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Resource pulses are brief periods of unusually high resource abundance. While population and community responses to resource pulses have been relatively well studied, how individual consumers respond to resource pulses has received less attention. Local consumers are often the first to respond to a resource pulse, and the form and timing of individual responses may influence how the effects of the pulse are transmitted throughout the community. Previous studies in Bahamian food webs have shown that detritivores associated with pulses of seaweed wrack provide an alternative prey source for lizards. When seaweed is abundant, lizards (Anolis sagrei) shift to consuming more marine‐derived prey and increase in density, which has important consequences for other components of the food web. We hypothesized that the diet shift requires individuals to alter their habitat use and foraging activity and that such responses may happen very rapidly. In this study, we used recorded video observations to investigate the immediate responses of lizards to an experimental seaweed pulse. We added seaweed to five treatment plots for comparison with five control plots. Immediately after seaweed addition, lizards decreased average perch height and increased movement rate, but these effects persisted for only 2 days. To explore the short‐term nature of the response, we used our field data to parametrize heuristic Markov chain models of perch height as a function of foraging state. These models suggest a “Synchronized‐satiation Hypothesis,” whereby lizards respond synchronously and feed quickly to satiation in the presence of a subsidy (causing an initial decrease in average perch height) and then return to the relative safety of higher perches. We suggest that the immediate responses of individual consumers to resource pulse events can provide insight into the mechanisms by which these consumers ultimately influence community‐level processes.  相似文献   
Notch signaling is critical for cell fate decisions during development. Caenorhabditis elegans and vertebrate Notch ligands are more diverse than classical Drosophila Notch ligands, suggesting possible functional complexities. Here, we describe a developmental role in Notch signaling for OSM-11, which has been previously implicated in defecation and osmotic resistance in C. elegans. We find that complete loss of OSM-11 causes defects in vulval precursor cell (VPC) fate specification during vulval development consistent with decreased Notch signaling. OSM-11 is a secreted, diffusible protein that, like previously described C. elegans Delta, Serrate, and LAG-2 (DSL) ligands, can interact with the lineage defective-12 (LIN-12) Notch receptor extracellular domain. Additionally, OSM-11 and similar C. elegans proteins share a common motif with Notch ligands from other species in a sequence defined here as the Delta and OSM-11 (DOS) motif. osm-11 loss-of-function defects in vulval development are exacerbated by loss of other DOS-motif genes or by loss of the Notch ligand DSL-1, suggesting that DOS-motif and DSL proteins act together to activate Notch signaling in vivo. The mammalian DOS-motif protein Deltalike1 (DLK1) can substitute for OSM-11 in C. elegans development, suggesting that DOS-motif function is conserved across species. We hypothesize that C. elegans OSM-11 and homologous proteins act as coactivators for Notch receptors, allowing precise regulation of Notch receptor signaling in developmental programs in both vertebrates and invertebrates.  相似文献   
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in nervous system function and has therapeutic potential. Microbial production of BDNF has resulted in a low-fidelity protein product, often in the form of large, insoluble aggregates incapable of binding to cognate TrkB or p75 receptors. In this study, employing Saccharomyces cerevisiae display and secretion systems, it was found that BDNF was poorly expressed and partially inactive on the yeast surface and that BDNF was secreted at low levels in the form of disulfide-bonded aggregates. Thus, for the purpose of increasing the compatibility of yeast as an expression host for BDNF, directed-evolution approaches were employed to improve BDNF folding and expression levels. Yeast surface display was combined with two rounds of directed evolution employing random mutagenesis and shuffling to identify BDNF mutants that had 5-fold improvements in expression, 4-fold increases in specific TrkB binding activity, and restored p75 binding activity, both as displayed proteins and as secreted proteins. Secreted BDNF mutants were found largely in the form of soluble homodimers that could stimulate TrkB phosphorylation in transfected PC12 cells. Site-directed mutagenesis studies indicated that a particularly important mutational class involved the introduction of cysteines proximal to the native cysteines that participate in the BDNF cysteine knot architecture. Taken together, these findings show that yeast is now a viable alternative for both the production and the engineering of BDNF.  相似文献   
Elevated fasting blood glucose (FBG) is associated with increased risks of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D) and cardiovascular-associated mortality. G6PC2 is predominantly expressed in islets, encodes a glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit that converts glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) to glucose, and has been linked with variations in FBG in genome-wide association studies. Deletion of G6pc2 in mice has been shown to lower FBG without affecting fasting plasma insulin levels in vivo. At 5 mM glucose, pancreatic islets from G6pc2 knockout (KO) mice exhibit no glucose cycling, increased glycolytic flux, and enhanced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). However, the broader effects of G6pc2 KO on β-cell metabolism and redox regulation are unknown. Here we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and metabolic flux analysis in βTC3 cells, a murine pancreatic β-cell line, to examine the role of G6pc2 in regulating glycolytic and mitochondrial fluxes. We found that deletion of G6pc2 led to ∼60% increases in glycolytic and citric acid cycle (CAC) fluxes at both 5 and 11 mM glucose concentrations. Furthermore, intracellular insulin content and GSIS were enhanced by approximately two-fold, along with increased cytosolic redox potential and reductive carboxylation flux. Normalization of fluxes relative to net glucose uptake revealed upregulation in two NADPH-producing pathways in the CAC. These results demonstrate that G6pc2 regulates GSIS by modulating not only glycolysis but also, independently, citric acid cycle activity in β-cells. Overall, our findings implicate G6PC2 as a potential therapeutic target for enhancing insulin secretion and lowering FBG, which could benefit individuals with prediabetes, T2D, and obesity.  相似文献   
For genetic transformation of plants, floral dip with Agrobacterium often results in integration of multiple T-DNA copies at a single locus and frequently in low and unstable transgene expression. To obtain efficient single-copy T-DNA transformants, two CRE/ loxP recombinase-based simplifying strategies for complex T-DNA loci were compared. A T-DNA vector with oppositely oriented loxP sites was transformed into CRE -expressing and wild-type control Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Of the primary CRE -expressing transformants, 55% harboured a single copy of the introduced T-DNA, but only 15% in the wild-type plants. However, 73% of the single-copy transformants in the CRE background showed continuous somatic inversion of the DNA segment between the two loxP sites. To avoid inversion of the loxP -flanked T-DNA segment, two T-DNA vectors harbouring only one loxP site were investigated for their suitability for CRE/ loxP recombinase-mediated resolution upon floral-dip transformation into CRE -expressing plants. On average, 70% of the transformants in the CRE background were single-copy transformants, whereas the single-copy T-DNA frequency was only 11% for both vectors in the wild-type background. Both resolution strategies yielded mostly Cre transformants in which the 35S-driven transgene expression was stable and uniform in the progeny and remarkably, also in Cre transformants with multiple T-DNA copies. Therefore, a role is proposed for the CRE recombinase in preventing inverted T-DNA repeat formation or modifying the locus chromatin structure, resulting in a reduced sensitivity for silencing.  相似文献   
Understanding the correlates of immune protection against human immunodeficiency virus and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) will require defining the entire cellular immune response against the viruses. Here, we define two novel translation products from the SIV env mRNA that are targeted by the T-cell response in SIV-infected rhesus macaques. The shorter product is a subset of the larger product, which contains both the first exon of the Rev protein and a translated portion of the rev intron. Our data suggest that the translation of viral alternate reading frames may be an important source of T-cell epitopes, including epitopes normally derived from functional proteins.The pathway from viral infection to the cellular immune response is not well understood. Despite the importance of T-cell responses in control of AIDS virus replication (1, 3, 8, 22), the sources of the peptides recognized by virus-specific T cells are still being discovered. AIDS virus-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes (CD8-TL) recognize complexes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and virus-derived epitopes presented on the surface of infected cells. These epitopes can be derived from exogenous viral proteins in the infecting virion (19, 20) or from de novo synthesis of viral proteins (9, 21). Additional sources of epitopes are also being explored (4, 6).CD8-TL can also recognize epitopes derived from translation of viral alternate reading frames (ARFs). Though CD8-TL specific for ARF-derived epitopes have been detected in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (2), they remain a largely unexplored source of epitopes that might elicit potent antiviral cellular immune responses. We recently showed that SIVmac239-infected rhesus macaques that spontaneously controlled viral replication, termed elite controllers, made immunodominant CD8-TL responses against an epitope (RHLAFKCLW, or cRW9) derived from an ARF of the env gene (15). This response selected for viral escape in vivo and suppressed viral replication in an in vitro assay. These findings imply that CD8-TL specific for ARF-derived epitopes might be an important component of the total AIDS virus-specific cellular immune response.Here, we show that the cRW9 epitope is translated as part of two distinct products that differ in size due to start codon usage. The larger and more frequent product contains both the first 23 amino acids of the Rev protein (exon 1) and 50 amino acids translated from the rev intron. The smaller is produced by translation initiation at a start codon within the rev intron and is a subset of the larger product. Finally, we show that these products are degraded after translation from the mature Env-encoding mRNA.  相似文献   
Quantifying abundance and distribution of plant species can be difficult because data are often inflated with zero values due to rarity or absence from many ecosystems. Terrestrial fruticose lichens (Cladonia and Cetraria spp.) occupy a narrow ecological niche and have been linked to the diets of declining caribou and reindeer populations (Rangifer tarandus) across their global distribution, and conditions related to their abundance and distribution are not well understood. We attempted to measure effects related to the occupancy and abundance of terrestrial fruticose lichens by sampling and simultaneously modeling two discrete conditions: absence and abundance. We sampled the proportion cover of terrestrial lichens at 438 vegetation plots, including 98 plots having zero lichens. A zero‐inflated beta regression model was employed to simultaneously estimate both the absence and the proportion cover of terrestrial fruticose lichens using fine resolution satellite imagery and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) derived covariates. The probability of lichen absence significantly increased with shallower groundwater, taller vegetation, and increased Sphagnum moss cover. Vegetation productivity, Sphagnum moss cover, and seasonal changes in photosynthetic capacity were negatively related to the abundances of terrestrial lichens. Inflated beta regression reliably estimated the abundance of terrestrial lichens (R2 = .74) which was interpolated on a map at fine resolution across a caribou range to support ecological conservation and reclamation. Results demonstrate that sampling for and simultaneously estimating both occupancy and abundance offer a powerful approach to improve statistical estimation and expand ecological inference in an applied setting. Learnings are broadly applicable to studying species that are rare, occupy narrow niches, or where the response variable is a proportion value containing zero or one, which is typical of vegetation cover data.  相似文献   
Regulation of CD8 T cell responses in chronic viral infections is not well understood. In this study, we have compared the CD8 T cell responses to immunodominant and subdominant epitopes during an acute and a chronic lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice. The epitope hierarchy of the primary CD8 T cell response was similar in acute and chronic LCMV infections. However, strikingly, the epitope hierarchy of the primary CD8 T cell response was conserved in the T cell memory only in an acute but not in a chronic LCMV infection. Interestingly, in an acute infection, increasing the viral dose caused significant changes in the epitope hierarchy of the LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cell pool, with no effect on the primary CD8 T cell response. Functional and phenotypic analyses revealed that exposure of CD8 T cells to extended periods of antigenic stimulation could lead to long-term defects in cytokine production and alteration in expression of cell surface L-selectin (CD62L). Whereas expression of CD44 was minimally altered, a greater proportion of LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cells were CD62L(low) in mice that have recovered from a chronic LCMV infection, compared with acutely infected mice. Mechanistic studies showed that IFN-gammaR deficiency altered the epitope hierarchy of the pool of LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cells without significantly affecting the immunodominance of the primary CD8 T cell response in an acute infection. Taken together, these findings should further our understanding about the regulation of T cell responses in human chronic viral infections.  相似文献   
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