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Sperm competition is widely recognized as a pervasive force of sexual selection. Theory predicts that across species increased risk of sperm competition should favor an increased expenditure on the ejaculate, a prediction for which there is much evidence. Sperm competition games have also been developed specifically for systems in which males adopt the alternative male mating tactics of sneaking copulations or guarding females. These models have not yet been tested in a comparative context, but predict that: across species male expenditure on the ejaculate should increase with increasing probability of a sneak mating; within species, sneaks should have the greater expenditure on the ejaculate; and the disparity in expenditure between sneaks and guards should be greatest in species with moderate risk of a sneak mating, and decline toward parity in species with low or high risk. Beetles in the genus Onthophagus are often characterized by dimorphic male morphologies that reflect the alternative mating tactics of sneak (minor males) and guard (major males). We conducted a comparative analysis across 16 species of male dimorphic onthophagines, finding that testes size increased across species with increasing frequency of the minor male phenotype. Minor males generally had the greater testes size, but across species the disparity between morphs was independent of the frequency of minor males. We present data on testes allometry from two populations of O. taurus that have undergone genetic divergence in the frequency of minor males. Consistent with the comparative analysis, these data support the notion that the relative frequency of sneaks in the population influences male expenditure on the ejaculate.  相似文献   
Although theory indicates that natural selection can facilitate speciation as a by-product, demonstrating ongoing speciation via this by-product mechanism in nature has proven difficult. We examined morphological, molecular, and behavioral data to investigate ecology's role in incipient speciation for a post-Pleistocene radiation of Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) inhabiting blue holes. We show that adaptation to divergent predator regimes is driving ecological speciation as a by-product. Divergence in body shape, coupled with assortative mating for body shape, produces reproductive isolation that is twice as strong between populations inhabiting different predator regimes than between populations that evolved in similar ecological environments. Gathering analogous data on reproductive isolation at the interspecific level in the genus, we find that this mechanism of speciation may have been historically prevalent in Gambusia. These results suggest that speciation in nature can result as a by-product of divergence in ecologically important traits, producing interspecific patterns that persist long after speciation events have completed.  相似文献   
The discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in model organisms has relied heavily on the ability to perform controlled breeding to generate genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Recently, we and others have demonstrated the use of an existing set of diverse inbred mice (referred to here as the mouse diversity panel, MDP) as a QTL mapping population. The use of the MDP population has many advantages relative to traditional F(2) mapping populations, including increased phenotypic diversity, a higher recombination frequency, and the ability to collect genotype and phenotype data in community databases. However, these methods are complicated by population structure inherent in the MDP and the lack of an analytical framework to assess statistical power. To address these issues, we measured gene expression levels in hypothalamus across the MDP. We then mapped these phenotypes as quantitative traits with our association algorithm, resulting in a large set of expression QTL (eQTL). We utilized these eQTL, and specifically cis-eQTL, to develop a novel nonparametric method for association analysis in structured populations like the MDP. These eQTL data confirmed that the MDP is a suitable mapping population for QTL discovery and that eQTL results can serve as a gold standard for relative measures of statistical power.  相似文献   
Phytochromes are red/far red light photochromic photoreceptors that direct many photosensory behaviors in the bacterial, fungal, and plant kingdoms. They consist of an N-terminal domain that covalently binds a bilin chromophore and a C-terminal region that transmits the light signal, often through a histidine kinase relay. Using x-ray crystallography, we recently solved the first three-dimensional structure of a phytochrome, using the chromophore-binding domain of Deinococcus radiodurans bacterial phytochrome assembled with its chromophore, biliverdin IXalpha. Now, by engineering the crystallization interface, we have achieved a significantly higher resolution model. This 1.45A resolution structure helps identify an extensive buried surface between crystal symmetry mates that may promote dimerization in vivo. It also reveals that upon ligation of the C3(2) carbon of biliverdin to Cys(24), the chromophore A-ring assumes a chiral center at C2, thus becoming 2(R),3(E)-phytochromobilin, a chemistry more similar to that proposed for the attached chromophores of cyanobacterial and plant phytochromes than previously appreciated. The evolution of bacterial phytochromes to those found in cyanobacteria and higher plants must have involved greater fitness using more reduced bilins, such as phycocyanobilin, combined with a switch of the attachment site from a cysteine near the N terminus to one conserved within the cGMP phosphodiesterase/adenyl cyclase/FhlA domain. From analysis of site-directed mutants in the D. radiodurans phytochrome, we show that this bilin preference was partially driven by the change in binding site, which ultimately may have helped photosynthetic organisms optimize shade detection. Collectively, these three-dimensional structural results better clarify bilin/protein interactions and help explain how higher plant phytochromes evolved from prokaryotic progenitors.  相似文献   
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor-associated kinase (IRAK) is phosphorylated after it is recruited to the receptor, subsequently ubiquitinated, and eventually degraded upon IL-1 stimulation. Although a point mutation changing lysine 134 to arginine (K134R) in IRAK abolished IL-1-induced IRAK ubiquitination and degradation, mutations of serines and threonines adjacent to lysine 134 to alanines ((S/T)A (131-144)) reduced IL-1-induced IRAK phosphorylation and abolished IRAK ubiquitination. Through the study of these IRAK modification mutants, we uncovered two parallel IL-1-mediated signaling pathways for NFkappaB activation, TAK1-dependent and MEKK3-dependent, respectively. These two pathways bifurcate at the level of IRAK modification. The TAK1-dependent pathway leads to IKKalpha/beta phosphorylation and IKKbeta activation, resulting in classical NFkappaB activation through IkappaBalpha phosphorylation and degradation. The TAK1-independent MEKK3-dependent pathway involves IKKgamma phosphorylation and IKKalpha activation, resulting in NFkappaB activation through IkappaBalpha phosphorylation and subsequent dissociation from NFkappaB but without IkappaBalpha degradation. These results provide significant insight to our further understanding of NFkappaB activation pathways.  相似文献   
The pattern recognition receptor CD36 initiates a signaling cascade that promotes microglial activation and recruitment to beta-amyloid deposits in the brain. In the present study we identify the focal adhesion-associated proteins p130Cas, Pyk2, and paxillin as novel members of the tyrosine kinase signaling pathway downstream of CD36 and show that assembly of this complex is essential for microglial migration. In primary microglia and macrophages exposed to beta-amyloid, the scaffolding protein p130Cas is rapidly tyrosine-phosphorylated and co-localizes with CD36 to membrane ruffles contemporaneous with F-actin polymerization. These beta-amyloid-stimulated events are not detected in CD36 null cells and are dependent on CD36 activation of Src family tyrosine kinases. Fyn, a Src kinase known to interact with CD36, co-precipitates with p130Cas and is an essential upstream intermediate in the signaling pathways leading to phosphorylation of the p130Cas substrate domain. Furthermore, the p130Cas-interacting kinase Pyk2 and the cytoskeletal adapter protein paxillin also demonstrate CD36-dependent phosphorylation, identifying these focal adhesion molecules as additional members of this beta-amyloid signaling cascade. Disruption of this p130Cas complex by small interfering RNA silencing inhibits p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation and microglial migration, illustrating the importance of this pathway in microglial activation and recruitment. Together, these data are the first to identify the signaling cascade that directly links CD36 to the actin cytoskeleton and, thus, implicates it in diverse processes such as cellular migration, adhesion, and phagocytosis.  相似文献   
ExoS (453 amino acids) is a bi-functional type III cytotoxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Residues 96-219 include the Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) domain, and residues 234-453 include the 14-3-3-dependent ADP-ribosyltransferase domain. Earlier studies also identified an N-terminal domain (termed the membrane localization domain) that comprises residues 51-77 and includes a novel leucine-rich motif that targets ExoS to the perinuclear region of cultured cells. There is limited information on how ExoS or other type III cytotoxins enter and target intracellular host proteins. Type III-delivered ExoS localized to both plasma membrane and perinuclear region, whereas ExoS(DeltaMLD) was localized to the cytosol. Plasma membrane localization of ExoS was transient and had a half-life of approximately 20 min. Type III-delivered ExoS co-immunoprecipitated 14-3-3 proteins and Rab9, Rab6, and Rab5. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that ExoS colocalized with Rab9, Rab6, and Rab5. Fluorescent energy transfer was detected between ExoS and 14-3-3 proteins but not between ExoS and Rabs proteins. Together, these results indicate that type III-delivered ExoS localizes on the host endosomes and utilizes multiple pathways to traffic from the plasma membrane to the perinuclear region of intoxicated host cells.  相似文献   
Group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)alpha) initiates eicosanoid production; however, this pathway is not completely ablated in cPLA(2)alpha(-/-) lung fibroblasts stimulated with A23187 or serum. cPLA(2)alpha(+/+) fibroblasts preferentially released arachidonic acid, but A23187-stimulated cPLA(2)alpha(-/-) fibroblasts nonspecifically released multiple fatty acids. Arachidonic acid release from cPLA(2) alpha(-/-) fibroblasts was inhibited by the cPLA(2)alpha inhibitors pyrrolidine-2 (IC(50), 0.03 microM) and Wyeth-1 (IC(50), 0.1 microM), implicating another C2 domain-containing group IV PLA(2). cPLA(2) alpha(-/-) fibroblasts contain cPLA(2)beta and cPLA(2)zeta but not cPLA(2)epsilon or cPLA(2)delta. Purified cPLA(2)zeta exhibited much higher lysophospholipase and PLA(2) activity than cPLA(2)beta and was potently inhibited by pyrrolidine-2 and Wyeth-1, which did not inhibit cPLA(2)beta. In contrast to cPLA(2)beta, cPLA(2)zeta expressed in Sf9 cells mediated A23187-induced arachidonic acid release, which was inhibited by pyrrolidine-2 and Wyeth-1. cPLA(2)zeta exhibits specific activity, inhibitor sensitivity, and low micromolar calcium dependence similar to cPLA(2)alpha and has been identified as the PLA(2) responsible for calcium-induced fatty acid release and prostaglandin E(2) production from cPLA(2) alpha(-/-) lung fibroblasts. In response to ionomycin, EGFP-cPLA(2)zeta translocated to ruffles and dynamic vesicular structures, whereas EGFP-cPLA(2)alpha translocated to the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting distinct mechanisms of regulation for the two enzymes.  相似文献   
Although peroxynitrite stimulates apoptosis in many cell types, whether peroxynitrite acts directly as an oxidant or the induction of apoptosis is because of the radicals derived from peroxynitrite decomposition remains unknown. Before undergoing apoptosis because of trophic factor deprivation, primary motor neuron cultures become immunoreactive for nitrotyrosine. We show here using tyrosine-containing peptides that free radical processes mediated by peroxynitrite decomposition products were required for triggering apoptosis in primary motor neurons and in PC12 cells cultures. The same concentrations of tyrosine-containing peptides required to prevent the nitration and apoptosis of motor neurons induced by trophic factor deprivation and of PC12 cells induced by peroxynitrite also prevented peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of motor neurons, brain homogenates, and PC12 cells. The heat shock protein 90 chaperone was nitrated in both trophic factor-deprived motor neurons and PC12 cells incubated with peroxynitrite. Tyrosine-containing peptides did not affect the induction of PC12 cell death by hydrogen peroxide. Tyrosine-containing peptides should protect by scavenging peroxynitrite-derived radicals and not by direct reactions with peroxynitrite as they neither increase the rate of peroxynitrite decomposition nor decrease the bimolecular peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of thiols. These results reveal an important role for free radical-mediated nitration of tyrosine residues, in apoptosis induced by endogenously produced and exogenously added peroxynitrite; moreover, tyrosine-containing peptides may offer a novel strategy to neutralize the toxic effects of peroxynitrite.  相似文献   
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