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Transposon mutants of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus strain RAG-1 were studied in an effort to control fatty acid (FA) substitution patterns of emulsan, a bioemulsifier secreted by the organism. The disrupted genes, involved in the biosynthetic pathways of biotin, histidine, cysteine or purines, influenced the level and types of FAs incorporated into emulsan. The structural variants of emulsan generated by the transposon mutants were characterized for yield, FA content, molecular weight, and emulsification behavior when grown on a series of FAs of different chain lengths from C11 to C18. Yields of emulsan from the transposon mutants were found to be lower than the parent strain and depended on the type of FA used to supplement the growth medium. Mutants 13D (His-) and 52D (Cys-) grown on LB plus C16 or C14, respectively, exhibited enhanced emulsifying activity compared to A. calcoaceticus RAG-1. The presence and composition of long chain FAs on the polysaccharide backbone influenced emulsification behavior: particularly a high mole percentage of C16 (48%) and C18 (42%). The results provide important insight into the bioengineering of bioemulsifier-producing microorganisms and provide a path towards highly tailored novel amphipathic structures to utilize as biodegradable in environmental, biomedical, and personal care applications.  相似文献   
An alpha-amylase has been purified from the thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum. A ninefold purification was achieved in a single step using fluidized bed chromatography wherein alginate was used as the affinity matrix. There are at least two isoenzymes as shown by concanavalin A (Con A)-agarose column chromatography. The isoenzyme binding to Con A is stable for at least 3 h at 80 degrees C in the presence of calcium ions. The isoenzymes have similar molecular weights of around 45,000 Da as shown by SDS-PAGE analysis. The isoenzymes differ only slightly in their pH optima and temperature optima but the isoenzyme binding to Con A-agarose has slightly higher thermal stability.  相似文献   
Whole-genome duplications (WGDs) have occurred in many eukaryotic lineages. However, the underlying evolutionary forces and molecular mechanisms responsible for the long-term retention of gene duplicates created by WGDs are not well understood. We employ a population-genomic approach to understand the selective forces acting on paralogs and investigate ongoing duplicate-gene loss in multiple species of Paramecium that share an ancient WGD. We show that mutations that abolish protein function are more likely to be segregating in retained WGD paralogs than in single-copy genes, most likely because of ongoing nonfunctionalization post-WGD. This relaxation of purifying selection occurs in only one WGD paralog, accompanied by the gradual fixation of nonsynonymous mutations and reduction in levels of expression, and occurs over a long period of evolutionary time, “marking” one locus for future loss. Concordantly, the fitness effects of new nonsynonymous mutations and frameshift-causing indels are significantly more deleterious in the highly expressed copy compared with their paralogs with lower expression. Our results provide a novel mechanistic model of gene duplicate loss following WGDs, wherein selection acts on the sum of functional activity of both duplicate genes, allowing the two to wander in expression and functional space, until one duplicate locus eventually degenerates enough in functional efficiency or expression that its contribution to total activity is too insignificant to be retained by purifying selection. Retention of duplicates by such mechanisms predicts long times to duplicate-gene loss, which should not be falsely attributed to retention due to gain/change in function.  相似文献   
Eucalyptus is an important tree species used for afforestation of large tracts of marginal and wastelands. Eucalyptus-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) interactions in seedling establishment and growth promotion have been inadequately dealt with. Efforts were made to assess the role of AMF-pseudomonad (PRS9, plant growth promotory fluorescent Pseudomonas) interactions in growth promotion and nursery establishment of E. hybrid. Seedlings were subjected to six different treatments: (i) uninoculated control, (ii) 400 AM spores, (iii) 800 AMF spores, (iv) PRS9 (v) 400 AMF spores + PRS9, (vi) 800 AMF spores + PRS9, with the different P regimes of 10, 20 and 30 ppm. Root length, shoot length, root and shoot fresh and dry weights were maximal at 400 AMF spores and 20 ppm soil P. Shoot P content was maximal at 800 AMF spores followed by 400 AMF spores and 400 AMF spores + PRS9. In general, plant growth was greater at 20 ppm P. Root P content increased significantly with 400 AMF spores followed by 800 at 20 ppm P. Independent of soil P levels, the quality index of mycorrhizal treatments without PRS9 was significantly higher than the treatments including PRS9 or PRS9 alone. Mycorrhizal inoculation efficiency was superior at 10 ppm P irrespective of the treatment. AM alone (400 spores) significantly improved the inoculation efficiency. PRS9 in association with AM fungi inhibited growth promotion and nutrient uptake Accepted: 8 September 1999  相似文献   
Biotechnology and bioremediation: successes and limitations   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
With advances in biotechnology, bioremediation has become one of the most rapidly developing fields of environmental restoration, utilizing microorganisms to reduce the concentration and toxicity of various chemical pollutants, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, phthalate esters, nitroaromatic compounds, industrial solvents, pesticides and metals. A number of bioremediation strategies have been developed to treat contaminated wastes and sites. Selecting the most appropriate strategy to treat a specific site can be guided by considering three basic principles: the amenability of the pollutant to biological transformation to less toxic products (biochemistry), the accessibility of the contaminant to microorganisms (bioavailability) and the opportunity for optimization of biological activity (bioactivity). Recent advances in the molecular genetics of biodegradation and studies on enzyme-tailoring and DNA-shuffling are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
This review elaborates on the recent development of microbial sterol biotransformation systems. Particular emphasis is laid on the new enzymatic approach investigating the cleavage of sterol side chain. New developments in the area of immobilized cell system and use of organic media along with recent reviews on side chain cleavage are discussed.  相似文献   
The present study concerns with the effects of larval inoculation with either a single dose or two or more spaced doses of 200 larvae on the serum protein profiles. No significant difference occurred in the various fractions among the three groups indicating that the total quantity of antigenic stimulation in the most important factor in eliciting such changes, no matter whether the dose is given once or spaced in two or three small doses. Serum protein fractions of Swiss albino mice undergoing experimental infection of Nematospiroides dubius do not tend to rise further due to repeated exposures in comparison to those that received a challenge dose only (1). Hence, experiments were designed to ascertain whether there is any difference in serum protein patterns due to breaking up of the infective dose into two or three spaced doses of N. dubius larvae.  相似文献   
Abstract Two chronosequences of unsaturated, buried loess sediments, ranging in age from <10,000 years to >1 million years, were investigated to reconstruct patterns of microbial ecological succession that have occurred since sediment burial. The relative importance of microbial transport and survival to succession was inferred from sediment ages, porewater ages, patterns of abundance (measured by direct counts, counts of culturable cells, and total phospholipid fatty acids), activities (measured by radiotracer and enzyme assays), and community composition (measured by phospholipid fatty acid patterns and Biolog substrate usage). Core samples were collected at two sites 40 km apart in the Palouse region of eastern Washington State, near the towns of Washtucna and Winona. The Washtucna site was flooded multiple times during the Pleistocene by glacial outburst floods; the Winona site elevation is above flood stage. Sediments at the Washtucna site were collected from near surface to 14.9 m depth, where the sediment age was approximately 250 ka and the porewater age was 3700 years; sample intervals at the Winona site ranged from near surface to 38 m (sediment age: approximately 1 Ma; porewater age: 1200 years). Microbial abundance and activities declined with depth at both sites; however, even the deepest, oldest sediments showed evidence of viable microorganisms. Same-age sediments had equal quantities of microorganisms, but different community types. Differences in community makeup between the two sites can be attributed to differences in groundwater recharge and paleoflooding. Estimates of the microbial community age can be constrained by porewater and sediment ages. In the shallower sediments (<9 m at Washtucna, <12 m at Winona), the microbial communities are likely similar in age to the groundwater; thus, microbial succession has been influenced by recent transport of microorganisms from the surface. In the deeper sediments, the populations may be considerably older than the porewater ages, since microbial transport is severely restricted in unsaturated sediments. This is particularly true at the Winona site, which was never flooded.  相似文献   
The archaeal diversity in salt pan sediment from Mumbai, India, was investigated by 16S rDNA-dependent molecular phylogeny. Small-subunit rRNA (16S rDNA) from salt pan sediment metagenome were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific to the domain archaea. Thirty-two unique phylotypes were obtained by PCR-based RFLP of 16S rRNA genes using endonucleases Hae111 and Msp1, which were most suitable to score the genetic diversity. These phylotypes spanned a wide range within the domain Archaea including both Crenarchaeota and Euryarcheaota. However, none of the retrieved Crenarchaeota sequences could be grouped with previously cultured Crenarchaeota. Of all the Euryarcheaota sequences, three sequences were related to Haloarchaea, two were related to cultured Methanosarcina sp., and the remaining sequences were affiliated with uncultured Methanosarcina sp., Methanogenium sp., and Methanolobus sp. Most of the sequences determined were closely related to the sequences that had been previously obtained from metagenome of a variety of marine environments. The phylogenetic study of a site investigated for the first time revealed the presence of a highly diverse archaeal population and may represent novel sequences and organisms specially adapted to the salt pan sediment of Mumbai. These findings are of fundamental value for understanding the complexity of salt pan ecosystems.  相似文献   
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