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Abstract: An isocratic HPLC method to measure endogenous N -acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) and N -acetyl-aspartate (NAA) is described. After removal of primary amines by passage of tissue extracts over AG-50 resin, the eluate was subject to HPLC anion-exchange analysis and eluted with phosphate buffer with absorbance monitored at 214 nm. The retention time for NAA was 5.6 min and for NAAG 11.4 min with a limit sensitivity of 0.1 nmol. The levels of NAA and NAAG were measured in 16 regions of rat brain and in heart and liver. NAAG was undetectable in heart and liver and exhibited 10-fold variation in concentration among brain regions; the highest levels were found in spinal cord. In contrast, low concentrations of NAA were detectable in heart and liver, and the regional distribution of NAA in brain varied only twofold. The regional distribution of NAA and NAAG correlated poorly. To assess the neuronal localization of these two compounds, the effects of selective brain lesions on their levels were examined. Decortication caused a 28% decrease in NAAG levels in the ipsi-lateral striatum while NAA decreased 38%. Kainate lesion of the striatum resulted in a 31% decrease in NAAG in the ipsilateral striatum, whereas NAA fell by 58%. Kainate lesion of the hippocampus resulted in significant decrements in NAAG and NAA in the hippocampus and septum. Transection of the spinal cord at midthorax resulted in a 51% decrease in NAAG levels immediately caudal and a 40% decrease immediately rostral to the lesion; however, NAA decreased only 30% in these areas. These results are consistent with a neuronal localization of NAAG in brain. Combined with the fact that NAAG interacts with a subpopulation of glutamate receptors, these results suggest that NAAG may serve as an excitatory neurotransmitter.  相似文献   
It was shown that tRNA fromAzotobacter vinelandii grown in the presence of ammonium chloride lacks ribothymidine while that grown in the absence of the ammonium salt contains this modified nucleoside. [32P]-Labelled tRNA from this organism grown in a medium containing the ammonium salt was digested with RNase T1 and the pseudouridinecontaining tetranucleotide, common to all tRNAs was isolated and analysed for the nucleoside replacing the ribothymidine. It was found to be uridine. Cells previously labelled with [32P]-phosphate in the ammonium salt medium were washed and incubated in the ammonium saltfree medium to test whether ribothymidine would be formed upon removal of the ammonium ions. Methylation of the uridine did not take place.  相似文献   
Previous studies have demonstrated an inhibition of agonist-induced inositol phospholipid breakdown and intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) mobilization by phorbol esters in platelets. In this study, we have examined the effect of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) on agonist-induced granule secretion and correlated it with agonist-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization, arachidonate and thromboxane (Tx) release in human platelets. With increasing times of incubation with PMA (10 s-5 min), the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by thrombin and the TxA2 mimetic, U46619, was increasingly inhibited (90-100% with 5 min incubation) and, correlating with this, thrombin-induced [3H]arachidonate, TxB2 and beta-thromboglobulin (beta TG) release were also inhibited. In addition, the conversion of exogenously added arachidonate to TxB2 was inhibited (50-80%) by a 10 s-5 min pretreatment with PMA. However, secretion of 5-hydroxy[14C]tryptamine (5HT) induced by thrombin or U46619 was not inhibited by 10 s-2 min incubations with PMA and, on the contrary, with low agonist concentrations, was potentiated by PMA in the absence of a significant rise in [Ca2+]i or endogenous Tx formation, to levels significantly greater than or equal to the sum of that obtained when agonist and PMA were added separately. With longer times of incubation with PMA (5 min), these synergistic effects became less pronounced as inhibitory effects of PMA on agonist-induced [14C]5HT secretion became apparent. The results indicate that, while PMA may cause an inhibition of agonist-induced [Ca2+]i mobilization resulting in an inhibition of agonist-induced arachidonate, TxB2 and beta TG release, its effects on agonist-induced 5HT secretion may be complicated by [Ca2+]i-independent synergistic effects of agonist and PMA.  相似文献   
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed for the xanthone dimer secalonic acid D. The immunogen and enzyme marker were prepared by direct reaction of secalonic acid D with bovine serum albumin and horseradish peroxidase, respectively. The resultant conjugates were characterized by UV/VIS spectra and thin layer chromatography. The hapten:protein ratios in the conjugates were estimated by difference UV/VIS spectra and by fluorescent techniques. Immunization procedures were conducted utilizing New Zealand rabbits over a period of 12 weeks. The competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay on microtiter plates showed that secalonic acid D was detectable within a range of 250–25 000 ng/assay.  相似文献   
Dye coupling in the organ of Corti   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Dye-coupling in an in vitro preparation of the supporting cells of the guinea-pig organ of Corti was evaluated by use of the fluorescent dyes, Lucifer Yellow, fluorescein and 6 carboxyfluorescein. Despite the presence of good electrical coupling in Hensen cells (coupling ratios >0.6) the spread of Lucifer yellow was inconsistent. Hensen cells are very susceptible to photoinactivation, i.e., cell injury upon illumination of intracellular dye; and this in conjunction with Lucifer Yellow's charge and K+-induced precipitability may account for its variability of spread. Fluorescein and 6 carboxyfluorescein, on the other hand, spread more readily and to a greater extent than Lucifer Yellow, often spreading to cell types other than those of Hensen. Dye spread is rapid, occurring within a few minutes. These results suggest that molecules of metabolic importance also may be shared by the supporting cells of the organ of Corti.  相似文献   
Summary Recent advances in the ability to culture the hepatic forms of mammalian malaria parasites, particularly of the important human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum have provided novel opportunities to study the ultrastrucural organisation of the parasite in its natural host cell the human hepatocyte. In this electron-microscopic and immunofluorescence study we have found the morphology of both parasite and host cell to be well preserved. The exoerythrocytic forms, which may be found at densities of up to 100/cm2, grow at rates comparable to that in vivo in the chimpanzee. In the multiplying 5- and 7-day schizogonic forms the ultrastructural organisation of the parasite bears striking resemblances to other mammalian parasites, e.g., the secretory activity and distribution of the peripheral vacuole system, but also homology with avian parasites, e.g., in nuclear and nucleolar structure and mitochondrial form. The latter homologies support earlier suggestions of the close phylogenetic relationship of P. falciparum with the avian parasites. Evidence is also presented showing the persistence of the cytoskeleton of the invasive sporozoite within the cytoplasm of the ensuing rapidly growing vegetative parasites.  相似文献   
Autoclaving is a standard procedure for sterilizing nutrient media for plant tissue cultures. Most tissue cultures are grown at pH 5.2 to 5.8 with pH adjustments being made prior to autoclaving. This paper reports that there are significant differences between initial pH levels and pH levels following autoclaving, particularly in the pH range of 5.7 to 8.5. This effect is noted with and without agar. In addition, we report that with time the pH of the medium drifts into the acid range. When Cucumis callus was added to the medium, the pH was changed significantly within 48 hours. The amount and direction (increase or decrease of pH) was significantly correlated with the original pH. This suggests that researchers should be wary of the true pH situation in their medium. In addition, in publications authors should specify whether their medium pH value was determined before or after autoclaving.  相似文献   
The amount and nature of glutathione transferases in rat liver microsomes were determined using immunological techniques. It was shown that cytosolic glutathione transferase subunits A plus C, and B plus L were present at levels of 2.4 ± 0.6 and 1.5 ± 0.1 μg/mg microsomal protein, respectively. These levels are 10-times higher than those for non-specific binding of cytosolic components judging from the distribution of lactate dehydrogenase, a cytosolic marker. The possibility that a portion of these glutathione transferases is functionally localized on the endoplasmic reticulum is discussed. A previously described microsomal glutathione transferase which is distinct from the cytosolic enzymes is present in an amount of 31 ± 6 μg/mg microsomal protein.  相似文献   
Abstract: Gangliosides were previously reported to induce neuritogenesis in primary neuronal cultures and in some neurally derived cell lines. Because isolated gangliosides usually contain variable quantities of peptides, we investigated the possibility the neurite-stimulating activity could be caused by these contaminants. Ganglioside preparations from bovine brain and other sources were subjected to a three-step purification procedure that eliminated at least 95% of the contaminating peptides. These purfied preparations retained their capacity to induce extensive neurite growth in neuro-2A murine neuroblastoma. Proteolytic digestion and a number of additional procedures were used to reduce residual contamination further without loss of activity. Several crude ganglioside samples had negative effects on neurite development until freed of theri inhibitory factors, which were derived from the tissue and/or introduced during laboratory operations. This was particularly evident for bovine white matter gangliosides whose activity increased in proportion to peptide removal. When carefully purified, virtually all of 11 different gangliosides tested were highly active, with the possible exception of GM4, which demonstrated only moderate activity in a limited number of tests. All of the neutral glycolipids tested, as well as sulfatides and free sialic acid, were inactive.  相似文献   
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