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Many animals preferentially select a habitat from a range of those potentially available. However, the consequences of these preferences for distribution and abundance, and the underlying basis of habitat preferences are often unknown. The present study, conducted at Great Keppel Island, Australia, examined how distribution and abundance of an obligate corallivorous filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris, relates to coral architecture and diversity. The main drivers of the distribution and abundance of O. longirostris among reefs were coral species richness and availability of branching coral. Feeding territories had a higher percentage of Acropora coral than surrounding habitat. In addition, feeding territories had a higher percentage of the structurally important branching coral, Acropora nobilis, and a primary prey species, Acropora millepora. A series of pair-wise choice experiments in which both structural complexity and coral tissue quality were independently manipulated showed that habitat choice was primarily based on structural complexity and shelter characteristics. In addition, the choice for the preferred coral (A. nobilis) was stronger in the presence of a piscivorous fish. These results indicate that species-diverse coral habitats, which provide sufficient structural complexity along with nutritionally important prey, are essential for population persistence of this small, corallivorous reef fish.  相似文献   
Previous studies, based on qualitative observations, reported that lesions of the whisker motor cortex produce no deficits in whisking behavior. We used high-resolution optoelectronic recording methods to compare the temporal organization and kinematics of whisker movements before and after unilateral lesions of whisker motor cortex in rats. We now report that while the lesion did not abolish whisking, it significantly disrupted whisking kinematics, coordination, and temporal organization. Lesioned animals showed significant increases in the velocity and amplitude of whisker protractions contralateral to the lesions, as well as a reduction in the synchrony of whisker movements on the two sides of the face. There was a marked shift in the distribution of whisking frequencies, with reduction of activity in the 5–7?Hz bandwidth and increased activity at <?2?Hz. Disruptions of the normal whisking pattern were evident on both sides of the face, and the magnitude of these effects was proportional to the extent of the cortical ablation. We suggest that the observed deficits reflect an imbalance in cortical inputs to a brainstem central pattern generator.  相似文献   
It is a reasonable expectation that voluntarily activated spinal motoneurons will be further excited by increases in spindle afferent activity produced by muscle stretch. Human motor behavior attributed to tonic stretch reflexes and to reflexes recruited by relatively slow joint rotation has been reported from several laboratories. We reinvestigated this issue by rotating the elbow joint over the central portion of its range while subjects focused on keeping their elbow flexion effort constant at one of three different levels and made no attempt to control the position, speed or direction of movement of their forearm. There is evidence that subjects' voluntary motor status is constant under these conditions so that any change in torque would be of involuntary origin. On average, torques rose somewhat and then fell as the elbow was flexed through a range of 80° at 10, 20 and 60°/s and a similar pattern occurred during elbow extension; i.e., both concentric and eccentric torque-angle profiles had roughly similar shapes and neither produced consistent stabilizing cross-range stiffness. The negative stiffness (rising torque) during the early part of a concentric movement and the negative stiffness (falling torque) during the later part of an eccentric movement would not have occurred if a stabilizing stretch reflex had been present. Positive stiffness rarely gave rise to torque changes greater than 20% in either individual or cross-subject averaged data. When angular regions of negative stiffness are combined with regions of low positive stiffness (torque change 10% or less), much of the range of motion was not well stabilized, especially during eccentric movements. The sum of the EMGs from biceps brachii, brachioradialis and brachialis showed a pattern opposite to that expected for a stretch reflex; there was an upward trend in the EMG as the elbow was flexed and a downward trend as the elbow was extended. There was little change in the shape of this EMG-angle relationship with either direction or velocity. The individual EMG-angle relationships were distinctive for each of these three elbow flexor muscles in four of the six subjects; in the remaining two, biceps was distinctive, but brachioradialis and brachialis appeared to be coupled. Although the EMGs of individual muscles were modulated over the angular range, no consistent stretch reflexes could be seen in the individual records. Thus, we could find no clear evidence for stretch reflex stabilization of human subjects maintaining a constant effort. Rather, muscle torque appears to be reflexly modulated across a much used portion of the elbow's angular range so that any appreciable stabilizing stiffness that is sustained for more than fractions of a second is associated with a change in effort.  相似文献   
Although environmental modification by ecosystem engineers influences species distributions and abundances and ecological process rates, general determinants of the environmental states of engineered landscapes are not well understood. Here we develop a general, spatially implicit model of engineered landscapes that includes parameters driving engineer populations (demographics, environmental modification) and environmental decay. We show that average environmental states and heterogeneities of landscapes are the result of a balance between parameters determining engineering rates and decay rates that can be expressed as a net engineering ratio (NER). This ratio highlights the need to include environmental decay in ecosystem engineering studies. Moreover, it defines a significant engineer as one that can alter the environment despite decay and generates expectations for different kinds of effects on the engineer, other species and ecological processes depending on ratio values. Finally, it suggests that, in general, decay places limits as to what can be inferred about engineer population dynamics from environmental dynamics and vice versa.  相似文献   
Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) mainly causes adult T cell leukemia and predominantly immortalizes/transforms CD4+ T cells in culture. HTLV-2 is aleukemic and predominantly immortalizes/transforms CD8+ T cells in culture. We have shown previously that the viral envelope is the genetic determinant of the differential T cell tropism in culture. The surface component (SU) of the HTLV-1 envelope is responsible for binding to the cellular receptors for entry. Here, we dissect the HTLV-1 SU further to identify key domains that are involved in determining the immortalization tropism. We generated HTLV-1 envelope recombinant virus containing the HTLV-2 SU domain. HTLV-1/SU2 was capable of infecting and immortalizing freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in culture. HTLV-1/SU2 shifted the CD4+ T cell immortalization tropism of wild-type HTLV-1 (wtHTLV-1) to a CD8+ T cell preference. Furthermore, a single amino acid substitution, N195D, in HTLV-1 SU (Ach.195) resulted in a shift to a CD8+ T cell immortalization tropism preference. Longitudinal phenotyping analyses of the in vitro transformation process revealed that CD4+ T cells emerged as the predominant population by week 5 in wtHTLV-1 cultures, while CD8+ T cells emerged as the predominant population by weeks 4 and 7 in wtHTLV-2 and Ach.195 cultures, respectively. Our results indicate that SU domain independently influences the preferential T cell immortalization tropism irrespective of the envelope counterpart transmembrane (TM) domain. We further showed that asparagine at position 195 in HTLV-1 SU is involved in determining this CD4+ T cell immortalization tropism. The slower emergence of the CD8+ T cell predominance in Ach.195-infected cultures suggests that other residues/domains contribute to this tropism preference.  相似文献   
Recently, novel H7N9 influenza viruses have caused an unprecedented outbreak in humans. Pigs are an important intermediate host for influenza; thus, we assessed the replication ability of three human H7N9 viruses (A/Anhui/1/2013, A/Shanghai/1/2013, A/Shanghai/2/2013) in swine tissue explants. All viruses tested replicated efficiently in explants from tracheas and bronchi, with limited replication in alveolar cells. Swine respiratory tissue explants can serve as an efficient model for screening replication potential of newly emerging H7N9 viruses.  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities vary among microhabitats, supporting a dominant role for deterministic processes in EMF community assemblage. EMF communities also differ between forest and clearcut environments, responding to this disturbance in a directional manner over time by returning to the species composition of the original forest. Accordingly, we examined EMF community composition on roots of spruce seedlings planted in three different microhabitats in forest and clearcut plots: decayed wood, mineral soil adjacent to downed wood, or control mineral soil, to determine the effect of retained downed wood on EMF communities over the medium and long term. If downed and decayed wood provide refuge habitat distinct from that of mineral soil, we would expect EMF communities on seedlings in woody habitats in clearcuts to be similar to those on seedlings planted in the adjacent forest. As expected, we found EMF species richness to be higher in forests than clearcuts (P ≤ 0.01), even though soil nutrient status did not differ greatly between the two plot types (P ≥ 0.05). Communities on forest seedlings were dominated by Tylospora spp., whereas those in clearcuts were dominated by Amphinema byssoides and Thelephora terrestris. Surprisingly, while substrate conditions varied among microsites (P ≤ 0.03), especially between decayed wood and mineral soil, EMF communities were not distinctly different among microhabitats. Our data suggest that niche partitioning by substrate does not occur among EMF species on very young seedlings in high elevation spruce-fir forests. Further, dispersal limitations shape EMF community assembly in clearcuts in these forests.  相似文献   
Using the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen (NLSF), we examine both between- and within-group differences in the odds of feeling intraracially harassed. Specifically, we investigate the effects of colleges’ and universities’ racial composition as well as the nature of students’ associations with non-group members, including involvement in racially homogeneous campus organizations, ethnoracial diversity of friendship networks, and interracial dating. Our findings suggest that although college racial composition appears to have little effect on experiencing intraracial harassment, the nature of students’ involvement with other-race students matters a great deal. For all groups, interracial dating increased odds of harassment. Among black and white students, more diverse friendship networks did as well. And among Asian and Latino students, involvement in any racially homogeneous campus organization was associated with increases in reports of intraracial harassment. Thus, we propose a baseline theoretical model of intraracial harassment that highlights the nature of students’ associations with outgroups.  相似文献   
This paper reports an approach to enable rapid concentration and recovery of bacterial cells from aqueous chicken homogenates as a preanalytical step of detection. This approach includes biochemical pretreatment and prefiltration of food samples and development of an automated cell concentration instrument based on cross-flow microfiltration. A polysulfone hollow-fiber membrane module having a nominal pore size of 0.2 μm constitutes the core of the cell concentration instrument. The aqueous chicken homogenate samples were circulated within the cross-flow system achieving 500- to 1,000-fold concentration of inoculated Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis and naturally occurring microbiota with 70% recovery of viable cells as determined by plate counting and quantitative PCR (qPCR) within 35 to 45 min. These steps enabled 10 CFU/ml microorganisms in chicken homogenates or 102 CFU/g chicken to be quantified. Cleaning and sterilizing the instrument and membrane module by stepwise hydraulic and chemical cleaning (sodium hydroxide and ethanol) enabled reuse of the membrane 15 times before replacement. This approach begins to address the critical need for the food industry for detecting food pathogens within 6 h or less.  相似文献   
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