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A combination of cultivation-based methods with a molecular biological approach was employed to investigate whether bacteria with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences can represent distinct eco- and genotypes. A set of eight bacterial strains wherein three were Pseudomonas putida and rest were Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, were isolated from casing soils community by conventional plating. These strains had identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and represented the dominant phylotype in the plateable fraction. Each strain utilized a specific combination of 154 carbon substrates, and the niche overlap indices were low, suggesting that each strain occupied a different ecological niche. Our results have implications for assessment of the diversity and biogeography of bacteria and increase the perception of natural diversity beyond the level of 16S rRNA gene sequences. It is worthwhile approach to explore prokaryotic diversity in different ecological niches.  相似文献   
Statistical experimental design was used to optimize the concentration of trace elements for production of antifungal compound, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), from fluorescent pseudomonad R62 in shake-flask cultivation. The selection of the trace metal ions, influencing DAPG production, was done using Plackett-Burman design (PBD). Only Zn(2+), Mn(2+) and MoO(4)(2-) were the most significant components (p<0.05). A quadratic model was used to fit the response. Application of response surface methodology (RSM) revealed that the optimum values of the salts of the trace elements Zn(2+) (ZnSO(4)·7H(2)O), Mn(2+) (MnCl(2)·4H(2)O), and MoO(4)(2-) (Na(2)MoO(4)·2H(2)O) were 83, 42 and 135μM, respectively, to achieve 125 mg/L of DAPG, which was nearly 13-fold more compared to its production in basal synthetic medium in shake flask. The studies in 14L bioreactor resulted in 135 mg/L of DAPG at the end of 36 h of cultivation. The culture broth containing 125 mg/L of DAPG was found to be sufficient for keeping the bio-inoculant viable in non-sterile talcum powder-based formulations (which contained 25μg DAPG/g carrier) when stored at 28°C for 6 months. The structure of the purified DAPG was confirmed using (1)H NMR and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   
Current procedures for inferring population history generally assume complete neutrality—that is, they neglect both direct selection and the effects of selection on linked sites. We here examine how the presence of direct purifying selection and background selection may bias demographic inference by evaluating two commonly-used methods (MSMC and fastsimcoal2), specifically studying how the underlying shape of the distribution of fitness effects and the fraction of directly selected sites interact with demographic parameter estimation. The results show that, even after masking functional genomic regions, background selection may cause the mis-inference of population growth under models of both constant population size and decline. This effect is amplified as the strength of purifying selection and the density of directly selected sites increases, as indicated by the distortion of the site frequency spectrum and levels of nucleotide diversity at linked neutral sites. We also show how simulated changes in background selection effects caused by population size changes can be predicted analytically. We propose a potential method for correcting for the mis-inference of population growth caused by selection. By treating the distribution of fitness effect as a nuisance parameter and averaging across all potential realizations, we demonstrate that even directly selected sites can be used to infer demographic histories with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   
The archaeal diversity in salt pan sediment from Mumbai, India, was investigated by 16S rDNA-dependent molecular phylogeny. Small-subunit rRNA (16S rDNA) from salt pan sediment metagenome were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers specific to the domain archaea. Thirty-two unique phylotypes were obtained by PCR-based RFLP of 16S rRNA genes using endonucleases Hae111 and Msp1, which were most suitable to score the genetic diversity. These phylotypes spanned a wide range within the domain Archaea including both Crenarchaeota and Euryarcheaota. However, none of the retrieved Crenarchaeota sequences could be grouped with previously cultured Crenarchaeota. Of all the Euryarcheaota sequences, three sequences were related to Haloarchaea, two were related to cultured Methanosarcina sp., and the remaining sequences were affiliated with uncultured Methanosarcina sp., Methanogenium sp., and Methanolobus sp. Most of the sequences determined were closely related to the sequences that had been previously obtained from metagenome of a variety of marine environments. The phylogenetic study of a site investigated for the first time revealed the presence of a highly diverse archaeal population and may represent novel sequences and organisms specially adapted to the salt pan sediment of Mumbai. These findings are of fundamental value for understanding the complexity of salt pan ecosystems.  相似文献   
Japanese encephalitis virus: from genome to infectome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is an arbovirus belonging to the family Flaviviridae. It is maintained in a zoonotic cycle involving pigs, ardeid birds and Culex species of mosquitoes. Humans are accidental/dead end hosts of JEV infection because they cannot sustain high viral titers. Factors affecting the clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of JEV infection are not well understood. Though, vaccines are currently available against JEV, it has to be further improved. Here we review the literature on the JEV life cycle, pathogenesis and host immune responses to JEV infection.  相似文献   
Upon chronic UV treatment pavement cell expansion in Arabidopsis leaves is reduced, implying alterations in symplastic and apoplastic properties of the epidermal cells. In this study, the effect of UV radiation on microtubule patterning is analysed, as microtubules are thought to serve as guiding rails for the cellulose synthase complexes depositing cellulose microfibrils. Together with hemicelluloses, these microfibrils are regarded as the load-bearing components of the cell wall. Leaves of transgenic plants with fluorescently tagged microtubules (GFP-TUA6) were as responsive to UV as wild type plants. Despite the UV-induced reduction in cell elongation, confocal microscopy revealed that cellular microtubule arrangements were seemingly not affected by the UV treatments. This indicates an unaltered deposition of cellulose microfibrils in the presence of UV radiation. Therefore, we surmise that the reduction in cell expansion in UV-treated leaves is most probably due to changes in cell wall loosening and/or turgor pressure.Key words: arabidopsis, cell expansion, GFP-TUA6, leaf development, microtubule cytoskeleton, UV radiationPhotosynthetic functions such as solar light capture and carbon fixation are highly evolved features of plant leaves. To fulfil these functions in an optimal way, leaf development needs to be tuned to environmental conditions. Leaves are continuously exposed and subjected to environmental influences, which serve as co-regulators of leaf and plant development.1 This ability of plants to adapt, secures the plant''s survival, even under non-optimal conditions. An example of a regulatory environmental parameter is solar light, indispensable for photosynthesis but potentially causing photoinhibition and/or UV-radiation stress. The highly energetic ultraviolet B (UV-B) rays of short wavelengths (280–315 nm) can both cause damage, as well as induce a range of specific metabolic and morphogenic plant responses. It was reported before that exposure to low dose UV radiation reduces Arabidopsis leaf size due to a decreased cell size.2 Expansion of leaf epidermal cells of Arabidopsis thaliana is the combined action of promotion and restriction of growth, resulting in the typical irregular sinuous pavement cells. It has been postulated that cellulose microfibrils are responsible for generating a force opposing isotropic expansion by creating neck regions in between outgrowing lobes.3 As the microtubule cytoskeleton is believed to serve as guiding rails for the cellulose synthase complexes (CESAs),4 the deposition of the cellulose fibrils is intimately linked to the cortical microtubule arrangement. We have studied the UV-effect on microtubule organisation in leaf epidermal cells whose expansion had decreased upon this UV radiation. Microtubules in the adaxial pavement cells of the fourth leaf were monitored on several successive days in a transgenic line containing GFP fused to tubulin A6.5 The chronic UV treatment was started on day 0 when the plants were 2 weeks old, using UV exposure conditions as described in reference 2. First the responsiveness of the GFP-TUA6 plants to UV radiation was evaluated. Similar to wild type (WT) plants,2 the GFP-TUA6 plants had smaller leaves following 8 days of UV treatment (t-test, p < 0.01) (Fig. 1). This was caused by a significant reduction in the generalized cell area average of all measured cells, irrespective of the location within the leaf (Fig. 1; t-test, p < 0.01). In more detail, the average cell area within the base, middle and top zones of the GFP-TUA6 leaf was systematically lower in UV-treated leaves from 8 days after the treatment started onwards (data not shown).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effect of UV radiation on leaf and cell area after different days of UV radiation. Open asterisks indicate a statistically significant difference in leaf area between UV-treated and control plants, black asterisks indicate statistically significant difference in cell area (t-test, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). Error bars indicate the standard error for five different leaves at all measured time-points and 600, 170 and 180 cells at day 0, 8 and 12 respectively.As GFP-TUA6 leaves were as responsive to UV radiation as wild type leaves, confocal microscopy was used to visualize the organisation of the cortical microtubules facing the outer periclinal wall of the adaxial epidermis. No clear difference in microtubule (re)organization could be detected during the development of pavement cells, and throughout the UV treatment period. As shown in Figure 2 at day 2, pavement cells with comparable areas are similarly shaped in control and UV-irradiated plants and contain similar microtubule arrangements (Fig. 2 and marked cells). This means that microtubule organization is not directly affected by the UV exposure and that shape development proceeds in an analoguous manner as under control conditions. This lack of alteration in the microtubule arrangement can be observed for cells at the leaf tip, which were already in the process of lobe formation at the start of the exposure period, as well as for cells at the leaf base. Under our growth conditions, and in the monitored leaf number 4, cell proliferation still took place in this part of the leaf and lobes only started to appear on the cell surface. As microtubules are linked to the deposition of cellulose microfibrils, it can be assumed that no alterations in cellulose deposition occur upon UV treatment either. We can therefore conclude that the process of lobe formation and microtubule patterning is not impeded and that only the extent of cell expansion is restricted upon UV exposure.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Microtubule pattern in control and UV-exposed leaves visualized using GFP-TUA6 and confocal microscopy. Both images are from cells at the mid zone of the fourth leaf at day 2. Microtubules are similarly arranged in equally shaped and sized cells of control and UV-exposed leaves. The marked cells show a pattern whereby the tubules are centred in the neck regions between two outgrowing lobes.According to the Lockhart equation,6 cell (wall) growth is modulated by wall biomechanics and turgor pressure. Concerning turgor pressure, no clear differences in this factor between UV-exposed and control plants of Lactuca sativa L.7 and Pisum sativum8 could be observed, reinforcing the idea that especially the modulation of cell wall properties is the main factor causing the observed UV-induced reduction in cell expansion. Some reports indicate differential expression of wall loosening enzymes like expansins or xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolases (XTHs),9,10 or cell wall strengthening enzymes as particular peroxidases7 after UV exposure. Another key event could involve UV-mediated changes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, which may cause changes in the lignin biosynthesis. As shown by the literature1114 lignin may well be an important modulator of cell wall architecture in Arabidopsis and therefore alterations in lignin synthesis could form the basis for morphological modifications. Further research on the cell wall properties of UV-treated plants may resolve this uncertainty.As a general conclusion we can state that the patterning of microtubules is not altered, but that alterations in cell wall composition or arrangements are the most plausible candidates for the observed reduction in pavement cell expansion upon chronic UV treatment.  相似文献   
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) that produce antifungal metabolites are potential threats for the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi known for their beneficial symbiosis with plants that is crucially important for low-input sustainable agriculture. To address this issue, we used a compartmented container system where test plants, Vigna radiata, could only reach a separate nutrient-rich compartment indirectly via the hyphae of AM fungi associated with their roots. In this system, where plants depended on nutrient uptake via AM symbiosis, we explored the impact of various PGPR. Plants were inoculated with or without a consortium of four species of AM fungi (Glomus coronatum, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus constrictum, and Glomus intraradices), and one or more of the following PGPR strains: phenazine producing (P+) and phenazine-less mutant (P), diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) producing (G+) and DAPG-less mutant (G) strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens, and an unknown antifungal metabolite-producing Alcaligenes faecalis strain, SLHRE425 (D). PGPR exerted only a small if any effect on the performance of AM symbiosis. G+ enhanced AM root colonization and had positive effects on shoot growth and nitrogen content when added alone, but not in combination with P+. D negatively influenced AM root colonization, but did not affect nutrient acquisition. Principal component analysis of all treatments indicated correlation between root weight, shoot weight, and nutrient uptake by AM fungus. The results indicate that antifungal metabolites producing PGPR do not necessarily interfere with AM symbiosis and may even promote it thus carefully chosen combinations of such bioinoculants could lead to better plant growth.  相似文献   


Emerging whitefly transmitted begomoviruses are major pathogens of vegetable and fibre crops throughout the world, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Mutation, pseudorecombination and recombination are driving forces for the emergence and evolution of new crop-infecting begomoviruses. Leaf curl disease of field grown radish plants was noticed in Varanasi and Pataudi region of northern India. We have identified and characterized two distinct monopartite begomoviruses and associated beta satellite DNA causing leaf curl disease of radish (Raphanus sativus) in India.


We demonstrate that RaLCD is caused by a complex of two Old World begomoviruses and their associated betasatellites. Radish leaf curl virus-Varanasi is identified as a new recombinant species, Radish leaf curl virus (RaLCV) sharing maximum nucleotide identity of 87.7% with Tomato leaf curl Bangladesh virus-[Bangladesh:2] (Accession number AF188481) while the virus causing radish leaf curl disease-Pataudi is an isolate of Croton yellow vein mosaic virus-[India] (CYVMV-IN) (Accession number AJ507777) sharing 95.8% nucleotide identity. Further, RDP analysis revealed that the RaLCV has a hybrid genome, a putative recombinant between Euphorbia leaf curl virus and Papaya leaf curl virus. Cloned DNA of either RaLCV or CYVMV induced mild leaf curl symptoms in radish plants. However, when these clones (RaLCV or CYVMV) were individually co-inoculated with their associated cloned DNA betasatellite, symptom severity and viral DNA levels were increased in radish plants and induced typical RaLCD symptoms. To further extend these studies, we carried out an investigation of the interaction of these radish-infecting begomoviruses and their associated satellite, with two tomato infecting begomoviruses (Tomato leaf curl Gujarat virus and Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus). Both of the tomato-infecting begomoviruses showed a contrasting and differential interaction with DNA satellites, not only in the capacity to interact with these molecules but also in the modulation of symptom phenotypes by the satellites.


This is the first report and experimental demonstration of Koch's postulate for begomoviruses associated with radish leaf curl disease. Further observations also provide direct evidence of lateral movement of weed infecting begomovirus in the cultivated crops and the present study also suggests that the exchange of betasatellites with other begomoviruses would create a new disease complex posing a serious threat to crop production.  相似文献   
A DNA fragment of approximately 1500 bp, harbouring the sorbitol transport gene (srlT), was amplified from the chromosomal DNA of Erwinia herbicola ATCC 21998 by PCR and cloned in Escherichia coli JM109. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers used were designed based on the conserved regions in the gene sequences within the gut operon of E. coli (Gene Bank accession no. J02708) and the srl operon of Erwinia amylovora (Gene Bank accession no. Y14603). The cloned DNA fragment was sequenced and found to contain an open reading frame of 1473 nucleotides coding for a protein of 491 amino acids, corresponding to a mass of 52410 Da. The nucleotide sequence of this ORF was highly homologous to that of the gutA gene of Escherichia coli gut operon, the srlE gene of Shigella flexrni and the sorbitol transporter gene sequence of Escherichia coli K12 (Gene Bank accession nos. J02708, AE016987 and D90892 respectively). The protein sequence showed significant homology to that of the phosphotransferase system i.e. the glucitol/sorbitol-specific IIBC components of Escherichia coli and Erwinia amylovora (P56580, O32522). The cloned DNA fragment was introduced into a pRA90 vector and the recombinant was used for developing srlT mutants of Erwinia herbicola, by homologous recombination. Mutants obtained were unable to grow on minimal medium with sorbitol. The insertion of the pRA90 vector inside the srlT gene sequence of the mutants was confirmed by DNA-DNA hybridisation.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of chelating agents [glutathione, 2,3 dimercapto propane sulfonic acid (DMPS) and D-penicillamine (DPA)] in combination with antioxidant (sodium selenite) in beryllium induced toxicity in female rats. A bolus dose of 50mg/kg-beryllium nitrate was administered singly followed by chelation therapy with GSH, DMPS + Se and DPA + Se at various durations of 1,3 and 7 days respectively. Results revealed a significant fall in the glycogen content, whereas, a marginal fall in the protein was also observed. The enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase and adenosine triphosphatase was depleted; on the contrary, there was a significant rise in the acid phosphatase and glucose-6-phosphatase pattern. A rise in the hepatic lipid peroxidation activity is a direct indication of oxidative damage resulting in free radical generation. The distribution of the metal by atomic absorption spectrophotometry revealed an increased concentration of beryllium in liver and kidney, followed by lung and uterus. The relative ability of three chelating agents to act as antagonists, for acute beryllium poisoning, have been examined in liver, kidney, lungs and uterus. The appreciable change in the beryllium concentration in various organs is duration dependent during the entire period being highly significant at 7 days regimen. Biochemical and distribution studies reveal that DPA + Se was the most effective therapeutic agent followed by DMPS + Se and GSH.  相似文献   
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