity is initiated by photodynamic reactions. Untreated, etiolated cotyledons were not able to accumulate chlorophyll under the higher light intensity while control and herbicide treated cotyledons greened significantly under the lower intensity illumination suggesting that some process associated with greening stimulated AFM activity. Inhibition of greening by cycloheximide also reduced AFM activity. Intermittent lighting induced greening in AFM treated cotyledons without causing any detectable loss of plasmalemma integrity. Utilization of this system for pretreatment of cotyledons prior to continuous illumination revealed that activity was greater when tissue was greened in the presence of AFM than when herbicide treatments were made after a greening period of the same duration. The results indicate that the pigments in situ in etiolated tissue are sufficient, without greening, to initiate membrane disruption by AFM. However, greening increases the herbicidal efficacy greatly. Furthermore, the stimulation appears to be due to specific interactions between AFM and the developing plastid and is not attributable solely to an increase in endogenous photosensitizers.  相似文献   
Diamine oxidase and peroxidase, associated with the wall in pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var Pinto) leaves, can be washed out by vacuum infiltration and assayed without grinding the leaf. The diamine oxidase activity is inhibited in vivo by exposure of the plants to ozone (dose of 0.6 microliters per liter x hour), whereas the peroxidase activity associated with the wall space is stimulated. This dose does not cause obvious necrosis or chlorosis of the leaf. These alterations are greater when the dose of ozone exposure is given as a triangular pulse (a slow rise to a peak of 0.24 microliters per liter followed by a slow fall) compared to that given as a constant square wave pulse of 0.15 microliters per liter for the same 4 hour period. Exposure of the plants to sulfur dioxide (at a concentration of 0.4 microliters per liter for 4 hours) does not result in any change in the diamine oxidase or peroxidase activities, yet the total sulfhydryl content of the leaf is increased, demonstrating the entry of sulfur dioxide. These two pollutants, with different chemical reactivities, affect the activities of the extracellular enzymes in different manners. In the case of ozone exposure, the inhibition of extracellular diamine oxidase could profoundly alter the movements of polyamines from cell to cell.  相似文献   
Previous researchers found that formation and function of nitrogen-fixing nodules on legume roots were severely inhibited by addition of exogenous ethylene. Nodule formation by Rhizobium meliloti on Medicago sativa was stimulated twofold when the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) was added with the inoculum. Stimulation of nodule formation by AVG showed a similar concentration dependence as inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis, suggesting that the primary action of AVG is the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis. When AVG was added 2 to 3 days after inoculation, the number of nodules formed was still increased. On a per plant basis, however, the average nitrogen fixation was unchanged by AVG treatment and was independent of nodule number.  相似文献   
Alignment of the amino-acid sequences of the human lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) and human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) yielded an extensive homology between the two mature polypeptide chains. In the overlapping part, which extends over the entire PAP sequence and the N-terminal 90% of the LAP sequence, the identity is 49.1%. The LAP has an additional C-terminal sequence, which is encoded by the last exon of the LAP gene. This sequence contains the transmembrane domain of LAP, which is lacking in the secretory PAP. All six cysteine residues as well as 20 out of 27 (LAP) and 26 (PAP) proline residues present in the overlapping part of the proteins are conserved, suggesting that they are involved in stabilization of the tertiary structure of both proteins. Only two out of 8 N-glycosylation sites in LAP and 3 in PAP are conserved, suggesting that the dense N-glycosylation of LAP is related to its function in lysosomes.  相似文献   
A progressive increase in intestinal 59Fe3+ absorption was observed on oral feeding of mice with physiological doses of EGF/UGO. Maximal changes were apparent after 3d and appeared to be dose-dependent. In addition to a small increase in intestinal cell proliferation, as reflected by increased ornithine decarboxylase activity, EGF/UGO-feeding increased mucosal permeability (evaluated with [51Cr]-EDTA): the latter could account for the increase in iron absorption. Sialoadenectomy, to remove the major source of endogenous EGF/UGO, had no appreciable effect on the intestinal absorption of iron.  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments treatment of sugar-beet plants with aldicarb stimulated the mobility of Aphis fabae and two clones of Myzus persicae which were susceptible (S) and resistant (R) to carbamate-based insecticides, respectively. On the other hand, the number of aphids probing and the total number of probes made was reduced, and hence the transmission of beet mosaic virus (BMV) was restricted. In outdoor experiments the spread of BMV from aldicarb-treated plants by naturally infesting aphids was also restricted. The number of infected plants decreased with increasing distance from the sources of infection.
Résumé Des plantes de betterave traitées au laboratoire avec de l'aldicarbe ont stimulé la mobilité d'Aphis fabae et de deux clones de Myzus persicae, l'un sensible et l'autre résistant à des insecticides contenant des carbamates. Par ailleurs, le nombre de pucerons en train de sonder les feuilles ainsi que le nombre total de sondages ont été réduits et ainsi la transmission du virus de la mosaïque de la betterave (BMV) a été limitée. Dans des expériences à l'extérieur, la vitesse de propagation de BMV par des pucerons sur des plantes traitées à l'aldicarbe a été aussi plus limitée. Le nombre de plantes contaminées diminuait avec la distance de la source de contamination.
The purpose of this study was to document the extent of disruption in the pattern of palatal rugae caused by the presence of one copy of the First arch mutation. The palatal ruga pattern was found to be disrupted in 86% of 15- to 17-day mouse fetuses that were heterozygous for the First arch mutation in the ICR/Bc strain, compared with 9% in ICR/Bc fetuses of normal (+/+) genotype. This new observation in First arch heterozygotes, together with the previously reported dominant effects of the First arch mutation, particularly the bifurcation of the maxillary nerve (100% in both BALB/cGaBc and ICR/Bc strains), the disruption of maxillary vibrissa pattern (80% in ICR/Bc), and the hemifacial deficiency (38% in ICR/Bc), has led us to redefine the First arch mutation as a semidominant, Far. Like the other defects caused by Far, the rugal defects are in tissue derived from the embryonic maxillary prominence. The rugal defects observed in +/Far palates were always asymmetrical and most often involved fragmentation and misalignment of two or more of rugae 4-7. The relatively large degree of variation in ruga pattern observed in fetuses of normal genotype suggests that it is a less well canalized trait than the normal pattern of maxillary vibrissae which varies only in a few very specific and minor ways. The First arch mutation, which in heterozygotes disrupts pattern formation in both palatal rugae and maxillary vibrissae, can be used to study genetic control of pattern formation in mammalian embryos.  相似文献   
The proto-oncogene int-2 has been implicated in the formation of mouse mammary-tumour-virus-induced mammary tumours. Analysis of the predicted coding sequence indicates that int-2 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor family. Previous studies using Northern blot analysis suggested that normal expression of int-2 may be confined to extra-embryonic endoderm lineages of embryonic stages of mouse development. We have used in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis to examine directly int-2 expression in embryo stem cells and in the developing embryo from early gastrulation to midsomite stages. Complex patterns of accumulation of int-2 RNA were observed in embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues. The data suggest multiple roles for int-2 in development which may include migration of early mesoderm cells and induction of the otocyst.  相似文献   
Studies of an EBV-transformed and TNP-specific human B cell line revealed that, unlike myeloma or hybridoma cell lines that consist mainly of fully differentiated cells, most of the cloned EBV-transformed cells were not fully differentiated, as judged by inability to bind TNP-SRBC and to secrete anti-TNP antibody. The minority of more differentiated cells were selected by TNP-SRBC rosetting. They were found to proliferate to a lesser extent than nonrosetting cells and to contain increased numbers of antibody-secreting cells. This inverse relationship between proliferation and differentiation was also shown to be cell cycle related in that the TNP-SRBC rosetting cells resided, to a greater extent than the nonrosetting cells, in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. The finding that the G1 phase of the cell cycle was associated with differentiation into anti-TNP secreting cells was confirmed by demonstrating that treatment with hydroxyurea, which arrests the cells in G1, resulted in decreased proliferation and an increased proportion of antibody-secreting cells. Similarly, addition of phorbol ester resulted in increased antibody secretion and decreased proliferation, suggesting a role for protein kinase C in this differentiation pathway. The strategy of increasing the number of antibody-producing cells in this human EBV line, by promoting differentiation of the cells in G1, may be relevant to the large scale production of specific human mAb for the treatment and diagnosis of human diseases.  相似文献   
Biochemical analysis of the activation of adherent neutrophils in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role played by neutrophil oxidative responses in host defense and injury is an area of active investigation. In order to study neutrophil responses in vitro, methods are required for cell purification, enumeration, and quantification of activation responses, which mimic the in vivo situation as closely as possible. In this communication (and its companion paper, Albertine et al., 1988) improved methods for all of these tasks are described and applied to investigate neutrophil structure-function relationships in vitro and in vivo. Human neutrophils were purified by using a series of platelet-poor plasma-Percoll gradients (51, 62, 76 and 80% in Percoll). This modification of previously published procedures results in consistently successful neutrophil purification and has allowed us to purify neutrophils from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as well as blood. Activation of human and sheep neutrophils (superoxide anion production) was quantitated by the reduction of ferricytochrome c using a microtiter plate reader to measure the increase in absorbance at 550 nm from adherent neutrophils. Adherence of neutrophils was quantitated by measurement of LDH in cells lysed with Triton X-100 using a new method which uses readily available commercial reagents and can quantitate the LDH content of as few as 5000 neutrophils (or the LDH released from 5% of 100,000 neutrophils). Assay conditions for superoxide anion were optimized, limitations both in assay design and instruments used to measure OD were explored and enumerated, and these methods were used to quantitate sheep and human neutrophil activation responses. Using methods described in Albertine et al. (1988) for fixing neutrophils in microtiter wells after assay of their functional capacity, we have studied the same cells functionally and morphologically. We have used these techniques to study blood and alveolar neutrophils from a patient with acute respiratory failure. His alveolar neutrophils displayed 67% of the activation response as peripheral neutrophils (4.31 +/- 0.12 nmol superoxide released per 250,000 neutrophils at 60 min vs. 6.38 +/- 0.18 in blood, P less than 0.01) and structural changes which suggested previous activation in vivo. These studies demonstrate that similar morphological changes are observed in neutrophils activated with phorbol myristate acetate in vitro, as are observed in cells which have been activated by pathophysiologic processes in vivo.  相似文献   
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