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Etiolated Vicia faba seedlings were exposed to continuous red light to investigate whether changes in extracellular peroxidase activity were correlated in time and localization with changes in extension growth and/or lignin content in the subapical region of the epicotyl. Continuous red light: (a) increased extracellular peroxidase activity after a lag of ca 0.5 h, followed by a maximum peak after 2.5 h due to slightly acidic isoforms (pI = 6–6.5, according to isoelectrofocusing gels), a minimum after 4 h and a second maximum after 8 h due to acidic isoforms (pI=4–5), (b) increased lignin content and epicotyl resistance to bending after a lag of ca 4 h, i.e. simultaneously with changes in acidic extracellular peroxidase activity, and (c) reduced extension growth to a stable rate after a lag of ca 1 h, not coinciding with the kinetics of any of the extracellular peroxidase isoforms. These effects of continuous red light were at least partially mediated by phytochrome. Tissue printing and anatomical studies revealed red light effects on extracellular peroxidase activity and lignin content mainly in the outer cortical parenchyma. The results are consistent with the involvement of phyto-chrome-mediated effects on extracellular peroxidases (acidic isoforms) in the transduction chain leading to lignin responses to red light.  相似文献   
Three new allelic forms of the HLA-G DNA sequence (HLA-G*II, HLA-G*III, and HLA-G*IV) have been identified. With the HLA-G*I sequence (previously designated HLA 6.0) as a reference, HLA-G*II shows a silent (G A) mutation at the third base of codon 57, HLA-G*III bears a non-synonymous (A T), but conservative, (Thr Ser) substitution at the first base of codon 31, and HLA-G*IV shows two silent substitutions: (A T) at the third base of codon 107 and (G A) at the third base of codon 57. A rapid method of singling out each allele on genomic DNA has been developed by using polymerase chain reaction amplification followed by restriction endonuclease treatment. Also, more or less strong linkage disequilibria has been found between most HLA-A alleles and either HLA-G*I or *II, both being the most prevalent alleles in the population, with a genotypic frequency of 0.55 and 0.38, respectively; HLA-G*III is very rare and HLA-G*IV has a genotypic frequency of 0.07. An evolutive classification of HLA-A alleles results according to their association with either HLA-G*I or HLA-G*II, which does not correlate with the classical serological cross-reacting groups classification. The finding of a strong and selective A/G linkage disequilibria with most HLA-A alleles, together with the existence of less frequent random A/G associations, may suggest that there exist in different haplotypes true and varied A/G genetic distances (and not a recombinational hotspot). It may be inferred from preliminary data that in primates HLA-A/G haplotypes bearing G*II may have appeared later than those bearing G*I.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank and EMBL nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the following accession numbers: EMBL-X60983 (HLA-G*II), GenBank-M99048 (HLA-G*III), and GenBank-L07784 (HLA-G*IV).The contribution to this paper by P. Morales and A. Corell is equal, and the order of authorship is arbitrary. Correspondence to: A. Arnaiz-Villena.  相似文献   
Biomass, litterfall, litter standing crop, and decomposition was studied in a native subtropical alluvial forest locally known as Selva Marginal (SM) and an exotic Ligustrum lucidum forest (LF) at the Reserva Integral de Punta Lara, Buenos Aires Province, 34°47S and 58°1W. The alluvial forest site was at the southern limit of distribution of subtropical forests in South America. The Ligustrum forest was invading disturbed areas. Total biomass was 147.7 Mg/ha (86% aboveground and 14% belowground) in the SM, and 71.4 Mg/ha (93% and 7%, respectively) in the LF. Litterfall was 10.3 Mg/ha·yr and 13.8 Mg/ha·yr respectively. Annual leaf decomposition rate was greater for Ligustrum (k=4.07) than for SM species (k=1.48). The mean residence time of aboveground biomass was 12 yr for the SM and 5 yr for the LF. The k1 values (litterfall/standing crop) were 1.9 and 2.0 for SM and LF respectively. The influence of coastal road and wall in the hydroperiod, native forested wetland ecosystem survival and exotic forest invasion is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Somatic embryos could be induced from the cotyledons of zygotic embryos from immature fruits ofFeijoa sellowiana Berg (Feijoa) in the presence of a wide range of concentrations of fructose, glucose, maltose, and sucrose. Mannitol or sorbitol alone were ineffective. The highest frequencies of induction (99%) and the greatest number of somatic embryos per explant (134) were obtained with 0.4M fructose and 0.3M sucrose, respectively. This sucrose concentration also showed greater induction capacity than equimolar combinations of its monosaccharide constituents combined. Somatic embryo development was arrested at the globular stage at concentrations higher than 0.5M of all the sugars tested. When transferred to solid germination medium containing 2.0 mg/liter (5.77μM) gibberellic acid, 0.5 mg/liter (2.32μM) kinetin, and 0.029M sucrose, somatic embryos formed under 0.3 or 0.4M sucrose had better germination capacity than those induced under lower (0.1 and 0.2M) concentrations, as assessed by the frequency of explants presenting germinated embryos and by the number of plants obtained from those explants. On liquid media of similar composition somatic embryos did not germinate. Our data suggest that high (0.3 to 0.4M) carbohydrate levels improve somatic embryogenesis by acting both as carbon source and as osmotic regulator.  相似文献   
InNeurospora crassa thenit-2 andnmr-1 (ms-5) loci represent the major control genes encoding regulatory proteins that allow the coordinated expression of various systems involved with the utilization of a secondary nitrogen source. In this paper we examine the effect of thenit-2 andms-5 (nmr-1 locus) mutations on the regulation of the ammonium assimilation enzymes, glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase, which are regulated by the products of these genes; however, glutamate synthase is not so regulated. Glutamine synthetase and glutamate dehydrogenase levels are also regulated by the amino nitrogen content. We present evidence that thems-5 andgln r strains, which behave very similarly in their resistance to glutamine repression, are different and map in different loci.  相似文献   
Rhizobium tropici CIAT899 is a broad-host-range strain that, in addition to Phaseolus, nodulates other plant legumes such as Leucaena and Macroptilium. The narrow-host-range of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovars phaseoli (strain CE3) and trifolii (strain RS1051) can be extended to Leucaena esculents and Phaseolus vulgaris plants, respectively, by the introduction of a DNA fragment 521 bp long, which carries 128 amino acids of the amino-terminal region of a nodD gene from R. tropici, as well as a putative nod-box-like sequence, divergently oriented. The 521 bp fragment, in the presence of L. esculenta or P. vulgaris root exudates, induced a R. leguminosarum bv. viciae nodA-lacZ fusion in either a CE3 or RS1051 background, respectively.  相似文献   
Ten sampling sites were selected to represent six distinct habitat types used by capybaras (clean lagoons, dirty lagoons, cutwaters, fens and marshes, gallery forests, and erosion ditches). The sites were sampled during winter (July and August); densities were expressed as number of capybaras per linear km of shoreline (C/LKS). The sites were classified as protected from poachers (P), under light hunting pressure (LHP), and under heavy hunting pressure (HHP). Clean protected (P) lagoons had three times as many capybaras as LHP ones (30.7 and 10.9 C/LKS, respectively), and thirty times those under HHP (1.0 C/LKS). Protected marshes and dirty lagoons had even higher capybara densities (52.5 and 50.0 C/LKS, respectively). Gallery forests under LHP had low densities (6.3 C/LKS), and protected cutwaters intermediate densities (27.5 C/LKS). Erosion ditches had exceptionally high densities (900 C/LKS), probably because cattle were fenced out, reducing forage competition. These densities, when converted to the standard unit area measurement (individuals/ha), were similar to those obtained by other researchers in the Brazilian Pantanal, and somewhat smaller than those in the Venezuelan Llanos. Mean number of capybaras per group remained relatively constant in all habitats (averages ranged between 9.2 and 11.8 individuals/group) but its coefficient of variation was much higher in LHP sites, probably because social structure was altered severely by hunting. The overall ratio of young to adults and juveniles was 1:7.4. In one of the sites, 13 of 34 groups (38.2%) were with young (average of 17 capybaras per group, 4.7 of which were young), confirming that this species can reproduce all year long.Requests for reprints should be sent to: Dr. J. Rabinovich.  相似文献   
Understanding the evolution of an epidemic is essential to implement timely and efficient preventive measures. The availability of epidemiological data at a fine spatio-temporal scale is both novel and highly useful in this regard. Indeed, having geocoded data at the case level opens the door to analyze the spread of the disease on an individual basis, allowing the detection of specific outbreaks or, in general, of some interactions between cases that are not observable if aggregated data are used. Point processes are the natural tool to perform such analyses. We analyze a spatio-temporal point pattern of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases detected in Valencia (Spain) during the first 11 months (February 2020 to January 2021) of the pandemic. In particular, we propose a mechanistic spatio-temporal model for the first-order intensity function of the point process. This model includes separate estimates of the overall temporal and spatial intensities of the model and a spatio-temporal interaction term. For the latter, while similar studies have considered different forms of this term solely based on the physical distances between the events, we have also incorporated mobility data to better capture the characteristics of human populations. The results suggest that there has only been a mild level of spatio-temporal interaction between cases in the study area, which to a large extent corresponds to people living in the same residential location. Extending our proposed model to larger areas could help us gain knowledge on the propagation of COVID-19 across cities with high mobility levels.  相似文献   
Our laboratories have independently identified a gene in Salmonella choleraesuis and Salmonella typhimurium that is necessary for efficient adherence and entry of these organisms into cultured epithelial cells. Introduction of a mutated gene into several Salmonella strains belonging to different serotypes rendered these organisms deficient for adherence and invasion of cultured cells. This effect was most pronounced in the host-adapted serotypes Salmonella gallinarum, S. choleraesuis, and Salmonella typhi. The nucleotide sequence of this gene, which we have termed invH, encodes a predicted 147-amino-acid polypeptide containing a signal sequence. The InvH predicted polypeptide is highly conserved in S. typhimurium and S. choleraesuis, differing at only three residues. The invH gene was expressed in Escherichia coli using a T7 RNA polymerase expression system and a polypeptide of ~16000 molecular weight was observed, in agreement with the predicted size of its gene product. Upon fractionation, the expressed polypeptide was localized in the bacterial membrane fraction. Southern and colony hybridization analyses indicated that the invH gene is present in all Salmonella strains tested (91 strains belonging to 37 serotypes) with the exception of strains of Salmonella arizonae. No homologous sequences were detected in Yersinia, Shigella, Proteus, and several strains of enteroinvasive and enteropathogenic E. coli. Downstream from the S. choleraesuis (but not S. typhimurium) invH gene, a region with extensive homology to the insertion sequence IS3 was detected.  相似文献   
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