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The main reason for the varying degrees of success of peptidase inhibitors (PI) as biological insecticides is the existence of a poorly understood mechanism, which allows pest insects to compensate for PI present in their diet. To challenge this highly flexible physiological mechanism and to prolong the inhibitory effect of PI on insect growth, a number of measures were taken into account before and during experiments with a notorious pest insect, the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria: (i) non-plant PI (pacifastin-related inhibitors) were used to reduce the risk of a specific co-evolutionary adaptation of the pest insect, (ii) based on the main types of digestive enzymes present in the midgut, mixtures of multiple PI with different enzyme specificity were selected, allowing for a maximal inhibition of the proteolytic activity and (iii) digestive peptidase samples were taken during oral administration experiments to study compensatory mechanisms. Contrary to larvae fed on a diet containing plant-derived PI, a significant growth impediment was observed in larvae that were fed a mixture of different pacifastin-like PI. Nevertheless, the growth inhibition effect of this PI mixture attenuated after a few days, Moreover, a comprehensive study of the observed responses after oral administration of PI revealed that S. gregaria larvae can adjust their secreted digestive enzyme activities in two distinct ways depending on the composition/concentration of the PI-mixture.  相似文献   
Forty-five erwinia strains from 14 different hosts have been tested lor growth on a crystal violet pectate medium with or without 70 μ/ml erythromycin at 27, 33.5 and 37°C. On the basis of positive data in the literature it was tried to identify the strains as Erwnia carotovora subsp. atroseptica, E. carotovora subsp. carotovora or E. chrysanthemi using this method. It appeared that relatively few strains reacted differentially, apparently due to strain variation (all strains were identified also by biochemical and physiological tests). The conclusion is that for a reliable identification of field isolates of soft rot crwinias other (biochemical, physiological and serological) methods have to be applied.  相似文献   
The distribution of nerve fibres in the mucosa of the nasal septum of the rat was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy on transverse and tangential ultrathin sections. Near the basement membrane of respiratory and squamous epithelium, a rather dense network of unmyelinated nerve fibres occurs. Some fibres in the respiratory epithelium ascend between the epithelial cells to reach up to the tight junctions. These fibres appeared in transverse sections to end as hooks or boutons, sometimes with branches. These shapes resemble the free nerve endings that are considered to act as nociceptors. The small intraepithelial fibres, with diameters of about 0.5–1 m, contain both dense granules and clear vesicles comparable to synaptic vesicles. Substance P was found in dense granules in basal fibres; vasoactive intestinal peptide was absent throughout the epithelium. Acetylcholinesterase activity was observed closely associated with the basal fibres; the apical fibres showed little if any activity. Membrane specializations pointing to an efferent function as well as structures usually associated with mechanoreceptive functions were lacking in both respiratory and squamous epithelium.Part of this work was presented at the Annual Conference of the Netherlands Society for Electron Microscopy, 28–29 Nov 1985, Wageningen, The Netherlands. See Spit BJ and Hendriksen EGJ (1986) Ultramicroscopy 19:102–103  相似文献   
Nasal lymphoid tissue in the rat   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary The structure and organization of paired lymphoid tissue in the nasal mucosa, situated in the transitional zone on both sides of the septal opening to the pharyngeal duct, of conventionally-housed rats was examined by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Each lymphoid structure consisted of follicles containing T- and B-cell areas, and was covered with specialized epithelium. This epithelium consisted of cuboidal ciliated cells with oval nuclei parallel to the basal lamina. Goblet cells were sparse. Occasionally, islands of microvilli-bearing cells (so called membraneous or M cells) covered the lymphoid structures. M Cells were also found as single cells among the ciliated cells. The morphological characteristics and the particular localization justify the conclusion that the nasal lymphoid tissue described belongs to the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue. It is therefore suggested that this nasal structure be designated nasal lymphoid tissue.  相似文献   
The effects of 3 different retinoids (all-trans-retinol, all-trans-retinoic acid, and all-trans-retinyl acetate) on the mutagenic activity of cigarette-smoke condensate were investigated in Salmonella typhimurium TA98. Neither an enhancing nor an inhibitory effect of the retinoids on the mutagnicity of cigarette-smoke condensate was observed.  相似文献   


LifeLines is a large prospective population-based three generation cohort study in the north of the Netherlands. Different recruitment strategies were adopted: recruitment of an index population via general practitioners, subsequent inclusion of their family members, and online self-registration. Our aim was to investigate the representativeness of the adult study population at baseline and to evaluate differences in the study population according to recruitment strategy.


Demographic characteristics of the LifeLines study population, recruited between 2006–2013, were compared with the total adult population in the north of the Netherlands as registered in the Dutch population register. Socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle, chronic diseases, and general health were further compared with participants of the Permanent Survey of Living Conditions within the region (2005–2011, N = 6,093). Differences according to recruitment strategy were assessed.


Compared with the population of the north of the Netherlands, LifeLines participants were more often female, middle aged, married, living in a semi-urban place and Dutch native. Adjusted for differences in demographic composition, in LifeLines a smaller proportion had a low educational attainment (5% versus 14%) or had ever smoked (54% versus 66%). Differences in the prevalence of various chronic diseases and low general health scores were mostly smaller than 3%. The age profiles of the three recruitment groups differed due to age related inclusion criteria of the recruitment groups. Other differences according to recruitment strategy were small.


Our results suggest that, adjusted for differences in demographic composition, the LifeLines adult study population is broadly representative for the adult population of the north of the Netherlands. The recruitment strategy had a minor effect on the level of representativeness. These findings indicate that the risk of selection bias is low and that risk estimates in LifeLines can be generalized to the general population.  相似文献   
The inferior olivary nucleus provides one of the two main inputs to the cerebellum: the so-called climbing fibers. Activation of climbing fibers is generally believed to be related to timing of motor commands and/or motor learning. Climbing fiber spikes lead to large all-or-none action potentials in cerebellar Purkinje cells, overriding any other ongoing activity and silencing these cells for a brief period of time afterwards. Empirical evidence shows that the climbing fiber can transmit a short burst of spikes as a result of an olivary cell somatic spike, potentially increasing the information being transferred to the cerebellum per climbing fiber activation. Previously reported results from in vitro studies suggested that the information encoded in the climbing fiber burst is related to the occurrence of the spike relative to the ongoing sub-threshold membrane potential oscillation of the olivary cell, i.e. that the phase of the oscillation is reflected in the size of the climbing fiber burst. We used a detailed three-compartmental model of an inferior olivary cell to further investigate the possible factors determining the size of the climbing fiber burst. Our findings suggest that the phase-dependency of the burst size is present but limited and that charge flow between soma and dendrite is a major determinant of the climbing fiber burst. From our findings it follows that phenomena such as cell ensemble synchrony can have a big effect on the climbing fiber burst size through dendrodendritic gap-junctional coupling between olivary cells.  相似文献   
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