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The level of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (GGT) activity and of its mRNA were determined in the mouse mammary gland during pregnancy, lactation and weaning. The GGT activity, which is very low in the virgin-mouse mammary gland (5 munits/mg of protein), increases progressively during pregnancy (3-fold), reaches its maximum at the onset of lactation (8-fold) and returns rapidly to basal level at weaning. Although no GGT-specific mRNA is detected in the virgin-mouse mammary gland, a single faint band of 2.2 kb in size is found during pregnancy. During lactation, an additional mRNA of 2.4 kb in size appears, and the level of both mRNAs is higher. This high level of mRNA persists during weaning as well. Southern-blot analysis of mouse mammary-gland DNA provides convincing evidence that there is only one gene which codes for the two mRNAs. The present study provides the first evidence for a physiological regulation of the two GGT mRNAs in the same tissue.  相似文献   
Plasma-membrane sphingomyelin appears to be one of the major determinants of the preferential allocation of cell cholesterol into the plasma-membrane compartment, since removal of sphingomyelin leads to a dramatic redistribution of cholesterol within the cell [Slotte & Bierman (1988) Biochem. J. 250, 653-658]. In the present study we examined the long-term effects of sphingomyelin degradation on cholesterol redistribution in cells and determined the reversibility of the process. In a human lung fibroblast-cell line, removal of 80% of the sphingomyelin led to a rapid and transient up-regulation (3-fold) of acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) activity, and also, within 30 h, to the translocation of about 50% of the cell non-esterified cholesterol from a cholesterol oxidase-susceptible compartment (i.e. the cell surface) to oxidase-resistant compartments. At 49 h after the initial sphingomyelin degradation, the cell sphingomyelin level was back to 45% of the control level, and the direction of cell cholesterol flow was toward the cell surface, although the original distribution was not achieved. In a transformed neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y), the depletion of sphingomyelin led to a similarly rapid and transient up-regulation of ACAT activity, and to the translocation of about 25% of cell-surface cholesterol into internal membranes (within 3 h). The flow of cholesterol back to the cholesterol oxidase-susceptible pool was rapid, and a pretreatment cholesterol distribution was reached within 20-49 h. Also, the resynthesis of sphingomyelin was faster in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and reached control levels within 24 h. The findings of the present study show that the cellular redistribution of cholesterol, as induced by sphingomyelin degradation, is reversible and suggest that the normalization of cellular cholesterol distribution is linked to the re-synthesis of sphingomyelin.  相似文献   
We obtained 10/192 and 3/384 antibody-secreting hybrids after immunization of Balb/c mice with either human growth hormone or affinity-purified rabbit anti-(human growth hormone) respectively. Radiolabelled rabbit anti-(human growth hormone) antibodies, but not human growth hormone, were specifically bound by supernatants from the 13 hybrids. The binding was completely inhibited by human-growth-hormone serum binding protein. However, anti-(human growth hormone antibodies) were detected in the sera of all the mice immunized with human growth hormone. In an independent fusion, which was carried out after immunization with fewer doses of human growth hormone, anti-(human growth hormone) antibodies were also obtained. Five hybrids, where the starting antigen was human growth hormone, were selected for ascites production, and the corresponding monoclonal antibodies were partially purified and characterized with respect to their immunoglobulin isotype and their interaction with human-growth-hormone receptors. These antibodies were found to enhance the binding of radioiodinated human growth hormone to human-growth-hormone serum binding protein from human and rabbit plasma by 40%. Scatchard analysis of the effect of one of the monoclonal antibodies showed that this enhancement was due to an increased number of binding sites. All of the partially purified antibodies but one (F12) inhibited the binding of human growth hormone to rat but not rabbit, liver microsomes to various extents, as well as to H-4-II-E rat hepatoma cells. Monoclonal antibody F12 enhanced the binding of radiolabelled human growth hormone to rat liver microsomes and H-4-II-E hepatoma cells. This enhancement was found to be due to an increase in the number of binding sites.  相似文献   
Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) by calmodulin is investigated and we describe the localization of inhibitory sequences within the calmodulin molecule. We present evidence that calmodulin inhibits PKC through an inhibition of the activation of PKC associated with lipid membranes: Binding of PKC to lipid vesicles is not affected, but activation is abolished. The potent calmodulin antagonist R24571 (calmidazol) did not affect the inhibition of PKC by calmodulin at concentrations up to 10–5 M. Two tryptic fragments of calmodulin were isolated which inhibited PKC. They were only slightly less potent than intact calmodulin with an IC50 of 6 µ M compared to 1 µ M of intact calmodulin. They were identified as Ser38-Arg74 and His107-Lys148. Each of the inhibiting fragments contains an intact Ca2+-binding domain with complete helix-loop-helix structure (EF hand). Other calmodulin peptides showed only weak inhibitory activity. Both fragments did not stimulate cAMP phosphodiesterase even at concentrations 100-fold higher than the calmodulin concentration needed for maximal stimulation. None of the fragments acted as a calmodulin antagonist.  相似文献   
A complex pattern of regulation of the cartilage matrix protein gene was revealed by transient expression experiments. A minimal promoter from positions -15 to +64 functioned in chondrocytes and fibroblasts. An enhancer located in the first intron exerted chondrocyte-specific stimulation on the minimal promoter activity. The same fragment, however, had a negative effect in fibroblasts. Between -334 and -15, a silencer was found which inhibited the gene expression driven from its homologous as well as heterologous promoters both in chondrocytes and fibroblasts. Additional positive and negative control regions were mapped further upstream of the promoter.  相似文献   
To correlate the chromosomal constitution of meiotic cells with possible disturbances in spindle function and the etiology of nondisjunction, we examined the spindle apparatus and chromosome behavior in maturing oocytes and analyzed the chromosomal constitution of metaphase II-arrested oocytes of CD/Cremona mice, which are heterozygous for a large number of Robertsonian translocation chromosomes (18 heterobrachial metacentrics in addition to two acrocentric chromosomes 19 and two X chromosomes). Spreading of oocytes during prometaphase 1 revealed that nearly all oocytes of the heterozygotes contained one large ring multivalent, apart from the bivalents of the two acrocentric chromosomes 19 and the X chromosomes, indicating that proper pairing and crossing-over between the homologous chromosome arms of all heterobrachial chromosomes took place during prophase. A large proportion of in vitro-matured oocytes arrested in metaphase II exhibited numerical chromosome aberrations (26.5% hyperploids, 40.8% hypoploids, and 6.1% diploids). In addition, some of the oocytes with euploid chromosome numbers (26.5% of the total examined) appeared to be nullisomic for one chromosome and disomic for another chromosome, so that aneuploidy levels may even be higher than expected on the basis of chromosome counts alone. Although oocytes of the complex heterozygous mice seemed able initially to form a bipolar spindle during first prometaphase, metaphase I spindles were frequently asymmetrical. Chromosomes in the multivalent did not align properly at the equator, centromeres of neighboring chromosomes in the multivalent remained maloriented, and pronounced lagging of chromosomes was observed at telophase I in oocytes obtained from the Robertsonian translocation heterozygotes. Therefore, disturbance in spindle structure and chromosome behavior appear to correlate with the chromosomal constitution in these oocytes and, ultimately, with failures in proper chromosome separation. In particular, reorientation appears to be a rare event, and malorientation of chromosomes may remain uncorrected throughout prometaphase, as we could not find many typical metaphase I stages in heterozygotes. This, in turn, could be the basis for malsegregation at anaphase and may ultimately induce a high rate of nondisjunction and aneuploidy in the oocytes of CD/Cremona mice, leading to total sterility in heterozygous females.  相似文献   
Summary A cobalamin (vitamin B12)-binding protein has recently been identified in canine pancreatic juice which is biochemically, immunochemically and functionally similar to canine gastric intrinsic factor. However, the cellular sources of both this pancreatic intrinsic factor and gastric intrinsic factor in the dog are not known. Antisera raised against canine gastric intrinsic factor have been used to examine the distribution of intrinsic factors in the canine pancreas and stomach. Immunoreactivity was demonstrated in duct cells but not acinar or endocrine cells in the pancreas, and in fundic peptic and pyloric gastric pit cells in stomach. All immunostaining was abolished by preabsorption of the antisera with purified canine gastric and pancreatic intrinsic factors. A cellular source of pancreatic intrinsic factor has not been previously described, and the demonstration of intrinsic factor-like immunoreactivity in two cell types in the canine stomach contrasts with its localization in a single cell type in the gastric mucosa of other mammalian species. Furthermore, immunoreactivity in pancreatic duct cells was detected at much higher dilutions of antisera than those required for staining of peptic and gastric pit cells. This suggests a higher concentration of antigen, and supports previous evidence that the pancreas is a major source of intrinsic factor in the dog.  相似文献   
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