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Following a single acute exposure to chlorine gas, persistenteffects on epicuticular waxes, cuticular transpiration, treegrowth and mortality were studied in foliage of Pinus ponderosaand Pseudotsuga menziesii for three growing seasons. Chlorinegas exposure caused foliar injury to both exposed foliage andfoliage that flushed after exposure (P < 0.05). The tendencyto form films of water rather than droplets was greater in directlyexposed foliage (P < 0.001). Rates of cuticular transpirationwere higher for directly and indirectly exposed foliage of Pinusponderosa up to 1 year after exposure and up to 6 months afterexposure for directly exposed Pseudotsuga menziesii(P < 0.001),after which P. menziesii needles defoliated. Total water content(TWC) and relative water content were significantly correlatedwith foliar injury (P < 0.05). TWC was lower for directlyexposed foliage up to 1 year after exposure (P < 0.001).There was no persistent negative effect on Fv/Fm ratios after1 year. Exposure to chlorine gas did not affect needle lengthor annual shoot increment growth, but exposure was correlatedwith increased bud production. Needle longevity of foliage thatflushed 2 months after exposure was reduced significantly (P< 0.001). Annual stem increment growth for both species decreasedover at least three growing seasons following chlorine gas exposure(P < 0.001), and depended on distance from the spill site.Cone production was lower for exposed Pinus ponderosa treescompared to controls (P < 0.05), and tree mortality was higherwithin approx. 50 m of the release site forPseudotsuga menziesii. Growth responses for both conifers agreed well with predictedpatterns of carbon allocation after defoliation caused by chlorinegas exposure. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, conifers, chlorine gas, leaf wettability, cuticular transpiration, water relations, growth, mortality  相似文献   
A total of 62,811 cases of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have been reported to the World Health Organization from throughout the world. Extensive epidemiologic studies have shown that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections are transmitted by three routes: sexual, parenteral and perinatal. Three geographic patterns of transmission have been defined. In pattern I, transmission occurs predominantly among homosexual and bisexual men and urban intravenous drug abusers; transmission via blood products has been controlled; the male:female sex ratio is 10:1 or more; population HIV seroprevalence is low, and perinatal transmission is uncommon (for instance, United States, western Europe). In pattern II, transmission is predominantly heterosexual and perinatal; transmission via blood products exists but is being reduced; unsterile needles and other skin-piercing instruments cause some parenteral transmission (magnitude not known); the male:female sex ratio is 1:1, and population seroprevalence often exceeds 1% (central Africa, Haiti). In pattern III, AIDS cases are just being documented and are generally due to sexual exposure abroad or imported blood products (Middle East, Asia).  相似文献   
Summary The Serratia marcescens chiA gene encodes a secreted chitinase activity which contributes to the fungal growth inhibition exhibited by this bacterium. The coding region from the chiA gene was fused to the promoter and 3 polyadenylation region of the Agrobacterium nopaline synthase gene. Site-directed mutagenesis of specific nucleotides surrounding the initiating AUG of the coding sequence of this chimeric gene resulted in up to an eight-fold increase in the amount of chitinase protein detected in transformed plant tissue. Analysis of the chiA mRNA indicated that these nucleotides also affected mRNA levels. At least 50% of the chitinase protein produced in transformed tobacco cells was the same molecular weight as the S. marcescen secreted protein.  相似文献   
S S Fojo  S W Law  H B Brewer 《FEBS letters》1987,213(1):221-226
The complete nucleic acid sequence of human preproapolipoprotein (apo) C-II has been determined from 2 apoC-II clones isolated from 2 different human genomic DNA libraries. The cloned fragments were approx. 14 and 18 kb long, and sequence analysis established that the apoC-II gene consists of 3338 nucleotides containing 3 intervening sequences of 2391, 167, and 298 bases. The first intron is located within the 5'-untranslated region of apoC-II and contains 4 Alu type sequences. The second intron interrupts the codon specifying amino acid - 11 of the apoC-II signal peptide. The last intron, which contains a 38 bp sequence which is repeated 6 times, interrupts the codon specifying for amino acid +44 of the mature apolipoprotein.  相似文献   
The lentil (LcH) and pea (PSA) lectins, which are members of the class of D-glucose/D-mannose binding lectins, are Ca2+ X Mn2+ metalloproteins that require the metal ions for their saccharide binding and biological activities. We have prepared a variety of Cd2+ derivatives of PSA and LcH, with Cd2+ in either the transition metal (S1) or calcium (S2) sites, or in both. Thus, Cd2+ X Zn2+, Cd2+ X Mn2+, and Ca2+ X Cd2+ derivatives were prepared, in addition to the Cd2+ X Cd2+ derivatives which we have recently reported. This is the first report of stable mixed metal Cd2+ complexes of lectins. The physical and saccharide binding properties of the Cd2+ derivatives of both lectins were characterized by a variety of physiochemical techniques and found to be the same as those of the corresponding native proteins. 113Cd NMR spectra of mono- and disubstituted 113Cd2+ complexes of LcH and PSA were recorded and compared with 113Cd NMR data for concanavalin A (ConA) (Palmer, A.R., Bailey, D.B., Behnke, W.D., Cardin, A.D., Yang, P.P., and Ellis, P.D. (1980) Biochemistry 19, 5063-5070). The data for the PSA and LcH derivatives were found to be very similar, indicating close homology of their metal ion binding sites. 113Cd resonances at 44.6 ppm and -129.4 ppm for 113Cd2+ X 113Cd2+ X LcH, and at 46.6 and -130.4 for the corresponding PSA derivative, are chemical shifts very similar to those observed for 113Cd2+ X 113Cd2+ X ConA. Assignment of the resonances to the transition metal (S1) and calcium (S2) sites were unambiguous since the Ca2+ X 113Cd2+ and 113Cd2+ X Zn2+ derivatives of both lectins showed single resonances characteristic of the S1 and S2 sites, respectively. The results indicate that, unlike ConA, 113Cd2+ binds tightly to PSA and LcH. Binding of monosaccharide to both lectins induce small (2 ppm) upfield shifts in their S2 113Cd resonances, in contrast to the larger shift (8 ppm) observed in ConA. The 113Cd2+ X Mn2+ complexes of PSA and LcH fail to show a 113Cd resonance characteristic of these derivatives, which provides evidence for the close proximity of the metal ions in the two proteins. The present findings indicate that the coordinating ligand atoms to the metal ions at the S1 and S2 sites in LcH, PSA, and ConA are the same.  相似文献   
In the preceding paper (Bhattacharyya, L., Ceccarini, C., Lorenzoni, P., and Brewer, C.F. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 1288-1293), we have demonstrated that certain high mannose and bisected hybrid type glycopeptides are bivalent for concanavalin A (ConA) binding. In the present study, we have investigated the interactions of ConA with a series of synthetic nonbisected and bisected complex type oligosaccharides and related glycopeptides. The modes of binding of the carbohydrates were studied by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion techniques, and their affinities were determined by hemagglutination inhibition measurements. We find that certain bisected complex type oligosaccharides are capable of binding and precipitating the lectin. The corresponding nonbisected analogs, however, bind but do not precipitate the protein. The stoichiometries of the precipitin reactions were investigated by quantitative precipitation analyses. The equivalence zones (regions of maximum precipitation) of the precipitin curves indicate that the bisected complex type oligosaccharides are bivalent for lectin binding. Data for the nonbisected analogs are consistent with their being univalent. The nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion and precipitation data indicate that nonbisected and bisected complex type carbohydrates bind with different mechanisms and conformations. The former class binds by extended site interactions with the protein involving the 2 alpha-mannose residues on the alpha(1-6) and alpha(1-3) arms of the core beta-mannose residue. The latter class binds by only 1 of these 2 mannose residues, which leaves the other mannose residue free to bind to a second ConA molecule. The role of the bisecting GlcNAc residue in affecting the binding properties of complex type carbohydrates to ConA is discussed, and the results are related to the possible structure-function properties of complex type glycopeptides on the surface of cells.  相似文献   
Aging of the global world population both in developed and developing countries, an unbalanced male-female ratio within this elderly population, increasing populations – including elderly – within urban areas, all will have a marked effect on the practice of dentistry. Furthermore, major epidemiological changes occurring in the dental field, including an increasing dentition life expectancy, increasing root caries prevalence, decreasing coronal caries rates in children, and the relative increase in the prevalence of periodontal problems will have further impact on the dental care system. Major changes need to be anticipated both at the level of the care provider, including the dentist, the hygienist and the dental assistant, and at the level of the potential patient, especially among the geriatric population, if the profession is to be prepared to adequately address these issues.  相似文献   
Summary We have examined the metamorphosis of the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila during culture in vitro in the continuous presence of 20-hydroxy ecdysone (0.1 g/ ml). We find that the sequence of cellular changes in the wing blade during culture closely match those occurring in situ, involving two periods at which the dorsal and ventral surfaces are joined only by cell processes containing trans-alar microtubule arrays. Good pupal and imaginal cuticle secretion is found in this system.  相似文献   
Erythrina lectins possess similar structural and carbohydrate binding properties. Recently, tri- and tetra-antennary complex type carbohydrates with non-reducing terminal galactose residues have been shown to be precipitated as tri- and tetravalent ligands, respectively, with certainErythrina lectins [Bhattacharyya L, Haraldsson M, Brewer CF (1988) Biochemistry 271034-41]. The present work describes a comparative study of the binding and precipitating activities of fourErythrina lectins,viz. E. corallodendron, E. cristagalli, E. flabelliformis, andE. indica, with multi-antennary complex type carbohydrates and synthetic cluster glycosides. The results show that though their binding affinities are very similar, theErythrina lectins show large differences in their precipitating activities with the carbohydrates. The results also indicate significant dependence of the precipitating activities of the lectins on the core structure of the carbohydrates. These findings provide a new dimension to the structure-activity relationship of the lectins and their interactions with asparagine-linked carbohydrates.Abbreviations EAL, ECorL, ECL, EFL, and EIL represent the lectins from the seeds ofErythrina arborescens, - E. corallodendron, E. cristagalli, E. flabelliformis, andE. indica respectively - AFOS thetri-antennary complex type oligosaccharide from asialofetuin - AFGP the tri-antennary glycopeptide from asialofetuin - MeGal methyl -d-galactopyranoside Unless stated otherwise all sugars are in thed-configuration.  相似文献   
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