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BACKGROUND: The prescence of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the peripheral blood of cancer patients and their frequency has been correlated with disease status. METHODS: In this study, CTCs were characterized by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy after immunomagnetic enrichment from 7.5-ml blood samples collected from patients with prostate cancer in evacuated blood-draw tubes that contained an anticoagulant and a preservative. Events were classified as tumor cell candidates if they expressed cytokeratin, lacked CD45, and stained with the nucleic acid dye 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. RESULTS: In the blood of prostate cancer patients, only few of these events were intact cells. Other CTC events appeared as damaged cells or cell fragments by microscopy. By flow cytometry, these events stained variably with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and frequently expressed the apoptosis-induced, caspase-cleaved cytokeratin 18. Similar patterns of cell disintegration were observed when cells of the prostate line LNCaP were exposed to paclitaxel before spiking the cells into normal blood samples. CONCLUSIONS: The different observed stages of tumor cell degradation or apoptosis varied greatly between patients and were not found in blood of normal donors. Enumeration of CTCs and identification of CTCs undergoing apoptosis may provide relevant information to evaluate the response to therapy in cancer patients.  相似文献   
When assays for NAD(P)H-ferricyanide oxidoreductases were performed,activities specific for NADH (0.23 unit (mg protein)–1)and NADPH (0.68 unit (mg protein)–1) were detected inchloroplasts isolated from leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgareL.). Activities of chloroplast NADH- and NADPH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase were 5-fold and 25-fold higher, respectively,than the maximum activity that could be attributed to mitochondrialcontamination. Moreover, most of the chloroplast NADH-ferricyanideoxidoreductase (60 to 80%) was solubilized by deoxycholate (DOC)from thylakoids as a single, high-molecular-mass complex thatwas distinguishable from the mitochondrial complex by its lowerelectrophoretic mobility in 3% polyacrylamide, as revealed byreduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) in the presence ofNADH or NADPH on gels after electrophoresis. The stroma yieldeda single band of a dehydrogenase (66 kDa) that used NADH asits electron donor. Several NADPH-dependent activities weredetected after electrophoresis of the stromal fraction. Moreover,chloroplast-specific activities could be distinguished frommitochondrial activities on the basis of the specificity ofthe donor and the acceptor of electrons, the dependence of theactivities on pH, and the sensitivity to various inhibitors.Km values for NADH (26 µM) and NADPH (75 µM) werein the same range as those of mitochondrial activities. Mostof the NADPH-dependent activity probably corresponds to thechloroplast ferredoxin-NADP+ oxidoreductase. The possibilityis discussed that thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase(s) might be theproduct of chloroplast ndh genes and that this activity is involvedin chlororespiration. (Received April 25, 1994; Accepted December 5, 1994)  相似文献   
Twelve cDNAs corresponding to mRNAs inducible by ethylene were isolated by differential screening of a cDNA library from ethylene-treated Citrus sinensis fruits. Northern analysis of RNA extracted from flavedo of ethylene-treated fruits and from fruits at different maturation stages showed that some of the mRNAs corresponding to these cDNAs were regulated both by ethylene treatment and during fruit maturation. The effect of exogenous ethylene on leaves and of endogenous ethylene on flowers showed that gene induction was not restricted to the flavedo tissue. The possible role of ethylene during maturation of the non-climacteric Citrus fruit is discussed.  相似文献   
The possible use of vanadium compounds in the treatment of diabetic patients is now being evaluated. However, previously to establish the optimal maximum dose for diabetes therapy, it should be taken into account that vanadium is a highly toxic element to man and animals. The toxic effects of vanadium are here reviewed. The tissue vanadium accumulation, which would mean an additional risk of toxicity following prolonged vanadium administration is also discussed. Recently, it has been shown that coadministration of vanadate and TIRON, an effective chelator in the treatment of vanadium intoxication, reduced the tissue accumulation of this element, decreasing the possibility of toxic side effects derived from chronic vanadium administration without diminishing the hypoglycemic effect of vanadium. However, previously to assess the effectiveness of this treatment in diabetic patients, a critical reevaluation of the antidiabetic action of vanadium and its potential toxicity is clearly needed.  相似文献   
Ste20/PAK serine/threonine protein kinases have been suggested as playing essential roles in cell signalling and morphogenesis as potential targets of Cdc42 and Rac GTPases. We have isolated and characterized the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SKM1 gene, which codes for a novel member of this family of protein kinases. The amino acid sequence analysis of Skm1p revealed the presence of a PH domain and a putative p21-binding domain near its amino terminus, suggesting its involvement in cellular signalling or cytoskeletal functions. However, deletion of SKM1 produced no detectable phenotype under standard laboratory conditions. Moreover, disruption of each of the two other S. cerevisiae Ste20/PAK-like kinase-encoding genes, STE20 and CLA4 , in skm1 backgrounds, showed that Skm1p is not redundant with Ste20p or Cla4p. Interestingly, overexpression of SKM1 led to morphological alterations, indicating a possible role for this protein in morphogenetic control. Furthermore, overproduction of Skm1p lacking its N-terminus caused growth arrest. This effect was also seen when similarly truncated versions of Ste20p or Cla4p were overexpressed. We further observed that overproduction of this C-terminal fragment of Skm1p complements the mating defect of a ste20 mutant strain. These results suggest that the N-terminal domains of S. cerevisiae Ste20/PAK-like protein kinases share a negative regulatory function and play a role in substrate specificity.  相似文献   
FC-2.15 is a murine IgM monoclonal antibody (mAb) that recognizes a cell-surface antigen (Ag2.15) expressed in most tumor-proliferating cells of human breast carcinomas and other neoplasias. In this study the cytotoxic ability of mAb FC-2.15, its cell-surface binding properties and endocytosis in Ag2.15-expressing (Ag2.15+) cells were investigated. A51Cr-release assay was used to test the FC-2.15-mediated cytotoxicity. When human serum was used as source of complement, FC-2.15 exerted a strong cytotoxic effect against human Ag2.15+ cells such as MCF-7 (breast cancer cell line), primary breast carcinoma cells, polymorphonuclear leukocytes and chronic myeloid leukemia cells. The mAb concentration range was 1–50 g/ml. Cytotoxicity was completely abolished when complement was inactivated. Only 3.8±2.9% of MCF-7 cells survived the treatment with FC-2.15 in the presence of human serum. A flow-cytometry assay was performed to study the Ag2.15 expression of the surviving cells and they were found to be Ag2.15. FC-2.15 did not mediate antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity when different effector cells were used. Scatchard analysis with125I-FC-2.15 on MCF-7 cells demonstrated an affinity constant of 6.9×107 M–1 and 2.8×106 antigenic sites/cell.125I-FC-2.15 was internalized to cytoplasmic vesicles reaching a maximum of 27% after 6 h incubation, followed by the release of labeled degradation products to the supernatant. FC-2.15 appears to exert its cytotoxic effect mainly in the presence of human complement, it reacts with intermediate affinity with a high-density surface antigen, and it is slowly internalized by Ag2.15+ cells.  相似文献   
Summary A large portion of the 13C resonance assignments for murine epidermal growth factor (mEGF) at pH 3.1 and 28°C has been determined at natural isotope abundance. Sequence-specific 13C assignments are reported for 100% of the assignable C, 96% of the C, 86% of the aromatic and 70% of the remaining peripheral aliphatic resonances of mEGF. A good correlation was observed between experimental and back-calculated C chemical shifts for regions of regular -sheet structure. These assignments also provide the basis for interpreting 1H13C heteronuclear NOE (HNOE) values in mEGF at natural isotope abundance. Some of the backbone polypeptide segments with high internal mobility, indicated by these 1H13C HNOE measurements, correlate with locations of residues involved in the putative mEGF-receptor binding site. Using four families of mEGF structures obtained over the last few years, we demonstrate that standard deviations between experimental and back-calculated C values can be used to monitor the refinement of this protein's structure, particularly for -sheet regions. Improved agreement between calculated and observed values of C is correlated with other measures of structure quality, including lowered values of residual constraint violations and more negative values of conformational energy. These results support the view that experimental conformation-dependent chemical shifts, C, can provide a reliable source of information for monitoring the process of protein structure refinement and are potentially useful restraints for driving the refinement.Abbreviations HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - PFG pulsed-field gradient - TOCSY 1H-1H total correlation spectroscopy - EGF epidermal growth factor - mEGF murine EGF - hEGF human EGF - hTGF human type- transforming growth factor - DIPSI spm-locking pulse sequence - NOE nuclear Overhauser effect - HNOE heteronuclear Overhauser effect  相似文献   
The effect of gibberellin A1 (GA1) on production of ethylene by cowpea (Vigna sinensis cv Blackeye pea no. 5) epicotyl explants and its relationship to epicotyl elongation was investigated. The explants were placed upright in water and incubated in sealed culture tubes or in large jars. GA, and IAA in ethanol solution were injected into the subapical tissues of the decapitated epicotyls. Cowpea epicotyl explants elongated after GA but not after IAA treatment, and they were very sensitive to exogenous ethylene. As little as 0.14 1/1 ethylene reduced significantly GA1-induced epicotyl elongation.Treatment with GA1 induced the production of ethylene which began 10 h after GA application, showed a peak at about 22 h and then declined. The yield of ethylene was proportional to the amount of GA, injected. The inhibition of epicotyl elongation in closed tubes was avoided by absorbing ethylene released with Hg(Cl04)2 , or by adding AVG to the incubation solution to inhibit ethylene production. Treatment with IAA elicited a rapid production of ethylene which ceased about 10 h after application. The effects of IAA and GA1 on ethylene production were additive.Abbreviations AVG aminoethoxyvinylglycine 2-amino-4-(2-aminoethoxy)-trans-3butenoic acid - ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - GA gibberellin - IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   
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