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The zonal testis of the dogfish (Squalus acanthias) has proven advantageous to study biochemical changes in relation to stage of spermatogenesis, including information on steroidogenic enzymes and steroid receptors. To investigate whether sulfotransferase is part of a mechanism regulating the availability of biologically active hormone in close proximity to receptors, we measured in vitro conversion of [3H]estrone (E1) to sulfoconjugated metabolites in cytosolic subfractions of testes grossly dissected according to germ cell composition (premeiotic-PrM, meiotic-M, and postmeiotic-PoM stages). Assays were carried out in the presence of adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) at 22 degrees C and optimized for time (60 min) and protein (500 micrograms/ml). Michaelis-Menten kinetics and saturation analysis gave the following reaction constants for [3H]E1: Km = 0.33 microM, Vmax = 2.5 pmol/min/mg; and for PAPS: Km = 33 microM, Vmax = 1.1 pmol/min/mg; competition studies carried out in the absence or presence of 1- or 5-fold excess radioinert steroids indicated that estrogen (E2 > E1) as well as androgens (T = DHEA > 5 alpha dihydrotestosterone, DHT) were effective inhibitors. Sulfotransferase activity was found to be stage-related, being highest in PoM regions (2.31 +/- 0.24 pmol/min/mg protein) when compared to M and PrM regions (1.22 +/- 0.22 and 1.28 +/- 0.21 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively). Sulfoconjugation and the intratesticular distribution of steroid sulfates were also measured in vivo by perfusion of the intact testis with [3H]androgen or -estrogen. The pathway of blood flow via the genital artery was epigonal organ-->PoM-->M-->PrM (mature-->immature). Perfused [3H]E2, T, and DHT were all extensively metabolized in a one-pass, 1 hr perfusion, less than 10% of perfused [3H] steroid being recovered from testicular tissues as unchanged steroid. In general, recovery of polar metabolites was greater than non-polar metabolites from all three substrates. Sequential hydrolysis with glucuronidase and glusulase indicated that sulfoconjugation is a minor component (< 20%) of several "inactivating" pathways, which include glucuronide conjugation, 17-ketosteroid synthesis, and pathways leading to unidentified polar metabolites. No consistent stage-related distribution patterns were observed for any of the metabolite subfractions; however, total recovered radioactive steroid (polar plus non-polar) formed a decreasing concentration gradient from point of entry of perfusate (PoM region) to point of exit (PrM region). These data support the conclusion that access to receptors by steroid ligands may be controlled by a balance between activating and inactivating pathways.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
It has been well established that T cell tolerance to self Ag occurs primarily via clonal deletion of immature thymocytes in the thymus. Evidence also exists that there are additional mechanisms operative on mature T cells for establishing and maintaining tolerance in the periphery. To follow the fate of mature Ag-specific T cells in vivo, we used female transgenic mice, which contain a large population of male H-Y Ag-specific T cells that can be identified by immunostaining with mAb directed against CD8 and the transgenic TCR. H-Y Ag was introduced into these mice by injecting Ag-bearing male lymphocytes using conditions known to induce CTL precursor response reduction. The number of Ag-reactive CD8+ transgenic T cells in the periphery started to decrease after 2 days of in vivo exposure to male Ag. Decline was maximum (up to 80% of total) by 7 days, and stayed at this level for at least 6 wk. CD4+ cells and those CD8+ cells that did not carry the transgenic TCR were not affected. Most or all of the remaining Ag-reactive CD8+ cells in the periphery were fully responsive when stimulated by male Ag in vitro. Maturation of transgenic T cells in the thymus of injected mice remained the same as that of control animals. Our data provide direct evidence that mature Ag-reactive CD8+ cells are susceptible to clonal deletion in the periphery when exposed to the Ag in vivo. These findings suggest the presence of two types of APC in the periphery: stimulatory APC (e.g., macrophages and dendritic cells) required for initiating an active immune response; and functionally deleting APC (or veto cells) capable of deleting mature T lymphocytes that recognize Ag presented on their surface. Functionally deleting APC that present self Ag to peripheral T cells may provide a fail-safe mechanism against autoreactive cells that escaped deletion during differentiation in the thymus.  相似文献   
A case of spontaneous endometriosis was diagnosed in the pigtailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina nemestrina) with the aid of high-field (2.35 T), T2-weighted (TE50), C1H2-suppressed, oblique nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Postmortem histology was obtained. A variety of endometriotic lesions was seen with MRI, including extrauterine hyperintense apparently cystic regions, extrauterine hypointense regions apparently associated with intracellular paramagnetic iron proteins, and an enlarged myometrium exhibiting adenomyosis foci.  相似文献   
Summary Mechanisms of dry-season drought resistance were evaluated for five evergreen shrubs (Psychotria, Rubiaceae) which occur syntopically in tropical moist forest in central Panama. Rooting depths, leaf conductance, tissue osmotic potentials and elasticity, and the timing of leaf production were evaluated. From wet to dry season, tissue osmotic potentials declined and moduli of elasticity increased in four and five species, respectively. Irrigation only affected osmotic adjustment by P. furcata. The other seasonal changes in leaf tissue properties represented ontogenetic change. Nevertheless, they made an important contribution to dry-season turgor maintenance. Small between-year differences in dry season rainfall had large effects on plant water status. In 1986, 51 mm of rain fell between 1 January and 31 March, and pre-dawn turgor potentials averaged <0.1 MPa for all five Psychotria species in March (Wright 1991). In 1989, 111 mm of rain fell in the same period, pre-dawn turgor potentials averaged from 0.75 to 1.0 MPa for three of the species in April, and only P. chagrensis lost turgor. The relation between leaf production and drought differed among species. P. limonensis was buffered against drought by the lowest dry-season conductances and the deepest roots (averaging 244% deeper than its congeners) and was the only species to produce large numbers of leaves in the dry season. P. chagrensis was most susceptible to drought, and leaf production ceased as turgor loss developed. For the other species, water stress during severe dry seasons may select against dry-season leaf production.  相似文献   
Water utilization of tropical hardwood hammocks of the Lower Florida Keys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Predawn water potential of representative plant species, together with stable isotope composition of stem water and potential water sources were investigated in four low-elevation tropical hardwood hammocks in the Lower Florida Keys, during a one year period. Hammock species had the lowest water potentials when soil water content was low and/or soil salinity was high, but differences in groundwater salinity had no effect on the water potential. Comparison of D/H ratio of plant stem water with soil and ground water corroborates the conclusion that they are primarily utilizing soil water and not groundwater. Thus, tropical hardwood hammocks are buffered from saline groundwater, and are able to thrive in areas where groundwater salinity is as high as 25. The effect of sea level rise on these forests may depend more on changes in the frequency of tidal inundation of the soil surface than on changes in groundwater salinity.  相似文献   
The growth of Nicotiana silvestris in suspension culture is inhibited by all of the common protein amino acids at the millimolar level, except for L-glutamine. A defined experimental system for growth/inhibition studies has been established, and growth studies were carried out with cells that had been maintained in the exponential growth phase for at least 10 generations (EE cells). The following results were obtained after particularly detailed studies with aromatic amino acids. The onset of inhibition was preceded by a duration of normal growth rate which varied within a range of 12 to 48 h. The degree of inhibition was directly proportional to amino acid concentration and inversely related to the initial cell density of the inoculum. A slowed, but still exponential rate of growth persisted during an early phase of inhibition. Under sufficiently severe conditions, this was followed by progressive diminution of growth rate and eventual lysis. The most drastic inhibitory effects caused by aromatic amino acids were in the order: phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. When EE cells cultivated under conditions of growth inhibition were diluted into fresh medium, immediate resumption of growth at the uninhibited rate occurred and persisted. On the other hand, when growth-inhibited EE cells were diluted into medium containing the same concentration of amino acid used in the first round of growth, an initial burst of uninhibited growth lasting about 24 h was followed by a drastic, progressively declining growth rate which deteriorated to cell death and lysis. When cells in stationary phase were used as an inoculum, as is done in typical growth characterizations with suspension cultures, the sensitivity to inhibition during the subsequent exponential growth phase was several-fold greater than was the case with EE cells. Hypotheses that growth inhibition might be caused by ammonia toxicity, keto-acid toxicity, or by inhibition of nitrate utilization were ruled out. Observations that provide new insight are: (i)growth-inhibited cells undergo drastic plasmolysis, (ii) L-glutamine is an effective antagonist of amino-acid inhibitors, and (iii) growth-inhibited cells exhibit a transient restoration of normal growth rate upon dilution into fresh growth medium. These results implicate a linkage of amino acids with osmotic regulation and nitrogen metabolism.  相似文献   
The mechanism of nitrate transport across the tonoplast of barley root cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Nitrate-selective microelectrodes were used to measure not only nitrate activity in the cytoplasm and vacuole of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) root cells, but also the tonoplast electrical membrane potential. For epidermal cells, the mean cytoplasmic and vacuolar pNO3 (-log10 [NO3]) values were 2.3±0.04 (n=19) and 1.41±0.03 (n=35), respectively, while for cortical cells, the mean cytoplasmic and vacuolar nitrate values were 2.58±0.18 (n=4) and 1.17±0.06 (n=13), respectively. These results indicate that the accumulation of nitrate in the vacuole must be an active process. Proton-selective microelectrodes were used to measure the proton gradient across the tonoplast to assess the possibility that nitrate transport into the vacuole is mediated by an H+/NO 3 antiport mechanism. For epidermal cells, the mean cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values were 7.12±0.06 (n=10) and 4.93±0.11 (n=22), respectively, while for cortical cells, the mean cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH values were 7.24±0.07 (n=3) and 5.09±0.17 (n=7), respectively. Calculations of the energetics for this mechanism indicate that the observed gradient of nitrate across the tonoplast of both epidermal and cortical cells could be achieved by an H+/NO 3 antiport with a 11 stoichiometry.Abbreviations and Symbols G/F free-energy change for H+/NO 3 antiport - F Faraday constant - pHc cytoplasmic pH - pHv vacuolar pH - p[NO3]c log10 (cytoplasmic [NO 3 ]) - P[NO3]v -log10 (vacuolar [NO3]) We wish to thank Dr. K. Moore for assistance with statistical analysis.  相似文献   
Summary Genomic in situ hybridization was used to identify alien chromatin in chromosome spreads of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., lines incorporating chromosomes from Leymus multicaulis (Kar. and Kir.) Tzvelev and Thinopyrum bessarabicum (Savul. and Rayss) Löve, and chromosome arms from Hordeum chilense Roem. and Schult, H. vulgare L. and Secale cereale L. Total genomic DNA from the introgressed alien species was used as a probe, together with excess amounts of unlabelled blocking DNA from wheat, for DNA:DNA in-situ hybridization. The method labelled the alien chromatin yellow-green, while the wheat chromosomes showed only the orange-red fluorescence of the DNA counterstain. Nuclei were screened from seedling root-tips (including those from half-grains) and anther wall tissue. The genomic probing method identified alien chromosomes and chromosome arms and allowed counting in nuclei at all stages of the cell cycle, so complete metaphases were not needed. At prophase or interphase, two labelled domains were visible in most nuclei from disomic lines, while only one labelled domain was visible in monosomic lines. At metaphase, direct visualization of the morphology of the alien chromosome or chromosome segment was possible and allowed identification of the relationship of the alien chromatin to the wheat chromosomes. The genomic in-situ hybridization method is fast, sensitive, accurate and informative. Hence it is likely to be of great value for both cytogenetic analysis and in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   
Previously we sequenced a partial cDNA clone encoding the 3' region of the message for the membrane receptor form of the heavy (mu) chain of the channel catfish which indicated that the first transmembrane (TM1) exon is spliced directly to the C mu 3 exon and not into a cryptic site within the CH4 exon, as occurs in other vertebrates. Studies utilizing polymerase chain reaction analysis of mRNA and further analysis of cDNA clones now confirm that the only detectable splicing pattern used in micron production by the channel catfish utilizes this C mu 3----TM1 pathway of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   
To assess the role interleukins and mitogens play in regulating immunoglobulin (Ig) gene expression via the Ig enhancer and promoter, transgenic mice carrying two different Ig gene regulatory regions were generated. One, EkCAT, contains the Ig heavy chain enhancer (E) and the light chain promoter driving the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. In the other, EkCAT, CAT is under the control of the promoter alone. E and relative activity were assessed by CAT assay. In EkCAT mice, low CAT expression was consistently found in spleen, bone marrow, mesenteric lymph node, and thymus but not in brain, lung, or kidney. In EkCAT mice, CAT expression was detectable just above background in lymphoid tissues, suggesting a basic level of tissue specificity in the absence of the enhancer. Whole spleen cell cultures prepared from the mice were treated with lymphokines and mitogens. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), concanavilin A (Con A), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and interferon- (IFN-) increased CAT expression to varying extents in cells derived from EkCAT mice but not in spleen cells prepared from EkCAT mice. Thus, the presence of E, in addition to the promoter, is essential for the stimulation of CAT expression mediated by these factors. B cells from EkCAT mice were separated by density into populations of small and large cells. In untreated small B cells, no CAT expression was detected and only addition of LPS resulted in an increase in CAT expression. In large B cells, CAT was expressed at a low level without addition of exogenous factors. Incubation with LPS, IL-6, Con A and IFN- caused CAT expression to increase several-fold. This transgenic system provides a means to identify exogenous factors that activate Ig enhancers and promoters.This work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree from the George Washington University.  相似文献   
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