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Potassium (K) is one of the major nutrients that is essential for plant growth and development. The majority of cellular K+ resides in the vacuole and tonoplast K+ channels of the TPK (Two Pore K) family are main players in cellular K+ homeostasis. All TPK channels were previously reported to be expressed in the tonoplast of the large central lytic vacuole (LV) except for one isoform in Arabidopsis that resides in the plasma membrane. However, plant cells often contain more than one type of vacuole that coexist in the same cell. We recently showed that two TPK isoforms (OsTPKa and OsTPKb) from Oryza sativa localize to different vacuoles with OsTPKa predominantly found in the LV tonoplast and OsTPKb primarily in smaller compartments that resemble small vacuoles (SVs). Our study further revealed that it is the C-terminal domain that determines differential targeting of OsTPKa and OsTPKb. Three C-terminal amino acids were particularly relevant for targeting TPKs to their respective endomembranes. In this addendum we further evaluate how the different localization of TPKa and TPKb impact on their physiological role and how TPKs provide a potential tool to study the physiology of different types of vacuole.Key words: TPK channels, small vacuoles, vacuolar targeting, potassiumThe roles of plant vacuolar K+ channels are diverse and include potassium homeostasis, turgor regulation and responses to abiotic stress. Vacuolar K+-selective channels belong to two-pore K+ (TPK) channel families which have been found in genomes of many plant species such as Arabidopsis, poplar, Physcomitrella, Eucalyptus, barley, potato, rice and tobacco (Fig. 1). TPKs have structural similarity to mammalian “tandem P domain” channels with a secondary structure that contains four transmembrane domains and two pore regions (Fig. 2).15 TPK channels have pore regions with a GYGD signature that endows K+ selectivity and a variable number of Ca2+ binding EF domains in the C terminus.38 One of the best characterized members of the TPK family is AtTPK1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. AtTPK1 activity is voltage independent but sensitive to cytosolic Ca2+, cytosolic pH and N-terminal phosphorylation by 14-3-3 proteins.5,6,8,9 In Arabidopsis, AtTPK1 expresses in the large lytic vacuole (LV) and plays roles in cellular K+ homeostasis, K+-release during stomatal closure and seed germination.4,5 Other members of the Arabidopsis TPK family (AtTPK2, AtTPK3, AtTPK5) have been shown to localize to the LV but also showed some expression in smaller, vesicle-like, compartments.4 However, none of these isoforms appears to form functional channels in planta although our experiments with heterologous expression of AtTPK3 and AtTPK5 in the K+ uptake deficient E. coli LB2003 demonstrates complementation of bacterial growth phenotype (Isayenkov S, et al. unpublished results). Equally intriguing, is the plasma membrane localization of the Arabidopsis TPK4 isoform, in spite of its sequence being very similar to that of other TPKs.10Open in a separate windowFigure 1Phylogenetic tree of plant TPKs. The three main clusters of TPKs comprise: Cluster 1 with AtTPK1-like channels; Cluster 2 with AtTPK3/TPK5-like channels; Cluster 3 with barley HvTPKb. Bootstrap analysis was performed using ‘Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, MEGA4’ software available at www.megasoftware.net/mega4/megaOpen in a separate windowFigure 2Two-pore potassium channel secondary structure. TPK channels comprise four transmembrane domains (1–4) and two pore regions (P) per subunit. Functional channels are formed from two subunits. In most TPKs, both P regions contain a K+ selectivity signature, GYGD. However, the tobacco NtTPKa isoform has different motifs in the second P domain. In the N terminal region, TPKs have a 14-3-3 binding domain that impact on channel activity, with the binding of 14-3-3 protein leading to channel activation. C-termini of TPKs show a varying number of putative Ca2+ binding “EF hands” which may vary from zero to two.  相似文献   
APOE genotype is associated with the risk of Alzheimer's disease. In the present study, we investigated whether APOE genotype was associated with cognitive function in predominantly middle-aged persons. In a population-based cohort of 4,135 persons aged 35 to 82 years (mean age (SD), 55 (12) years), cognitive function was measured with the Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT; worst score, 0 points; best score, 175 points). APOE genotype (rs429358 and rs7412) was determined by polymerase chain reaction. The mean RFFT score (SD) of the total cohort was 69 (26) points. Unadjusted, the mean RFFT score in homozygous APOE ε4 carriers was 4.66 points lower than in noncarriers (95% confidence interval, -9.84 to 0.51; p?=?0.08). After adjustment for age and other risk factors, the mean RFFT score in homozygous APOE ε4 carriers was 5.24 points lower than in noncarriers (95% confidence interval, -9.41 to -1.07; p?=?0.01). The difference in RFFT score was not dependent on age. There was no difference in RFFT score between heterozygous APOE ε4 carriers and noncarriers. The results indicated that homozygous APOE ε4 carriers aged 35 years or older had worse cognitive function than heterozygous carriers and noncarriers.  相似文献   


Type 2 diabetes mellitus and muscle insulin resistance have been associated with reduced capacity of skeletal muscle mitochondria, possibly as a result of increased intake of dietary fat. Here, we examined the hypothesis that a prolonged high-fat diet consumption (HFD) increases the saturation of muscle mitochondrial membrane phospholipids causing impaired mitochondrial oxidative capacity and possibly insulin resistance.


C57BL/6J mice were fed an 8-week or 20-week low fat diet (10 kcal%; LFD) or HFD (45 kcal%). Skeletal muscle mitochondria were isolated and fatty acid (FA) composition of skeletal muscle mitochondrial phospholipids was analyzed by thin-layer chromatography followed by GC. High-resolution respirometry was used to assess oxidation of pyruvate and fatty acids by mitochondria. Insulin sensitivity was estimated by HOMA-IR.

Principal Findings

At 8 weeks, mono-unsaturated FA (16∶1n7, 18∶1n7 and 18∶1n9) were decreased (−4.0%, p<0.001), whereas saturated FA (16∶0) were increased (+3.2%, p<0.001) in phospholipids of HFD vs. LFD mitochondria. Interestingly, 20 weeks of HFD descreased mono-unsaturated FA while n-6 poly-unsaturated FA (18∶2n6, 20∶4n6, 22∶5n6) showed a pronounced increase (+4.0%, p<0.001). Despite increased saturation of muscle mitochondrial phospholipids after the 8-week HFD, mitochondrial oxidation of both pyruvate and fatty acids were similar between LFD and HFD mice. After 20 weeks of HFD, the increase in n-6 poly-unsaturated FA was accompanied by enhanced maximal capacity of the electron transport chain (+49%, p = 0.002) and a tendency for increased ADP-stimulated respiration, but only when fuelled by a lipid-derived substrate. Insulin sensitivity in HFD mice was reduced at both 8 and 20 weeks.


Our findings do not support the concept that prolonged HF feeding leads to increased saturation of skeletal muscle mitochondrial phospholipids resulting in a decrease in mitochondrial fat oxidative capacity and (muscle) insulin resistance.  相似文献   


Penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) are well known and validated targets for antibacterial therapy. The most important clinically used inhibitors of PBPs β-lactams inhibit transpeptidase activity of PBPs by forming a covalent penicilloyl-enzyme complex that blocks the normal transpeptidation reaction; this finally results in bacterial death. In some resistant bacteria the resistance is acquired by active-site distortion of PBPs, which lowers their acylation efficiency for β-lactams. To address this problem we focused our attention to discovery of novel noncovalent inhibitors of PBPs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Our in-house bank of compounds was screened for inhibition of three PBPs from resistant bacteria: PBP2a from Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), PBP2x from Streptococcus pneumoniae strain 5204, and PBP5fm from Enterococcus faecium strain D63r. Initial hit inhibitor obtained by screening was then used as a starting point for computational similarity searching for structurally related compounds and several new noncovalent inhibitors were discovered. Two compounds had promising inhibitory activities of both PBP2a and PBP2x 5204, and good in-vitro antibacterial activities against a panel of Gram-positive bacterial strains.


We found new noncovalent inhibitors of PBPs which represent important starting points for development of more potent inhibitors of PBPs that can target penicillin-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   
Biological systems often have to measure extremely low concentrations of chemicals with high precision. When dealing with such small numbers of molecules, the inevitable randomness of physical transport processes and binding reactions will limit the precision with which measurements can be made. An important question is what the lower bound on the noise would be in such measurements. Using the theory of diffusion-influenced reactions, we derive an analytical expression for the precision of concentration estimates that are obtained by monitoring the state of a receptor to which a diffusing ligand can bind. The variance in the estimate consists of two terms, one resulting from the intrinsic binding kinetics and the other from the diffusive arrival of ligand at the receptor. The latter term is identical to the fundamental limit derived by Berg and Purcell (Biophys. J., 1977), but disagrees with a more recent expression by Bialek and Setayeshgar. Comparing the theoretical predictions against results from particle-based simulations confirms the accuracy of the resulting expression and reaffirms the fundamental limit established by Berg and Purcell.  相似文献   
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