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Absence of 7-acetyl taxol binding to unassembled brain tubulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of taxol on microtubule proteins at 0 degrees C is controversial. In order to determine if taxol is unable to bind to unassembled tubulin, as has been hypothesized, the binding of [3H]acetyl taxol has been studied using equilibrium microdialysis. Ac-taxol bound to microtubules at 37 degrees C and the binding remained stable when the temperature was lowered to 0 degrees C. Ac-taxol bound also at 0 degrees C to microtubules stabilized with rhazinilam. In contrast, there was no binding of Ac-taxol to unassembled tubulin, either free tubulin at 0 degrees C or tubulin, complexed with several microtubule poisons, at 0 and 37 degrees C.  相似文献   
Europium(III) binding to 9-kDa calbindin from pig intestines was studied by direct excitation of the 7Fo----5Do transition of the ion and by near-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectroscopy. Europium(III) binding is clearly biphasic. As with other lanthanides the C-terminal metal-binding site (site II) is filled first. The europium ion in this site gives an excitation spectrum with a single peak at 579.1 nm (peak 2). The occupation of the N-terminal site (site I) by europium gives excitation spectra that are pH-dependent and show a peak at 579.4 nm (peak 1a) at pH 5 which shifts to 578.7 nm (peak 1b) over the pH range 5-7. At pH 8.07 the fluorescence from europium in site I largely disappears because of weak binding, whereas that from site II is quenched by about 75% in spite of full occupancy of the site as shown by circular dichroic titration. There is a strong interaction between the two sites in spite of the very different affinities. The fluorescence from site II increases stoichiometrically with the addition not only of the first equivalent of europium, but also concomitantly with the fluorescence from site I upon addition of the second equivalent. Furthermore, when Eu1-calbindin is titrated with calcium the fluorescence at 579.1 nm is quenched by about 30% during the addition of one equivalent of calcium which fills site I. Subsequent titration with large excesses of calcium displaces europium from site II. The affinity of site II for europium is about 100 times that of calcium under these conditions.  相似文献   
A preparation containing 80.0 +/- 0.5% (2RS)-methylmalonyl-carba-(dethia)-CoA and 20.0 +/- 0.5% propionyl-carba-(dethia)-CoA was reacted in buffered deuterium oxide with catalytic amounts of coenzyme B12, methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase. The rearrangement of the methylmalonyl-carba-(dethia)-CoA to succinyl-carba-(dethia)-CoA was monitored by recording 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectra in short time intervals. After reaching equilibrium (approximately equal to 28 min) the products showed chemical stability for about 17 h, i.e. succinyl species did not undergo the spontaneous hydrolysis encountered with normal succinyl-CoA. In the pre-equilibrium stage only about 66% of the produced succinyl-CH2CoA was the expected monodeuterated species. The remainder was 15.5% unlabelled and 18.3% 3,3-dideuterated. After reaching equilibrium a continuous deuterium incorporation (washing-in) from the solvent to the products was observed and quantified. The time course of the appearance of unlabelled, mono-, di- and trideuterated succinyl-CH2CoA species was determined by assigning and integrating the isotope-shifted 1H signals from the various species. Furthermore, mutase catalyses slow deuterium incorporation into first the methylene and then the methyl group of propionyl-CH2CoA. On the basis of these data it was concluded that methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and epimerase are responsible for continuous deuterium incorporation and multiple incorporation occurs when the backward reaction (succinyl-CH2CoA----methylmalonyl-CH2CoA) becomes important. To account for all of the results obtained with dethia and natural substrates we propose a new mutase mechanism whereby the enzyme can retain full stereospecificity at C-3 of succinyl while an internal 1,2-H shift to give a C-2 succinyl radical is responsible for partial scrambling of diastereotopic protons at C-3. This mechanism successfully predicts the observed deuterium disproportionation in succinyl species and the order of appearance of di- and trideuterated products via the washing-in process.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster cells (Don line) were treated in vivo with 5-BrdU and 33258-Hoechst fluorochrome for obtaining the partial inhibition of condensation that causes the R-banding pattern. Untreated chromosomes were stained by a standard G-banding method. Statistical measurements show significant differences in the band numbers between the two treatments. The Don cell line in the authors' laboratory presents some karyotypical differences from Don cell lines studied by other authors.  相似文献   
A quantitative method for investigation of relationship between polygenic and monogenic traits has been proposed. It is based on examination of relationship between frequencies of distribution classes of an adaptive quantitative trait and frequencies of certain genetic character in the same classes. The method permits to locate a gene marker within a space of quantitative trait values. Using adaptively significant morpho-anatomic traits, it is possible to estimate indirectly adaptive values of gene markers under consideration, since, in accordance with the concept of adaptive norm, "average" phenotypes have maximal fitness, whereas deviative phenotypes transgress the bounds of the optimum. As a genetical character, genotype of certain biochemical locus, individual heterozygosity range or interlocus combinations of alleles could be used. The method has been applied to newborn Astrakhan lambs. Principal component analysis has been used to obtain complex characterization for six constitutional characters. Some regularities in location of homo- and heterozygous genotypes of the transferrin locus within a space of morphological characters' values have been revealed.  相似文献   
The dose-response for radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes is usually fitted to the quadratic model. This assumes that the slope is essentially linear at low doses. Empirical observations of linearity at less than 200 mGy are, however, sparse. Some data have been published indicating a non-linear (threshold) response and these are reviewed. In particular one study with X-rays showed a plateau in response up to 50 mGy and with a significant dip below the control level at 4 mGy. The mechanism proposed to explain non-linearity is that low doses stimulate the enzymic repair capability of lymphocytes. Preliminary data are presented from a large experiment by six laboratories in which the low dose-response for X-rays has been re-examined. The plateau in the dose-response relationship, if it exists, does not extend to doses above approximately 10 mGy. No irradiated cells yielded aberration levels significantly below the control. Over the range 0-300 mGy the response can be fitted to a linear regression. There are, however, variations in sensitivity between cells from different donors. An unexpected finding was that some lymphocytes contained greater than 1 exchange aberrations. This may indicate a small subset of cells that are especially susceptible to the induction of aberrations by low doses.  相似文献   
A lot of traps and difficulties complicate the estimation of a genetic risk in the autosomal dominant diseases. The authors recapitulate the notions of mutation, penetrance and variability and illustrate by some examples the part of each of them, isolated or associated together. The increasing of molecular biology allows to resolve some of these problems, but generate new dangers which are analysed and illustrated.  相似文献   
Aside from the digestive enzymes the submandibular salivary glands (SSG) synthetize other polypeptides, detected also in saliva, with varied biological activity; NGF and EGF are the knowest. However, over the last decade, steroids hormones have been also found out in the saliva at the same concentrations that the free plasma fraction. The origin of these hormones is largely discussed and certain authors have even proposed a local synthesis for them. This matter, is of clinical interest because gingiva and buccal tissues are knowingly sensitive to steroids. Besides, woman ovulation appears to be monitored through progesterone fluctuations in saliva. Another kind of salivary substances is formed by the neuropeptides of the gut-brain axis, mainly VIP and SRIF. The former likely of nervous origin seems to be involved in the atropine-resistant salivary secretion, whereas the latter-likely of SSG origin--appears as a factor associated with glycemia control.  相似文献   
An excess of thyrotropin (TSH) with normal levels of tetraiodothyronine (T4) and of 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) was confirmed in the serum of 78 trisomy 21 children. A severe deficiency of 3,3',5'-triiodo-thyronine (rT3 or reverse T3) was observed and the decrease of the rT3/TSH ratio was highly significant. These new facts suggest that the rT3 deficiency plays a peculiar role in trisomy 21 (maybe through the regulation of one or few steps of monocarbons' metabolism). A systematic control of thyroid function (including the patient's rT3 level) is mandatory for the follow-up of every trisomy 21 patient.  相似文献   
Numerical analysis of multiple binding of two ligands to one carrier has been accomplished, using the principle of several sets of acceptable binding constants, with bilirubin-laurate-albumin as an example. Binding of bilirubin to defatted human serum albumin was investigated by a spectroscopic method, based upon a difference of light absorption spectrum for free and bound bilirubin. The observations were supplemented with previous data from an independent technique, measurement of oxidation rates of free bilirubin with hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase. A continuous isotherm was obtained, showing binding of at least 4 mol bilirubin per mole albumin with the following stoichiometric binding constants, 1.11 X 10(8), 1.7 X 10(7), 8 X 10(5), and 4 X 10(4) M-1 at pH 8.2, ionic strength 0.15 M, 25 degrees C. The binding is anticooperative at all steps. A saturation level was not reached. Cobinding of bilirubin and laurate was studied, with up to 2 mol of each ligand per mole albumin, using the peroxidase method for determination of free equilibrium concentrations of bilirubin, and a dialysis rate technique for free laurate. The findings could be described in terms of a stoichiometric model. Heterotropic cooperativity was present among the first bilirubin and the first and second laurate molecules. More than two molecules of either ligand can be bound at the same time.  相似文献   
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