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Lectin-like molecules on the sperm surface are implicated in the process of gamete recognition and adhesion. We have isolated and biochemically characterized a 15 kDa glycoprotein from ejaculated boar sperm which possess zona pellucida-binding- and haemagglutinating-activity. The zona/15 kDa protein interaction is inhibited by fucoidan, suggesting that the glycoprotein is one of the sperm components which participate in the initial gamete interaction. N-Terminal sequence analysis of the isolated 15 kDa glycoprotein showed that it may belong to the same sperm/egg recognition-mediating protein family as the sea urchin sperm protein binding.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the absence of floral rewards in many orchid species causes pollinators to probe fewer flowers on a plant, and thus reduces geitonogamy, i.e. self-pollination between flowers, which may result in inbreeding depression and reduced pollen export. We examined the effects of nectar addition on pollinator visitation and pollen transfer by tracking the fate of colour-labelled pollen in Anacamptis morio, a non-rewarding orchid species pollinated primarily by queen bumble-bees. Addition of nectar to spurs of A. morio significantly increased the number of flowers probed by bumble-bees, the time spent on an inflorescence, pollinarium removal and the proportion of removed pollen involved in self-pollination through geitonogamy, but did not affect pollen carryover (the fraction of a pollinarium carried over from one flower to the next). Only visits that exceeded 18 s resulted in geitonogamy, as this is the time taken for removed pollinaria to bend into a position to strike the stigma. A mutation for nectar production in A. morio would result in an initial 3.8-fold increase in pollinarium removal per visit, but also increase geitonogamous self-pollination from less than 10% of pollen depositions to ca. 40%. Greater efficiency of pollen export will favour deceptive plants when pollinators are relatively common and most pollinaria are removed from flowers or when inbreeding depression is severe. These findings provide empirical support both for Darwin's contention that pollinarium bending is an anti-selfing mechanism in orchids and for the idea that floral deception serves to maximize the efficiency of pollen export.  相似文献   
Stress granules are large messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) aggregates composed of translation initiation factors and mRNAs that appear when the cell encounters various stressors. Current dogma indicates that stress granules function as inert storage depots for translationally silenced mRNPs until the cell signals for renewed translation and stress granule disassembly. We used RasGAP SH3-binding protein (G3BP) overexpression to induce stress granules and study their assembly process and signaling to the translation apparatus. We found that assembly of large G3BP-induced stress granules, but not small granules, precedes phosphorylation of eIF2α. Using mouse embryonic fibroblasts depleted for individual eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) kinases, we identified protein kinase R as the principal kinase that mediates eIF2α phosphorylation by large G3BP-induced granules. These data indicate that increasing stress granule size is associated with a threshold or switch that must be triggered in order for eIF2α phosphorylation and subsequent translational repression to occur. Furthermore, these data suggest that stress granules are active in signaling to the translational machinery and may be important regulators of the innate immune response.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of Fe and Cu status of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings on the regulation of the putative root plasma-membrane Fe(III)-chelate reductase that is involved in Fe(III)-chelate reduction and Fe2+ absorption in dicotyledons and nongraminaceous monocotyledons. Additionally, we investigated the ability of this reductase system to reduce Cu(II)-chelates as well as Fe(III)-chelates. Pea seedlings were grown in full nutrient solutions under control, -Fe, and -Cu conditions for up to 18 d. Iron(III) and Cu(II) reductase activity was visualized by placing roots in an agarose gel containing either Fe(III)-EDTA and the Fe(II) chelate, Na2bathophenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BPDS), for Fe(III) reduction, or CuSO4, Na3citrate, and Na2-2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthrolinedisulfonic acid (BCDS) for Cu(II) reduction. Rates of root Fe(III) and Cu(II) reduction were determined via spectrophotometric assay of the Fe(II)-BPDS or the Cu(I)-BCDS chromophore. Reductase activity was induced or stimulated by either Fe deficiency or Cu depletion of the seedlings. Roots from both Fe-deficient and Cu-depleted plants were able to reduce exogenous Cu(II)-chelate as well as Fe(III)-chelate. When this reductase was induced by Fe deficiency, the accumulation of a number of mineral cations (i.e., Cu, Mn, Fe, Mg, and K) in leaves of pea seedlings was significantly increased. We suggest that, in addition to playing a critical role in Fe absorption, this plasma-membrane reductase system also plays a more general role in the regulation of cation absorption by root cells, possibly via the reduction of critical sulfhydryl groups in transport proteins involved in divalent-cation transport (divalent-cation channels?) across the root-cell plasmalemma.  相似文献   
Tau protein is present in six different splice forms in the human brain and interacts with microtubules via either 3 or 4 microtubule binding repeats. An increased ratio of 3 repeat to 4 repeat isoforms is associated with neurodegeneration in inherited forms of frontotemporal dementia. Tau over-expression diminishes axonal transport in several systems, but differential effects of 3 repeat and 4 repeat isoforms have not been studied. We examined the effects of tau on mitochondrial transport and found that both 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau change normal mitochondrial distribution within the cell body and reduce mitochondrial localization to axons; 4 repeat tau has a greater effect than 3 repeat tau. Further, we observed that the 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau cause different alterations in retrograde and anterograde transport dynamics with 3 repeat tau having a slightly stronger effect on axon transport dynamics. Our results indicate that tau-induced changes in axonal transport may be an underlying theme in neurodegenerative diseases associated with isoform specific changes in tau's interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   


Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) applications based on the classification of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals require solving high-dimensional pattern classification problems with such a relatively small number of training patterns that curse of dimensionality problems usually arise. Multiresolution analysis (MRA) has useful properties for signal analysis in both temporal and spectral analysis, and has been broadly used in the BCI field. However, MRA usually increases the dimensionality of the input data. Therefore, some approaches to feature selection or feature dimensionality reduction should be considered for improving the performance of the MRA based BCI.


This paper investigates feature selection in the MRA-based frameworks for BCI. Several wrapper approaches to evolutionary multiobjective feature selection are proposed with different structures of classifiers. They are evaluated by comparing with baseline methods using sparse representation of features or without feature selection.

Results and conclusion

The statistical analysis, by applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff and Kruskal–Wallis tests to the means of the Kappa values evaluated by using the test patterns in each approach, has demonstrated some advantages of the proposed approaches. In comparison with the baseline MRA approach used in previous studies, the proposed evolutionary multiobjective feature selection approaches provide similar or even better classification performances, with significant reduction in the number of features that need to be computed.
Climate change affects the climatic disturbance patterns and regimes and is altering the frequency and intensity of subtropical cyclones. These events can affect population dynamics of seabirds (e.g., survival, reproduction). In this work we tested the effect of adverse weather on a colony of European storm petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) located in a small islet (Aketx) in northern Spain. Over a long-term monitoring period (1993–2014) we ringed 3728 petrels. From 2003 onwards we also monitored breeding success, the percentage of immature individuals and moult scores. We used Cormack-Jolly-Seber models and Underhill and Zucchini models to analyze the effects of climatic conditions on a number of biological traits (survival, breeding parameters, moulting patterns). Our analyses revealed a constant value of adult survival over the 26-year monitoring period. Recapture probability, however, tended to be positively influenced by NAO conditions in spring, and negatively influenced by NAO conditions in winter (although this would only affect to a fraction of first-captured birds). Moreover, the impact of adverse weather, especially in 2011 and 2014, resulted in an increasing proportion of yearlings in the breeding population, a lower breeding success and a delayed onset of moult. These effects were similar to those observed during the Prestige oil spill catastrophe.  相似文献   
Forest soils, rather than woody biomass, are the dominant long‐term sink for N in forest fertilization studies and, by inference, for N from atmospheric deposition. Recent evidence of significant abiotic immobilization of inorganic‐N in forest humus layers challenges a previously widely held view that microbial processes are the dominant pathways for N immobilization in soil. Understanding the plant, microbial, and abiotic mechanisms of N immobilization in forest soils has important implications for understanding current and future carbon budgets. Abiotic immobilization of nitrate is particularly perplexing because the thermodynamics of nitrate reduction in soils are not generally favorable under oxic conditions. Here we present preliminary evidence for a testable hypothesis that explains abiotic immobilization of nitrate in forest soils. Because iron (and perhaps manganese) plays a key role as a catalyst, with Fe(II) reducing nitrate and reduced forms of carbon then regenerating Fe(II), we call this ‘the ferrous wheel hypothesis’. After nitrate is reduced to nitrite, we hypothesize that nitrite reacts with dissolved organic matter through nitration and nitrosation of aromatic ring structures, thus producing dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). In addition to ignorance about mechanisms of DON production, little is known about DON dynamics in soil and its fate within ecosystems. Evidence from leaching and watershed studies suggests that DON production and consumption may be largely uncoupled from seasonal biological processes, although biological processes ultimately produce the DOC and reducing power that affect DON formation and the entire N cycle. The ferrous wheel hypothesis includes both biological and abiological processes, but the reducing power of plant‐derived organic matter may build up over seasons and years while the abiotic reduction of nitrate and reaction of organic matter with nitrite may occur in a matter of seconds after nitrate enters the soil solution.  相似文献   
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