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Temporal and regional aspects of early neural crest cell migration in relation to extracellular matrix (ECM) organization and distribution in the embryonic axolotl trunk were studied by light microscopy, TEM, and SEM. The dominating structure of the interstitial ECM is a complex network of fibrils, which are indicated by ruthenium red staining to consist of collagen in association with ruthenium red-positive components, probably including glycosaminoglycans. The ECM fibrils, which are largely used as substratum for locomotion by the crest cells, have a temporally and regionally specific organization and distribution. Increase in ECM fibrils on the neural tube, ahead of the crest cell front, is correlated with initiation of crest cell emigration, and it is suggested that the fibrils may stimulate this process by providing a suitable substratum for cell locomotion. An increase in ECM fibrils in extracellular spaces surrounding the crest cell population is correlated with an expansion of these spaces and with progressing crest cell migration into them. It is proposed that the spatial organization of the ECM fibrils influences crest cell shape and orientation during early migration.  相似文献   
Summary Previous work by this and other laboratories has shown that glucagon administration stimulates calcium uptake by subsequently isolated hepatic mitochondria. This stimulation of hepatic mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake byin vivo administration of glucagon was further characterized in the present report. Maximal stimulation of mitochondrial Ca2+ accumulation was achieved between 6–10 min after the intravenous injection of glucagon into intact rats. Under control conditions, Ca2+ uptake was inhibited by the presence of Mg2+ in the incubation medium. Glucagon treatment, however, appeared to obliterate the observed inhibition by Mg2+ of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Kinetic experiments revealed the usual sigmoidicity associated with initial velocity curves for mitochondrial calcium uptake. Glucagon treatment did not alter this sigmoidal relationship. Glucagon treatment significantly increased the Vmax for Ca2+ uptake from 292±22 to 377±34 nmoles Ca2+ /min per mg protein (n=8) but did not affect the K0.5, (6.5–8.6 μM). Since the major kinetic change in mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake evoked by glucagon is an increase in Vmax, the enhancement mechanism is likely to be an increase either in the number of active transport sites available to Ca2+ or in the rate of Ca2+ carrier movement across the mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   
We tested the null hypothesis that differences in the seasonal return patterns between stocks of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are a result of a direct response to the environment, and not under genetic control. Two stocks were used in the experiments, originating from the R. Figga and R. Imsa, respectively. In their native habitat fish from the former are known to return to the home stream as adult salmon early in the summer, while from the latter return during late summer and autumn. By rearing these stocks in the same hatchery and releasing smolts of both stocks together at three sites in southern Norway, it was demonstrated that salmon from the R. Figga stock returned earlier to coastal Norway than salmon from the R. Imsa stock, as maturing adults. Thus, we reject the hypothesis that these stocks are genetically identical in this trait. Within both stocks, multi-sea-winter fish returned earlier than one-sea-winter fish. Within stocks, there was no significant difference in time of return between salmon released as 1- and 2-year-old smolts, or between fish reared from parents ascending the R. Imsa early or late in the season.  相似文献   
Site-specific mutagenesis has been used to replace amino acid residues in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II with residues characterizing carbonic anhydrases I. Previous studies of [Thr200----His]isoenzyme II [Behravan, G., Jonsson, B.-H. & Lindskog, S. (1990) Eur. J. Biochem. 190, 351-357] showed that His200 is important for the specific catalytic properties of isoenzymes I. In this paper some properties of two single mutants, Asn62----Val and Asn67----His, as well as a double mutant, Asn67----His/Thr200----His, are described. The results show that neither Val62 nor His67 give rise to isoenzyme-I-like properties, while the double mutant behaves like the single mutant with His200. At pH 8.9, the variant with Val62 has a higher value of kcat/Km for CO2 hydration than unmodified isoenzyme II, whereas the variant with His67 has an enhanced kcat value. The replacement of Asn62 with Val results in a 20% increase of the 4-nitrophenyl acetate hydrolase activity. For the double mutant, the esterase activity is quite close to that calculated on the assumption that the effects of the two single mutations on the free energy of activation are additive.  相似文献   
A monospecific antibody recognizing two membrane proteins in Acholeplasma laidlawii identified a plasmid clone from a genomic library. The nucleotide sequence of the 4.6-kbp insert contained four sequential genes coding for proteins of 39 kDa (E1 alpha, N terminus not cloned), 36 kDa (E1 beta), 57 kDa (E2), and 36 kDa (E3; C terminus not cloned). The N termini of the cloned E2, E1 beta, and native A. laidlawii E2 proteins were verified by amino acid sequencing. Computer-aided searches showed that the translated DNA sequences were homologous to the four subenzymes of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes from gram-positive bacteria and humans. The plasmid-encoded 57-kDa (E2) protein was recognized by antibodies against the E2 subenzymes of the pyruvate and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complexes from Bacillus subtilis. A substantial fraction of the E2 protein as well as part of the pyruvate dehydrogenase enzymatic activity was associated with the cytoplasmic membrane in A. laidlawii. In vivo complementation with three different Escherichia coli pyruvate dehydrogenase-defective mutants showed that the four plasmid-encoded proteins were able to restore pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme activity in E. coli. Since A. laidlawii lacks oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and most likely branched-chain dehydrogenase enzyme complex activities, these results strongly suggest that the sequenced genes code for the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of Pantoea agglomerans, a plant growth-promoting bacterium, to colonize various regions and tissues of the wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) by using different inoculation methods and inoculum concentrations. In addition, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to determine: (a) the ability of the bacterial cells to grow and survive both on the surface and within internal tissue of the plant and (b) the response of the plant to bacterial infection. After inoculation, cells of the diazotrophic bacterial strain P. agglomerans were found to be located in roots, stems and leaves. Colony development of bacterial cells was only detected within intercellular spaces of the root and on the root surface. However, single bacterial cells were observed in leaves and stems on the surface of the epidermis, in the vicinity to stomatal cells, within intercellular spaces of the mesophyll and within xylem vessels. Inoculated bacterial cells were found to be able to enter host tissues, to multiply in the plant and to maintain a delicate relationship between endophyte and host. The density of bacterial settlement in the plant in all experiments was about 106 to 107 cells per mL root or shoot sap. Establishment was confirmed by a low coefficient of variation of ELISA means at these concentrations.  相似文献   
Whereas sitosterol and 24(28)-methylene cycloartanol were competitive inhibitors (with Ki = 26 microM and 14 microM, respectively), 24(R,S)-25-epiminolanosterol was found to be a potent non-competitive inhibitor (Ki = 3.0 nM) of the S-adenosyl-L-methionine-C-24 methyl transferase from sunflower embryos. Because the ground state analog, 24(R,S)-oxidolanosterol, failed to inhibit the catalysis and 25-azalanosterol inhibited the catalysis with a Ki of 30 nM we conclude that the aziridine functions in a manner similar to the azasteriod (Rahier, A., et al., J. Biol. Chem. (1984) 259, 15215) as a transition state analog mimicking the carbonium intermediate found in the normal transmethylation reaction. Additionally, we observed that the aziridine inhibited cycloartenol metabolism (the preferred substrate for transmethylation) in cultured sunflower cells and cell growth.  相似文献   
Tripeptidyl peptidase II is a high molecular weight serine exopeptidase, which has been purified from rat liver and human erythrocytes. Four clones, representing 4453 bp, or 90% of the mRNA of the human enzyme, have been isolated from two different cDNA libraries. One clone, designated A2, was obtained after screening a human B-lymphocyte cDNA library with a degenerated oligonucleotide mixture. The B-lymphocyte cDNA library and a cDNA library, obtained from human fibroblasts, were rescreened with a 147 bp fragment from the 5' part of the A2 clone, whereby three different overlapping cDNA clones could be isolated. The deduced amino acid sequence, 1196 amino acid residues, corresponding to the longest open reading frame of the assembled nucleotide sequence, was compared to sequences of current databases. This revealed a 56% similarity between the bacterial enzyme subtilisin and the N-terminal part of tripeptidyl peptidase II. The enzyme was found to be represented by two different mRNAs of 4.2 and 5.0 kilobases, respectively, which probably result from the utilization of two different polyadenylation sites. Furthermore, cDNA corresponding to both the N-terminal and C-terminal part of tripeptidyl peptidase II hybridized with genomic DNA from mouse, horse, calf, and hen, even under fairly high stringency conditions, indicating that tripeptidyl peptidase II is highly conserved.  相似文献   
The active sites of carbonic anhydrases I contain a unique histidine residue at sequence position 200. To test the hypothesis that His200 is essential for the isoenzyme-specific catalytic and inhibitor-binding properties of carbonic anhydrases I, a variant of human carbonic anhydrase II, having His200 for Thr200, was prepared by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The variant has a circular dichroic spectrum that is indistinguishable from that of the parent enzyme. The kinetics of CO2 hydration and HCO3- dehydration has been investigated. The results show that the amino acid substitution has led to changes of catalytic parameters as well as Ki values for anion inhibition in the expected directions towards the values for isoenzyme I. However, the maximal 4-nitrophenyl acetate hydrolase activity of the variant is higher than for any naturally occurring carbonic anhydrase studied so far. A detailed analysis of the kinetic observations suggests that the modification has resulted in a change of the step that limits the maximal rate of CO2 hydration at saturating buffer concentrations. This rate-limiting step is an intramolecular proton transfer in unmodified isoenzyme II and, presumably, HCO3- dissociation in the variant and in human isoenzyme I. A free-energy profile for the dominating pathway of CO2 hydration at high pH was constructed. The results suggest that the major effect of His200 is a stabilization of the enzyme-HCO3- complex by about 7.5 kJ/mol (variant) and 6.1 kJ/mol (human isoenzyme I) relative to unmodified isoenzyme II, while proton transfer between the metal site and the reaction medium is only marginally affected by the amino acid replacement.  相似文献   
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