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We investigated the Nco I restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the tumor necrosis factor beta (TNFB) gene in 173 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 192 unrelated healthy controls, and eleven panel families, all of German origin. The phenotype frequency of the TNFB*1 allele was significantly increased in patients compared to controls (63.6% vs 47.1%, RR = 1.96, p <0.002). The results of a two-point haplotype statistical analysis between TNFB and HLA alleles show that there is linkage disequilibrium between TNFB*1 and HLA-A1, Cw7, B8, DR3, DQ2, and C4A DE. The frequency of TNFB*1 was compared in SLE patients and controls in the presence or absence of each of these alleles. TNFB*1 is increased in patients over controls only in the presence of the mentioned alleles. Therefore, the whole haplotype A1, Cw7, B8, TNFB*1, C4A DE, DR3, DQ2 is increased in patients and it cannot be determined which of the genes carried by this haplotype is responsible for the susceptibility to SLE. In addition, two-locus associations were analyzed in 192 unrelated healthy controls for TNFB and class I alleles typed by serology, and for TNFB and class II alleles typed by polymerase chain reaction/oligonucleotide probes. We found positive linkage disequilibrium between TNFB*1 and the following alleles: HLA-A24, HLA-B8, DRB1*0301, DRB1*1104, DRB1*1302, DQA1*0501, DQB1*0201, DQB1*0604, and DPB1*0101. TNFB*2 is associated with HLA-B7, DRB1*1501, and DQB1*0602.This study was supported by grants from the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT/DFVLR, 01 VM 8608/9), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, 322/501/014/0), and SFB (217).This work is part of the doctoral thesis of M. P. Bettinotti.  相似文献   
The possible mechanisms by which Cryptomonas phaseolus maintainsa large metalimnetic population during stratification were studiedin Lake Cisó. The population was shown to always remainat the oxygen-sulfide interface despite the fact that sometimesthe amount of light reaching was <1% of incident light. Thismeant that the amount of light reaching the peak was sometimesmuch lower than the optimum light intensity for photosynthesisof the population, which was  相似文献   
Plasma and liver selenium of Wistar rats were determined after 1, 3, and 6 mo supplementation with 0.5, 2, 6, or 15 ppm selenium as sodium selenite in drinking water. Plasma selenium was not different from control values at additional intake of 0.5 ppm but increased above usual levels at higher intakes. A highly significant correlation was observed between the total quantity of selenium ingested and plasma selenium after 1 mo treatment (r=0.99,p<0.01), but was less pronounced after 3 and 6 mo (0.94,p<0.05, and 0.78,p<0.05, respectively). The decrease in plasma selenium with time of treatment was more pronounced at higher intakes. There was also a highly significant correlation between total selenium intake and liver selenium concentration (r=0.99,p<0.01) after 1 mo of treatment, but this time liver selenium did not change with time, and the correlation remained highly significant throughout the investigation. Liver selenium therefore appears as a more sensitive and more representative measure of selenium intake than plasma selenium. Most supplements did not affect body weight and survival of animals, except when the diet was supplemented with 15 ppm for 6 mo; however, alterations in biochemical parameters concerning lipid status and hepatic function were observed at levels above 2.0 ppm.  相似文献   
At altitudes between 1300 m to 2100 m in the Etna massif (Sicily), an endemic species of theBetula genus,Betula aetnensis Rafin, grows in a well-defined microclimatical context. Aboveground biomass and nutrient content studies within one stand revealed no significant differences from the otherBetula species, normally found in colder more temperate climate regions.Throughout the studied sites, biomass production, nutrient cycling and various structural or physiological characteristics (leaf area index) varied very little.Other researches indicate that the originality ofBetula aetnensis lies more in the histological or anatomical characteristics of its water conducting system which enables the species to adapt to Mediterranean-climate summer droughts in the Etna massif.
Riassunto Sull'Etna, tra 1300 e 2100 m d'altitudine, in una zona microclimaticamente ben definita del versante nordorientale, si rinviene laBetula aetnensis Rafin.Dallo studio della fitomassa e della mineralomassa aerea del bosco di Monte Baracca, è emerso che non vi sono differenze notevoli con le altre specie indagate del genereBetula, più caratteristiche dei climi temperati e freddi.La produzione di biomassa, cosi come la gestione degli elementi nutritivi, è molto simile ai diversi popolamenti già indagati, cosi come certe caratteistiche strutturali e fisiologiche (leaf area index).L'originalità dellaBetula aetnensis è da ricercarsi nel vantaggio che ne ricava, a livello endogeno, sfruttando le caratteristiche istologiche ed anatomiche del suo apparato conduttore, che le consentono un efficace ed eccellente adattamento alle condizioni di siccità estive particolari del clima mediterraneo del vulcano.
The specific adhesion of cells to other cells or to particular tissue microenvirorvments is a basic function of cell migration and recognition, and underlines many biologic processes including embryogenesis, repair and immunity. Leukocytes express an array of surface receptors broadly known as “accessory adhesion molecules.” which mediate most cell -cell interactions, direct lymphocyte traffic between anatomical compartments, and facilitate cellular adhesion to the inflammation or alloantigenic sites (Springer 1990). In addition, adhesion molecules are involved in the process of antigen recognition, and may costimulate cell activation and transformation. These proteins are thought to affect the very early antigen independent events between host leukocytes and vascular endothelium. Because of these activities, the subject of adhesion molecules is gaining interest in the field of organ transplantation, in both conceptualization and development of novel therapeutic strategies (de Sousa et al. 1991, Kupiec-Weglinski et al. 1993a, Heemann et al. 1993).  相似文献   
The Sulfolobus solfataricus β-glycosidase (Sβgly) is a thermostable and thermophilic glycosyl-hydrolase with broad substrate specificity. The enzyme hydrolizes β-D-gluco-, fuco-, and galactosides, and a large number of /Winked glycoside dimers and oligomers, linked β1-3, β1-4, and β1-6, It is able to hydrolize oligosaccharides with up to 5 glucose residues. Furthermore, it is also able to promote transglycosylation reactions. The corresponding gene has been cloned and overexpressed both in yeast and Escherichia coli. Based on sequence and functional data, the Sβgly has been assigned to the so-called BGA family of glycosyl-hydrolases, including β-glycosidases, β-galactosidases and phosho-β-galactosidases from mesophilic and thermophilic organisms of the three domains. The Sβgly has been crystallized and the resolution of its structure is in progress. Because of its special properties, the enzymes has considerable biotechnological potential.  相似文献   
Nucleoside phosphotransferase acting on inosine and deoxyinosine has been partially purified from cultured Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79). The activity is associated with a cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase acting on IMP and deoxyIMP. The transfer of the phosphate group from IMP to inosine catalyzed by this enzyme was activated by ATP and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate. Inosine, deoxyinosine, guanosine, deoxyguanosine, and the nucleoside analogs 2′,3′-dideoxyinosine and 8-azaguanosine are substrates, while adenosine and deoxyadenosine are not. IMP, deoxyIMP, GMP, and deoxyGMP are the best phosphate donors. The cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase/phosphotransferase substrate, 8-azaguanosine, was found to be very toxic for cultured fibroblasts (LD50 = 0.32 μM). Mutants resistant to either 8-azaguanosine and the correspondent base 8-azaguanine were isolated and characterized. Our results indicated that the 8-azaguanosine-resistant cells were lacking both cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, while 8-azaguanine resistant cells were lacking only the latter enzyme. Despite this observation, both mutants displayed 8-azaguanosine resistance, thus indicating that cytosolic 5′-nucleotidase is not essential for the activation of this nucleoside analog.  相似文献   
Three new benthic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum belizeanum, Prorocentrum elegans, and Prorocentrum caribbaeum, from mangrove floating detritus are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, ornamentation of thecal plates, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. belizeanum are round to slightly oval with a cell size of 55–60 μm long and 50–55 μm wide. Areolae are round and numerous (853–1024 per valve) and range from 0.66 to 0.83 μm in size. The periflagellar area of P. belizeanum is a broad V-shaped depression; it accommodates a flagellar and an auxiliary pore and a flared, curved apical collar. The intercalary band of P. belizeanum is horizontally striated. Prorocentrum elegans is a small species 15–20 μm long and 10–14 μm wide, with an ovate cell shape. The thecal surface is smooth. Two sizes of valve pores were recognized: large, round pores (20–22 per valve) arranged in a distinct pattern and smaller pores situated in an array along the intercalary band. The periflagellar area is V-shaped; it accommodates an uneven sized flagellar pore, an auxiliary pore, and an angled protuberant flagellar plate. The intercalary band is transversely striated. It is a bloom-forming species. Prorocentrum caribbaeum cells are heart-shaped with a rounded anterior end and a pointed posterior end. Cells range from 40 to 45 μm long and 30 to 35 μm wide. Thecal surface has two different-sized pores: large, round pores (145–203 per valve) arranged perpendicularly from the posterior margins, and small, round pores unevenly distributed on the thecal surface. The periflagellar area is ornate. It is V-shaped with a curved apical collar located next to the auxiliary pore; a smaller protuberant apical plate is adjacent to the flagellar pore. The intercalary band is transversely striated and sinuous. Cells are active swimmers.  相似文献   
Vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers in a karstic meromictic lake   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Vertical distribution of planktonic rotifers is described in relation to temperature and oxygen in Lake La Cruz, a single-doline, closed karstic lake (121 m diameter and 25 m maximum depth) which shows iron meromixis. Samples were taken by peristaltic pumping at 10 cm depth intervals in the oxycline zone from June 1987 to September 1988. A model of rotifer vertical structure in stratified lakes is proposed. Rotifers concentrate their populations at the depths with intense gradients. As stratification develops some rotifer populations show a downward migration following the thermocline and some others show an upward migration following the oxycline. The production-respiration balance in the lake, and so the position of the oxycline with respect to the thermocline and the layer of maximum production, depends on meteorological conditions. A shift in the dominance of congeneric or related species can occur in consecutive years. In Lake La Cruz, mixing conditions and subterranean inflow in spring were much more intense in 1988 than 1987, and the distance between production and decomposition depths was smaller in 1988. Anuraeopsis miraclei, an oxycline-bound species with high abundance in 1987, was displaced by A. fissa in 1988. A. fissa, which was a metalimnetic species during early summer, reached peak densities (3 × 104 ind l–1) at the oxycline, equaling the abundance of A. miraclei the preceeding year.  相似文献   
Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the Antarctic lysianassoid amphipod Waldeckia obesa are described. The modal chromosome number is n = 25 and 2n = 50. The potential applications of cytogenetical studies in this group are discussed.  相似文献   
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