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Studies of hybridization and introgression and, in particular, the identification of admixed individuals in natural populations benefit from the use of diagnostic genetic markers that reliably differentiate pure species from each other and their hybrid forms. Such diagnostic markers are often infrequent in the genomes of closely related species, and genomewide data facilitate their discovery. We used whole‐genome data from Illumina HiSeqS2000 sequencing of two recently diverged (600,000 years) and hybridizing, avian, sister species, the Saltmarsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) and Nelson's (A. nelsoni) Sparrow, to develop a suite of diagnostic markers for high‐resolution identification of pure and admixed individuals. We compared the microsatellite repeat regions identified in the genomes of the two species and selected a subset of 37 loci that differed between the species in repeat number. We screened these loci on 12 pure individuals of each species and report on the 34 that successfully amplified. From these, we developed a panel of the 12 most diagnostic loci, which we evaluated on 96 individuals, including individuals from both allopatric populations and sympatric individuals from the hybrid zone. Using simulations, we evaluated the power of the marker panel for accurate assignments of individuals to their appropriate pure species and hybrid genotypic classes (F1, F2, and backcrosses). The markers proved highly informative for species discrimination and had high accuracy for classifying admixed individuals into their genotypic classes. These markers will aid future investigations of introgressive hybridization in this system and aid conservation efforts aimed at monitoring and preserving pure species. Our approach is transferable to other study systems consisting of closely related and incipient species.  相似文献   
Stressors and heterogeneity are ubiquitous features of natural environments, and theory suggests that when environmental qualities alter flowering schedules through phenotypic plasticity, assortative mating can result that promotes evolutionary divergence. Therefore, it is important to determine whether common ecological stressors induce similar changes in flowering time. We review previous studies to determine whether two important stressors, water restriction and herbivory, induce consistent flowering time responses among species; for example, how often do water restriction and herbivory both delay flowering? We focus on the direction of change in flowering time, which affects the potential for divergence in heterogeneous environments. We also tested whether these stressors influenced time to flowering and nonphenology traits using Mimulus guttatus. The literature review suggests that water restriction has variable effects on flowering time, whereas herbivory delays flowering with exceptional consistency. In the Mimulus experiment, low water and herbivory advanced and delayed flowering, respectively. Overall, our results temper theoretical predictions for evolutionary divergence due to habitat‐induced changes in flowering time; in particular, we discuss how accounting for variation in the direction of change in flowering time can either increase or decrease the potential for divergence. In addition, we caution against adaptive interpretations of stress‐induced phenology shifts.  相似文献   
The Registry of Standard Biological Parts only accepts genetic parts compatible with the RFC 10 BioBrick format. This combined assembly and submission standard requires that four unique restriction enzyme sites must not occur in the DNA sequence encoding a part. We present evidence that this requirement places a nontrivial burden on iGEM teams developing large and novel parts. We further argue that the emergence of inexpensive DNA synthesis and versatile assembly methods reduces the utility of coupling submission and assembly standards and propose a submission standard that is compatible with current quality control strategies while nearly eliminating sequence constraints on submitted parts.  相似文献   
Neurospora crassa colonizes burnt grasslands and metabolizes both cellulose and hemicellulose from plant cell walls. When switched from a favored carbon source to cellulose, N. crassa dramatically up-regulates expression and secretion of genes encoding lignocellulolytic enzymes. However, the means by which N. crassa and other filamentous fungi sense the presence of cellulose in the environment remains unclear. Previously, we have shown that a N. crassa mutant carrying deletions of three β-glucosidase enzymes (Δ3βG) lacks β-glucosidase activity, but efficiently induces cellulase gene expression and cellulolytic activity in the presence of cellobiose as the sole carbon source. These observations indicate that cellobiose, or a modified version of cellobiose, functions as an inducer of lignocellulolytic gene expression and activity in N. crassa. Here, we show that in N. crassa, two cellodextrin transporters, CDT-1 and CDT-2, contribute to cellulose sensing. A N. crassa mutant carrying deletions for both transporters is unable to induce cellulase gene expression in response to crystalline cellulose. Furthermore, a mutant lacking genes encoding both the β-glucosidase enzymes and cellodextrin transporters (Δ3βGΔ2T) does not induce cellulase gene expression in response to cellobiose. Point mutations that severely reduce cellobiose transport by either CDT-1 or CDT-2 when expressed individually do not greatly impact cellobiose induction of cellulase gene expression. These data suggest that the N. crassa cellodextrin transporters act as “transceptors” with dual functions - cellodextrin transport and receptor signaling that results in downstream activation of cellulolytic gene expression. Similar mechanisms of transceptor activity likely occur in related ascomycetes used for industrial cellulase production.  相似文献   
Bacterial leaf scorch, associated with the bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa, is a widely established and problematic disease of landscape ornamentals in Washington D.C. A multi-locus sequence typing analysis was performed using 10 housekeeping loci for X. fastidiosa strains in order to better understand the epidemiology of leaf scorch disease in this municipal environment. Samples were collected from 7 different tree species located throughout the District of Columbia, consisting of 101 samples of symptomatic and asymptomatic foliage from 84 different trees. Five strains of the bacteria were identified. Consistent with prior data, these strains were host specific, with only one strain associated with members of the red oak family, one strain associated with American elm, one strain associated with American sycamore, and two strains associated with mulberry. Strains found for asymptomatic foliage were the same as strains from the symptomatic foliage on individual trees. Cross transmission of the strains was not observed at sites with multiple species of infected trees within an approx. 25 m radius of one another. X. fastidiosa strain specificity observed for each genus of tree suggests a highly specialized host-pathogen relationship.  相似文献   
Ferricytochrome c can be converted to the partially folded A-state at pH 2.2 in the presence of 1.5 M NaCl. The structure of the A-state has been studied in comparison with the native and unfolded states, using resonance Raman spectroscopy with visible and ultraviolet excitation wavelengths. Spectra obtained with 200 nm excitation show a decrease in amide II intensity consistent with loss of structure for the 50s and 70s helices. The 230-nm spectra contain information on vibrational modes of the single Trp 59 side chain and the four tyrosine side chains (Tyr 48, 67, 74, and 97). The Trp 59 modes indicate that the side chain remains in a hydrophobic environment but loses its tertiary hydrogen bond and is rotationally disordered. The tyrosine modes Y8b and Y9a show disruption of tertiary hydrogen bonding for the Tyr 48, 67, and 74 side chains. The high-wavenumber region of the 406.7-nm resonance Raman spectrum reveals a mixed spin heme iron atom, which arises from axial coordination to His 18 and a water molecule. The low-frequency spectral region reports on heme distortions and indicates a reduced degree of interaction between the heme and the polypeptide chain. A structural model for the A-state is proposed in which a folded protein subdomain, consisting of the heme and the N-terminal, C-terminal, and 60s helices, is stabilized through nonbonding interactions between helices and with the heme.  相似文献   
Swi1 and Swi3 form the replication fork protection complex and play critical roles in proper activation of the replication checkpoint and stabilization of replication forks in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. However, the mechanisms by which the Swi1-Swi3 complex regulates these processes are not well understood. Here, we report functional analyses of the Swi1-Swi3 complex in fission yeast. Swi1 possesses the DDT domain, a putative DNA binding domain found in a variety of chromatin remodeling factors. Consistently, the DDT domain-containing region of Swi1 interacts with DNA in vitro, and mutations in the DDT domain eliminate the association of Swi1 with chromatin in S. pombe cells. DDT domain mutations also render cells highly sensitive to S-phase stressing agents and induce strong accumulation of Rad22-DNA repair foci, indicating that the DDT domain is involved in the activity of the Swi1-Swi3 complex. Interestingly, DDT domain mutations also abolish Swi1's ability to interact with Swi3 in cells. Furthermore, we show that Swi1 is required for efficient chromatin association of Swi3 and that the Swi1 C-terminal domain directly interacts with Swi3. These results indicate that Swi1 associates with chromatin through its DDT domain and recruits Swi3 to function together as the replication fork protection complex.  相似文献   
Conversion of plant cell walls to ethanol constitutes second generation bioethanol production. The process consists of several steps: biomass selection/genetic modification, physiochemical pretreatment, enzymatic saccharification, fermentation and separation. Ultimately, it is desirable to combine as many of the biochemical steps as possible in a single organism to achieve CBP (consolidated bioprocessing). A commercially ready CBP organism is currently unreported. Production of second generation bioethanol is hindered by economics, particularly in the cost of pretreatment (including waste management and solvent recovery), the cost of saccharification enzymes (particularly exocellulases and endocellulases displaying kcat ~1?s-1 on crystalline cellulose), and the inefficiency of co-fermentation of 5- and 6-carbon monosaccharides (owing in part to redox cofactor imbalances in Saccharomyces cerevisiae).  相似文献   
Female singing and coordinated male–female duetting are often but not always found in the same species. Both behaviors are more common in tropical than temperate songbirds, but few studies have differentiated between the factors selecting for each. Here we investigate the evolution of female vocal complexity and male–female vocal coordination in Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus), one of the few non-tropical members of a songbird family (Troglodytidae) that is well known for producing coordinated male–female duets. Female Carolina wrens are not known to sing; rather, they produce relatively simple, sex-specific chatters, often during territorial encounters. We analyzed field recordings to show that females coordinate these chatters with male songs at rates similar to those observed in some tropical duetting wren species. We then used phylogenetic comparative methods to show that the evolutionary ancestors of Carolina wrens had female songs that were more acoustically complex than the vocalizations of current females, suggesting past selection against female vocal complexity. Levels of vocal coordination with males, in contrast, have changed relatively little from those of tropical ancestors. Our results suggest that these two aspects of female behavior, acoustic complexity and vocal coordination with males, have evolved independently and have different functions in communication.  相似文献   
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