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CD6 is a type I membrane glycoprotein expressed on thymocytes, mature T and B1a lymphocytes, and CNS cells. CD6 binds to activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (CD166), and is considered as a costimulatory molecule involved in lymphocyte activation and thymocyte development. Accordingly, CD6 partially associates with the TCR/CD3 complex and colocalizes with it at the center of the mature immunological synapse (IS) on T lymphocytes. However, the signaling pathway used by CD6 is still mostly unknown. The yeast two-hybrid system has allowed us the identification of syntenin-1 as an interacting protein with the cytoplasmic tail of CD6. Syntenin-1 is a PDZ (postsynaptic density protein-95, postsynaptic discs large, and zona occludens-1) domain-containing protein, which functions as an adaptor protein able to bind cytoskeletal proteins and signal transduction effectors. Mutational analyses showed that certain amino acids of the most C-terminal sequence of CD6 (-YDDISAA) and the two postsynaptic density protein-95, postsynaptic discs large, and zona occludens-1 domains of syntenin-1 are relevant to the interaction. Further confirmation of the CD6-syntenin-1 interaction was obtained from pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays in mammalian cells. Image analyses also showed that syntenin-1 accumulates at CD6 caps and at the IS. Therefore, we propose that syntenin-1 may function as a scaffolding protein coupling CD6 and most likely other lymphocyte receptors to cytoskeleton and/or signaling effectors during IS maturation.  相似文献   
Although Darwin pioneered the study of long‐distance dispersal (LDD) of aquatic invertebrates via waterbirds, it remains in its infancy as a modern discipline. A handful of recent studies have quantified internal or external transport in the field, confirming that a variety of long‐distance migrants carry invertebrates both internally and externally. These studies show that variation in the morphology of vectors influences the frequency and size of propagules transported, and suggest that more invertebrate groups disperse via birds than was previously thought. Dispersal limitation has mainly been investigated for zooplankton in small experimental systems from which waterbirds were effectively excluded, and the extent of such limitation for invertebrate populations in wetlands interconnected by waterbird movements remains unclear. We expect that the spatial and temporal scales at which dispersal limitation constrains geographical ranges, species richness and genetic structure of invertebrates depends partly on the density of migratory birds using the area. Birds may have a major role in the expansion of exotic species. We propose several avenues for future research. There is a particular need for more quantitative studies of LDD by birds that will enable modellers to assess its role in maintaining invertebrate biodiversity among increasingly fragmented wetlands and in the face of climate change, as well as in the spread of invasive species.  相似文献   
To identify potential pattern control and cell determination and/or differentiation genes in the freshwater planarian Dugesial (G.) tigrina, we searched for homeobox genes of different types in the genome of this primitive metazoan. We applied two basic approaches: 1) Screening the cDNA library with degenerate oligonucleotides corresponding to the most conserved amino acid sequence from helix-3 of the homeodomain of each family; and 2) PCR amplification of genomic DNA or cDNA, using two sets of degenerated oligonucleotides corresponding to helices 1 and 3 of the homeodomain or two specific domains of the POU family. Using the first strategy we have identified and characterized two tissue-specific cell determination and/or differentiation NK-type homeobox genes. Using the second strategy we have identified several homeobox genes that belong to the HOM/Hox, paired (prd) or POU families.  相似文献   
To provide basic information for orchid conservation, we surveyed the plant allozyme literature to summarize genetic diversity and structure data for (i) rare orchids native to the Korean Peninsula, and (ii) their congeners irrespective of being common and rare or Korean or not. A total of 68 taxa (32 taxa in Korea and 37 outside Korea; Goodyera repens being included in both datasets) were considered in this study. Overall, rare Korean orchid species had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity than their common congeners and common orchids in general at both population and species levels. However, mean values of G ST (or F ST) for rare and common orchids (Korean or not) did not differ significantly from each other. We found patterns of both low and high genetic diversity in rare Korean orchids. Many rare orchids harbored a complete lack of allozyme variation or extremely low within-population variation, perhaps due to rarity associated with random genetic drift and/or, for the case of warm-temperate orchids, to founder effects during post-glacial re-colonization. In contrast, high levels of genetic variation were found for a few orchids that have become recently rare (due to over-collection during the past several decades), probably because there have not been sufficient generations for the initial diversity to be substantially eroded. In addition, several orchids occurring in the main mountain system of the Korean Peninsula (the Baekdudaegan), that served as a glacial refugium, maintained moderate to high levels of within-population genetic diversity. Based on our genetic data, conservation priority should be given to rare orchid species. Particularly, urgent measures should be implemented on Jeju Island, a popular vacation spot, because it also a hotspot for threatened orchids with low levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
Combined effects of cumulative nutrient inputs and biogeochemical processes that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this is not yet well‐assessed. Here we evaluated the characteristics of N and P stoichiometries in bodies of freshwater and their herbaceous macrophytes across human‐impact levels, regions and periods. Freshwater and its macrophytes had higher N and P concentrations and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human‐impacted environments, further evidenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients. N and P concentrations in freshwater ecosystems were positively correlated and N : P was negatively correlated with population density in China. These results indicate a faster accumulation of P than N in human‐impacted freshwater ecosystems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and coastal areas by freshwater loadings, and reinforce the importance of rehabilitating these ecosystems.  相似文献   
Relatively anisohydric species are predicted to be more predisposed to hydraulic failure than relatively isohydric species, as they operate with narrower hydraulic safety margins. We subjected co‐occurring anisohydric Juniperus monosperma and isohydric Pinus edulis trees to warming, reduced precipitation, or both, and measured their gas exchange and hydraulic responses. We found that reductions in stomatal conductance and assimilation by heat and drought were more frequent during relatively moist periods, but these effects were not exacerbated in the combined heat and drought treatment. Counter to expectations, both species exhibited similar gs temporal dynamics in response to drought. Further, whereas P. edulis exhibited chronic embolism, J. monosperma showed very little embolism due to its conservative stomatal regulation and maintenance of xylem water potential above the embolism entry point. This tight stomatal control and low levels of embolism experienced by juniper refuted the notion that very low water potentials during drought are associated with loose stomatal control and with the hypothesis that anisohydric species are more prone to hydraulic failure than isohydric species. Because direct association of stomatal behaviour with embolism resistance can be misleading, we advocate consideration of stomatal behaviour relative to embolism resistance for classifying species drought response strategies.  相似文献   
Most temperate forests are accumulating carbon (C) and may continue to do so in the near future. However, the situation may be different in water‐limited ecosystems, where the potentially positive effects of C and N fertilization and rising temperatures interact with water availability. In this study, we use the extensive network of plots of two consecutive Spanish national forest inventories to identify the factors that determine the spatial variation of the C stock change, growth, and mortality rate of forests in Peninsular Spain (below‐ and aboveground). We fitted general linear models to assess the response of C stock change and its components to the spatial variability of climate (in terms of water availability), forest structure (tree density and C stock), previous forest management, and the recent warming trend. Our results show that undisturbed forests in Peninsular Spain are accumulating C at a rate of ~1.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1, and that forest structural variables are the main determinants of forest growth and C stock change. Water availability was positively related to growth and C accumulation. On the other hand, recent warming has reduced growth rate and C accumulation, especially in wet areas. Spatial variation in mortality (in terms of C loss) was mostly driven by differences in growth rate across plots, and was consistent with ‘natural’, self‐thinning dynamics related to the recent abandonment of forest management over large areas of Spain, with the consequent increase in tree density and competition. Interestingly, the negative effect of warming on forest C accumulation disappears if only managed stands are considered, emphasizing the potential of forest management to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, the effect of forest management was weak and, in some cases, not significant, implying the need of further research on its impact.  相似文献   
Increases in atmospheric temperature and nutrients from land are thought to be promoting the expansion of harmful cyanobacteria in lakes worldwide, yet to date there has been no quantitative synthesis of long‐term trends. To test whether cyanobacteria have increased in abundance over the past ~ 200 years and evaluate the relative influence of potential causal mechanisms, we synthesised 108 highly resolved sedimentary time series and 18 decadal‐scale monitoring records from north temperate‐subarctic lakes. We demonstrate that: (1) cyanobacteria have increased significantly since c. 1800 ce , (2) they have increased disproportionately relative to other phytoplankton, and (3) cyanobacteria increased more rapidly post c. 1945 ce . Variation among lakes in the rates of increase was explained best by nutrient concentration (phosphorus and nitrogen), and temperature was of secondary importance. Although cyanobacterial biomass has declined in some managed lakes with reduced nutrient influx, the larger spatio‐temporal scale of sedimentary records show continued increases in cyanobacteria throughout the north temperate‐subarctic regions.  相似文献   
Growing evidence implicates the gut microbiome in cognition. Blastocystis is a common gut single-cell eukaryote parasite frequently detected in humans but its potential involvement in human pathophysiology has been poorly characterized. Here we describe how the presence of Blastocystis in the gut microbiome was associated with deficits in executive function and altered gut bacterial composition in a discovery (n = 114) and replication cohorts (n = 942). We also found that Blastocystis was linked to bacterial functions related to aromatic amino acids metabolism and folate-mediated pyrimidine and one-carbon metabolism. Blastocystis-associated shifts in bacterial functionality translated into the circulating metabolome. Finally, we evaluated the effects of microbiota transplantation. Donor’s Blastocystis subtypes led to altered recipient’s mice cognitive function and prefrontal cortex gene expression. In summary, Blastocystis warrant further consideration as a novel actor in the gut microbiome-brain axis.Subject terms: Biomarkers, Pathogenesis, Diagnosis  相似文献   
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