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Induction and localization of NOD2 protein in human endothelial cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Translation initiation in eukaryotes is accomplished through the coordinated and orderly action of a large number of proteins, including the eIF4 initiation factors. Herein, we report that pateamine A (PatA), a potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic marine natural product, inhibits cap-dependent eukaryotic translation initiation. PatA bound to and enhanced the intrinsic enzymatic activities of eIF4A, yet it inhibited eIF4A-eIF4G association and promoted the formation of a stable ternary complex between eIF4A and eIF4B. These changes in eIF4A affinity for its partner proteins upon binding to PatA caused the stalling of initiation complexes on mRNA in vitro and induced stress granule formation in vivo. These results suggest that PatA will be a valuable molecular probe for future studies of eukaryotic translation initiation and may serve as a lead compound for the development of anticancer agents.  相似文献   
We have earlier identified and purified two protein-lysine N-methyltransferases (Protein methylase III) fromEuglena gracilis [J. Biol. Chem.,260, 7114 (1985)]. The enzymes were highly specific toward histone H1 (lysine-rich), and the enzymatic products were identified as -N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines. These earlier studies, however, were carried out with rat liver histone H1 as thein vitro substrate. Presently, histone H1 has been purified fromEuglena gracilis through Bio-Rex 70 and Bio-Gel P-100 column chromatography. TheEuglena histone H1 showed a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and behaved like other histone H1 of higher animals, whereas it had a much higherR f value than the other histones H1 in acid/urea gel electrophoresis. When theEuglena histone H1 was [methyl-3H]-labeledin vitro by a homologous enzyme (one of the twoEuglena protein methylase III) and analyzed on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, three distinctive subtypes of histone H1 were shown to be radiolabeled, whereas five subtypes of rat liver histone H1 were found to be labeled. Finally, by the combined use of a strong cation exchange and reversed-phase Resolve C18 columns on HPLC, we demonstrated thatEuglena histone H1 contains approximately 9 mol% of -N-methyllysines (1.40, 1.66, and 5.62 mol% for -N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines, respectively). This is the first demonstration of the natural occurrence of -N-methyllysines in histone H1.  相似文献   
Intracellular frustosyl transferase was purified fromAureobasidium pullulans C-23 by ethanol fractionation, CM-Sephadex chromatography and preparative disc gel electrophoresis. It was shown to be homogeneous on disc polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, with a molecular size of 190kDa. The pI value of the enzyme was about 3.7. The enzyme has aK m value of 0.43 mM for sucrose and was optimally active at pH 5.0 and 60°C. The enzyme was stable from pH 2.5 to 12. It was almost completely inhibited by 5mM Hg2+ but was not significantly affected by other cations. The transferase was inactivated by treatment with the tryptophan-specific reagentN-bromosuccinimide and the tyrosine-specific reagent, I2, suggesting that tryptophan and tyrosine residues are probably located at or near the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Leishmania protozoan parasites (Trypanosomatidae family) are the causative agents of cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis worldwide. While these diseases are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, there are few adequate treatments available. Sterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51) in the parasite sterol biosynthesis pathway has been the focus of considerable interest as a novel drug target in Leishmania. However, its essentiality in Leishmania donovani has yet to be determined. Here, we use a dual biological and pharmacological approach to demonstrate that CYP51 is indispensable in L. donovani. We show via a facilitated knockout approach that chromosomal CYP51 genes can only be knocked out in the presence of episomal complementation and that this episome cannot be lost from the parasite even under negative selection. In addition, we treated wild-type L. donovani and CYP51-deficient strains with 4-aminopyridyl-based inhibitors designed specifically for Trypanosoma cruzi CYP51. While potency was lower than in T. cruzi, these inhibitors had increased efficacy in parasites lacking a CYP51 allele compared to complemented parasites, indicating inhibition of parasite growth via a CYP51-specific mechanism and confirming essentiality of CYP51 in L. donovani. Overall, these results provide support for further development of CYP51 inhibitors for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   
BackgroundScrub typhus is an acute febrile disease caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi infection. Recently, the rapid increase of scrub typhus incidence in several countries within the endemic region has become a serious public health issue. Despite the wide range of preventative approaches that have been attempted in the past 70 years, all have failed to develop an effective prophylactic vaccine. Currently, the selection of the proper antigens is one of the critical barriers to generating cross-protective immunity against antigenically-variable strains of O. tsutsugamushi.Conclusions/SignificanceImmunization of ScaA proteins provides protective immunity in mice when challenged with the homologous strain and significantly enhanced protective immunity against infection with heterologous strains. To our knowledge, this is the most promising result of scrub typhus vaccination trials against infection of heterologous strains in mouse models thus far.  相似文献   
In order to maintain axenic seedstock cultures axenically of thecommercially important red seaweed, Porphyra yezoensis, aprocedure was developed for axenic isolation and culture of conchocelis andmonospores. For axenic isolation of the conchocelis, contaminated microalgaewere most effectively removed by filtering contaminated samples through a100-m mesh after sonication. Removal of bacteria and otheralgaewas accomplished using a mixture of 5 agents (0.02% chitosan, 100 gml–1 GeO2, 10 gml–1 ampicillin, 40 gml–1 kanamycin and 200 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single colonies wereisolatedfrom a semi-solid medium prepared from 1% transfer gel. After collectingmonospores from the 40–50% density layer on a percoll-gradient, removalofbacteria and fungi from the monospores was accomplished using a mixture of 5antibiotics (3.5 g ml–1 nystatin, 2 mgml–1 ampicillin, 400 gml–1 kanamycin, 50 gml–1 neomycin and 800 gml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single juvenile blades wereisolated from a semi-solid medium prepared from 0.5% transfer gel.  相似文献   


Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is thought to be partially due to the injury of renal cells and the renal micro-environment by free radicals. Free radial scavenging agents that inhibit free radical damage may well prevent the development of underlying conditions such as mesangial expansion (by inhibiting extracellular matrix expression) in these patients.


Using techniques for intra-cellular delivery of peptides, we made metallothionein (MT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), potent endogenous antioxidants, readily transducible into cell membrane and tested their protective effect against the development of DN in OLETF rats. Herein, we study antioxidant peptides for their ability to prevent oxidative damage to primary rat mesangial cells (MCs), which are important constituents of renal glomeruli.


Intraperitoneal administration of these antioxidants resulted in delivery to the kidney and decreased ROS and the expression of downstream signals in renal cells and postponed the usual progression to DN. In in vitro experiments, MT and SOD were efficiently transferred to MCs, and the increased removal of ROS by MT and SOD was proportional to the degree of scavenging enzymes delivered. MT and SOD decreased three major oxidative injuries (hyperglycemia, AGE and ROS exposure) and also injuries directly mediated by angiotensin II in MCs while changing downstream signal transduction.


The protective effects of MT and SOD for the progression of DN in experimental animals may be associated with the scavenging of ROS by MT and SOD and correlated changes in signal transduction downstream. Concomitant administration of these antioxidant peptides may prove to be a new approach for the prevention and therapy of DN.  相似文献   
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