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Yeast strains utilizing uric acid, adenine, monoamines or diamines as sole source of carbon and energy were isolated from several soil samples by the enrichment culture method. The most common species wasTrichosporon cutaneum. Strains ofCandida catenulata, C. famata, C. parapsilosis, C. rugosa, Cryptococcus laurentii, Stephanoascus ciferrii andTr. adeninovorans were also isolated. All strains utilizing uric acid as sole carbon source utilized some primaryn-alkyl-l-amines hydroxyamines or diamines as well. The ascomycetous yeast strains showing these characteristics all belonged to species known to assimilate hydrocarbons. Type strains of hydrocarbon-positive yeast species which were not found in the enrichment cultures generally assimilated putrescine, some type strains also butylamine or pentylamine, but none assimilated uric acid. Methanol-positive species were not isolated. Type strains of methanol-positive and of hydrocarbon-negative species did not assimilate uric acid, butylamine or putrescine. Assimilation of putrescine as sole source of carbon and energy may be a valuable diagnostic criterion in yeast taxonomy.  相似文献   
Summary Some basic parameters of the life history of Alsodes montanus and Alsodes tumultuosus (Anura-Leptodactylidae), were studied from 1977 to 1980 by periodic field observations at Farellones and La Parva (33–34° south lat.; 2,700–3,000 m above sea level). Special attention was paid to strategies of resource partitioning in relation to gross features of the environment. The latter was unstable with a relative short period favorable for activity of the animals. Physical environmental differences between the first and second season of this study, resulted in a decrease in total number of active adults, a reduction in the duration of larval activity and a shift in microhabitat preferences of larvae.During the favorable season, October to May, adults of both species showed spatial and temporal segregation, related to different physical features of the environment; larvae did not show temporal segregation. Larvae of both species were found in seven different microhabitats; only in one of these did they show significant difference in microhabitat preference, A. tumultuosus was found more often in crevices. Microhabitat dimensions were more important than time and food resources in the separation of the niches of the two species. The segregation of niche dimensions, microhabitat, diel and annual activity and food were not complementary.Coexistence was therefore observed with the species tending to use different resources. When the same resource was used, it was not limiting.  相似文献   
Anti-glutamine synthetase serum was raised in rabbits by injecting purified glutamine synthetase (GS) of the phototrophic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata E1F1. The antibodies were purified to monospecificity by immunoaffinity chromatography in GS-sepharose gel. These anti-GS antibodies were used to measure the antigen levels in crude extracts from bacteria, grown phototrophically with dinitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, glutamate, glutamine or alanine as nitrogen sources. The amount of GS detected by rocket immunoelectrophoresis was proportional to Mn2+-dependent transferase activity measured in the crude extracts. Addition of GS inhibitor l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine (MSX) to the actively growing cells promoted increased antigen levels, that were not found in the presence of glutamine or chloramphenicol. The ammonia-induced decrease in GS relative levels was reverted by MSX. GS levels remained constant when phototrophically growing cells were kept in the dark.Abbreviations GS glutamine synthetase - MOPS 2-(N-morpholine) propane sulfonate - MSX l-methionine-d,l-sulfoximine  相似文献   
A numerical algorithm has been developed for the estimation of the mechanical parameters of the human respiratory system. In order to estimate the pulmonary resistance and the dynamic pulmonary elastance, the transpulmonary pressure and the airflow at the mouth or nose are expanded in Chebyshev series. The nonlinear mathematical lung model and a set of measurements for airflow and pressure are then handled by the numerical technique. The lung model includes a component to account for turbulent flow in the larynx and trachea. This contribution presents an alternative method for lung parameter estimation and differs from most existing methods in that it does not need measurements for the tidal volume. It therefore eliminates the use of a body plethysmograph. The method may also find potential application to various other parameter identification problems.  相似文献   
The structure and absolute configuration of desangeloylshairidin, a guaianolide isolated from Guillonea scabra, have been established by X-ray diffraction analysis. No conformational change was observed in its seven-membered ring between the crystal and deuterochloroform solution states.  相似文献   
Measurements of binding of certain divalent cations to yeast apoenolase were made using a pH-meter, chromatography, a divalent cation electrode, and ultrafiltration. The binding of the activating metal ions Mg2+ and Co2+ and the nonactivator Ca2+ were studied as functions of the presence or absence of substrate/product, phosphate, and fluoride or level of Tb3+. The data suggest phosphate and fluoride increase Mg2+ binding but not Ca2+ binding. Substrate/product appears to increase Ca2+ binding as well as that of Mg2+ and Co2+. In the presence of substrate, Co2+ binding was 5-6 mol/mol dimer. In the absence of substrate/product, Tb3+ reduced Co2+ binding from 4 mol/mol to 2. These data are interpreted in terms of binding to "conformational," "catalytic" (substrate/product dependent), and "inhibitory" sites. Measurements of Tb3+ fluorescence quenching by Co2+ suggested that the distance between "conformational" sites on the two subunits was large, while the distance between "conformational" and "inhibitory" sites was ca. 17 +/- 4 A. Potentiometric titrations of apoenzyme with Ca2+ and Mg2+ showed that the metal ions produced the same proton release in the presence or absence of substrate/product. If phosphate and fluoride were present, then more protons were released if Ca2+ was the titrant rather than Mg2+, suggesting a difference in ionization state in the complex with the activating metal. Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of Co2+ binding to the various sites in the enzyme are presented. The Co2+ bound to all three sites appears to be high spin, consistent with a preponderance of oxyligands in an octahedral environment. Substrate, citrate, and a strongly binding substrate analogue strongly enhance the hyperfine structure of conformational Co2+. This is interpreted as the result of a change in interaction of an axial ligand to conformational Co2+ produced by carbon-3 of substrate or analogue.  相似文献   
Summary Calorimetric estimates of the utilization efficiency of the free-energy derived from substrate oxidation by cell suspensions of two nitrifying bacteria, Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter, provided two ranges of values: 11 to 27% and 15 to 51%, respectively. About 15 to 30% of the utilized free-energy is used for driving endergonic reactions other than CO2 fixation, probably the synthesis of polyphosphates.The molar heat of substrate oxidation does not seem to be influenced by the age of cells harvested during growth or by the length of the incubation period during which cells have been kept in a buffer suspension in a starved condition. The loss of respiratory activity measured either by oxygen uptake or heat evolution in the presence of the specific substrate, nitrite or ammonium, decreases according to kinetics which are influenced by the aerobiosis of the suspension. The viability of the starved cells decreases in a way which is similar to that of the respiratory activity. It seemed impossible to obtain cells which had lost their viability but kept the ability to oxidize their substrate.Two inhibitors of the respiratory chain, quinacrine and cyanide, are without effect on the molar heat of substrate oxidation and consequently on the free-energy utilization efficiency. 2.4 dinitrophenol did decrease the rate of heat evolution during substrate oxidation at concentrations at which the rate of oxygen uptake was not depressed, with the consequences that free-energy efficiency was apparently increased.  相似文献   
René Molinier 《Plant Ecology》1959,8(5-6):340-383
Conclusions La Provence apparaît, en définitive, comme un territoire des plus variés aux divers points de vue climatique, édaphique, biotique.C'est une région d'autant plus favorable aux études phytosociologiques que la variété des milieux s'y double d'une brutalité souvent étonnante des contrastes, conduisant à la juxtaposition parfois extrêmement précise d'associations végétales très différentes, dont les limites peuvent alors être cartographiquement figurées avec une très suffisante exactitude.Cette vigueur des contrastes est surtout marquée en Provence calcaire où les divers termes des séries évolutives dérivant du Quercetum ilicis climacique ou y conduisant, se juxtaposent souvent sans transition de quelque importance.Les contrastes sont cependant moins accusés en Provence cristalline et dans la Basse-Vallée du Rhône.En Crau comme en Camargue, les associations végétales se juxtaposent souvent en ceintures parallèles ou concentriques — elles s'individualisent alors facilement —, souvent en mosaïques irrégulières, au grè des variations locales des deux facteurs déterminants: l'eau en Crau, le sel en Camargue.En Provence cristalline, les Maures étant surtout faites de roches se délitant facilement (grès, micaschistes et phyllades) sous un climat chaud et humide, le sol se reconstitue facilement après sa destruction partielle par l'érosion; les contrastes sont moins tranchés; on observe des transitions nombreuses entre les divers termes des séries évolutives, dont les limites ne peuvent être fixées qu'approximativement. Nous y avons notamment abordé le problème de la forêt de chêne-liège dont la signification est loin d'être connue, non seulement en Provence mais sur toute l'étendue de son aire, en Afrique du Nord, en Espagne, au Portugal, en France méridionale, en Italie et dans les Iles de la Méditerranée occidentale.En provence cristalline, il est certain que l'homme en a considérablement assuré l'extension, directement pour l'utilisation du liège, indirectement par la coupe et le feu, et, en bien des points de la Méditerranée occidentale, le chêne-liège se présente comme une essence cultivée.Par ailleurs rien ne permet de mettre en doute son indigénat. Mais, dans les conditions actuelles du milieu en Provence cristalline:le chêne vert est possible partout;dans les conditions naturelles de la concurrence vitale le chêne vert l'emporte sur le chêne-liège.Si, donc, la forêt originelle a comporté le chêne-liège, ce ne peut être qu'à l'état d'essence secondaire et seulement en quelques points où une faible couverture forestière lui permettait de cohabiter avec le chêne vert.Les documents cartographiques au I/20 000e tendent à montrer, d'aileurs que, dans les conditions naturelles de reconstitution de la forêt ou dans le peuplement naturel des sols neufs (Isthme de Giens), c'est la chênaie de chêne vert, non la chênaie de chêne-liège qui s'installe.Les grandes unités phytosociologiques de la Provence paraissent être maintenant convenablement définies floristiquement; il convient donc d'en poursuivre l'étude écologique, dont certains aspects seulement les plus apparents—mais peut-être pas toujours les plus actifs-, ont été abordés.Notons enfin la démonstration faite, au cours de l'excursion, de la parfaite application possible des méthodes phytosociologiques à l'étude des groupements marins et la nécessité, particulièrement apparente en milieu marin, de considérer tout autant les animaux que les végétaux. L'avenir est bien aux biocénoses dont les grands traits ont été mis en évidence, quant à la côte de la presqu'île de Giens, par Roger Molinier.Reçu par la rédaction le 20. XII. 1958.avec la collaboration de ROGER MOLINIER pour la partie marine et G. TALLON pour la Camargue.  相似文献   
Lernanthropus huamani n. sp. (Copepoda: Lernanthropidae), a parasite of the Peruvian sciaenid fish Menticirrhus ophicephalus (Jenyns), is described and illustrated. The new species differs from all other species of Lernanthropus by a combination of characters, including the dorsal plate, legs and other appendages. L. guacoldae Villalba & Fernández, 1984 is considered a synonym of L. pacificus Oliva & Duran, 1982.  相似文献   
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