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A novel family of antimicrobial peptides, named raniseptins, has been characterized from the skin secretion of the anuran Hypsiboas raniceps. Nine cDNA molecules have been successfully cloned, sequenced, and their respective polypeptides were characterized by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation. The encoded precursors share structural similarities with the dermaseptin prepropeptides from the Phyllomedusinae subfamily and the mature 28-29 residue long peptides undergo further proteolytic cleavage in the crude secretion yielding consistent fragments of 14-15 residues. The biological assays performed demonstrated that the Rsp-1 peptide has antimicrobial activity against different bacterial strains without significant lytic effect against human erythrocytes, whereas the peptide fragments generated by endoproteolysis show limited antibiotic potency. MALDI imaging mass spectrometry in situ studies have demonstrated that the mature raniseptin peptides are in fact secreted as intact molecules within a defined glandular domain of the dorsal skin, challenging the physiological role of the observed raniseptin fragments, identified only as part of the crude secretion. In this sense, stored and secreted antimicrobial peptides may confer distinct protective roles to the frog.  相似文献   
Antibody light chain (LC) aggregation in vivo leads to the systemic deposition of Ig light chain domains in the form of either amyloid fibrils (AL-amyloidosis) or amorphous deposits, light-chain deposition disease (LCDD), in mainly cardiac or renal tissue and is a pathological condition that is often fatal. Molecular factors that may contribute to the propensity of LCs to aggregate in vivo, such as the protein primary structure or local environment, are intensive areas of study. Herein, we show that the aggregation of a human antibody kappa-(kappa-MJM) and lambda-(lambda-L155) light chain (1 mg/mL) can be accelerated in vitro when they are incubated under physiologically relevant conditions, PBS, pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C, in the presence of a panel of biologically relevant lipid-derived aldehydes, 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), malondialdehyde (MDA), glyoxal (GLY), atheronal-A (KA), and atheronal-B (ALD). Thioflavin-T (ThT) and Congo Red (CR) binding assays coupled with turbidity studies reveal that this aldehyde-induced aggregation can be associated with alteration of protein secondary structure to an increased beta-sheet conformation. We observed that the nature of the conformational change is primarily dependent upon the lipidic aldehyde studied, not the protein sequence. Thus, the cholesterol 5,6-secosterols, KA and ALD, cause an amorphous-type aggregation which is ThT and CR negative for both the kappa-MJM and lambda-L155 light chains, whereas 4-HNE, MDA, and GLY induce aggregates that bind both ThT and CR. TEM analysis revealed that amyloid fibrils were formed during the 4-HNE-mediated aggregation of kappa-MJM and lambda-L155 light chains, whereas ALD-induced aggregates of these LCs where amorphous in nature. Kinetic profiles of LC aggregation reveal clear differences between the aldehydes, KA and ALD, causing a classic nucleated polymerization-type aggregation, with a lag phase (of approximately 150 h) followed by a growth phase that plateaus, whereas 4-HNE, MDA, and GLY trigger a seeded-type aggregation process that has no lag phase. In-depth studies of the 4-HNE-accelerated aggregation of kappa-MJM and lambda-L155 reveal a clear aldehyde concentration dependence and a process that can be inhibited by the naturally occurring osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). Given these data, we feel our recently discovered paradigm of inflammatory aldehyde-induced protein misfolding may now extend to LC aggregation.  相似文献   
We present a method to evaluate ecological characteristics of small shallow ponds in Central Mexico based on video remote sensing and image processing techniques in a GIS environment. We used a set of color video imagery obtained from heights lower than 700 m above ground. Our analysis established statistical correlations between the average reflectance values contained in video imagery (digital numbers DN per Blue-Green-Red band) and the average values of limnetic variables: (1) water suspended solids concentration; (2) water turbidity; (3) total macrophytes coverage; (4) free floaters and emergent macrophytes coverage; (5) zooplankton abundance; and (6) chlorophyll-a concentration in water. We found strong correlation between DN values and vegetation presence, suspended solids concentration and water turbidity (R= 0.85 to 0.98), but weak correlations with phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance. This cheap and fast method can be used to describe general conditions of ponds related with vegetation abundance, turbidity and suspended solids.  相似文献   
Villar  Carlos  Stripeikis  Jorge  Colautti  Dario  D'Huicque  Liliana  Tudino  Mabel  Bonetto  Carlos 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):225-233
Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations were measured in the water and these plus Zn were measured in the diet, muscle and liver of the detritivorous fish Prochilodus lineatus and the omnivorous fish Pterodoras granulosus at two sites (Lower Paraná River and Río de la Plata right margin) located upstream and downstream, respectively, from Buenos Aires, an important source of xenobiotics. Cu and Cr concentrations in water were higher in the Río de la Plata coastal waters, while Cd and Pb were below detection limits. The stomach contents of P. lineatus showed a higher metal content at the estuary, attaining concentrations within the range reported for contaminated sediments. However, metals in fish tissue were not higher at the estuary and, except for Cd in liver, were lower than in the organic fraction of the stomach content. Thus, only Cd was accumulated. The P. granulosus diet was composed mainly of river vegetation debris and clams, Corbicula fluminea, at the estuary. Cd, Cu and Pb in liver were higher at the estuary while only Cu was higher in the diet at this site. The different nature of the diet seems associated with a differential bioavailability of its metal content. P. granulosus accumulates Cu at both sites and Cd at the estuary. Both fishes showed higher metal content in liver than in muscle. Cr in liver was below detection limits. No relation was found between metal content and fish size. Overall, metal content in fish tissues were low, except for Cu in P. granulosus and Cd in P. lineatus, similar to those of uncontaminated sites, suggesting that homeostatic mechanisms prevent metal accumulation.  相似文献   
This study analyses differences in European rabbitOryctolagus cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) abundance between fragmented and continuous populations and the relative importance of habitat structure (micro- and macrohabitat) and isolation in determining the abundance pattern in fragmented and continuous areas of central Spain. The species was mainly restricted to mediterranean vegetation habitat. In fragmented areas, rabbit abundance was linked to scrubland cover but was not correlated to pasture/cropland cover. The model explained very little of the observed variance. Distance to continuous populations did not improve the model. Stochastic phenomena or unmeasured factors (predation level, soil type) could be acting in this context. Rabbits were more abundant in continuous areas than in fragmented ones. In continuous areas, rabbit abundance was associated with mosaics of pastures, scrublands, and croplands. These habitat features are linked to shelter and feeding requirements of rabbits. The model explained an important part of the observed variance. This supports that management and conservation strategies should be based on the landscape pattern in each situation.  相似文献   
This study focuses on knowledge of medicinal plants among the Caiçaras (rural inhabitants of the Atlantic Forest coast, Brazil). In particular, we examine the use of medicinal plants according to sex and age to reveal general patterns of Caiçara knowledge and use of plant resources. Data collected through 449 interviews at 12 Caiçara communities (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo coastal sites) include citations of 249 plants and identification of 227 species. We show the importance of introduced as opposed to native plants and of key individuals for the conservation of the Caiçaras-Atlantic Forest.  相似文献   
Summary Spilanthes mauritiana DC., (Compositae), a East African medicinal herb containing pharmaceutically promising secondary metabolites, has successfully been raised in vitro. We have developed a clonal propagation protocol that uses juvenile plants as starting material. The addition of benzylaminopurine (BA) (1.0 μM) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) (0.1 μM) to the culture medium resulted in maximum shooting response with minimal callusing. Shoots rooted best in vitro in MS medium supplemented with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA; 0.2 μM), and plants that had already developed roots showed better growth, with maximum survival rate, in the greenhouse after an initial hardening.  相似文献   
For many years, researchers have speculatedthat fin whales are year-round residents in theSea of Cortez (= Gulf of California). Previouswork by Bérubé and co-workers has shownthat the degree of genetic diversity among finwhales in the Sea of Cortez at nuclear andmitochondrial loci is highly reduced. However,the relatively unobstructed connection with theNorth Pacific Ocean argues that Sea of Cortezfin whales are part of a much larger easternNorth Pacific population given the extensivemigratory ranges observed in fin whales andbaleen whales in general. The low degree ofgenetic variation might thus simply be due tohistoric fluctuations in the effectivepopulation size of an eastern North Pacificpopulation. In order to test if the reducedgenetic variation detected among fin whales inthe Sea of Cortez is due to small populationsize or a past bottleneck in an otherwise largeeastern North Pacific population, we analyzedthe geographic distribution of geneticvariation at a single mitochondrial (controlregion) and 16 nuclear loci in samplescollected from fin whales in the eastern NorthPacific (n = 12) as well as the Sea of Cortez(n = 77). Our results showed that fin whalesobserved in the Sea of Cortez constitute ahighly isolated and thus evolutionary uniquepopulation, which warrants special conservationmeasures given the current low estimate ofabundance of approximately 400 individuals.  相似文献   
We examined the effect of environmental patchiness on the spatial segregation of the sexes in the dioecious anemophilus grass Poa ligularis. Because the species is sensitive to grazing, a better understanding of environmental factors that control its spatial distribution and abundance could improve conservation efforts. We hypothesized that (i) males and females are spatially segregated in the microenvironments created by plant patches as the result of sexual specialization in habitat and/or resources use, (ii) sexual specialization is related to different tolerance to competition and reproductive costs of males and females, and (iii) changes in patch structure affect the microenvironment and the intensity of spatial segregation of the sexes. We analyzed the spatial distribution of sexes at three sites with different plant and micro-environmental patchiness and performed a controlled competition experiment with different substitution of males and females. Our results showed that large plant patches created larger sheltered soil fertility islands than small patches. As patch size and their area of influence increased, the density and the spatial segregation of the sexes of P. ligularis also increased, resulting in biased habitat-specific sex ratios. In accordance with their higher reproductive costs, females were more frequent in sheltered (low air evaporative demand) and nitrogen-rich areas inside patch perimeters than males. Females were also better able to tolerate inter-sexual competition than males. In contrast, males tolerated low nitrogen concentration in soil and low sheltering, probably gaining advantage in pollen dispersal. Inter- and intra-sexual competition, however, affected the reproductive output of both sexes. From the point of view of conservation, environmental patchiness is important to the status of P. ligularis populations. The reduction of patch size limits the available microsites, biases the sex ratio towards males inside patches, increases inter- and intra-sexual competition, and it might be expected to decrease overall seed and pollen production and consequently potential recruitment.  相似文献   
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