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Water beetles were examined for use as potential biodiversity indicators in continental aquatic ecosystems in a semiarid Mediterranean region, the Segura river basin (SE Spain). The indicator value of water beetles was investigated by examining the degree to which their species richness patterns was correlated with other groups (Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Mollusca, Heteroptera and Ephemeroptera), and the efficiency of water beetle area networks (selected by complementarity) in conserving overall groups richness. The species richness patterns of Coleoptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were significantly correlated with the Remaining Richness value (RR), defined as the total number of species found at a site (of all six groups examined) minus the number of species belonging to the considered indicator group. Area networks for Coleoptera selected by complementarity represented the highest RR percentage (84.46%) and contained more than 78% species of each group. Furthermore, water beetles meet most of the criteria proposed in the literature for choosing biodiversity indicator taxa. In our study, the correlation values and the percentage of species represented by family, genus and species complementary networks were similar and we suggest that the higher taxa of water beetles (genera or families) can be used as biodiversity surrogates for cost-effective practical surveys.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Arf GAPs are multidomain proteins that function in membrane traffic by inactivating the GTP binding protein Arf1. Numerous Arf GAPs contain a BAR domain, a protein structural element that contributes to membrane traffic by either inducing or sensing membrane curvature. We have examined the role of a putative BAR domain in the function of the Arf GAP ASAP1. RESULTS: ASAP1's N terminus, containing the putative BAR domain together with a PH domain, dimerized to form an extended structure that bound to large unilamellar vesicles containing acidic phospholipids, properties that define a BAR domain. A recombinant protein containing the BAR domain of ASAP1, together with the PH and Arf GAP domains, efficiently bent the surface of large unilamellar vesicles, resulting in the formation of tubular structures. This activity was regulated by Arf1*GTP binding to the Arf GAP domain. In vivo, the tubular structures induced by ASAP1 mutants contained epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and Rab11, and ASAP1 colocalized in tubular structures with EGFR during recycling of receptor. Expression of ASAP1 accelerated EGFR trafficking and slowed cell spreading. An ASAP1 mutant lacking the BAR domain had no effect. CONCLUSIONS: The N-terminal BAR domain of ASAP1 mediates membrane bending and is necessary for ASAP1 function. The Arf dependence of the bending activity is consistent with ASAP1 functioning as an Arf effector.  相似文献   
By experimenting with the aminoalcohols [3-3H]serine and [2-14C]ethanolamine we have been able to relate the effects of ethanol upon the biosynthesis of radioactive aminophospholipids (APL) in rat-liver microsomes and their distribution within the bilayer. The translocation of newly synthesized molecules of aminophospholipids labeled with different fatty acids was also investigated. The synthesis of phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) by base-exchange reaction (BES) was inhibited in membranes exposed to ethanol in direct response to its concentration. In addition, 100 mM ethanol specifically inhibited the transport of newly synthesized PS to the inner leaflet, resulting in similar levels of PS in both leaflets of the bilayer. The inhibition of PE synthesis by ethanol caused a decrease in its distribution in both inner and outer leaflets. An in vitro study of the incorporation of radioactive palmitate and oleate into the PS and PE of microsomes incubated with ethanol showed a decrease in the radioactivity levels of PE, suggesting that ethanol was specifically inhibiting the corresponding acyltransferase. It specifically altered the transbilayer movement of newly acylated phospholipids, modifying the distribution of palmitoyl- and oleoyl-acylated PS and PE in both leaflets. These results demonstrate for the first time that ethanol interferes with both the synthesis and intramembrane transport of aminophospholipids in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes. Bearing in mind that if a membrane is to function properly its structure must be in optimum condition; it is evident that the observed processes may be responsible to some degree for the pathophysiological effects of alcohol upon cells.  相似文献   
We analyze the chromosomal location of 5S rDNA clusters in 29 species of grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae. There was extensive variation among species for the number and location of 5S rDNA sites. Out of 148 sites detected, 75% were proximally located, 21.6% were interstitial, and only 3.4% were distal. The number of 5S rDNA sites per species varied from a single chromosome pair (in six species) to all chromosome pairs (in five species), with a range of intermediate situations. Thirteen chromosomes from eight species carried two 5S rDNA clusters. At intraspecific level, differences among populations were detected in Eyprepocnemis plorans, and some heteromorphisms have also been observed in some species. Double FISH for 5S rDNA and H3 histone gene DNA, performed on 17 of these 29 species, revealed that both markers are sometimes placed in a same chromosome but at different location, whereas they appeared to co-localize in five species (Calliptamus barbarus, Heteracris adpersa, Aiolopus strepens, Oedipoda charpentieri and O. coerulescens). Double fiber-FISH in A. strepens and O. coerulescens showed that the two DNAs are closely interspersed with variable relative amounts of both classes of DNA. Finally, no correlation was observed between the number of 5S and 45S rDNA clusters in 23 species where this information was available. These results are discussed in the light of possible mechanisms of spread that led to the extensive variation in the number of clusters observed for both rDNA types in acridid grasshoppers.  相似文献   
The external surfaces of marine animals are colonized by a wide variety of epibionts. Here, we study the phototrophic epibiotic community attached to the colonial ascidian Cystodytes dellechiajei collected in the Mediterranean Sea. Epifluorescence microscopy analysis showed abundant filamentous cyanobacteria on the upper and basal parts of the ascidian that displayed autofluorescence, as well as some unicellular cyanobacteria, diatoms, and structures, which could belong to microscopic rhodophyte algae. In addition, high-performance liquid chromatography of the photosynthetic pigments confirmed that the phototrophic epibionts possess chlorophyll (Chl) d, as well as Chl a, b, and c, which enable them to use far-red light for photosynthesis in that peculiar microenvironment. Furthermore, laser scanning confocal microscopy showed the presence of a few small patches of cells on the basal part of the ascidian displaying fluorescence between 700 and 750?nm after excitement with a 635-nm red laser, typically within the range of Chl d. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of the 16S rRNA gene polymerase chain reaction amplified using specific primers for Cyanobacteria detected sequences related with the genera Planktothricoides, Synechococcus, Phormidium, and Myxosarcina, as well as sequences of chloroplasts of diatoms and rhodophyte algae. Remarkably, only the sequences related to the filamentous cyanobacteria Planktothricoides spp. and some chloroplast sequences were found in almost all specimens collected under different macroecological conditions and geographical areas, suggesting thus certain specificity in the epibiotic association. On the other hand, Prochloron spp. and Acaryochloris marina, typically associated to tropical ascidians, were not detected by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. However, given the low abundance of cells displaying Chl d in C. dellechiajei and the fact that molecular fingerprinting techniques not always recover low abundance groups, the presence of these cyanobacteria cannot be ruled out. Nevertheless, our data indicate that tropical ascidians and C. dellechiajei differ in their phototrophic communities, although Chl d-containing cells are present in both microenvironments.  相似文献   
In contrast to the comprehensive structural information about metal complexes with adenine, the corresponding to its isomer 2-aminopurine (H2AP) is extremely poor. With the aim to rationalize the metal binding pattern of H2AP, we report the molecular and/or crystal structure of four novel compounds with various iminodiacetate-like (IDA-like) copper(II) chelates: [Cu(IDA)(H2AP)(H2O)]·H2O (1), [Cu(MIDA)(H2AP)(H2O)]·3H2O (2), {[Cu(NBzIDA)(H2AP)]·1.5H2O}n (3) and [Cu(MEBIDA)(H2AP)(H2O)]·3.5 H2O (4), where IDA, MIDA, NBzIDA and MEBIDA are R = H, CH3, benzyl- and p-tolyl- in R-N-(CH2-COO-)2 ligands, respectively. Synthesis strategies include direct reactions of copper(II) chelates with H2AP (alone, for 1 and 3) and/or with the base pairs H2AP:thymine (1-4) or H2AP:cytosine (3). Moreover, these compounds have been also investigated by spectral and thermal methods. Regardless of the N-derivative of the IDA chelator, molecular recognition between H2AP and the referred Cu(II)-chelates only displays the formation of the Cu-N7(purine-like) bond what is clearly in contrast to what was previously reported for adenine. The metal binding pattern of 2-aminopurine is discussed on the basis of the electronic effects and steric hindrance of the 2-amino exocyclic group.  相似文献   
Cell surface glycosylation is an important element in defining the life of pathogenic bacteria. Tannerella forsythia is a Gram-negative, anaerobic periodontal pathogen inhabiting the subgingival plaque biofilms. It is completely covered by a two-dimensional crystalline surface layer (S-layer) composed of two glycoproteins. Although the S-layer has previously been shown to delay the bacterium's recognition by the innate immune system, we characterize here the S-layer protein O-glycosylation as a potential virulence factor. The T. forsythia S-layer glycan was elucidated by a combination of electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as an oligosaccharide with the structure 4-Me-β-ManpNAcCONH(2)-(1→3)-[Pse5Am7Gc-(2→4)-]-β-ManpNAcA-(1→4)-[4-Me-α-Galp-(1→2)-]-α-Fucp-(1→4)-[-α-Xylp-(1→3)-]-β-GlcpA-(1→3)-[-β-Digp-(1→2)-]-α-Galp, which is O-glycosidically linked to distinct serine and threonine residues within the three-amino acid motif (D)(S/T)(A/I/L/M/T/V) on either S-layer protein. This S-layer glycan obviously impacts the life style of T. forsythia because increased biofilm formation of an UDP-N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase mutant can be correlated with the presence of truncated S-layer glycans. We found that several other proteins of T. forsythia are modified with that specific oligosaccharide. Proteomics identified two of them as being among previously classified antigenic outer membrane proteins that are up-regulated under biofilm conditions, in addition to two predicted antigenic lipoproteins. Theoretical analysis of the S-layer O-glycosylation of T. forsythia indicates the involvement of a 6.8-kb gene locus that is conserved among different bacteria from the Bacteroidetes phylum. Together, these findings reveal the presence of a protein O-glycosylation system in T. forsythia that is essential for creating a rich glycoproteome pinpointing a possible relevance for the virulence of this bacterium.  相似文献   
We reported in a recent publication that hexadecylphosphocholine (HePC), a lysophospholipid analogue, reduces cell proliferation in HepG2 cells and at the same time inhibits the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC) via CDP-choline by acting upon CTP:phosphocholine cytidylyltransferase (CT). We describe here the results of our study into the influence of HePC on other biosynthetic pathways of glycerolipids. HePC clearly decreased the incorporation of the exogenous precursor [1,2,3-3H]glycerol into PC and phosphatidylserine (PS) whilst increasing that of the neutral lipids diacylglycerol (DAG) and triacylglycerol (TAG). Interestingly, the uptake of L-[3-3H]serine into PS and other phospholipids remained unchanged by HePC and neither was the activity of either PS synthase or PS decarboxylase altered, demonstrating that the biosynthesis of PS is unaffected by HePC. We also analyzed the water-soluble intermediates and final product of the CDP-ethanolamine pathway and found that HePC caused an increase in the incorporation of [1,2-14C]ethanolamine into CDP-ethanolamine and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and a decrease in ethanolamine phosphate, which might be interpreted in terms of a stimulation of CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase activity. Since PE can be methylated to give PC, we studied this process further and observed that HePC decreased the synthesis of PC from PE by inhibiting the PE N-methyltransferase activity. These results constitute the first experimental evidence that the inhibition of the synthesis of PC via CDP-choline by HePC is not counterbalanced by any increase in its formation via methylation. On the contrary, in the presence of HePC both pathways seem to contribute jointly to a decrease in the overall synthesis of PC in HepG2 cells.  相似文献   
Boreal forests are sensitive to climatic warming, because low temperatures hold back ecosystem processes, such as the mobilization of nitrogen in soils. A greening of the boreal landscape has been observed using remote sensing, and the seasonal amplitude of CO2 in the northern hemisphere has increased, indicating warming effects on ecosystem productivity. However, field observations on responses of ecosystem productivity have been lacking on a large sub-biome scale. Here we report a significant increase in the annual growth of boreal forests in Finland in response to climatic warming, especially since 1990. This finding is obtained by linking meteorological records and forest inventory data on an area between 60° and 70° northern latitude. An additional increase in growth has occurred in response to changes in other drivers, such as forest management, nitrogen deposition and/or CO2 concentration. A similar warming impact can be expected in the entire boreal zone, where warming takes place. Given the large size of the boreal biome – more than ten million km2– important climate feedbacks are at stake, such as the future carbon balance, transpiration and albedo.  相似文献   
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