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Levels of thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme (TSO) and tetrathionate reductase (TTR) were measured in washed cell suspensions of a heterotrophic marine thiosulfate-oxidizing bacterium, strain 16B. TSO activity remained virtually constant in aerobically and anaerobically grown cells and was unaffected by the presence or absence of thiosulfate and tetrathionate in the growth medium. TTR was also present in cells grown aerobically and anaerobically, but its activity was threefold greater in cells cultured in media containing tetrathionate or thiosulfate. Tetrathionate appears to be the inducer of increased TTR activity in both aerobically and anaerobically grown cells. TTR (constitutive or induced) and TSO have different pH and temperature optima. Both TTR activities were unaffected by 10 mM KCN, which reversed oxygen inhibition of tetrathionate reduction. TSO was partially inhibited by 5 μM KCN and completely inhibited by 90 μM KCN. These findings and results of experiments to determine the influence of several inorganic electron donors and acceptors on TSO and TTR activities suggest that constitutive TSO and TTR represent reverse activities of the same enzyme, whereas inducible TTR is a separate enzyme used by strain 16B only for anaerobic respiration of tetrathionate. The bacterium appears well adapted to growth in environments characterized by low oxygen tension, dilute organic carbon concentrations, and the presence of a variety of reduced, inorganic sulfur compounds.  相似文献   
Colonic lesions in experimental swine dysentery were studied electron microscopically. Changes indicative of stasis were commonly observed in the microcirculatory vessels of lamina propria. Early lesions in epithelial cells included sparse, short and irregular microvilli, swollen and degenerated mitochondria, and swelling and vesiculation of endoplasmatic reticulum. Numerous large spirochaetes were observed in these locations: a) in the crypts, b) free (i.e. not membrane bound) in cytoplasm of damaged epithelial cells, and c) in cavities, around vessels of lamina propria. It is suggested that stasis, and resultant disturbances in microcirculation in early developmental stages of swine dysentery, may play a pathogenetic role in the development of the necrotic colonic lesions. Finally, it is discussed whether a mechanism related to Sanarelli-Shwartzman reaction is implicated in the development of colonic lesions in swine dysentery.  相似文献   
Concanavalin A inhibits the (Na+-K+)-ATPase activity of isolated rat-liver plasma membranes, while leaving the Mg2+-ATPase unaffected. Glucagon and cyclic AMP act supplementary to the lectin in the inhibition. The lectin effect is counteracted by insulin and L-epinephrine, and is completely abolished by the beta-adrenergic blocking agent propranolol. Results are discussed on the basis of the known interactions of concanavalin A with plasma membrane components, including its hormone-like action.  相似文献   
Relative amounts of nuclear DNA were determined in root tip cells of seven species of Astereae: Aster hydrophilus Greene, A. oblongifolius Nutt., A. riparius H.B.K., Machaeranthera boltoniae (Greene) Turner and Home, M. brevilingulata (Sch-Bip.) Turner and Home, M. parviflora Gray, and M. tenuis (S. Wats.) Turner and Home. The results show that A. hydrophilus and M. brevilingulata, with a chromosome number of n = 9, have less nuclear DNA than other closely related species which are either n = 4 or n = 5. Cytological analyses of meiosis in the intergeneric hybrid M. parviflora X A. hydrophilus showed cells with two or more small chromosomes of the latter species pairing with single large chromosomes of the former. Pachytene cells of the hybrids M. parviflora X A. hydrophilus, M. parviflora X A. riparius, and M. boltoniae X M. tenuis showed some unpaired chromosome segments. The significance of these results to chromosome evolution in the tribe Astereae is discussed.  相似文献   
Climate change affects the climatic disturbance patterns and regimes and is altering the frequency and intensity of subtropical cyclones. These events can affect population dynamics of seabirds (e.g., survival, reproduction). In this work we tested the effect of adverse weather on a colony of European storm petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) located in a small islet (Aketx) in northern Spain. Over a long-term monitoring period (1993–2014) we ringed 3728 petrels. From 2003 onwards we also monitored breeding success, the percentage of immature individuals and moult scores. We used Cormack-Jolly-Seber models and Underhill and Zucchini models to analyze the effects of climatic conditions on a number of biological traits (survival, breeding parameters, moulting patterns). Our analyses revealed a constant value of adult survival over the 26-year monitoring period. Recapture probability, however, tended to be positively influenced by NAO conditions in spring, and negatively influenced by NAO conditions in winter (although this would only affect to a fraction of first-captured birds). Moreover, the impact of adverse weather, especially in 2011 and 2014, resulted in an increasing proportion of yearlings in the breeding population, a lower breeding success and a delayed onset of moult. These effects were similar to those observed during the Prestige oil spill catastrophe.  相似文献   
Forest soils, rather than woody biomass, are the dominant long‐term sink for N in forest fertilization studies and, by inference, for N from atmospheric deposition. Recent evidence of significant abiotic immobilization of inorganic‐N in forest humus layers challenges a previously widely held view that microbial processes are the dominant pathways for N immobilization in soil. Understanding the plant, microbial, and abiotic mechanisms of N immobilization in forest soils has important implications for understanding current and future carbon budgets. Abiotic immobilization of nitrate is particularly perplexing because the thermodynamics of nitrate reduction in soils are not generally favorable under oxic conditions. Here we present preliminary evidence for a testable hypothesis that explains abiotic immobilization of nitrate in forest soils. Because iron (and perhaps manganese) plays a key role as a catalyst, with Fe(II) reducing nitrate and reduced forms of carbon then regenerating Fe(II), we call this ‘the ferrous wheel hypothesis’. After nitrate is reduced to nitrite, we hypothesize that nitrite reacts with dissolved organic matter through nitration and nitrosation of aromatic ring structures, thus producing dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). In addition to ignorance about mechanisms of DON production, little is known about DON dynamics in soil and its fate within ecosystems. Evidence from leaching and watershed studies suggests that DON production and consumption may be largely uncoupled from seasonal biological processes, although biological processes ultimately produce the DOC and reducing power that affect DON formation and the entire N cycle. The ferrous wheel hypothesis includes both biological and abiological processes, but the reducing power of plant‐derived organic matter may build up over seasons and years while the abiotic reduction of nitrate and reaction of organic matter with nitrite may occur in a matter of seconds after nitrate enters the soil solution.  相似文献   
We have devised a system for the study of in vivo gene correction based on the detection of color variants of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria. The intensity and spectra of the fluorescence emitted by the blue (BFP) and red-shifted (EGFP) variants of GFP differ from each other. We modified one nucleotide from an EGFP expression vector that we predicted would yield a blue variant (TAC-CAC, Tyr66-His66). Cells that were either transiently or stably transfected with the reporter system were used to test the functionality and feasibility of the detection of in vivo gene correction. A thio-protected single-stranded oligonucleotide designed to convert the genotype of the blue variant to that of the EGFP variant by the correction of a single base pair was delivered to the reported cells using a variety of methodologies and strategies. Conversion events were easily observed using fluorescent microscopy because of the enhanced emission intensity and different spectra of the EGFP variant.  相似文献   
Osteoprotegerin (OPG) binds the ligand for receptor activator of nuclear factor kappaB (RANKL) to prevent association with its receptor RANK and inhibit osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. OPG has been reported, recently, to inhibit tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-induced ligand (TRAIL)-induced tumor cell apoptosis. This raises the possibility that OPG may play a unique role in regulating these two signaling pathways. However, there are little data on the interactions between OPG, RANKL, and TRAIL, and the relative affinity of OPG for these two ligands is unknown. In the present study we examined the ability of OPG to bind native human TRAIL and RANKL under physiological conditions. Native TRAIL was expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to homogeneity, and shown to induce human myeloma cell apoptosis. OPG inhibited native TRAIL from binding the TRAILR1 at 37 degrees C in vitro. Similarly, OPG prevented RANKL from binding to RANK. TRAIL also prevented OPG-mediated inhibition of RANKL from binding RANK. The affinity of OPG for native TRAIL and RANKL at 37 degrees C was determined by plasmon surface resonance analysis. OPG had a binding affinity for TRAIL of 45 nM, whereas the affinity of OPG for RANKL was 23 nM. These data suggest that OPG can bind both RANKL and TRAIL and that the affinity of OPG for these two ligands is of a similar order of magnitude. Furthermore, OPG prevented TRAIL-mediated reductions in cell viability, whereas TRAIL inhibited OPG-mediated inhibition of osteoclastogenesis in vitro. This highlights the pivotal role of OPG in regulating the biology of both RANKL and TRAIL.  相似文献   
Tau protein is present in six different splice forms in the human brain and interacts with microtubules via either 3 or 4 microtubule binding repeats. An increased ratio of 3 repeat to 4 repeat isoforms is associated with neurodegeneration in inherited forms of frontotemporal dementia. Tau over-expression diminishes axonal transport in several systems, but differential effects of 3 repeat and 4 repeat isoforms have not been studied. We examined the effects of tau on mitochondrial transport and found that both 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau change normal mitochondrial distribution within the cell body and reduce mitochondrial localization to axons; 4 repeat tau has a greater effect than 3 repeat tau. Further, we observed that the 3 repeat and 4 repeat tau cause different alterations in retrograde and anterograde transport dynamics with 3 repeat tau having a slightly stronger effect on axon transport dynamics. Our results indicate that tau-induced changes in axonal transport may be an underlying theme in neurodegenerative diseases associated with isoform specific changes in tau's interaction with microtubules.  相似文献   
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