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Summary Cytokinesis consists of a contractile phase followed by sealing of the connecting midbody to form two separated cells. To determine how soon the midbody sealed after cleavage furrow contraction, the fluorescent dye Lucifer Yellow CH(457.3 M.W.) was microinjected into cells at various intervals after cleavage had begun. Mitotic PtK2 cells were recorded with video-microscopy so that daughter cells in the epithelial sheet could be identified for several hours after cell division. One daughter cell of each pair followed was microinjected to determine whether the dye diffused into the other daughter cell. For intervals up to four hours after the beginning of cytokinesis, diffusion took place between daughter cells. After this time the dye did not spread between daughter cells. In sea urchin blastomeres of the first, second and third divisions, Lucifer Yellow passed between daughter blastomeres only during the first 15 min after cytokinesis. If one cell of a two-cell, four-cell or eight-cell embryo was microinjected more than 15 min after the last cleavage, the dye remained in the injected cell and was distributed to all progeny of that cell, resulting in blastulae that were either one-half, one-quarter or one-eighth fluorescent, respectively. Thus, although cleavage furrow contraction takes approximately the same amount of time in sea urchin blastomeres and PtK2 cells, the time of midbody sealing differs dramatically in the two cell types. Our results also indicate the importance of knowing the mitotic history of cells when injecting dyes into interphase cells for the purpose of detecting gap junctions.  相似文献   
Bovine embryos were frozen commercially in clear double length 12 cc French straws with the wick and powder plug in the center of the straw. One-half of the double length straw serves as a handle and contains a color coded 14 cc straw around which an adhesive backed label has been applied. After plunging into liquid nitrogen, straws are transferred into goblets on canes while under liquid nitrogen. The straws are stored in the liquid phase of a nitrogen tank and canes containing straws are not transferred from one container to another unless the goblet containing the straws is full of liquid nitrogen.Embryos held for longer than 4 hours after collection prior to freezing showed a steady decline in pregnancy rate related to the length of time held prior to freezing. The percentage of embryos thawed and then evaluated as being transferrable was related to the quality of the embryos prior to freeze (Grade 1–93.6%, Grade 2–87.0%, Grade 3–63.8%). There was no statistical difference in pregnancy rates obtained from prefreeze Grade 1 embryos when comparing advanced blastocysts (45.2%), blastocysts (38.7%), early blastoclyst (43.1%) and advanced morula (41.6%).  相似文献   
Synopsis Studies on the ontogeny of behaviour in fish have seldom considered the adaptive significance of the order of appearance of the behaviours. Results of laboratory studies and field observations on the ontogeny of feeding, predator-avoidance, and agonistic behaviour in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, and pumpkinseed, Lepomis gibbosus, young indicate that the order of appearance of the various behavioural systems enhances the survival of the young. In the laboratory, all species spend significantly more time feeding during the first weeks of free-swimming than the later weeks. During a corresponding period in the field the young are either occupying an offshore area low in predators (rock bass, pumpkinseed) or are being guarded by a parent (largemouth bass); thus the risk of predation is low. When the young are in a predator-rich environment (inshore) both the predator-avoidance response and agonistic behaviour are well developed. Agonistic behaviour is the last to appear and may serve to disperse the young. Dispersal may relate to the feeding mode of the various species and may also reduce the probability of predation. It is apparent that the sequential onsets of the behavioural systems are in concert with ecological events and selective pressures confronting centarchid young.  相似文献   
The major factors thought to control the distribution of associations on the sea cliffs in Britain are discussed in relation to the zonation of cliff vegetation, and some experiments to investigate the effects of these factors are described.The seeds of the maritime cliff species are able to germinate in higher salinities than those of closely related inland species.Relative growth rates of maritime cliff species indicate stimulation at low salinities over non-saline conditions, and less reduction in growth at higher salinities than those of closely related inland species.Increasing salinity reduces both photosynthesis and dark respiration in Lavatera arborea. Mesophyll and stomatal resistances are increased while transpiration is reduced.The distribution of ions within Lavatera arborea grown at different salinities indicates differential accumulation between young leaves, old leaves and roots.Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1962).  相似文献   
Uridine phosphorylase activity has been used to detect mycoplasmas in cell cultures by measuring formation of14C-uracil from14C-uridine. In this report we show that all species ofMycoplasma, Acholeplasma, andUreaplasma tested exhibited uridine phorphorylase activity. Among the genusSpiroplasma, serogroups I-1, I-3, I-5, I-7, I-8, IV, XIII, and XIV lacked uridine phosphorylase activity.Present address: Ciba-Geigy, Basel, Switzerland.  相似文献   
Age-related deficiency in the perceived strength of six odorants   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
A group of 20 elderly persons (70–89 yr) and a controlgroup of 20 young persons (18–25 yr) made magnitude estimationsof five concentration levels of six odorants and of five concentrationlevels of a tastant, NaCl. Relative to the estimations of thesalt solutions, the elderly's estimations of all six odorantswere lower than those of the young. This outcome substantiatesan earlier finding that, at least for one odorant (iso-amylbutyrate), old age blunts perceived odor strength more frequentlyand seriously than gustatory strength. The present experimentbroadens the picture and leads to the conclusion that age-relatedhyposmia is likely to affect the perception of many, if notall, odors. The six odorants were selected on the basis of structuraldiversity, hedonic tone, and earlier psychophysical study ofthem. They include three pleasant odors (iso-amyl butyrate,benzaldehyde, and d-limonene), one foul smelling (pyridine),and two relatively neutral ones (ethyl and iso-amyl alcohol).To a first approximation age-related weaknesses to these compoundscan be characterized as a constant per cent reduction of olfactorystrength across concentration level. tion level.  相似文献   
On the basis of various measures taken from geniculate gangliontaste neurons in four species, it was concluded that withineach species the neurons could be subdivided into distinct functionalgroups. In this report, the neural groups of different specieswere directly compared. Units from all four species were studiedwith a common test series of solutions in addition to otherstimuli. Since these stimuli were presented at the same concentrationsto all species, direct quantitative comparisons across specieswere possible for a wide range of chemical compounds. In addition,the neural groups were compared with respect to spontaneousand evoked activity measures, latency to electrical stimulation,and receptive field characteristics. These neurophysiologicaldata suggest a basic model of four distinct subgroups: acidunits, salt units, amino acid units, and X units.  相似文献   
Summary A hamster trachea organ culture system was utilized to evaluate quantitatively the effects of a strain of nontypeableHaemophilus influenzae (NTHI) and culture supernatants of the same strain on ciliary activity. Tracheal explants were maintained in organ culture for 96 to 144 h and ciliary activity was observed daily with an inverted microscope. Explants continuously exposed to a strain of NTHI had a progressive decline in ciliary activity which was significantly lower than uninfected controls evaluated concomitantly by 48 h of exposure and thereafter. Histologic studies revealed a progressive degeneration of mucosal cells and exfoliation of ciliated cells. Scanning electron microscopy showed little adherence of NTHI to the mucosal surface. Sterile broth cultures of NTHI and supernatants of organ cultures infected with the same NTHI strain had no adverse effect on ciliary activity. Infected tracheal explants treated with ampicillin 24, 48, or 72 h after continuous bacterial challenge had no significant decline in ciliary activity compared to controls. The lack of adherence and the histologic changes observed when hamster trachea cultures were infected with NTHI suggested a toxin might mediate the damage observed. Broth and organ culture supernatants, however, produced no damage. Therefore, further studies are needed to determine the role, if any, of a toxin in the production of damage to hamster tracheal explants by NTHI. This work was supported by a Merit Review grant from the Veterans Administration and by Grant AI-19641 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.  相似文献   
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