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The regulation of mitochondrial dynamics is vital in complex cell types, such as neurons, that transport and localize mitochondria in high energy-demanding cell domains. The Armcx3 gene encodes a mitochondrial-targeted protein (Alex3) that contains several arm-like domains. In a previous study we showed that Alex3 protein regulates mitochondrial aggregation and trafficking. Here we studied the contribution of Wnt proteins to the mitochondrial aggregation and dynamics regulated by Alex3. Overexpression of Alex3 in HEK293 cells caused a marked aggregation of mitochondria, which was attenuated by treatment with several Wnts. We also found that this decrease was caused by Alex3 degradation induced by Wnts. While the Wnt canonical pathway did not alter the pattern of mitochondrial aggregation induced by Alex3, we observed that the Wnt/PKC non-canonical pathway regulated both mitochondrial aggregation and Alex3 protein levels, thereby rendering a mitochondrial phenotype and distribution similar to control patterns. Our data suggest that the Wnt pathway regulates mitochondrial distribution and dynamics through Alex3 protein degradation.  相似文献   
Mediterranean ecosystems are water-limited and frequently also nutrient-limited. We aimed to investigate the effects of increasing drought, as predicted by GCM and eco-physiological models for the next decades, on the P cycle and P plant availability in a Mediterranean forest. We conducted a field experiment in a mature evergreen oak forest, establishing four drought-treatment plots and four control plots (150 m2 each). After three years, the runoff and rainfall exclusion reduced an overall 22% the soil moisture, and the runoff exclusion alone reduced it 10%. The reduction of 22% in soil moisture produced a decrease of 40% of the accumulated aboveground plant P content, above all because there was a smaller increase in aerial biomass. The plant leaf P content increased by 100 ± 40 mg m−2 in the control plots, whereas it decreased by 40 ± 40 mg m−2 in the drought plots. The soil Po-NaHCO3 (organic labile-P fraction) increased by 25% in consonance with the increase in litterfall, while the inorganic labile-P fraction decreased in relation to the organic labile-P fraction up to 48%, indicating a decrease in microbial activity. Thus, after just three years of slight drought, a clear trend towards an accumulation of P in the soil and towards a decrease of P in the stand biomass was observed. The P accumulation in the soil in the drought plots was mainly in forms that were not directly available to plants. These indirect effects of drought including the decrease in plant P availability, may become a serious constraint for plant growth and therefore may have a serious effect on ecosystem performance.  相似文献   
Heavy metal contamination and drought are expected to increase in large areas worldwide. However, their combined effect on plant performance has been scantly analyzed. This study examines the effect of Zn supply at different water availabilities on morpho‐physiological traits of Quercus suber L. in order to analyze the combined effects of both stresses. Seedlings were treated with four levels of zinc from 3 to 150 µM and exposed to low watering (LW) or high watering (HW) frequency in hydroponic culture, using a growth chamber. Under both watering regimes, Zn concentration in leaves and roots increased with Zn increment in nutrient solution. Nevertheless, at the highest Zn doses, Zn tissue concentrations were almost twice in HW than in LW seedlings. Functional traits as leaf photosynthetic rate and root hydraulic conductivity, and morphological traits as root length and root biomass decreased significantly in response to Zn supply. Auxin levels increased with Zn concentrations, suggesting the involvement of this phytohormone in the seedling response to this element. LW seedlings exposed to 150 µM Zn showed higher root length and root biomass than HW seedlings exposed to the same Zn dose. Our results suggest that low water availability could mitigate Zn toxicity by limiting internal accumulation. Morphological traits involved in the response to both stresses probably contributed to this response.  相似文献   
Reduced glutathione (GSH) improves boar sperm cryosurvival and fertilising ability when added to freezing extenders. Poor freezability ejaculates (PFE) are known to present lower resistance than good freezability ejaculates (GFE) to cryopreservation procedures. So far, no study has evaluated whether the ability of GSH to counteract the cryopreservation-induced injuries depends on ejaculate freezability (i.e. GFE vs. PFE). For this reason, thirty boar ejaculates were divided into three equal volume fractions and cryopreserved with or without GSH at a final concentration of either 2 or 5 mM in freezing media. Before and after freeze–thawing, sperm quality was evaluated through analysis of viability, motility, integrity of outer acrosome membrane, ROS levels, integrity of nucleoprotein structure, and DNA fragmentation. Ejaculates were classified into two groups (GFE or PFE) according to their post-thaw sperm motility and viability assessments in negative control (GSH 0 mM), after running cluster analyses. Values of each sperm parameter were then compared between treatments (GSH 0 mM, GSH 2 mM, GSH 5 mM) and freezability groups (GFE, PFE). In the case of GFE, GSH significantly improved boar sperm cryotolerance, without differences between 2 and 5 mM. In contrast, PFE freezability was significantly increased when supplemented with 5 mM GSH, but not when supplemented with 2 mM GSH. In conclusion, PFE need a higher concentration of GSH than GFE to improve their cryotolerance.  相似文献   

Key message

The retrospective analysis of wood anatomical features evidences how a long-term deterioration of hydraulic performance and carbon use portend drought-induced mortality in Scots pine.


Widespread episodes of drought-induced tree mortality are predicted to become more frequent as climate becomes warmer and drier. Nevertheless, growth trends and their links to changes in wood anatomy before tree dies are still poorly understood. Wood anatomical features provide valuable information that can be extracted to infer the mechanisms leading to tree death. In this study, we characterize drought-induced mortality affecting two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sites (Prades and Arcalís) located in the North Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Co-occurring now-dead and living Scots pine trees were sampled and their wood anatomical features were measured and compared. We aimed to detect differences in anatomical features between living and dead trees, and to infer past physiological performances that might have determined their subsequent death or survival. Now-dead trees showed lower tracheid and resin duct production, and smaller radial lumen diameters than co-occurring living trees. At the more xeric Prades site, these anatomical differences were larger and chronic, i.e. were observed over the three studied decades, whilst they were less pronounced at the other, more mesic Arcalís site, where tree mortality episodes were more recent. This indicates that dead trees’ hydraulic conductivity was severely affected and that carbon investment in xylem formation and resin duct production was constrained prior to tree death. Our findings show that both hydraulic deterioration and low carbon allocation to xylem formation were associated to drought-induced mortality in Scots pine. Nevertheless, the temporal dynamics of these processes differed between populations as a function of site climatic conditions.  相似文献   
This review, including some new experimental results, is the summary of a talk at the ‘flavors & fragrances 2013’ conference in Leipzig, organized jointly by the GDCh, the Liebig‐Vereinigung, and the EuCheMS. After times of searching for natural odor principles and serendipitous discoveries by chemical inspiration, directed odorant design today offers the highest hit rates for the discovery of new odorants, although serendipity still plays a role. Keeping intact the electronic shape required for a certain olfactophore‐binding geometry, one can add or subtract structural elements, rigidify molecular structures, or introduce more structural flexibility. To find out which structural features are critical, the ‘seco‐approach’, in which different fragments are removed by cutting strategic bonds, is the most analytical. Following this approach, such ingredients as Serenolide, Sylkolide, and Pomarose were designed. Transferring this design principle from the family of damascones to that of the theaspiranes led to the discovery of Cassyrane, though completely different structural features turned out to be relevant. Application of the seco‐concept to a 3,7a‐substituted 2,6,7,7a‐tetrahydro‐1H‐inden‐5‐yl musk lead structure derived from carotol resulted in the discovery of a new family of dienone musks with novel structure? odor correlations. However, cutting the C(2)? O bond of Cassyrane and oxidizing the resulting secostructure to the 1,2,5,1″‐tetradehydro derivative links the family of dienone musks with that of blackcurrant odorants, but the resulting target structures turned out to be potent orris odorants. (3E,5E)‐5‐(tert‐Butyl)octadeca‐3,5‐dien‐2‐one even possesses the lowest odor threshold in the whole ionone family (0.036 ng/l air), which could be rationalized by a superposition analysis on (?)‐cisγ‐irone. In the course of the synthesis of these high‐impact orris odorants, we discovered that, depending on the reaction conditions, the dehydration step of the intermediate 5‐hydroxyalk‐3‐yn‐2‐ones was accompanied by a carbenium‐ion rearrangement. Depending on the substitution pattern, these rearrangement products and their derivatives possessed interesting musky‐woody olfactory properties reminiscent of Cashmeran, demonstrating that the same structural elements can code for completely different odors, i.e., cassis, musk, orris, violet, and Cashmeran‐type, depending only on their spatial arrangement.  相似文献   
Natural and anthropogenic disturbances can strongly impact population dynamics of species and are often responsible for zoonotic emerging infectious diseases. However, long-term studies on the demographic consequences of human disturbances are unusual. We used 6 years (1995–2000) of mark-recapture data to investigate how climatic conditions, human disturbance and density affect sex- and age-specific apparent survival probabilities of the pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Schreber 1774) in a maternity colony. Our study demonstrated that density played an important role in population dynamics of pipistrelle bat and that its effect differed with respect to age and sex. Notably, human disturbance caused a strong decline of adult female survival, suggesting that perturbations have important consequences in bat-colony dynamics. Juvenile female survival was negatively influenced by density, being considerably lower in high densities. In contrast, juvenile and adult males were apparently not affected as they had constant survival probabilities. Although climatic factors can markedly affect population dynamics of temperate insectivorous bats, in this study, the weather conditions did not influence the survival rates of pipistrelle bats. We provide the first report that demonstrates the density-dependent effect on bat survival. That is especially relevant to better understanding of the bat-population dynamics and to evaluate the consequences of human disturbance and their potential changes in the maternity colony structure.  相似文献   
Glycogen is a branched polymer of glucose and the carbohydrate energy store for animal cells. In the brain, it is essentially found in glial cells, although it is also present in minute amounts in neurons. In humans, loss‐of‐function mutations in laforin and malin, proteins involved in suppressing glycogen synthesis, induce the presence of high numbers of insoluble polyglucosan bodies in neuronal cells. Known as Lafora bodies (LBs), these deposits result in the aggressive neurodegeneration seen in Lafora's disease. Polysaccharide‐based aggregates, called corpora amylacea (CA), are also present in the neurons of aged human brains. Despite the similarity of CA to LBs, the mechanisms and functional consequences of CA formation are yet unknown. Here, we show that wild‐type laboratory mice also accumulate glycogen‐based aggregates in the brain as they age. These structures are immunopositive for an array of metabolic and stress‐response proteins, some of which were previously shown to aggregate in correlation with age in the human brain and are also present in LBs. Remarkably, these structures and their associated protein aggregates are not present in the aged mouse brain upon genetic ablation of glycogen synthase. Similar genetic intervention in Drosophila prevents the accumulation of glycogen clusters in the neuronal processes of aged flies. Most interestingly, targeted reduction of Drosophila glycogen synthase in neurons improves neurological function with age and extends lifespan. These results demonstrate that neuronal glycogen accumulation contributes to physiological aging and may therefore constitute a key factor regulating age‐related neurological decline in humans.  相似文献   
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