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A discrete-time model with vaccination for a measles epidemic.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A discrete-time, age-independent SIR-type epidemic model is formulated and analyzed. The effects of vaccination are also included in the model. Three mathematically important properties are verified for the model: solutions are nonnegative, the population size is time-invariant, and the epidemic concludes with all individuals either remaining susceptible or becoming immune (a property typical of SIR models). The model is applied to a measles epidemic on a university campus. The simulated results are in good agreement with the actual data if it is assumed that the population mixes nonhomogeneously. The results of the simulations indicate that a rate of immunity greater than 98% may be required to prevent an epidemic in a university population. The model has applications to other contagious diseases of SIR type. Furthermore, the simulated results of the model can easily be compared to data, and the effects of a vaccination program can be examined.  相似文献   
The product of the trk proto-oncogene encodes a receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF). Here we show that NGF is a powerful mitogen that can induce resting NIH 3T3 cells to enter S phase, grow in semisolid medium, and become morphologically transformed. These mitogenic effects are absolutely dependent on expression of gp140trk receptors, but do not require the presence of the previously described low affinity NGF receptor. gp140trk also serves as a receptor for the related factor neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), but not for brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Both NGF and NT-3 induce the rapid phosphorylation of gp140trk receptors and the transient expression of c-Fos proteins. However, NT-3 appears to elicit more limited mitogenic responses than NGF. These results indicate that the product of the trk proto-oncogene is sufficient to mediate signal transduction processes induced by NGF and NT-3, at least in proliferating cells.  相似文献   
trkB is a tyrosine protein kinase gene highly related to trk, a proto-oncogene that encodes a receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). trkB expression is confined to structures of the central and peripheral nervous systems, suggesting it also encodes a receptor for neurotrophic factors. Here we show that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and NT-3, but not NGF, can induce rapid phosphorylation on tyrosine of gp145trkB, one of the receptors encoded by trkB. BDNF and NT-3 can induce DNA synthesis in quiescent NIH 3T3 cells that express gp145trkB. Cotransfection of plasmids encoding gp145trkB and BDNF or NT-3 leads to transformation of recipient NIH 3T3 cells. In these assays, BDNF elicits a response at least two orders of magnitude higher than NT-3. Finally, 125I-NT-3 binds to NIH 3T3 cells expressing gp145trkB; binding can be competed by NT-3 and BDNF but not by NGF. These findings indicate that gp145trkB may function as a neurotrophic receptor for BDNF and NT-3.  相似文献   
The effect of cyclosporine on PMA-stimulated superoxide production has been studied on human alveolar macrophages, human neutrophils, cytoplasts and Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B lymphocytes. Cyclosporine inhibits superoxide production in alveolar macrophages but not in neutrophils and cytoplasts. The respiratory burst of B-lymphocytes was scarcely inhibited by cyclosporine. The activity of NADPH oxidase from macrophages and neutrophils was not directly affected by cyclosporine. These data are considered in relation with the proposed mechanism for cyclosporine action and the stimulation of the respiratory burst.  相似文献   
Two distinct cDNAs for 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) were obtained from a glyphosate-tolerant tobacco cell line. The cDNAs were 89% identical and the predicted sequences of the mature proteins were greater than 83% identical with EPSPS proteins from other plants. Tobacco EPSPS proteins were more similar to those from tomato and petunia than Arabidopsis. One cDNA clone, EPSPS-1, represented a gene that was amplified in glyphosate-tolerant cells, while the gene for EPSPS-2 was unaltered in these cells. Consequently, EPSPS-1 mRNA was more abundant in tolerant than unselected cells, whereas EPSPS-2 mRNA was at relatively constant levels in these cell lines. Exposure of unselected cells and tobacco leaves to glyphosate produced a transient increase in EPSPS mRNA. However, glyphosate-tolerant cells containing amplified copies of EPSPS genes did not show a similar response following exposure to glyphosate. A significant proportion of the EPSPS gene amplification was maintained when tolerant cells were grown in the absence of glyphosate for eight months. Plants regenerated from these cells also contained amplified EPSPS genes.  相似文献   
We have expressed two T7 RNA polymerase genes by electroporation into tobacco protoplasts. One of the genes was modified by inserting nucleotides encoding a viral nuclear localization signal (NLS) from the large T antigen of SV40. Both T7 RNA polymerase genes directed synthesis of a ca. 100 kDa protein in the electroporated protoplasts. T7 RNA polymerase activity was detected in extracts of protoplasts electroporated with both genes. Immunofluorescence analysis of these protoplasts indicated that only the polymerase carrying the NLS accumulated in the cell nucleus. These experiments suggest that mechanisms involved in the transport from the cytoplasm to the nucleus are similar in plant and animal cells. This system demonstrates the feasibility of T7 RNA polymerase-based approaches for the high-level expression of introduced genes in plant cells.  相似文献   
The photosynthetic apparatus of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is comprised of three types of pigment-protein complex: the photochemical reaction centre and its attendant LH1 and LH2 light-harvesting complexes. To augment existing deletion/insertion mutants in the genes coding for these complexes we have constructed two further mutants, one of which is a novel double mutant which is devoid of all three types of complex. We have also constructed vectors for the expression of either LH1, LH2 or reaction-centre genes. The resulting system allows each pigment-protein complex to be studied either as part of an intact photosystem or as the sole complex in the cell. In this way we have demonstrated that reaction centres can assemble independently of either light-harvesting complex in R. sphaeroides. In addition, the isolation of derivatives of the deletion/insertion mutants exhibiting spontaneous mutations in carotenoid biosynthesis provides an avenue for examining the role of carotenoids in the assembly of the photosynthetic apparatus. We show that the LH1 complex is assembled regardless of the carotenoid background, and that the type of carotenoid present modifies the absorbance of the LH1 bacteriochlorophylls.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To compare the thermal environment of infants who died of the sudden infant death syndrome with that of age matched control infants. DESIGN--Case-control study. Infants who died were matched with two controls, one for age and one for age and birth weight. Thermal measurements were conducted at the death scene for cases and at the scene of last sleep for control infants, who were visited unexpectedly within four weeks of the index infant''s death on a day of similar climatic conditions. A follow up questionnaire was administered to parents of cases and controls. SETTING--The geographical area served by the professional Tasmanian state ambulance service, which includes 94% of the Tasmanian population. SUBJECTS--41 infants died of the sudden infant death syndrome at home; thermal observations at death scene were available for 28 (68%), parental questionnaire data were available for 40 (96%). 38 controls matched for age and 41 matched for age and birth weight. RESULTS--Cases had more excess thermal insulation for their given room temperature (2.3 togs) than matched controls (0.6 togs) (p = 0.009). For every excess thermal insulation unit (tog) the relative risk of the sudden infant death syndrome was 1.26 (95% confidence interval 1.05 to 1.52). The average thermal bedding value calculated from parental recall was similar to that observed by attendant ambulance officers (mean difference = 0.4 tog, p = 0.39). Cases were more likely to have been found prone (odds ratio 4.58; 1.48 to 14.11). Prone sleeping position was not a confounder or effect modifier of the relation between excess thermal insulation and the syndrome. CONCLUSIONS--Overheating and the prone sleeping position are independently associated with an increased risk of the sudden infant death syndrome. Further work on infant thermal balance and sudden infant death is required and guidelines for appropriate infant thermal care need to be developed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE--To determine the prevalence of symptoms compatible with a clinical diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome in the general population. DESIGN--Validated postal questionnaire sent to 2280 subjects randomly selected in 10 year age bands from the lists of eight general practitioners. The Manning criteria were used to define irritable bowel syndrome. SETTING--Urban population in Southampton and mixed urban-rural population in Andover, Hampshire. RESULTS--A response of 71% yielded 1620 questionnaires for analysis, of which 412 (25%) reported more than six episodes of abdominal pain in the preceding year, with 350 (22%) reporting symptoms consistent with the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. The male: female ratio was 1:1.38. More subjects with irritable bowel syndrome had constipation and diarrhoea and 35% with the syndrome reported rectal bleeding compared with an overall prevalence of 20%. Other symptoms and conditions including heartburn, dyspepsia, flushing, palpitations, migraine, and urinary symptoms were significantly more common in the group with irritable bowel syndrome. Abdominal pain in childhood was more common in the subjects with irritable bowel syndrome (12%) than without (3%). One third of the group with irritable bowel syndrome had sought medical advice during the study period (male:female ratio 1:1.21); consultation behaviour was influenced by age and the presence of associated symptoms, varied considerably among patients registered with different general practitioners, and was poorly correlated with symptom severity. CONCLUSION--Symptoms consistent with a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome are present in almost one quarter of the general population and tend to be associated with a number of other complaints and conditions, some of which may reflect smooth muscle dysfunction.  相似文献   
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