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Although osteoporosis and its related fractures are common in patients with COPD, patients at high risk of fracture are poorly identified, and consequently, undertreated. Since there are no fracture prevention guidelines available that focus on COPD patients, we developed a clinical approach to improve the identification and treatment of COPD patients at high risk of fracture. We organised a round-table discussion with 8 clinical experts in the field of COPD and fracture prevention in the Netherlands in December 2013. The clinical experts presented a review of the literature on COPD, osteoporosis and fracture prevention. Based on the Dutch fracture prevention guideline, they developed a 5-step clinical approach for fracture prevention in COPD. Thereby, they took into account both classical risk factors for fracture (low body mass index, older age, personal and family history of fracture, immobility, smoking, alcohol intake, use of glucocorticoids and increased fall risk) and COPD-specific risk factors for fracture (severe airflow obstruction, pulmonary exacerbations and oxygen therapy). Severe COPD (defined as postbronchodilator FEV1 < 50% predicted) was added as COPD-specific risk factor to the list of classical risk factors for fracture. The 5-step clinical approach starts with case finding using clinical risk factors, followed by risk evaluation (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and imaging of the spine), differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. This systematic clinical approach, which is evidence-based and easy-to-use in daily practice by pulmonologists, should contribute to optimise fracture prevention in COPD patients at high risk of fracture.  相似文献   
Aim To estimate invasiveness of exotic plant species, many studies have used the frequency of occurrence within a defined region. This measure is informative on how widespread exotics are, however, it does not inform on their local dominance, which is crucial for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The aim of the present study is to determine if regional frequency of occurrence of exotic plant species indeed is indicative of their local dominance. We also determined which plant traits and other factors predict regional and local frequencies best. Location The Netherlands. Methods We used information on exotic plant species established in The Netherlands and compared traits relating to their frequency of occurrence regionally (the entire country) and their frequency of dominance locally (in 1–100 m2 quadrats). We created minimal adequate models with factors explaining regional frequency and frequency of local dominance of 111 exotic plant species in The Netherlands. Results The model that used plant traits to explain regional frequency of exotic plant species differed from the models that best explained their frequency of local dominance. Regionally, the factors that correlated with frequency were: life form, height, polyploidy, length of flowering season, residence time, human use and origin. The factors that correlated to frequency of local dominance were lateral vegetative spread and residence time. Main conclusions We conclude that plant traits relating to the regional frequency of exotic plant species differ from those that relate to their frequency of local dominance. The implication of our results is that predictive studies on plant invasiveness based on regional frequencies may not be indicative of the local impacts. Since the prediction of local impacts is crucial for conservation and risk assessment, our study emphasized the need for better information on the local abundance of exotic invaders.  相似文献   
Type II deiodinase (D2) is important in the regulation of local thyroid hormone bioactivity in certain tissues. D2 in skeletal muscle may also play a role in serum triiodothyronine (T(3)) production. In this study, we identified a polymorphism in the 5'-UTR of the D2 gene (D2-ORFa-Gly3Asp). We investigated the association of D2-ORFa-Gly3Asp, and of the previously identified D2-Thr92Ala polymorphism, with serum iodothyronine levels. D2-ORFa-Gly3Asp was identified by sequencing the 5'-UTR of 15 randomly selected individuals. Genotypes for D2-ORFa-Gly3Asp were determined in 156 healthy blood donors (age 46.3 +/- 12.2 yr) and 349 ambulant elderly men (age 77.7 +/- 3.5 yr) and related to serum iodothyronine and TSH levels. D2-ORFa-Asp(3) had an allele frequency of 33.9% in blood bank donors and was associated with serum thyroxine (T(4); Gly/Gly vs. Gly/Asp vs. Asp/Asp = 7.06 +/- 0.14 vs. 6.74 +/- 0.15 vs. 6.29 +/- 0.27 microg/dl, P = 0.01), free T(4) (1.22 +/- 0.02 vs. 1.16 +/- 0.02 vs. 1.06 +/- 0.04 ng/dl, P = 0.001), reverse T(3) (P = 0.01), and T(3)/T(4) ratio (P = 0.002) in a dose-dependent manner, but not with serum T(3) (P = 0.59). In elderly men, D2-ORFa-Asp(3) had a similar frequency but was not associated with serum iodothyronine levels. This new polymorphism in the 5'-UTR of D2 is associated with iodothyronine levels in blood donors but not in elderly men. We hypothesize that this might be explained by the decline in skeletal muscle size during aging, resulting in a relative decrease in the contribution of D2 to serum T(3) production.  相似文献   
During male meiotic prophase in mammals, X and Y are in a largely unsynapsed configuration, which is thought to trigger meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI). In avian species, females are ZW, and males ZZ. Although Z and W in chicken oocytes show complete, largely heterologous synapsis, they too undergo MSCI, albeit only transiently. The W chromosome is already inactive in early meiotic prophase, and inactive chromatin marks may spread on to the Z upon synapsis. Mammalian MSCI is considered as a specialised form of the general meiotic silencing mechanism, named meiotic silencing of unsynapsed chromatin (MSUC). Herein, we studied the avian form of MSUC, by analysing the behaviour of the peculiar germline restricted chromosome (GRC) that is present as a single copy in zebra finch spermatocytes. In the female germline, this chromosome is present in two copies, which normally synapse and recombine. In contrast, during male meiosis, the single GRC is always eliminated. We found that the GRC in the male germline is silenced from early leptotene onwards, similar to the W chromosome in avian oocytes. The GRC remains largely unsynapsed throughout meiotic prophase I, although patches of SYCP1 staining indicate that part of the GRC may self-synapse. In addition, the GRC is largely devoid of meiotic double strand breaks. We observed a lack of the inner centromere protein INCENP on the GRC and elimination of the GRC following metaphase I. Subsequently, the GRC forms a micronucleus in which the DNA is fragmented. We conclude that in contrast to MSUC in mammals, meiotic silencing of this single chromosome in the avian germline occurs prior to, and independent of DNA double strand breaks and chromosome pairing, hence we have named this phenomenon meiotic silencing prior to synapsis (MSPS).  相似文献   
Damselflies provide a classic example of female colour polymorphism. Usually, one female morph resembles the blue male colour (andromorph) while one, or more, female morphs are seen as typically female (gynomorph). Damselfly species fall in two distinct groups with respect to recent developments in mimicry theory: in some species females are perfect, they match male colouration and black patterning, and in other species they are supposed to be imperfect mimics, only matching male colouration. However, the underlying assumption of one female morph looking male-like is mostly based on human vision. Therefore we investigated the black patterning and colour of the three female morphs in Coenagrion puella, an imperfect mimic, using image analysis. In C. puella the blue female morph is perceived as male-like. We found that the black patterning of such females cannot be distinguished from the other female morphs, and is clearly different from males. Furthermore, the blue colour of andromorph females differs from the blue colour of males. Intriguingly, however, the red content did not differ between blue males and females.  相似文献   


Colour polymorphisms are widespread and one of the prime examples is the colour polymorphism in female coenagrionid damselflies: one female morph resembles the male colour (andromorph) while one, or more, female morphs are described as typically female (gynomorph). However, the selective pressures leading to the evolution and maintenance of this polymorphism are not clear. Here, based on the hypothesis that coloration and especially black patterning can be related to resistance against pathogens, we investigated the differences in immune function and parasite resistance between the different female morphs and males.  相似文献   
Transition from reversible to irreversible bacterial adhesion is a highly relevant but poorly understood step in initial biofilm formation. We hypothesize that in oral biofilm formation, irreversible adhesion is caused by bond strengthening due to specific bacterial interactions with salivary conditioning films. Here, we compared the initial adhesion of six oral bacterial strains to salivary conditioning films with their adhesion to a bovine serum albumin (BSA) coating and related their adhesion to the strengthening of the binding forces measured with bacteria-coated atomic force microscopy cantilevers. All strains adhered in higher numbers to salivary conditioning films than to BSA coatings, and specific bacterial interactions with salivary conditioning films were accompanied by stronger initial adhesion forces. Bond strengthening occurred on a time scale of several tens of seconds and was slower for actinomyces than for streptococci. Nonspecific interactions between bacteria and BSA coatings strengthened twofold faster than their specific interactions with salivary conditioning films, likely because specific interactions require a closer approach of interacting surfaces with the removal of interfacial water and a more extensive rearrangement of surface structures. After bond strengthening, bacterial adhesion forces with a salivary conditioning film remained stronger than those with BSA coatings.  相似文献   
Light-induced swimming behaviour of Daphnia can lead to dielvertical migration. When this occurs, Daphnia may escape frompredation by juvenile 0+ fish. For this to happen, swimmingin response to the change in light intensity at dawn and duskmust be enhanced. This enhanced swimming reaction can be elicitedby fish-associated kairomone in the laboratory. We studied theeffect of these fish-associated kairomones in Lake Maarsseveen,The Netherlands. A bioassay was conducted in which light-inducedswimming reactions of Daphnia were used to quantify the kairomonesignal strength. In two successive years, 1998 and 1999, waterfrom Lake Maarsseveen was tested weekly in early summer. Sampleswere taken from the epilimnion at 3 m depth and from the hypolimnionat 15 m depth. Simultaneously, we caught 0+ perch (Perca fluviatilis)with bongo nets to determine its abundance. The length and weightof individuals caught in 1998 were determined to establish alength–weight relationship. Using this relationship andthe information on perch density from the trawls, the relativefish biomass was calculated for these two years. It was shownthat water from the epilimnion layer increasingly enhanced light-inducedswimming reactions until the second week of June, then the effectgradually disappeared. Water from the hypolimnion had no sucheffect. In 1998, these changes in signal strength correlatedwith the relative biomass of the 0+ perch, but in 1999, themaximum of the enhancement lagged 2 weeks behind the maximumof the biomass of the 0+ perch. This lag may be due to a differentdevelopment of the thermocline. We conclude that kairomone concentrationmay well correlate with 0+ perch biomass and thereby might informDaphnia not only about the presence, but also about the abundance,of juvenile perch.  相似文献   
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