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The principles by which cortical microtubules self-organize into a global template hold important implications for cell wall patterning. Microtubules move along bundles of microtubules, and neighboring bundles tend to form mobile domains that flow in a common direction. The bundles themselves move slowly and for longer than the individual microtubules, with domains describing slow rotary patterns. Despite this tendency for colinearity, microtubules have been seen to branch off extant microtubules at ∼45°. To examine this paradoxical behavior, we investigated whether some microtubules may be born on and grow along extant microtubule(s). The plus-end markers Arabidopsis thaliana end binding protein 1a, AtEB1a-GFP, and Arabidopsis SPIRAL1, SPR1-GFP, allowed microtubules of known polarity to be distinguished from underlying microtubules. This showed that the majority of microtubules do branch but in a direction heavily biased toward the plus end of the mother microtubule: few grow backward, consistent with the common polarity of domains. However, we also found that a significant proportion of emergent comets do follow the axes of extant microtubules, both at sites of apparent microtubule nucleation and at cross-over points. These phenomena help explain the persistence of bundles and counterbalance the tendency to branch.  相似文献   
The energy density of current batteries is limited by the practical capacity of the positive electrode, which is determined by the properties of the active material and its concentration in the composite electrode architecture. The observation in dynamic conditions of electrochemical transformations creates the opportunity of identifying design rules toward reaching the theoretical limits of battery electrodes. But these observations must occur during operation and at multiple scales. They are particularly critical at the single‐particle level, where incomplete reactions and failure are prone to occur. Here, operando full‐field transmission X‐ray microscopy is coupled with X‐ray spectroscopy to follow the chemical and microstructural evolution at the nanoscale of single crystals of Li1+xMn2–xO4, a technologically relevant Li‐ion battery electrode material. The onset and crystallographic directionality of a series of complex phase transitions are followed and correlated with particle fracture. The dynamic character of this study reveals the existence of nonequilibrium pathways where phases at substantially different potentials can coexist at short length scales. The results can be used to inform the engineering of particle morphologies and electrode architectures that bypass the issues observed here and lead to optimized battery electrode properties.  相似文献   
The medial temporal lobe (MTL)—comprising hippocampus and the surrounding neocortical regions—is a targeted brain area sensitive to several neurological diseases. Although functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been widely used to assess brain functional abnormalities, detecting MTL activation has been technically challenging. The aim of our study was to provide an fMRI paradigm that reliably activates MTL regions at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related studies. Twenty young healthy adults underwent an event-related fMRI study consisting of three encoding conditions: word-pairs, face-name associations and complex visual scenes. A region-of-interest analysis at the individual level comparing novel and repeated stimuli independently for each task was performed. The results of this analysis yielded activations in the hippocampal and parahippocampal regions in most of the participants. Specifically, 95% and 100% of participants showed significant activations in the left hippocampus during the face-name encoding and in the right parahippocampus, respectively, during scene encoding. Additionally, a whole brain analysis, also comparing novel versus repeated stimuli at the group level, showed mainly left frontal activation during the word task. In this group analysis, the face-name association engaged the HP and fusiform gyri bilaterally, along with the left inferior frontal gyrus, and the complex visual scenes activated mainly the parahippocampus and hippocampus bilaterally. In sum, our task design represents a rapid and reliable manner to study and explore MTL activity at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related fMRI studies.  相似文献   
The organization of cells, emerging from cell–cell interactions, can give rise to collective properties. These properties are adaptive when together cells can face environmental challenges that they separately cannot. One particular challenge that is important for microorganisms is migration. In this study, we show how flagellum-independent migration is driven by the division of labor of two cell types that appear during Bacillus subtilis sliding motility. Cell collectives organize themselves into bundles (called “van Gogh bundles”) of tightly aligned cell chains that form filamentous loops at the colony edge. We show, by time-course microscopy, that these loops migrate by pushing themselves away from the colony. The formation of van Gogh bundles depends critically on the synergistic interaction of surfactin-producing and matrix-producing cells. We propose that surfactin-producing cells reduce the friction between cells and their substrate, thereby facilitating matrix-producing cells to form bundles. The folding properties of these bundles determine the rate of colony expansion. Our study illustrates how the simple organization of cells within a community can yield a strong ecological advantage. This is a key factor underlying the diverse origins of multicellularity.  相似文献   
Neurons in the brain are known to operate under a careful balance of excitation and inhibition, which maintains neural microcircuits within the proper operational range. How this balance is played out at the mesoscopic level of neuronal populations is, however, less clear. In order to address this issue, here we use a coupled neural mass model to study computationally the dynamics of a network of cortical macrocolumns operating in a partially synchronized, irregular regime. The topology of the network is heterogeneous, with a few of the nodes acting as connector hubs while the rest are relatively poorly connected. Our results show that in this type of mesoscopic network excitation and inhibition spontaneously segregate, with some columns acting mainly in an excitatory manner while some others have predominantly an inhibitory effect on their neighbors. We characterize the conditions under which this segregation arises, and relate the character of the different columns with their topological role within the network. In particular, we show that the connector hubs are preferentially inhibitory, the more so the larger the node''s connectivity. These results suggest a potential mesoscale organization of the excitation-inhibition balance in brain networks.  相似文献   
Previous genetic studies of Atlantic swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) revealed significant differentiation among Mediterranean, North Atlantic and South Atlantic populations using both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. However, limitations in geographic sampling coverage, and the use of single loci, precluded an accurate placement of boundaries and of estimates of admixture. In this study, we present multilocus analyses of 26 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 10 nuclear genes to estimate population differentiation and admixture based on the characterization of 774 individuals representing North Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Mediterranean swordfish populations. Pairwise F ST values, AMOVA, PCoA, and Bayesian individual assignments support the differentiation of swordfish inhabiting these three basins, but not the current placement of the boundaries that separate them. Specifically, the range of the South Atlantic population extends beyond 5°N management boundary to 20°N-25°N from 45°W. Likewise the Mediterranean population extends beyond the current management boundary at the Strait of Gibraltar to approximately 10°W. Further, admixture zones, characterized by asymmetric contributions of adjacent populations within samples, are confined to the Northeast Atlantic. While South Atlantic and Mediterranean migrants were identified within these Northeast Atlantic admixture zones no North Atlantic migrants were identified respectively in these two neighboring basins. Owing to both, the characterization of larger number of loci and a more ample spatial sampling coverage, it was possible to provide a finer resolution of the boundaries separating Atlantic swordfish populations than previous studies. Finally, the patterns of population structure and admixture are discussed in the light of the reproductive biology, the known patterns of dispersal, and oceanographic features that may act as barriers to gene flow to Atlantic swordfish.  相似文献   
Background/HypothesisBeside its beneficial effects on weight loss, ketogenic diet (KD) causes dyslipidemia, a pro-inflammatory state involved in the development of hepatic steatosis, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, although the latter is still being debated. Additionally, KD is known to increase fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) plasma levels. However, FGF21 cannot initiate its beneficial actions on metabolism in these conditions. We therefore hypothesized and tested in the present study that KD may impair FGF21 signaling.Methods/ResultsUsing indirect calorimetry, we found that KD-fed mice exhibited higher energy expenditure than regular chow (RC)-fed mice associated with increased Ucp1 levels in white adipose tissue (WAT), along with increased plasma FGF21 levels. We then assessed the effect of KD on FGF21 signaling in both the liver and WAT. We found that Fgfr4 and Klb (β-klotho) were downregulated in the liver, while Fgfr1 was downregulated in WAT of KD-fed mice. Because inflammation could be one of the mechanisms linking KD to impaired FGF21 signaling, we measured the expression levels of inflammatory markers and macrophage accumulation in WAT and liver and found an increased inflammation and macrophage accumulation in the liver, but surprisingly, a reduction of inflammation in WAT.We also showed that KD enhances lipid accumulation in the liver, which may explain hepatic inflammation and impaired Fgfr4 and Klb expression. In contrast, import of lipids from the circulation was significantly reduced in WAT of KD-fed mice, as suggested by a downregulation of Lpl and Cd36. This was further associated with reduced inflammation in WAT.ConclusionAltogether, these results indicate that KD could be beneficial for a given tissue but deleterious for another.  相似文献   
Capsular switching allows pre-existing clones of Streptococcus pneumoniae expressing vaccine serotypes to escape the vaccine-induced immunity by acquisition of capsular genes from pneumococci of a non-vaccine serotype. Here, we have analysed the clonal composition of 492 clinical isolates of serotype 11A causing invasive disease in Spain (2000–2012), and their ability to evade the host immune response. Antibiograms, serotyping and molecular typing were performed. The restriction profiles of pbp2x, pbp1a and pbp2b genes were also analysed. Interaction with the complement components C1q, C3b, C4BP, and factor H was explored whereas opsonophagocytosis assays were performed using a human cell line differentiated to neutrophils. Biofilm formation and the polymorphisms of the major autolysin LytA were evaluated. The main genotypes of the 11A pneumococci were: ST62 (447 isolates, 90.6%), followed by ST6521 (35 isolates, 7.3%) and ST838 (10 isolates, 2.1%). Beta lactam resistant serotype 11A variants of genotypes ST838 and ST6521 closely related to the Spain9V-ST156 clone were first detected in 2005. A different pattern of evasion of complement immunity and phagocytosis was observed between genotypes. The emergence of one vaccine escape variant of Spain9V-ST156 (ST652111A), showing a high potential to avoid the host immune response, was observed. In addition, isolates of ST652111A showed higher ability to produce biofilms than ST83811A or ST6211A, which may have contributed to the emergence of this PEN-resistant ST652111A genotype in the last few years. The emergence of penicillin-resistant 11A invasive variants of the highly successful ST156 clonal complex merits close monitoring.  相似文献   
Climate characteristics appear to play a key role in filtering organisms based on their biological traits. If this trait filtering by climate indeed occurs, it should have effects on the composition, dynamics, taxonomic relatedness and co-occurrence patterns of local assemblages, regardless of the taxonomic group considered. This preliminary study aimed to assess the extent to which environmental variables might determine these patterns in local communities and to evaluate whether the ultimate cross-taxon congruence relationships are consistent across, or dependent on, the selected region. To this end, we studied the bryophyte, macrophyte, macroinvertebrate, and amphibian communities in two clusters of temporary wetlands on the NE Iberian Peninsula under mesothermal and semiarid climates. We observed effects of environmental filtering, with the communities differing between the climatic regions not only in their compositions but also in their dynamics and taxonomic relatedness patterns. Although the cross-taxon congruence in terms of species richness was high in the mesothermal climate, most of the congruent relationships were disrupted in the semiarid environment. Overall, because climate-dependent patterns appear to prevail over climate-consistent ones, we suggest that the use of surrogate taxa may be of limited value when aiming to assess wetland biodiversity across large areas.  相似文献   
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