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Although the majority of emerging infectious diseases can be linked to wildlife sources, most pathogen spillover events to people could likely be avoided if transmission was better understood and practices adjusted to mitigate risk. Wildlife trade can facilitate zoonotic disease transmission and represents a threat to human health and economies in Asia, highlighted by the 2003 SARS coronavirus outbreak, where a Chinese wildlife market facilitated pathogen transmission. Additionally, wildlife trade poses a serious threat to biodiversity. Therefore, the combined impacts of Asian wildlife trade, sometimes termed bush meat trade, on public health and biodiversity need assessing. From 2010 to 2013, observational data were collected in Lao PDR from markets selling wildlife, including information on volume, form, species and price of wildlife; market biosafety and visitor origin. The potential for traded wildlife to host zoonotic diseases that pose a serious threat to human health was then evaluated at seven markets identified as having high volumes of trade. At the seven markets, during 21 observational surveys, 1,937 alive or fresh dead mammals (approximately 1,009 kg) were observed for sale, including mammals from 12 taxonomic families previously documented to be capable of hosting 36 zoonotic pathogens. In these seven markets, the combination of high wildlife volumes, high risk taxa for zoonoses and poor biosafety increases the potential for pathogen presence and transmission. To examine the potential conservation impact of trade in markets, we assessed the status of 33,752 animals observed during 375 visits to 93 markets, under the Lao PDR Wildlife and Aquatic Law. We observed 6,452 animals listed by Lao PDR as near extinct or threatened with extinction. The combined risks of wildlife trade in Lao PDR to human health and biodiversity highlight the need for a multi-sector approach to effectively protect public health, economic interests and biodiversity.  相似文献   


While our knowledge of the intestinal microbiota during disease is accumulating, basic information of the microbiota in healthy subjects is still scarce. The aim of this study was to characterize the intestinal microbiota of healthy adults and specifically address its temporal stability, core microbiota and relation with intestinal symptoms. We carried out a longitudinal study by following a set of 15 healthy Finnish subjects for seven weeks and regularly assessed their intestinal bacteria and archaea with the Human Intestinal Tract (HIT)Chip, a phylogenetic microarray, in conjunction with qPCR analyses. The health perception and occurrence of intestinal symptoms was recorded by questionnaire at each sampling point.

Principal Findings

A high overall temporal stability of the microbiota was observed. Five subjects showed transient microbiota destabilization, which correlated not only with the intake of antibiotics but also with overseas travelling and temporary illness, expanding the hitherto known factors affecting the intestinal microbiota. We identified significant correlations between the microbiota and common intestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain and bloating. The most striking finding was the inverse correlation between Bifidobacteria and abdominal pain: subjects who experienced pain had over five-fold less Bifidobacteria compared to those without pain. Finally, a novel computational approach was used to define the common core microbiota, highlighting the role of the analysis depth in finding the phylogenetic core and estimating its size. The in-depth analysis suggested that we share a substantial number of our intestinal phylotypes but as they represent highly variable proportions of the total community, many of them often remain undetected.


A global and high-resolution microbiota analysis was carried out to determine the temporal stability, the associations with intestinal symptoms, and the individual and common core microbiota in healthy adults. The findings provide new approaches to define intestinal health and to further characterize the microbial communities inhabiting the human gut.  相似文献   
Collagen receptor integrins recycle between the plasma membrane and endosomes and facilitate formation and turnover of focal adhesions. In contrast, clustering of α2β1 integrin with antibodies or the human pathogen echovirus 1 (EV1) causes redistribution of α2 integrin to perinuclear multivesicular bodies, α2-MVBs. We show here that the internalized clustered α2 integrin remains in α2-MVBs and is not recycled back to the plasma membrane. Instead, receptor clustering and internalization lead to an accelerated down-regulation of α2β1 integrin compared to the slow turnover of unclustered α2 integrin. EV1 infection or integrin degradation is not associated with proteasomal or autophagosomal processes and shows no significant association with lysosomal pathway. In contrast, degradation is dependent on calpains, such that it is blocked by calpain inhibitors. We show that active calpain is present in α2-MVBs, internalized clustered α2β1 integrin coprecipitates with calpain-1, and calpain enzymes can degrade α2β1 integrin. In conclusion, we identified a novel virus- and clustering-specific pathway that diverts α2β1 integrin from its normal endo/exocytic traffic to a nonrecycling, calpain-dependent degradative endosomal route.  相似文献   
Extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in cell culture incubators have been measured. Values of the order of tens of μT were found which is in sharp contrast to the values found in our normal environment (0.05-0.1 μT). There are numerous examples of biological effects found after exposure to MF at these levels, such as changes in gene expression, blocked cell differentiation, inhibition of the effect of tamoxifen, effects on chick embryo development, etc. We therefore recommend that people working with cell culture incubators check for the background magnetic field and take this into account in performing their experiments, since this could be an unrecognised factor of importance contributing to the variability in the results from work with cell cultures.  相似文献   
The physical properties that govern the waterborne transmission of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts from land to sea were evaluated and compared to the properties of carboxylated microspheres, which could serve as surrogates for T. gondii oocysts in transport and water treatment studies. The electrophoretic mobilities of T. gondii oocysts, lightly carboxylated Dragon Green microspheres, and heavily carboxylated Glacial Blue microspheres were determined in ultrapure water, artificial freshwater with and without dissolved organic carbon, artificial estuarine water, and artificial seawater. The surface wettabilities of oocysts and microspheres were determined using a water contact angle approach. Toxoplasma gondii oocysts and microspheres were negatively charged in freshwater solutions, but their charges were neutralized in estuarine water and seawater. Oocysts, Glacial Blue microspheres, and unwashed Dragon Green microspheres had low contact angles, indicating that they were hydrophilic; however, once washed, Dragon Green microspheres became markedly hydrophobic. The hydrophilic nature and negative charge of T. gondii oocysts in freshwater could facilitate widespread contamination of waterways. The loss of charge observed in saline waters may lead to flocculation and subsequent accumulation of T. gondii oocysts in locations where freshwater and marine water mix, indicating a high risk of exposure for humans and wildlife in estuarine habitats with this zoonotic pathogen. While microspheres did not have surface properties identical to those of T. gondii, similar properties shared between each microsphere type and oocysts suggest that their joint application in transport and fate studies could provide a range of transport potentials in which oocysts are likely to behave.  相似文献   
Serum protein profiling by MS is a promising method for early detection of disease. Important characteristics for serum protein profiling are preanalytical factors, analytical reproducibility and high throughput. Problems related to preanalytical factors can be overcome by using standardized and rigorous sample collection and sample handling protocols. The sensitivity of the MS analysis relies on the quality of the sample; consequently, the blood sample preparation step is crucial to obtain pure and concentrated samples and enrichment of the proteins and peptides of interest. This review focuses on the serum sample preparation step prior to protein profiling by MALDI MS analysis, with particular focus on various SPE methods. The application of SPE techniques with different chromatographic properties such as RP, ion exchange, or affinity binding to isolate specific subsets of molecules (subproteomes) is advantageous for increasing resolution and sensitivity in the subsequent MS analysis. In addition, several of the SPE sample preparation methods are simple and scalable and have proven easy to automate for higher reproducibility and throughput, which is important in a clinical proteomics setting.  相似文献   
A relative scale of Leaf Damage Indices (LDI) from 0 to 5 describes the visible injury to leaves of cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz caused by the cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). As the scale is ordinal and thus not quantitative, the observed LDIs are converted individually to relative loss of chlorophyll on a ratio scale before an average injury is determined. This calibration is required because the ordinal and the ratio scales are not linearly related. A calibration curve was established on the basis of laboratory experiments to determine the chlorophyll content, c, of leaves representing various leaf damage indices. Several monotonously decreasing functions were fitted to the experimental data yielding the following relation , where c o is the chlorophyll content of unijured leaf tissue and a is a constant describing the steepness of the curvilinear relation. This means that LDIs could be converted to relative loss of chlorophyll, d, where . The photosynthetically active leaf area of plants can be estimated by combining the relative loss of chlorophyll with leaf area assessments and adds the effects of defoliation and suspended growth to the chlorophyll depletion. The difference in photosynthetically active area that arises between uninjured and injured plants over a period of time provides a measure of spider mite injury that can be related to growth and yield. The method integrates the injury inflicted over a period of time, allows successive observations of the same plants, and is rapid and reasonably precise considering the time savings.  相似文献   
Mercury Adaptation among Bacteria from a Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Since deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids are enriched with toxic metals, it was hypothesized that (i) the biota in the vicinity of a vent is adapted to life in the presence of toxic metals and (ii) metal toxicity is modulated by the steep physical-chemical gradients that occur when anoxic, hot fluids are mixed with cold oxygenated seawater. We collected bacterial biomass at different distances from a diffuse flow vent at 9°N on the East Pacific Rise and tested these hypotheses by examining the effect of mercuric mercury [Hg(II)] on vent bacteria. Four of six moderate thermophiles, most of which were vent isolates belonging to the genus Alcanivorax, and six of eight mesophiles from the vent plume were resistant to >10 μM Hg(II) and reduced it to elemental mercury [Hg(0)]. However, four psychrophiles that were isolated from a nearby inactive sulfide structure were Hg(II) sensitive. A neighbor-joining tree constructed from the deduced amino acids of a PCR-amplified fragment of merA, the gene encoding the mercuric reductase (MR), showed that sequences obtained from the vent moderate thermophiles formed a unique cluster (bootstrap value, 100) in the MR phylogenetic tree, which expanded the known diversity of this locus. The temperature optimum for Hg(II) reduction by resting cells and MR activity in crude cell extracts of a vent moderate thermophile corresponded to its optimal growth temperature, 45°C. However, the optimal temperature for activity of the MR encoded by transposon Tn501 was found to be 55 to 65°C, suggesting that, in spite of its original isolation from a mesophile, this MR is a thermophilic enzyme that may represent a relic of early evolution in high-temperature environments. Results showing that there is enrichment of Hg(II) resistance among vent bacteria suggest that these bacteria have an ecological role in mercury detoxification in the vent environment and, together with the thermophilicity of MR, point to geothermal environments as a likely niche for the evolution of bacterial mercury resistance.  相似文献   
Meckel syndrome (MKS) is a lethal malformation disorder characterized classically by encephalocele, polycystic kidneys, and polydactyly. MKS is also one of the major contributors to syndromic neural tube defects (NTDs). Recent findings have shown primary cilia dysfunction in the molecular background of MKS, indicating that cilia are critical for early human development. However, even though four genes behind MKS have been identified to date, they elucidate only a minor proportion of the MKS cases. In this study, instead of traditional linkage analysis, we selected 10 nonrelated affected fetuses and looked for the homozygous regions shared by them. Based on this strategy, we identified the sixth locus and the fifth gene, CC2D2A (MKS6), behind MKS. The biological function of CC2D2A is uncharacterized, but the corresponding polypeptide is predicted to be involved in ciliary functions and it has a calcium binding domain (C2). Immunofluorescence staining of patient's fibroblast cells demonstrates that the cells lack cilia, providing evidence for the critical role of CC2D2A in cilia formation. Our finding is very significant not only to understand the molecular background of MKS, but also to obtain additional information about the function of the cilia, which can help to understand their significance in normal development and also in other ciliopathies, which are an increasing group of disorders with overlapping phenotypes.  相似文献   
The thioredoxin-dependent system is an essential regulator of cellular redox balance. Since oxidative stress has been linked with neurodegenerative disease, we studied the roles of thioredoxin reductases in brain using mice with nervous system (NS)-specific deletion of cytosolic (Txnrd1) and mitochondrial (Txnrd2) thioredoxin reductase. While NS-specific Txnrd2 null mice develop normally, mice lacking Txnrd1 in the NS were significantly smaller and displayed ataxia and tremor. A striking patterned cerebellar hypoplasia was observed. Proliferation of the external granular layer (EGL) was strongly reduced and fissure formation and laminar organisation of the cerebellar cortex was impaired in the rostral portion of the cerebellum. Purkinje cells were ectopically located and their dendrites stunted. The Bergmann glial network was disorganized and showed a pronounced reduction in fiber strength. Cerebellar hypoplasia did not result from increased apoptosis, but from decreased proliferation of granule cell precursors within the EGL. Of note, neuron-specific inactivation of Txnrd1 did not result in cerebellar hypoplasia, suggesting a vital role for Txnrd1 in Bergmann glia or neuronal precursor cells.  相似文献   
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