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The present study was conducted to determine whether Varroa jacobsoni can transmit American foulbrood (AFB), caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae to healthy colonies by the surface transport of spores. Five two-storey Langstroth colonies of Apis mellifera ligustica were infested by placing a sealed brood comb, with 10% Varroa prevalence, between the central brood combs of each colony. Two months later the colonies were inoculated with P. larvae by adding brood comb pieces with clinical signs of AFB (45±5 scales per colony). After 60 days the brood area was completely uncapped by means of dissecting needles and tweezers, separating the Varroa mites from the larvae and the collected mites were introduced at a rate of 51 per colony into four recipient hives placed in an isolated apiary. Twenty female Varroa specimens were separated at random and observed by SEM. Paenibacillus larvae spores were found on the dorsal shield surface and on idiosomal setae. All colonies died after 4–5 months due to a high incidence of varroosis. No clinical AFB symptoms or P. larvae spores were observed in microscopic preparations. It is concluded that Varroa jacobsoni does not transmit AFB from infected to healthy colonies; it does, however transport P. larvae spores on its surface.  相似文献   
Summary Kidneys of adult male and female lizards were studied by electron microscopy, in order to understand the ultrastructure of the collecting duct and a differentiated part thereof, the sexual segment, which is an important accessory sexual organ. First portion of sexual segment in males: The cells are filled with large secretory granules of a wide range of opacities. The granular endoplasmic reticulum is abundant; basal formations of superimposed flat cisternae are frequent. Distended vesicles and microvesicles prevail in the supranuclear, well developed Golgi apparatus. Evidences indicate that secretion of these cells is holocrine. Second portion of sexual segment in males: All of the secretory granules are apical in location and relatively electron-opaque; they show a denser core. This core is formed by a substance which, after lying in contact with ribosomes, enters the secretory vesicles of the highly developed Golgi apparatus. A lighter substance is then condensed around it. The secretion of the granules is merocrine. The granular endoplasmic reticulum is very abundant in these cells, but basal ergastoplasmic formations are lacking. Sexual segment in females: The cells show features similar to those of the male first portion, but they are smaller. Undifferentiated collecting duct: Most of the cells are mucigenic. They have small ovoid, apical secretory granules. The density of the granules varies from cell to cell; when they are electron-lucent, they exhibit laminar or dotted opaque figures. Moderately developed Golgi apparatus and granular endoplasmic reticulum, as well as elongated mitochondria, occur in mucigenic cells. Intercalated among the latter are non-secretory cells. They have very abundant mitochondria, numerous microvilli, many pinocytic and smooth-membrane vesicles, whereas the organelles participating in synthetic processes are poorly developed; their function is most likely related to active solute transport.  相似文献   
Photoperiod‐dependent flowering in rice is regulated by HEADING DATE 1 (Hd1), which acts as both an activator and repressor of flowering in a daylength‐dependent manner. To investigate the use of microProteins as a tool to modify rice sensitivity to the photoperiod, we designed a synthetic Hd1 microProtein (Hd1miP) capable of interacting with Hd1 protein, and overexpressed it in rice. Transgenic OX‐Hd1miP plants flowered significantly earlier than wild type plants when grown in non‐inductive long day conditions. Our results show the potential of microProteins to serve as powerful tools for modulating crop traits and unraveling protein function.  相似文献   
The thalidomide tragedy of the 1960s resulted in thousands of children being born with severe limb reduction defects (LRD), among other malformations. In Brazil, there are still babies born with thalidomide embryopathy (TE) because of leprosy prevalence, availability of thalidomide, and deficiencies in the control of drug dispensation. Our objective was to implement a system of proactive surveillance to identify birth defects compatible with TE. Along one year, newborns with LRD were assessed in the Brazilian hospitals participating in the Latin-American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). A phenotype of LRD called thalidomide embryopathy phenotype (TEP) was established for surveillance. Children with TEP born between the years 2000-2008 were monitored, and during the 2007-2008 period we clinically investigated in greater detail all cases with TEP (proactive period). The period from 1982 to 1999 was defined as the baseline period for the cumulative sum statistics. The frequency of TEP during the surveillance period, at 3.10/10,000 births (CI 95%: 2.50-3.70), was significantly higher than that observed in the baseline period (1.92/10,000 births; CI 95%: 1.60-2.20), and not uniformly distributed across different Brazilian regions. During the proactive surveillance (2007-2008), two cases of suspected TE were identified, although the two mothers had denied the use of the drug during pregnancy. Our results suggest that TEP has probably increased in recent years, which coincides with the period of greater thalidomide availability. Our proactive surveillance identified two newborns with suspected TE, proving to be a sensitive tool to detect TE. The high frequency of leprosy and the large use of thalidomide reinforce the need for a continuous monitoring of TEP across Brazil.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide S (NPS) and its receptor are thought to define a set of specific brain circuits involved in fear and anxiety. Here we provide evidence for a novel, NPS-responsive circuit that shapes neural activity in the mouse basolateral amygdala (BLA) via the endopiriform nucleus (EPN). Using slice preparations, we demonstrate that NPS directly activates an inward current in 20% of EPN neurons and evokes an increase of glutamatergic excitation in this nucleus. Excitation of the EPN is responsible for a modulation of BLA activity through NPS, characterized by a general increase of GABAergic inhibition and enhancement of spike activity in a subset of BLA projection neurons. Finally, local injection of NPS to the EPN interferes with the expression of contextual, but not auditory cued fear memory. Together, these data suggest the existence of a specific NPS-responsive circuitry between EPN and BLA, likely involved in contextual aspects of fear memory.  相似文献   
Abstract: This study was designed to analyze possible differences in the binding of [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNZP) and [3H]ethyl - β - carboline - 3 - carboxylate ([3H]β-CCE), to rat brain membranes, in various experimental conditions. In cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and orain stem the number of binding sites for [3H]β-CCE was higher than for [3H]FNZP; both were displaced by clonazepam. Until the 7th day of postnatal brain development the numbers of [3H]FNZP and [3H]β-CCE sites were equivalent; but later on, the β-carboline sites increased to a higher level. Noradrenergic denervation by 6-hydroxydopamine was followed in the hippocampal formation. Already after 2 days, there was a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites, which reached 70% of control after 14 days. Similar results were obtained with DSP-4 denervation. This change was only in Bmax and not in KD, In contrast, the [3H]β-CCE sites did not change with denervation. Neonatal injection of l - 2,4,5 - trihydroxyphenylalamine or DSP-4 produced in the adult a decrease in [3H]FNZP sites in the cerebral cortex, in parallel with the noradrenergic denervation. On the other hand, there was an increase in the cerebellum and brain stem, in correspondence with the hyperinnervation by sprouting. In these rats, the number of sites for [3H]β-CCE did not change in the different brain regions. With 0.1% Triton X-100, applied to synaptosomal membranes, [3H]FNZP binding was reduced by 35%, while that of [3H]β-CCE was not significantly changed. These results suggest that there is heterogeneity of binding sites for benzodiazepine receptors in rat brain. A tentative interpretation of the experiments involving noradrenergic denervation and hyperinnervation, as well as those with Triton X-100, is that [3H]FNZP binds to pre- and postsynaptic receptors, while [3H]β-CCE binds mainly to postsynaptic benzodiazepine receptors.  相似文献   
The redistribution of water in semi-arid environments is critical for the maintenance and survival of vegetation patches. We used a systems approach to examine the interactive effects of three engineers—Stipa tenacissima, biological soil crusts, and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)—on infiltration processes in a model gypseous semi-arid Mediterranean grassland. We measured the early (sorptivity) and later (steady-state infiltration) stages of infiltration at two supply potentials using disk permeameters, which allowed us to determine the relative effects of different engineers and soil micropores on water flow through large macropores. We detected few effects under tension when flow was restricted to matrix pores, but under ponding, sorptivity and steady-state infiltration adjacent to Stipa tussocks were 2–3 times higher than in intact or rabbit-disturbed biological soil crusts. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that both Stipa and biological soil crust cover exerted substantial and equal positive effects on infiltration under ponding, whereas indirectly, rabbit disturbance negatively affected infiltration by reducing crust cover. Under tension, when macropores were prevented from conducting water, Stipa had a direct negative effect and biological soil crust cover was relatively unimportant. More complex SEM models demonstrated that (1) Stipa primarily influenced biological soil crusts by reducing their richness, (2) rabbits exerted a small negative effect on crust richness, and (3) lichens were negatively, and mosses positively, correlated with a derived “infiltration” axis. Our results highlight the importance of biological soil crusts as key players in the maintenance of infiltration processes in Stipa grasslands, and demonstrate the modulating role played by rabbits through their surface disturbances.  相似文献   
Membrane-bound nitrate reductase from Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus 617 can be solubilized in either of two ways that will ultimately determine the presence or absence of the small (Ι) subunit. The enzyme complex (NarGHI) is composed of three subunits with molecular masses of 130, 65, and 20 kDa. This enzyme contains approximately 14 Fe, 0.8 Mo, and 1.3 molybdopterin guanine dinucleotides per enzyme molecule. Curiously, one heme b and 0.4 heme c per enzyme molecule have been detected. These hemes were potentiometrically characterized by optical spectroscopy at pH 7.6 and two noninteracting species were identified with respective midpoint potentials at E m = +197 mV (heme c) and −4.5 mV (heme b). Variable-temperature (4–120 K) X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) studies performed on both as-isolated and dithionite-reduced nitrate reductase showed, respectively, an EPR signal characteristic of a [3Fe–4S]+ cluster and overlapping signals associated with at least three types of [4Fe–4S]+ centers. EPR of the as-isolated enzyme shows two distinct pH-dependent Mo(V) signals with hyperfine coupling to a solvent-exchangeable proton. These signals, called “low-pH” and “high-pH,” changed to a pH-independent Mo(V) signal upon nitrate or nitrite addition. Nitrate addition to dithionite-reduced samples at pH 6 and 7.6 yields some of the EPR signals described above and a new rhombic signal that has no hyperfine structure. The relationship between the distinct EPR-active Mo(V) species and their plausible structures is discussed on the basis of the structural information available to date for closely related membrane-bound nitrate reductases. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Prediction of species' distributions is central to diverse applications in ecology, evolution and conservation science. There is increasing electronic access to vast sets of occurrence records in museums and herbaria, yet little effective guidance on how best to use this information in the context of numerous approaches for modelling distributions. To meet this need, we compared 16 modelling methods over 226 species from 6 regions of the world, creating the most comprehensive set of model comparisons to date. We used presence-only data to fit models, and independent presence-absence data to evaluate the predictions. Along with well-established modelling methods such as generalised additive models and GARP and BIOCLIM, we explored methods that either have been developed recently or have rarely been applied to modelling species' distributions. These include machine-learning methods and community models, both of which have features that may make them particularly well suited to noisy or sparse information, as is typical of species' occurrence data. Presence-only data were effective for modelling species' distributions for many species and regions. The novel methods consistently outperformed more established methods. The results of our analysis are promising for the use of data from museums and herbaria, especially as methods suited to the noise inherent in such data improve.  相似文献   
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